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Book online «Jayhawk+ by Nick Venom (pdf to ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Nick Venom

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Hall, which was near the mayor’s house. Frazer, glancing towards the Security Hall, noticed the monster hiding behind the building. Frightened out of his mind, he turned around and hid in his house, leaving the others outside. The officer, Kieran, and Holly remained outside, slightly confused about the situation at hand.

However, Holly quickly understood it. She glanced in the direction that Frazer was looking in, stealing a glance of the monster’s blank head. It was peeping at them from behind the building. 

She then turned to the officer. “Is there a place where there are a lot of lights?”

The officer then raised his eyebrows and squinted his eyes. “What are you talking about?” He asked, glancing at Kieran

Kieran glanced at him before glancing at her, unsure of what her question meant. He questioned the importance of lights.

Holly shook her head. “We need lights. That monster is weak to lights.”

The officer was taken back by her remark. “How do you know that? Don’t tell me that-”

Holly interrupted him, saying, “we need to trap him in a room filled with lights and kill him. Don’t worry about how I know about this. All you need to know is that we can kill it. Or do you want more people to die?” She asked, getting more irritated by the second. 

“Fine, we have a room in the station where we have all of the flashlights and interrogation lights.” He told her.

“Take me there.”

“Wait, how will we lure it in?” Kieran asked, getting absorbed into his daughter’s plan. 

She turned around and glanced at the monster, the officer and Kieran picking up on her stare. They noticed the monster, nearly shouting out of fear. It was like they saw Bigfoot or Godzilla. 

“Move everybody into the station and get a room of lights set up. We’ll have to use everybody as bait.” She said. 

The officer was shocked by her words but recovered quickly. He dashed towards the station, picking up survivors and taking them to the station. Meanwhile, Kieran stayed behind with his daughter. He wasn’t going to leave her.”

“Dad, I need your help.” She told him. 

“What is it?” He asked. 

“Help everybody else, leave me here.” 

Kieran jerked his head back. “No! You are my daughter! I won’t be leaving you here so a monster could kill you.” He grabbed her arm, trying to drag her back but she shrugged him off. 

“That monster can’t kill me!” She turned around to face him. “It tried to, in the forest. It was an inch from me, but it couldn’t kill me. It, however, did kill Azarel.”

“How can you be sure? It could be playing with you, making you think that you were untouchable but you’re not. You’re my little girl.”

Holly shook her head. “Every little girl grows up. So please, let me deal with this.” She said, rushing towards the monster. Kieran jumped forward, his urges telling him to chase after her, but his mind told him not to. He wanted to chase after his little princess, but he knew he couldn’t. His princess was slaying the dragon. 

Kieran turned around and rushed towards his house, retrieving the remaining members of the Brooks family. With a painstaking face, he ran in the opposite direction from Holly. He headed to the station, taking everybody else there. 

Meanwhile, Holly rushed towards the monster, trying to lure it closer. The monster noticed her presence, backing away from her. Knowing that it couldn’t kill her, it simply backed away. It kept its distance from her, trying to stay out of sight. Holly quickly recognized this, pushing the monster towards the station. It was like a game of cat and mouse.


At the station, the officer---James Bradshaw---moved everybody into a deeper part of the station while setting up the lights in an interrogation room. He finished the tasks quickly, waiting for the final piece to arrive. A few minutes after waiting in near-silence, the final piece was pushed into the station. Holly had been directing the monster into the station. It was being cornered and it didn’t enjoy that. 

Holly noticed that it was being cornered, smiling at that idea. It had killed Azarel, one of the few people that listened to her, without remorse. She wasn’t about to show it any of her own.

Unbeknownst to Holly, the demons had flanked her, waiting for the order to kill. The monster noticed their presence, permitting the order. Now with the order confirmed, they quickly tripped her and rushed to climb on top of her. Holly---now on the ground---swung wildly at the demons, trying to knock them off as they began gnawing on her clothes. She shouted in anger, hitting one of the demons in the face. Unfortunately, her strength wasn’t enough to knock the demon off. It was like a fly hitting a wall.

As the demons ripped her clothes, Leon appeared from outside. He had been looking for his father and her, not seeing either. He was wandering around aimlessly when he heard her shouting, rushing to her aid. Seeing her on the ground being gnawed at, he quickly grabbed a nearby chair and whacked them off her. 

“Thank you,” She remarked before turning to face the monster---which was making its way through the station. However, it stopped when it noticed Holly’s presence. It turned around, trying to avoid her to no avail. She rushed in close---against Leon’s wishes---grabbing a hold of the monster and finding an open room, pushing it in. Inside the room were multiple lights strung up, on full blast. She brandished her phone, turning on the flashlight. 

“Wait, what are you doing?” Holly heard Leon shout as she took a step into the room. She glanced at him, smiling before completely going inside and closing the door. As soon as the door locked, Leon began pounding on it. He tried to open it, but she wouldn’t let him inside. It was now only her and the monster. 

