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so, Leon continued to survive that lifestyle with aspirations of becoming the mayor and changing the town. He would only need time to reach adulthood and take over the spot of the mayor.



The Follower: Season One - Ghostly Visions [Episode Five "Forest"]

Azarel led a group of men to search the forest for the monster that Holly identified. She had given them a visual image of the creature through its lanky frame, charcoal skin, and faceless head. This rather vague image was just enough to lead Azarel and his group into the forest. They were motivated because of the earlier killings, hoping to put a cork in this wine. 

“Keep your eyes out. See anything, even if it’s a hallucination or something because it could be that monster. Our intel has told us that this monster likes to stalk us.” Azarel told his group.

“Are we sure that our intel is right? That outsider kid seems very fishy.” Berry remarked.

Azarel heard his remarked, slapping his deputy across the face. “That kid is the one helping us kill this monster. Otherwise, it would’ve been slowly killing and tormenting us before only one person is left. Westhill---the town that we worked hard to protect---would’ve fallen.” He told his group. “So don’t you dare curse out that young girl. If it wasn’t for somebody stepping in, she would’ve been in a body bag as well.”

One of the men, Gary Mellow, then spoke up. “Could there be some kind of connection between that girl and the monster? I mean… how has nobody seen this monster before her? She was the first victim, but the monster spared her or is using her!” He exclaimed. “What if she’s being used as a spy for the monster and is luring us into a trap?”

Azarel slapped him as well, stopping everybody in their tracks. “Gary, I don’t want to hear a peep out of you; Your wife was one of the casualties. Do you want your young girl to follow her to the grave? Huh? Keep talking about the young girl like she’s a monster, and that makes you no better than the one we’re hunting. All of you should be shamed for cursing a young girl for nothing more than a theory.” He motioned to their front. “Keep going, let’s kill this bastard.”


The group searched the forest for the monster to no avail. They couldn’t find the sight of it, some believing they saw a silver but lacking the evidence. No matter what, it seemed like the monster was just out of reach. Berry, Gary, and the other men following Azarel grew tired of the fruitless hunt. They were running out of patience, something that Azarel understood. However, he also knew that Holly would be condemned or bullied more if they provided no results. He wanted to avoid that if possible, but that chance was slimming. 

Unbeknownst to them, the monster was hunting their group. The monster stalked them from afar, hiding behind a clump of trees whenever somebody glanced in its direction. It hid, but carefully watched them. 

The monster wasn’t alone, having three small demon-like beings next to it. The monster glanced down at the demons, croaking in a whisper to them. The demons understood the monster’s orders, creeping towards the hunters. As they slowly made their way, the monster glanced in a different direction towards a familiar being. It was Holly, following the hunters as they searched for the monster. She had forgotten---amidst the chaos and pandemonium---to inform them about the monster’s weakness to light. She had fallen asleep while they were gathering and woke up after they already left. After an hour of aimlessly wandering, she had chanced upon them. Now with them in her sights, she dashed towards them when her feet froze. She tried to run, but her body wouldn’t respond. She lost all of her control. 

The monster had sensed her presence, creeping towards her. It had gotten close to her as her body froze up. However, the monster was confused at her sudden lack of movement. It hadn’t activated a special skill or anything, simply coming close to her.

This was the closest it had been to her, only five feet from her. By this time, Holly sensed a new presence behind her. She called out to the being but got no reply. She didn’t hear any breathing or grunting coming from behind her, telling her that something was off. However, she couldn’t do anything as her body froze up. She was a fish dead in the water. 

The monster crept up to her, within a breath’s distance. It was very close to her, prepared to kill her, but---for some reason---it couldn’t. The monster picked up one of its arms and swung downward at her, but its arm bounced off. It looked like she had a forcefield around her. 

With the monster so close, she began panicking. She was trying to avoid blinking, seeing a traumatic scene in every blink. The death of Azarel, Berry, Gary, and the other hunters played under her eyelids like a movie. She was scared. She was terrified. She was close to death. 

The monster moved on, confused as to why it couldn’t kill her. Something otherworldly was protecting her, irritating the monster. It was forced to move towards the hunters, leaving her alive. It wasn’t happy with the situation, but it lacked the ability to kill her. She was untouchable. 

