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Book online «My Dark Knight by L.Perez (motivational books to read .txt) đŸ“–Â». Author L.Perez

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like he wasn’t. Goodness he was bold, and I liked that. I stared back, smiled, and turned around hoping he wouldn’t see through me. I looked around and sighed, I was so bored. I started walking toward the garden since there wasn’t anything for me to do and heard someone walking over to me. I turned expecting to see Andrei but was disappointed to see it was another man. He was number one, Agosto was his name right? He had cleaned up, hair washed, nice shirt and jeans and cologne that smelt good. He smiled a big smile and said “Hello again. I’m sorry about how I looked earlier.” I smiled back and said “That’s okay.” I watched his eyes run over me from head to toe and back up, although his eyes never made it back up to my face; they stayed glued to my breasts. I harrumphed and he looked elsewhere and said “Would you like to go into the garden?” I nodded and he stuck his arm out and I took it and we strolled into the green shade; I hoped Andrei was watching. We walked for a few minutes when he suddenly grabbed me by the waist, swung me around and kissed me. The kiss was urgent and even though I didn’t want to be kissing him, he was a great kisser. Reality finally settled in when I heard a zip. Hell no. I pushed him back and said “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He stared at me and said “Well
weren’t we going to
” he didn’t even need to finish. I glared at him about to tell him off when a thought came to me. I smiled sweetly and said “Of course, I just had to make sure you wanted too.” He smiled at me and kissed me once more. I kissed him back, partly because he was unbelievably sexy but also to keep up the charade. He led me into the tool shack ,which I noticed had a lock that had to be opened with a key, and tried to lift up my shirt but I stopped him. “You first,” I whispered. He nodded and took off all his clothes. He was beautiful no doubt but he was a dog. I smiled at him and said “Why should I have sex with you?” He smiled and said “Why shouldn’t you?” and winked at me. Ugh. I bent down, grabbed all his clothes and said “I wouldn’t sleep with you even if you were the last man on earth you disgusting pig

