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Book online «My Dark Knight by L.Perez (motivational books to read .txt) 📖». Author L.Perez

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“Gabriella, time to wake up,” Mama said from my door. I sighed and slowly rolled on to the side of the bed, yawned and got to my feet. I walked sleepily to my bathroom and washed my face. Looking at myself I was still shocked; although I was full Italian I didn’t look it. I was pale, had dark wavy brown hair, gray eyes and a curvaceous thin body, where as my sister, Cora, looked completely opposite, blonde curly hair, tan skin, blue eyes, and a very beautiful physic as well. Mama said that we moved from the beaches when I was born so I didn’t have a chance to get very dark and plus I hated the sun and heat. Mama also said my body was feminine and my sister’s was athletic. Mama said that was why she was twenty and still unmarried. Dad said it was because men were too intimidated by her beauty and I agreed. I walked to my closet and found decent looking clothes which were a pair of jeans and a nice white lace top. I brushed my teeth, rubbed some mousse in my hair, sprayed body mist and left out of my room and down to where the car awaited me with Mama and Cora already inside. I sat in the car and looked at Mama and Cora. Mama was wearing a nice business suit, like always, but actually with some make up which was oddly surprising. Mama was still very beautiful; she had very few wrinkles, clear skin, and very sad gray eyes; her eyes hadn’t always been like that. Cora was wearing a white dress, not too short but not too long. Her blue eyes looked even lighter against her dark skin and her face was alive. “Cora you look beautiful,” I said and smiled. She smiled back and said “Don’t be a brat today okay? We need to find you a body guard,” and rolled her eyes. I stuck out my tongue and thought “And because that’s your boyfriends house.” She seemed to hear me and tried not to smile but smiled anyways. “Enough you two” Mama said. She really wasn’t always this stressed but Cora was twenty and still not married and she didn’t like Cora’s current boyfriend. Mama thought she could do better than a soccer player, like a brain surgeon or something, something with security and she was sort of right, one broken bone and he was done, but Cora didn’t care. She liked him for him; Mama and Cora constantly argued about this. We were silent for a while. “Mama, why do I need a body guard again? That is so unnecessary,” I said, trying to ease the tension. She tsked and said “Didn’t you hear about that eighteen year old girl? She was raped and murdered by a psychopath and thrown not too far from our house.” I shook my head and said “Mama, our house is surrounded by a fence and at each corner is a guard; nobody is going to be able to sneak in and try to kill us and there are plenty of rich girls, much prettier than me.” She shook her head and said “That’s what she thought too, that’s what these sick people want you to think, they always find a way in, always. And she was walking home from school like you do when he snatched her up. I won’t let that happen to you, not at all,” and wiped at her nose. I sighed and reached over and patted her leg and said “Okay Mama, you can get me ten if it will make you feel better, sorry, I didn’t mean to make you upset.” She caressed my hand and said “I’m just worried; I don’t want anything to happen to you.” I nodded and felt that the focus was too much on me. “Well if I have to get one, doesn’t Cora have to too?” and threw her a smile. Mama laughed and said “Cora can take care of herself, she would end up murdering him,” and laughed some more. Cora laughed along with Mama and said “Gabriella, you’re so small; you would be easy to snatch up.” I narrowed my eyes and stuck my tongue out again and laughed. We kept talking and laughing but Mama kept staring at her hands and wiping at her eyes; I knew what she was thinking of, she was thinking of Dad, as always. Dad died on my tenth birthday and Mama still cried every night. That’s why Mama always wanted us close and always took way to much precaution, like today for example. Thinking of Dad made me tear up but I dared not cry, I had to be strong, I promised Dad. I touched Mama’s hand and squeezed; she squeezed my hand back. Cora looked out the window and said nothing as usual. Anytime the subject of Dad was brought up, she would shut down and act like she hadn’t heard a word, people thought she was cruel and a bad daughter but the truth was she did that because she was more affected by Dad’s death than anyone. Dad and Cora had a special bond and when he died, part of her died too. I was so grateful when we finally arrived at the Mansion that belonged to one of the wealthiest man in Italy. It was beautiful. The lawn was a lavish green that stretched miles, many expensive flashy cars parked in the front, a large granite fountain that must have cost a fortune, huge oak trees spread throughout the lawn and large patches of colorful flowers lined the long stair case up to the finely designed gold door and to the glorious house. Mama knocked on the door and said “Please do not argue in front of my dear friend Leon, this is our