The monster was cornered, even more so with the lights in the rooms. They were all aimed at him, quickly burning its body. It let out a loud screech, trying to escape the room by clawing at the walls. However, it couldn’t scratch its way out of the room. 

“You can’t escape, just stay here and die!” She shouted at the monster, taking in its full appearance. Its black gooey skin was repulsive, but---for some reason----Holly found some comfort in it. 

“You’re stuck in here with me!” She shouted. The monster fixed its attention on Holly, swinging its arms at her. It wanted to kill her before it went out, but something blocked its attempts. A transparent forcefield stopped its attempts, bouncing its arms away. That’s when the monster realized that it was over. It couldn’t kill Holly and she wouldn’t let him leave. It was stuck in a room filled with its weakness.

Meanwhile, outside the room, Leon heard her remarks and waited for the finale to arrive. After waiting for five minutes, the door unlocked. He moved out of the way as the door opened, revealing Holly. She came out of the room, low on energy, and fell into his arms. Leon then patted her head as she snored away. A minute later, he called for the others. James and Kieran arrived quickly. James went to investigate the corpse of the monster while Kieran grabbed his daughter, taking her to her bed. 

Leon remained behind with James, watching as the black goo slowly disappeared. It was being burnt up by the lights, leaving no evidence behind. It was gone within a few seconds. Once the goo was gone, James turned to face Leon. “Let’s go fix up the town. The monster is dead.” He told him. Leon nodded, running off to inform the people held up in a deeper part of the station. James, meanwhile, investigated the tile that the monster once stood in, unsure of the monster’s death. He didn’t truly believe that the monster was vanquished. 

Something shot into his head. They didn’t take care of the monster’s minions, the small demons. They had forgotten about their existence. He then shot up and rushed to the outside. He skimmed his surroundings for them, but they were gone. Disappearing as the sun set outside. They had escaped but left their master behind. That idea, however, was confusing to James. Why would they leave their master like that and where did they go?


The next day, the town had recovered from the attacks. The buildings hadn’t been damaged, but the population took a heavy hit. It had already been dwindling and these attacks added it. Four people were killed while five others were wounded. James---who became the new Police Chief---took over the cases, piling up the eight bodies they had. Unfortunately, they couldn’t find the bodies of Azarel or his hunting group, disappearing as if they never existed. 

Frazer had left his house, shaken up by the encounter, seeing his town wounded. Rumors of him not helping during the chaos spread like wildfire. His reputation tanked as they began to call for his removal. Frazer---knowing that he failed---took the removal quickly and silently. He didn’t put up a fight as James came in to replace him. Once he was evicted from office, he decided to move away from Westhill. Leon was forced to go with him but had enough time to visit Holly’s favorite clearing in the forest. He met her there again, this time without her being close to death, seeing her laying on the grass. He laid down next to her. 

“What a beautiful sun,” She remarked.

“It is,” Leon said, stealing a glance at her. “Almost as beautiful as somebody else.”

Holly didn’t recognize his flirting, simply taking it as a random remark. “Can you believe that last night was my first night without a nightmare?” She asked, steering the conversation to a different subject. 


“Yeah, it was unbelievable. I actually got through the night without a nightmare. I never knew that could happen.”

“That must mean that the monster has been here for longer than we thought.” He deduced. 

“Yeah, that’s scary. Almost horrific to think about.” 

“Well,” He sat up, still looking up at the sun. “It really is.” He then stood up, staring at her. “I’ m leaving today.”

“Today?” She shot up quickly. 

“Yeah, my dad wants to leave. Ha!” He looked away from her. “It looks like we’ll be outsiders soon.”

“Is there something bad about being an outsider?” She teased. 

“No! No! No!” He shouted, waving his hands to avoid miscommunication. He then looked towards Westhill, brimming with a mix of relief and melancholy, before turning back to face her. “I’ve fallen in love with an outsider.” 

Holly was too dense to understand his remark. “Oh, that’s good.”

“Yeah, it is. Well, time for me to leave.” He muttered, turning away from her. 

“Come back as soon as you can!” She shouted as he got farther away from her.

He glanced over his shoulder, smiling, shouting back, “As soon as I can.” He then left the forest and Westhill behind, traveling with his dad and entire family, migrating to a new town. They were now considered outsiders to another town. 

Meanwhile, Holly stayed behind in the clearing, watching the sky. She waited for a change to occur. God answered her prayer as Kieran found her. He motioned for her to follow him, which she did. They returned home where Alyah had set up a feast fit for a king. 

She smiled as her family tore into the food, glad to see a day without nightmares. The monster had been killed and her relationship was better with her family, something she had never would’ve expected. Her life was better, clearer.


A lanky figure covered from head-to-toe in black good crept close to Westhill, discovering three small demons at its feet. The demons belonged to the deceased monster. They had escaped from Westhill, informing the new monster of its comrades’ death. 

Now filled with anger towards the residents of Westhill and Holly, specifically;the monster let out a few short screeches, directing its army of demons towards Westhill at a quick rate. Unlike the previous monster, this one

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