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Book online «My Dark Knight by L.Perez (motivational books to read .txt) 📖». Author L.Perez

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front desk. The lady looked up and said “Can I help you?” I nodded and said “My name’s Gabriella Moretti, and I’m a new student here.” After that, the lady brought me a sheet of paper telling me all my classes and when I had lunch and my locker combination. She sent me off to my first class which was AP Psychology, something I didn’t even choose. I walked to my locker which was in hallway B, number twenty two. I memorized the combination so I didn’t look like a nerd and opened the locker with ease. I started sorting through all the textbooks I got from open house and started pulling the ones I needed according to the schedule. “You’re the new student Gabriella right?” A high pitched voice asked me. I looked up and saw a pretty blonde with green eyes and a very welcoming smile. I smiled back and stuck out my hand. “Yes I am, and you are?” She took my hand and shook it. “My name’s Lizzie Brandon and I’ll be your guide for the week.” I smiled and said “Well thanks Lizzie, or do you prefer to be called something else?” She laughed and said “Liz is fine.” I nodded and said “So how’s the school? Really?” Liz laughed and said “You have no idea what you just got yourself into, I mean just look at these uniforms.” We both laughed. I just met Liz, but I had a feeling we were going to be good friends. Liz asked for my schedule and that’s when we realized that we had lunch and last block, which was AP Chemistry, together, which totally sucked. Liz walked me to Psychology and wished me luck before she walked away. I sighed and reluctantly turned to walk into class. The class wasn’t full but it wasn’t empty either. Seats in the front were taken, which was fine by me because I absolutely hated the front, but the back was empty which probably meant that this teacher liked to choose people from the back during class, so I did the smart thing, I sat in the middle. Everyone who was in class stared at me like they’d never seen a new student before and I just shook my head. I took out my supplies and looked around the room, often meeting curious eyes. “You’re the new student aren’t you?” A deep male voice asked. I looked up into the face of a reasonably handsome boy with pale skin and baby blue eyes and ashy brown shaggy hair. I smiled and said “I’m Gabriella and you are?” He took the seat in front of me and said “I’m Adam Slivers, nice to meet you,” and winked at me, obviously taking a liking to me already. I smiled back. Adam’s eyes ran over my chest and I just sighed. “Like the view?” I asked. Adam laughed and looked away and said “At least I’m not touching…yet,” and winked at me. I smiled but let my smile fall and said “Yeah your right, you’re not touching and you never will.” Adam looked at me and said “Sorry, I didn’t mean to come off like that.” I sighed and said “No problem I guess.” Class started then and everyone was made to stand up and say something about themselves which was so lame. When it was my turn I stood up and felt eyes all over me; I felt naked but I ignored it and just said my name and told them I was Italian. As class passed I noticed a group of guys, all good looking, staring at me, chatting excitedly; there was no way I could take them all out if they tried something. Class was going to end soon and I would have to take a stairway that was, from what everyone said, empty. The bell rang and I got up. They all were still watching me; I’m sure they could rape a girl and just go running to daddy to fix it. I tapped Adam on the shoulder and said “Could you walk with me, I don’t know my way around,” and smiled sweetly at him. Adam smiled, clearly delighted, and said “Sure, right his way,” and led us out of class. I glanced back and the boys were no longer smiling. After Adam left me and class was over, it was time for lunch. I walked into the large room and thought this place looked like the food court in a mall. Restaurants crowded every corner and there were book stores, even a freaking foot locker. Come on, how spoiled were these kids? I sighed and looked around for an empty table or a table away from all the gawking students; likely to be impossible. I walked by a table of guys and as I did, the whole conversation stopped. I rolled my eyes and knew they were staring at my ass. I looked around the cafeteria at the girls and wondered why all the boys stared at me like there were no other girls here. As I watched a whole group of them walk toward me, I realized why. They were all much flatter than me in the breast area. I mean it’s not like they were completely flat chested but I had lots on them. And then there was their body type. Slim but not at all curvy and no hips, guess that’s why all guys stared at me. Half of the girls in the group glared at me, probably jealous that the guys didn’t pay them attention anymore, but the other half stared at me with envy. I don’t know who I felt sorrier for, the jealous girls or the envious girls. I was still walking past them when I heard one of them whisper “Slut.” I laughed out loud and kept walking; I had fans already. I stopped in the middle and scanned the cafeteria. All the tables seemed to be full…except