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Book online «Jayhawk+ by Nick Venom (pdf to ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Nick Venom

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had the ability to organize armies of demons, bending them at its wills. It was more intelligent than the previous one.

Hello All!


The Follower S1 has finally wrapped. It has been an amazing series to write and is the best first series for Jayhawk+. I enjoyed writing these episodes with Halloween and other horror movies acting as my inspiration. As you could’ve guessed, Westhill will remain an important setting for the following seasons and to the universe, overall. 

The Follower takes place in the new universe, Jayhawk Monster Connected Universe, along with Hangman I and II: Chains of Terror (TPS). This shared universe will, eventually, crossover monsters. 

The Whitegarden Explosion will be explained, as it’s an important event, in another series. For now, however, it’s an event lacking details.

Thanks again, until next time, I bid you all a good day!


P.S. Jayhawk+ is a new collection of flash-fiction series that follows a new style of writing. I release seasons instead of individual episodes. Currently, only Multiverse is taking the Rotation style of releasing an episode of Creation, then Survival Instincts, then Six Sides, and so on; the other collections, on the other hand, follow the new style of releasing season after season. 


Jayhawk+ Year One:


The Follower S1: Ghostly Visions (6 Episodes) {JMCU} [February - Mid-March 2021] The New Guard S1 (8 Episodes) {Historia Universe} [Mid-April - Mid-June 2021] The New Guard: Season One [Episode One "Enlisted"

“Where do you want to go?” Maysa, a blonde teenager, asked. “Summer’s almost over. We’re going to become full-fledged adults.” She turned away from the radiating sun, facing her friends. Her ripped jeans fit tightly on her lean body. She wore a black tee that was a size too large for her, draping over her waist and covering the top of her jeans. She had on a black and white cap, that was striped like a Zebra, with the words “Long Live Leon”. The hat was from a popular comic series. 

Behind the tan-skinned Maysa were her two friends, brunette Breanna and red-headed Kodi.  Breanna had a similar facial structure; a pointed nose that almost pointed up, thick eyebrows, and a long face that was shaped like an oval compared to Kodi’s round and chubby face. The girls had black eyes, thin lips, and cherry cheeks. Breanna wore a white tee shirt made out of cotton and infused with small pieces of metal, two different shades of gray and white being apparent. She had on black leggings, hugging her body tightly.

Kodi, on the other hand, had almost the complete opposite appearance of them. His body was lean---on the verge of forming a six-pack but not quite there---and his face was round, baby fat puffing up at his cheeks. He wore a tee-shirt that was a size too small for his body, sticking closely to his frame. In addition, he wore light blue jeans, a shade too close to white with matching white sneakers.

“Go where? Leave our neighborhood and venture around the world?” Kodi sarcastically asked.

Breanna shot him a glare, ending his sarcastic tone. 

“Okay, let me phrase it like this - what do you two want to do with your lives?” Maysa asked them with a small smile.

“I don’t know, I never had a plan for the future.” Kodi remarked, sitting on the soft yellow grass, staring up at the emerald sky. “I’ve been content with my current lifestyle.”

“Sitting in bed and gorging on food all day is good for you?” Breanna playfully teased. “That’s why you still have your baby fat.”

Kodi stared at her, his eyebrows furrowed. “Baby fat doesn’t disappear until my twenties. I still have time!” He exclaimed, his cheeks reddening as Maysa and Breanna laughed hearty laughs. Kodi, slightly sore about the baby fat comment, joined in the laughter, the three of them resting on the grass, standing under a lone tree that overlooked an entire plain. The tree sat on a hill outside of the capital of Great Wolfstein, Holy Legend. The three had found the lone tree years before, designating it as their hangout spot.

“Still, I wonder about the future. Our parents will force us to get jobs and be part of society.” Maysa remarked, staring off towards the empty plain. 

“I’ll join the army, follow in the footsteps of my father and uncle!” Breanna declared.

Kodi stood up, brushing off the grass blades from his jeans. He looked at Breanna, staring deeply into her eyes. They both looked away, their cheeks reddening.

“Your father and uncle were in the Great Wolfstein Army, right? That… That must be difficult to beat.” Kodi said.

“Yeah,” Breanna said, looking down at her tanned feet. She had taken off her shoes, throwing them against the tree. “It’s going to be hard.”