first time meeting in years.” Cora and I nodded and said “Yes Mama.” Guess Mama didn’t know that Cora’s boyfriend was his son. I nudged Cora and she looked at me with panic. “Er, Mom,” Cora started when the door unlocked and swung open. There stood a woman, no older than twenty two, and looked like a model…or a playmate. She had dark hair, dark eyes that were framed with fake lashes, huge plump lips, a perfect nose and really tight clothes that showed off her Victoria secret body. She smiled a bright smile, revealing straight white teeth and said “Ciao! You must be Angela Moretti. How nice to meet you! Come in!” Mama didn’t have time to even say a word before she was dragged in, us along with her. She kissed Mama on the cheek and kissed Cora on the cheek and then me. “You must be Cora,” she said to Cora with an expected glint in her eyes. Cora nodded and smiled and said “You have a lovely home.” The women laughed and said “Thank you my dear” and turned to me and said “And you must be Gabriella.” I nodded and said “So pleased to meet you, but I didn’t catch your name.” Cora and Mama threw me looks. “What?” I wanted to say, she didn’t say her name. The lady laughed and said “Oh my, how rude of me, my name is Anastasia Anderson, the wife of this house, but you can call me Ana” and smiled hugely at us. Oh did I mention that her husband was an American man? Yep, old as heck but filthy stinking rich, and really good looking thanks to all the plastic surgery, AND he’s old enough to be my Grandpa…ew. We all smiled back, me with some effort. Ana smiled and turned around and yelled “Leon! They are here! Hurry up!” and turned back around and smiled and said “So sorry, he was out late on a business trip and overslept.” Mama laughed and said “Don’t worry; my husband did that all the time.” Ana’s face became soft and sorry and she walked over and hugged Mama; Geez this woman liked hugging, I mean Italians were like that, but WOW! Mama hugged her back a bit reluctantly. We heard loud footsteps coming down the grand stair case. She released Mama and walked to the stair case as a big man walked down. He was BIG. He was about six foot six, big muscles; dressed very nicely; unnaturally dark hair smoothed back and had a face of a model. No wonder she married him. “Ciao!” he said in a deep booming voice. He walked over and hugged Mama, then Cora and then me. Well hug wouldn’t quite explain it; it was more of a squish. I always felt small but jeez, I felt really little now. He laughed and said “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long Angela. Just had too much to do and couldn’t get up,” and laughed. “It’s alright Leon; well you wouldn’t remember my two daughters now would you?” Mama asked. Leon laughed and said “It’s been too long, you must introduce me again.” Mama smiled and nodded and introduced us all again. His eyes widened and he said “Wow, their all grown up now.” Mama nodded. “So how are you Angela, really?” Leon asked Mama intently. Mama said nothing and looked Leon in the eyes. Leon nodded and said “Marco was a very good friend of mine, a very good person. I admired him very much, we even named our son after him,” and laughed. Mama laughed too but she was hurting, I could see it. To distract herself, Mama asked “Really? You named him after my husband? Ana nodded and said “Leon was so touched by your husband; he told me we had to name our son after him.” Mama laughed a short laugh and said “He was a wonderful man.” Leon said “Yes he was and I’m so sorry for your loss Angela, truly I am.” Mama nodded and sighed. “Well then, let’s get started shall we?” Leon asked Mama. Mama nodded and said “Thank you Leon for this, it was such short notice and I know I had to have messed up your schedule today.” Leon shook his head and said “For a dear friend such as you, it’s never too short of a notice.” He ran a body guard thingy, kinda lame actually. “Anastasia, go get Marco, he will need to help prepare the men.” Ana nodded and ran into the other room and rushed back out while a maid ran up the stairs. “Please come and sit,” Ana said, motioning us into a room to the left. It was beautiful, just as the front. A glass table, which must cost a lot of money, sat in the middle atop a carpet that was probably priceless, while expensive couches surrounded the table. Where the fire place was a granite mantle with nothing but soccer trophies, and directly above the trophies was a family portrait; Leon and Ana looked exactly like they did now with their beloved son Marco. He looked even better, unbelievable but true. He had dark hair and light green eyes. He had Leon’s bone structure, nose, chin and ears, while he had what were probably his mom’s real lips and eye shape. He was a son anyone would’ve been proud of, a soccer champion who was incredible looking, but apparently not Mama. The rest of the room was filled with priceless things and a long diamond chandelier hung above our heads; this family liked to live expensively. We sat down but Mama kept starring at the portrait, glaring at Marco; you could see she was really upset that he was named after my Dad. Leon and Ana were talking to Mama, who was still looking at the portrait, when

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