My Frozen Soul 2 by skysky.bluestar (carter reed .txt) 📖

- Author: skysky.bluestar
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Later that night...
Sera was sleeping under the close watch of Jay and Tulis. I looked at the back of the cave where Kiba sat. I sighed and walked over to him. "Hey kiba would you like to take a walk with me" I asked. Life actually came back in his deathly stare at nothing. "Sure" he rasped. I nodded changing to wolf form and walking out of the den. Dison growled but watch Kiba follow and just snorted. Kiba changed to wolf form. We walked farther into the forest until we were close to the stream. "So what is this about... I thought you hated me..." he breathed. I looked back at him. "I am furious of course but..." I trailed staring at the stars. "... oddly I just can't hate you" I sighed. We changed to human form and sat in the grass. "Well there is one thing that is true" he whispered. He lean forward and kissed me. "I still love you" he backed away again. I smiled a little. He did as well. "I still do too"
2 weeks later...
Me and Kiba love each other again. He seems actually more... well... alive then he did two weeks ago. He eats and sleeps instad of staring blankly at the wall. But Dison has been really pissed of latley. Tonight me and Kiba are having our normal walk in the woods. We sit by the river and stare at the stars. He set his hand on mine I smile. He leaned closer. "I love you" he whispered and kissed me. "I love you too" I kiss him back. He looked up at the stars again. "Remeber..." he said. I coked my head. "Hmm"
"The day I rescued you from the prison you were beat and skinny and..." he looked down at the river. "... you just saved me from my prison" He hugged me. "Thank you" he said. I hugged him back. "Your Welcome" I said.
The next day...
A pain shot through my stomach. Dison must have noticed and caitously approched me. "Whats wrong?" he asked. "Im expecting pups..." I growled. "Your pups". Dison seemed shock for a moment the smirked. He kissed my cheek and walked back into the den. I wiped it away amd changed to wolf form padding into the forest. Kiba sat waiting. I smiled. "I told him" I said. "Good" kiba touched his nose to mine. "Dision will be watching me for the next few months... we.. will have to keep our distance. If Dison finds out he will skin us alive" I whispered. "I understand" he said kissing my cheek. "I'll get you an extra doe" he smiled. I nooded and padded into the den. This was going to be a LONG 12 months.
10 months later...
"Stay Back!" Dison snarled at Kiba. "gosh I was just giving Cera a rabbit and anyways... I
am alpha!" he snapped. Dison snorted. "Cera... Do you want the rabbit?" he asked looking me. I nodded. Dison growled again and stepped to the side. Kiba dropped the rabbit at my paws and 'accidentally' brushed his nose against my cheek. He growled at Dison as he walked back inside. I chewed at the rabbit not really hungry I just like to piss off Dison. It made me feel good. Dison layed down next to me. "What do you want" I growl. "Can't I lay next to you" he said resting his head on his paws. Your not my mate!
I snorted to myself. I stood up with the rabbit and walked outside. "Where do you think your going!" Dison shot right up standing. "Getting fresh air it isn't good to become a cave plant! Its good for the pups." I growled back. Angel and Crystal came out and sat with me. Silver Tatu, Tuta, and Star came back from hunting. They were dragging to large bucks. I layed down the grass. Angel layed against me. Rubbing against her fur and closing her eyes. Crystal put her head on my paws. "Are the pups really Dison's...." she asked. She at least deserves to know. I sighed. "No..."
"What! But-"
"SH!" I snarled. "The-Then whose...." she whimpered. My eyes darted over to the den making sure Dison wasn't coming. "Kiba's" I growl quietly. "But I thought you hated him?!" she said. "Be Quiet!" I looked around again, then back at Crystal. "No... I still... love him..." I whimpered. Crystal's eyes flickered in surprise. "Yes..." I murmur resting my head beside my paws. She layed down her head.
1 and 1/2 months later...
Dison has me on house arrest. I am strictly stuck either in my bed or over by Jay's nest and herb supplies. Man I really wish I could have just said that Kiba was the father... but Kiba was to weak at the time but as soon as the pups are born I will tell everyone and with Kiba bulked up again he will kill Dison and for real
this time. I walked over to jay in wolf form and rested my head on her lap. She smiled and stroked my head. She was the only one besides Crystal and Angel that knew about the pups. Tulis, Kiba and Sera came back from hunting with two deer and three rabbits. Sera's and Tulis pups were finally able to run around. They kinda look like Tatu, Tuta, and Silver when they were pups now all they do is lay around. Sera gave Dison a rabbit which he gave to me. I sniffed it and changed to human form. "Would you like some?" I asked jay sitting up. "Oh no its okay I ate earlier." she smiled. "Anyways you need it more than me" then I noticed Dison was glaring at her. "Back off!" I snapped at him "Here" I gave her some of the rabbit. "Don't listen to him" I growled. When Dison walked to the back of the den she quickly devoured it. I ate a little but I wasn't really hungry. "I'm not hungry you can have the rest..." I pushed the barley eaten carcass to her. She looked at me with a look that said 'Are you sure?'. i nodded. She ate it in a few bites. "Ummm" Jay murmured holding her stomach. "I-I don't feel good I'm going outside" she said. I sighed. But I growled as I start feeling cramps. "The pups!" I hissed under my breath. Dison must have heard me and rushed to my side. "This has nothing to do with you!" I snap. He looks bewildered. "What do you mean 'nothing to do with me!' they are MY pups after all!" he growled. Kiba heard Dison and stomped over. "Why don't you just leave her be!" He snarled. They started arguing. "If this has nothing to do with anyone it's yo Kiba!"
"At least I know how to be kind to her!" he snapped.
"Then if you care so much why don't you help her!" Dison snarled. Oh no... Kiba looked at Dison. He looked worried. "Wait" Dison growled and looked at me. "The pups...." he snarled and looked at Kiba. "Your the father!" he howled. NO! Kiba lunged at Dison catching his ear. Dison changed to wolf form. "You Bitch!" he snarled at me. "Dammit and for one moment I thought I could let you live!" he smacked Kiba upside the head and hard. And knock him unconscious. I change to wolf form and stood up. My stomach really hurting. "No!" Tulis jumped between me and Dison. Dison laughed and grabbed Tulis's throat and shook violently. "Tulis!" I howled. Scarlet decorated our pelts. As Dison decapitated my son. He dropped the body. I cried. "Tulis no! You Bastard you will pay for this Dammit!" I lunged at him forgetting about the pups ready to come. I scratched his eye more scarlet spraying across his face. He yelped and pulled away snarling. He looked at me with that one eye closed. I howled and lunged again but it back fired he caught my shoulder. I yelped and fell to the ground he pinned me. "I don't need you to lead this pack!" he howled and bit into the side of my neck. The warm sticky blood poured from my neck. I could feel my life draining. But I saw Kiba get up. "Cera!" he gasped. Dison let go of me and whipped around. He snarled and ran. I panted and lay on my side. The pups were coming now. I couldn't make a sound all I could hear was my rapidly decreasing heart beat and my raspy breath. I gave birth to two pups. Two male one looked exactly like Kiba and one looked like me. Kiba nuzzled my cheek. I smiled faintly as the dark came for me. The last thing I heard were three words. 'I Love You' then everything faded....
The End
Follow Hyacintho and Calum in their adventures in the new upcoming books WolfsBane.
Publication Date: 09-28-2011
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