,” walked out and locked the shed. I heard him banging on the shed calling me a bitch and whore and stuff but it didn’t affect me. I laughed and said “I’ll tell Leon to come let you out in a few hours,” and walked out toward the opening of the garden. As I walked out, all the men were gathered up in a group and they all stared. I smiled sweetly and threw the clothes at them. “Lover boy is locked in the shed. You should probably get him out before he dies,” and started walking away. I heard a low whistle and some chuckles and turned back around and said “Oh, and, make sure you give this to him, a personal gift from me to him”, and stuck up my middle finger, and walked away. They irrupted with loud laughs and made me roll my eyes, boys will be boys. I walked toward Mama and saw that she was still busy with the paper work so I stood there for a second or two and finally decided to find Cora. I walked around to the front and didn’t see her. I looked around the house and couldn’t find her. So finally I walked to the car and saw her lying in the seats staring at the sky through the window. “He’s such an ass,” she said as soon as I walked up. I sighed and opened the door and sat next to her and looked at the car’s hood. “Yeah, I know, all guys are.” We were quite and heard nothing but the sound of distant grunts, bellows and the sea nearby. “What do you mean?” Cora asked. I laughed and said “Some guy just tried to have sex with me like five seconds ago.” Cora laughed and said “Really?” I sighed and said “Uh-huh.” Cora shook her head and said “Your beautiful and have really nice boobs so I guess.” I laughed and said “Shut up.” “So who did you choose?” Cora asked. “Andrei” I said and twirled my hair around my finger and thought of his ice blue eyes. Cora turned onto her side and stared at me and said “You say his name like your old friends? You know him?” I shook my head and said “I’ve only met him today.” Cora said nothing for a while, thinking. But then finally she did say something, of course it wasn’t something I wanted to answer. “What is he?” I bit my lip and said “Doesn’t matter, he’s only my body guard.” “Sure little sister, sure,” Cora said and laughed. I laughed too, but couldn’t help want it to be more. Rosa then came over and said Mama wanted to see me so Cora and I walked back to where Mama and Leon stood. “It was a pleasure making business with you all,” Leon said and shook all our hands. We all thanked him and he escorted us to the front, where the driver was already in place. We all sat down in the car and Leon shut the door and stuck his head in the window and said “Have a safe flight back home and visit some time alright?” Mama nodded and said “Thank you for everything,” and we drove away, Leon still waving. As soon as the house disappeared Cora huffed and turned to Mama and said “Home already?” She nodded. “Gabriella starts school soon, and we’ve just moved to the new mansion, I want things to be settled and I want things to feel like home before the summer is over.” We just brought a mansion in New York in an area called ‘Little Italy’, I guess to remind us of home. New York rained all the time and had little sunshine, so yeah, my perfect place. Cora on the other hand was not so happy, she liked the scorching heat, bright sun and beaches and stuff. I prefer to freeze then sweat. So Cora was pretty pissed but it didn’t really matter, she was going to come back to Italy anyways. “And what about my body guard?” I asked. Mama nodded and said “He will live with us.” I nodded and thanked god that we had fifteen bedrooms. “When we get home we have to pack,” Mama said. Cora grumbled while I smiled. We got out of the car and went to our rooms. I ran to my room and stripped off the dressy shirt and threw on one of my favorite band t-shirts. Then I went through all my drawers and emptied them all out onto my bed and went to my closet and retrieved my suitcases. Mama was explaining to the maids what was going on when I heard a baby’s cry. I dropped the clothes I had in my hands and walked into the hall. Delanna, one of our permanent live-in housekeepers, still hadn’t come up so she probably was too busy. I walked to her room and opened the door. The room was dark; Delanna must’ve put Adam down for a nap. I walked over and peered into the crib; Adam’s dark brown eyes looked around and around until his eyes settled on me. He stared at me and I stared back. I leaned on the crib and very gently stroked his soft little head with my finger tips. I couldn’t stop myself from touching his little nose to rubbing his head, picking him up, cuddling him, kissing his little head, to rocking him back to sleep. I sat and very lightly stroked his face over and over. I know I’m only sixteen, but I wanted my own little baby. I asked Delanna once how it felt and she explained that it hurt more than anything, there was lots of blood and the pain was almost unbearable but even though it was painful and scary, she said it also was the most amazing experience. To hear his heart beat, to feel his first kicks, to feel him moving inside of you, to hear him cry and to finally hold him in your arms and love him. I wanted it, I wanted my own little baby but I know if I told Mama she would tell me I had to wait until I was older and “ready”. I got up, and very slowly set Adam back in the crib, slowly taking my finger back from his warm little hand, and stroked his perfect face a few more times than tucked him in and backed away, closed the door and turned around about to walk to my room when Andrei was there. I was so startled I gasped loudly and jumped back three feet leaving my stomach where I last stood. “You scared me!” I whispered breathlessly. He stared at me with those icy blue eyes and made my already frantic breathing much more frantic. I looked away, I had to distract myself or I would probably pass out. There was a ringing in my ear and my head throbbed. I looked at the portrait of our old home here in Italy. “Your child?” he asked in his deep, mysterious voice. I looked at him in surprise and said “No, I’m only sixteen.” He tilted his head, making his dark hair fall into his icy blue eyes and said “Well you look much older and you seemed to have a very strong connection with him.” I looked down and thought “Oh shit! He watched me!” I swallowed loudly and quietly whispered “How long
?” “The whole time” He answered just as quietly. I nodded and tried to contain the panic within me. “Uh, excuse me, I gotta get packed,” I said and walked hastily past him to my room and once in, I shut it and locked the four locks and pressed my forehead to the door and grumbled “Great”. I sat there for a while and finally decided I better pack and started folding and packing things until all my belongings were in a suitcase. I ran to the bathroom with my bathroom bag and threw all my perfume and hair products and face washes and what not into it. I walked out and heard what sounded like very light foot steps out on my balcony. I stopped and listened harder and sure enough they were footsteps. I walked as fast and quiet as I could manage and looked at the balcony door; it was cracked. My eyes popped in horror but I told myself to calm down and just check it out. I walked out, not sure what to expect, and saw absolutely nothing. I walked forward and whirled but no one was there. I slumped into the railing and sighed; this place was messing with my mind. The sun was almost completely gone when a light breeze picked up and blew my hair around my face and made me shiver. I turned to walk in when I saw the corner of the curtain fall back into place. I didn’t think, I just ran in and looked around the room but no one was there again. I checked under the bed, in the bathroom, in the closet and even the curtains but no one. I stood in the middle of the room with a hand on my hip and forehead and thought “I look crazy” and laughed silently. No one was here but me, I was letting my imagination get out

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