As soon as the monster left, never appearing in Holly’s fixed vision, she began choking herself. The monster couldn’t kill her, but it could still harm her. She was safe from entering Death’s house, but a little bit of harm wouldn’t lead her to the porch.

Meanwhile, Azarel trudged through the forest, never witnessing Holly or her near-death situation. He was blind to his behind, continuing forward. This proved to be his downfall as when the monster realized it couldn’t kill Holly, it sprinted towards them. It sprinted from tree to tree as its demons got closer and closer to the hunters. None of them knew what was happening. The monster and its demons were surrounding them, ready for the kill. 

“It’s getting strangely quiet,” Berry remarked, glancing behind him for the first time. He was at the back of the pack, being the closest to the monster and its demons. He was tripped by the demons, brought down to the floor before getting dragged off. They dragged Berry off, making quick work off his skin. One of the demons remained behind to rid the world of the evidence---the bones---while the other two went for another prey.

“Focus in front of us, we’re not letting that monster escape,” Azarel remarked, not noticing that he had lost two of his men. Berry and another man were dragged off by the demons while the monster made his first appearance. 

Gary and the other man glanced behind, noticing the monster behind them. The appearance matched Holly’s description, frightening Gary and the man as their hands were slowly brought up to their necks. They struggled to push their hands away, but the monster’s control was too much. It killed them within seconds, leaving Azarel as the sole survivor. However, that would change quickly.

Azarel finally turned around when the noise of his footsteps became apparent. The sounds of birds and stomping on leaves had tuned out the lack of footsteps.

He turned around, noticing Gary's corpse on the floor. Next to Gary’s corpse was a lanky human-like being with a faceless head and charcoal skin, matching the description. He noticed the appearance, realizing that it was the monster that they were hunting for. He then brandished his revolver, pointing it at the monster. 

With a smug smile, he loaded a bullet in the chamber and exclaimed, “go to hell, bastard!” The bullet fired and made contact with the monster, but was absorbed by its charcoal skin. It took the bullet without hesitation, even eating it. This frightened Azarel as he tried to turn around and run away. Unfortunately, the monster caught him with ease. It forced Azarel to grab a hold of his throat and began squeezing. Azarel choked as he tried to escape his strangulation, but he couldn’t escape it. His grip was deadlocked. 

After a minute of struggling, his lights went off. He was killed by strangulation at the hands of himself. Azarel tried to be a hero and save Holly’s future, but that plan went astray, leading to the death of five people in total. It was a total disaster. 



The Follower: Season One - Ghostly Visions [Episode Six "Westhill"]

After a few minutes of struggling, Holly escaped her grip. She dropped to her knees, panting as she tried to recover her breath. After another minute to recover, she pushed herself up and towards the direction Azarel went off to. However, it wouldn’t take her long to find him. Azarel’s body---with the skin and bones intact---was laying headfirst on the ground. The bodies of the other four were missing, almost non-existent. 

Holly reluctantly went up to his body, hesitating to get any closer than a few feet... but she forced herself. She glanced at his lifeless body, noticing finger marks on his neck. Noticing this, she had backed away. She had overheard that the cause of death for Mary and the others was suicide via strangulation. 

“I’m sorry,” She remarked, dropping to her knees and performing a kowtow in front of his corpse. She had learned kowtowing from Mary---who was a Hispanic girl who found herself interested in Chinese Culture. Mary, however, never kowtowed unless out of respect for the dead. Holly had taken that part of her while they were on better terms. 

“I will return and have you properly buried.” She whispered before sitting up and running towards town. 

A half-hour later, she reached Westhill, informing everybody of the situation. She told her parents before the mayor, already predicting the situation with him. And as expected, the mayor denied her claims of Azarel and the others being dead. He simply dismissed her as crazy, asking a nearby officer to arrest her. The officer nodded, trying to imprison her as her father stepped in, but a loud screech distracted them all. The screech didn’t belong to the monster, but to other residents of Westhill. A collective scream and shout came from the corner nearest the part of the forest that Holly came from. The demons, that followed the monster, had appeared in town, tripping and gnawing on people’s flesh. The monster---which had never left the forest---made its first appearance inside the town. It stalked them from the Security

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