for a table almost hidden by the trash. The few students who sat there weren’t even staring at me, which was great. I walked to the other side of the cafeteria and to the table. There were four students sitting in a cluster whispering quietly to one another, one girl and three boys. They had the same uniform as I and the others did but they were obviously different. “Hey, can I sit here?” I asked and pointed to an empty seat. They all stared at me with huge eyes and surprised faces. I stood there still waiting. Finally the girl looked me up and down and said “Your kind isn’t needed here,” in a rude, dismissive voice. I wanted to punch her right in the damn mouth. “What the fuck does that mean?” I asked just as rude. Her eyes bugged and then squinted with anger. “Exactly as it sounds you dumb prick, get lost, we don’t need your prissy, arrogant, spoiled ass over here in this group,” she said with ounces of venom. I couldn’t believe this bitch; she just called me a prissy, arrogant, spoiled dumb prick. I laughed and said “You don’t even know me. I’m not like everyone you dumb ass, I’m sure your acting all hard and shit cause it’s either your tough or you’re not, a dog eat dog world and since you’re the underdog you gotta seem tough.” They all stared at me with open mouths, so I knew I was right. “And I’m most definitely sure none of these kids would approach you all without a group to watch them humiliate you, heck they probably wouldn’t even bother, they’d just hire someone to beat you up, am I right?” The boy with large glasses glared at me; obviously a soft spot for him. “I didn’t come here to attack you guys, I didn’t even ask to talk to you guys, all I asked was if I could sit here and you all just jumped to conclusions,” and shook my head. “Well whatever, I came to try and just sit but you’re all too good for me to sit with so I’m out,” I said and turned to walk away. As I started to walk away, the female’s voice called to me. “Wait.” I sighed and turned around and said “What? Forgot to call me a slut?” I asked mocking her tone of voice. She had gotten up and walked toward me. “I’m…sorry. I didn’t mean to be such a…bitch,” she said earnestly. I shook my head and said “I guess its okay,” and started to turn around and find another place when she said “Why don’t you sit with us?” I stopped and turned to stare at her. “What?” I asked incredulously. She sighed and walked toward me so we were now a few feet apart. “I misjudged you and I’m sorry, were just so used to getting jumped on, so were always in fight mode, and you were just being nice which was totally unexpected coming from a girl like you so I assumed that you were joking and crap and just acted on impulse, but when I saw how mad you got when I called you those things and you didn’t immediately call for help and just…walked away, it made me realize you aren’t like them. So, wanna start over?” I stared at her large hazel eyes and laughed and said “Sure.” She smiled and walked toward me and hugged me tight. I was startled but hugged her back. She laughed and pulled me by the hand and said “Come, meet everyone else.” I nodded and walked along with her. She had a very slim body, kinda scary actually, very pale skin, long black hair with blood red strips, black nail polish, a black choker with spikes, multiply ear piercings, a lip ring, black combat boots and fishnet stockings. She was Goth and I liked it. As we came closer to the table, I realized they were all different. The one who had glared at me looked like he was really good with numbers, computer‘s or both. He had dark brown tussled hair, pale skin and deep chocolate brown eyes. The boy across from the boy who glared at me probably was a painter. He had shoulder length blonde hair, tanish skin, pale blue eyes, and paint all over his fingers, the obvious give away. The boy next to him looked like he could play an instrument, probably piano from the way his finger were. He had short black hair, ivory skin, and green eyes. Even though they all were different, they were the same. They all were outcasts and looked out for each other. They watched, wide eyed, as the girl and I walked back, hand in hand. We were just about to reach the table when she turned and said “What’s your name? I never caught it.” I smiled and said “You never caught it because I never said it, but my names Gabriella.” She smiled widely and said “Cool.” When we got to the table everyone was silent. “Everybody, this is our new friend Gabriella. Why don’t you all introduce yourselves?” She said in a light, chirpy voice. The one who glared at me looked at me with boy crushing eyes and said “Um…hey, I’m sorry about earlier….I’m Nathan by the way.” His voice was surprisingly deep. I smiled at him and said “It’s okay Nathan.” The boy across from Nathan nodded toward me but keep his eyes down. “Yeah…sorry about earlier…um…the name’s Eric,” he mumbled, still looking down. I chuckled and said “It’s okay Eric,” and then I walked over to his side and sat right next to him and lightly touched his shoulder. “Eric, look at me,” I said. Eric had frozen under my touch but looked up at me. His eyes, which had been hard as stones, softened and became liquid. I smiled gently and said “There, I hate not having eye contact.” Eric stared
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