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Book online «The Truth About Katrina Remora by Ash Knight (room on the broom read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Ash Knight

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thought ruefully.He knew that if he kissed her now he might loose his control and accidently bite her.But also,the temptation nagged at him more than the consicuinces, as usual, he thought bitterly.
Finally she couldn't take it anymore."Are you going too kiss me already, or do you need a little boost of confidence?" She said, hoping he would try to prove her assumption, that he was scared too kiss her, wrong.
She got what she wished for, he though, picking the thought out of her head as he had done many times that night.
Leaning down, he brushed his lips lightly over hers, then, sliding his hands up too her face so they could press to her now flushed cheeks he kissed her. It was short, sweet, and very, very, intoxicating, she thought as he pulled away, taking step back.
"Hope I didn't disappoint. Never had any complaints before but then again, never knew anyone quite like you either." He said, feeling arrogant, confident, and very, very...aware. All he could do was see, listen, and hear, all the while hating the fact that a kiss from a seventeen -year -old girl could have this kind of power over him.
"It was very...very?"She said, trying too play cool but failing completely and embarrassing herself too boot no doubt, she thought bitterly.
“It was very, was it? Well I guess I met my match in kissing didn't I?"He asked, laughing another one of his deep and charming laughs, and staring at her with those gorgeous green eyes!
"I don't think that would be possablee even if you lived too be three hundred." She said,automatically catching the twing of amusement that flashed into his eye's and away again in the blink of an eye. "But,of course,if you wish too test your skills,then you may use me to experament on anytime." She said,hoping he would feel that need real soon.
I just might,he thought evily. "Maybe I should go, you know, before your dad decides too use the gun he is cleaning in the window of that room. But then again, you did just invit me in , ah...well,goodnight ...Katrina." As he walked away all he could think was 'What am I going to do now? I just hope she isn't as stubborn as her friends think she is.'

But it was a vain hope.Katrina stood on the porch a moment more waving as Allister drove off, just trying to unscramble the big blob his kiss had turned her brain into.
Standing there she recalled a poem her mother had for her and recited it perfectly every night for her at bedtime. Katrina remembered every word and almost without choice she recited the words quietly too herself.

"Dusk is a pretty time,
So many colors mixed,
But its all over with the drop of a dime,
When dusk breaks away it cant be fxed,
As I lok through the dark,
Dusk's final light fades,
I look for somewhere to climb,
As I fall throught the dark,
Then its over abd dusk is back,
And with a sigh I say.
'Any minute, dusk will fade away.' "

She stood there in silence with tears streaking her face at the memory of her mothers face until Wendy brought a tissue too her face and wiped a tear away from the corner of her eye. Then, handing the tissue too Katrina, Wendy prepared too make a quick escape before she could be screamed at by her lover's daughter once again.
But Katrina suprisedher by saying,"No...stay, please. I know I've been rude...but,I'd like the chance too redeem myself. If you can give me the chance,please, will you sit with me?" She could still hear a little quiver in her future daughters voice as she turned and walked back.
Before Katrina could apoagize for everything Wendy spoke up.
"Katrina, I don't expect you to love me like you did your mother, I only wish you would give me the chance to prove that I am not here too hurt you or your father, and the chance to be your friend." She spoke very quickly and when she was done she dropped down into the white wooden porch swing that was held up by silver chains.
"Don't worry, I see that your point of veiw on me is tainted, and by my hand. I will try too be your friend, and treat you as a mom,it might take a while but I am determind too proove myself as mature and responsable and most importantly,trusting of my father's judgement. If my dad trust's that you are a good person and that he is in love with you,...then I will too. It is not my place too contradict my father's choices any how."Katrina said, realizing the impression she must have made on their first meeting and all the ones since.
Sitting down on one of the cusions that were on the swing,and picking up another to hug, she stared Wendy in the eyes.
"Ok.So we'll start over again,but before we do,I have a question. Who wrote that poem you were reciting?" She asked quietly. She had stood in the door way after Katrina's date had left,and had heard her reciting the poem.
“Well…it was by my mother, she used to recite it for me every single night before bed.” She said in a shaky and uneven voice.Hoping that she wouldn't burst into embaressing tears right there.

"Come on,we'll go inside and gossip about your date and that cute, and I mean capital C.U.T.E, cute butt of his." Wendy said with a devilish,and in a very odd way, teenagers kind of smile.

“Sure,but aren’t you engaged madam?”She asked in sweet,innocent,and joking voice. Hoping she would ick up on the joking and not be offended.
But her worries were unnessisary. She knew they were the moment Wendy's laugh hit her.So laughing they went inside and talked for hours.Her father had walked down stairs when they decided to take a quick break from their gossip fest.
"Getting along much?"He asked as he stormed to the fridge for a drink.When he turned around he was in a better mood because he had his Mountain Dew again.He drank it slowly, savoring it.
"We were just gossiping about Katrina's dates cute butt. Along with other features and qualities."Wendy stated, matter-a-factly.They both had a terrable time trying not to laugh when he spewed his drink all over the kitchen.After drying off his face he stuttered at his soon to be wife about properiety and all that non-sence.
"Oh stop it John,you know I love you and would never try to ruin your,and soon to be my,daughters honor.Go on Katrina tell him."She said confidently, walking over too him and wrappng her arms around his waste, she stared at Kat.
"Well...ok? I don't like having to tell you, since your my dad, but...daddy you don't have to worry. I am still a virgin and have no immediate desires to change that personal status." She explained quietly,blushing beet red all the while.
"Ok,thats uncomfortable. Look I get it but still...a father has certain rights sweety."He said,blushing just a badly as she.
"Well...I think I want to go to bed now.I have been up way pat my curfew and I really am quite tired,have a good time guys,see you in the morning." She said,kissing her father on his light pink cheek and hugging Wendy softly before slipping upstairs and into her room before her father could ask any questions or embarres them both anymore.
Once in her room she sat on the edge of her bed and quietly re-evaluated the evenings events. Confused on weither to feel happy or embarred she slipped of her clothes and took a shower in her small bedroom bathroom.Afterwards she put on her brothers old tattered John Cena t-shirt,and her facorite pair of orange pajama pants and paced around her room after pulling her hair into a ponytail.
After carefully considering the risks of her dad picking the lock on her bedroom door, she pulled out a big purple envelope that had the cherokee words,u-we-tsi-a-ge-ya written on it in her mother's messy but fasionable hand writing. The farmiliar cherokee word for daughter warmed her to her usually rock solid core, that was currently more like jello or mushy potatos after you added water.
She opened the envelope and removed the smooth white unlined paper, unfolded it and quietly re-read the contents of the note as she had done so many times before. Just to be sure she could still think rationally while reading, she sat on the edge of the bed and picked up her bottle of water and took a drink. Then she began to read the words that had broken her so many years ago.

Dear Katrina,
My beloved daughter, I am very sorry to have to say these things and do such as this, but there is no choice in it anymore. Me and your father married at a very young age. We didn't give it time to see each others flaws and how different we really are. I hope you can forgive me for leaving . I will come back and visit you my u-we-tsi-a-ge-ya. And until i can visit you in body I will be with you always in your heart my daughter. Never give up hope that I will come for you. Goodbye u-we-tsi-a-ge-ya. Remember always my daughter,gv-gi-yu.
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