“Not at all.” A familiar voice chimed in from behind them. The teens’ heads snapped towards the voice, watching as Kodi’s father---Rico Harden---appeared behind them. He had a flyer, printed on cotton paper, gripped tightly in his left hand. He handed the paper to Breanna. “Apparently, there are some spots in the Royal Guard. They’re hiring citizens to fill the spots.”

“Why citizens? Wouldn’t people in the army work better?” Kodi asked.

Rico shook his head. “The army’s busy with the Asher Kingdom and the demons. There are not enough men to fill the ranks.”

“How did… How did the ranks become available?” Breanna asked, her words hinting towards a violent end for the previous guards.

“Nothing like that, Breanna. They departed with the hero and the princess. It seems like the king wants to expand his guards. From what I could find, he wants normal citizens in a search of new Talented.”

“Talented? How would he know?” Maysa asked, chiming in. 

“I have no idea, but he would. Most of the Talented in the army has been dispatched, so the king is looking for new Talented. You three could sign up, try out at the very least.”

“Try out for the army?” Kodi asked, tilting his head. “Wouldn’t that be dangerous?”

“Shut it, Kodi. You’ve been lazing around in your room, and forced to be dragged out by your lovely friends to do anything else aside from sleeping and eating. Take this time and go enlist - do something with your life.”

“Well, I’ve always seen myself as a farmer or a merchant, so I’ll rather do that,” Kodi said, hoping to escape his father’s order.

“Nope, you’ll be with us.” Maysa wrapped her arm around Kodi’s neck, bringing him close to her. “Let’s go give it a try, I doubt we’ll all make it but who knows.”

“I agree,” Breanna added.

“You’re outnumbered here Kodi. When you come home, I want it to be as an Enlisted.” Rico remarked.

Kodi let out a loud sigh before looking up at his friends. “Let’s go.”



A week later… 


“Starting today, you are an Enlisted. I will be your Mentor, my name is Captain Charlie Sand. Many of you are wondering why you were chosen out of the hundreds that applied? That’s because you were shown to have a Talent. For those wondering why you were never forced to take magic or physical tests, it’s because you will be taught here. If you think you aren’t strong enough to be here, then leave. Leave because, to me, your strength means nothing. I will personally train you into warriors and what warriors need is confidence. You could be the strongest person ever but, because you lack the confidence, your muscles and training are wasted.” Captain Charlie Sand announced from a balcony attached to a large four-story building overlooking a large open square.

He had black hair that was slicked by a gel-like substance, shining off the sunlight. He wore a green and black shirt with his name and rank on his shoulder. He had on matching pants, acting as Great Wolfstein’s basic camouflage clothes.

“Rest tonight. Tomorrow you’ll be testing your strength and intelligence against the 97th Infantry Squad. I don’t care if you win or lose, but how much confidence you have. I’ll be training you the day after, but that doesn’t mean I want people not to try against the 97th. If I see anybody not trying against the 97th, you’ll be kicked out. Now, remember, confidence and the ability to try something is all you need. My second-in-command, Link Dawes, will lead you to your gender-separated barracks tomorrow. You’ll be staying with us for a few months, but I’ll allow you all to visit your parents and inform them of your circumstances. Return here tomorrow for your quick three-month training period, starting at 080.

The eight-person group disbanded with the three teenagers walking together. “We made it!” Maysa exclaimed, hopping up and down.

“I’m surprised that I have a Talent inside me,” Kodi remarked,  staring at his palms. He never felt anything important inside his body.

“We’re not out of the woods yet. We’ll be dueling experienced soldiers tomorrow.” Breanna added. “Do you think your newfound Talent will be enough?”

“No way, especially because I barely released my Talent… realized that my Talent is there. I hope my Talent isn’t useless like a fog skill or something.” Kodi thought out loud. “Even so, I’m kind of getting excited for this.”

“And you didn’t want to go with us, what blasphemy!” Maysa exclaimed, playfully mocking Kodi’s earlier attitude. 

“Okay, so I made a mistake here and there, but nothing will be worse than the day you confused Jeremy for Hower.”

Maysa punched Kodi in the shoulder, looking at him. “That was an accident and you knew it. They both looked… similar to me.”

“Of course, they do. Every boy does.” Breanna remarked. “Anyways, that’s in the past. Now we should look to the future.”

“Yes, the future of war and death!” Kodi exclaimed, ruining the mood.

Maysa ignored him. “Tomorrow’s our first day. I’m so excited to see the Terrible Three fight evil-doers!”

“Terrible Three? Wasn’t that our childish team name?” Kodi asked.

“Yes, Terrible Three unit!” She punched the air.

Kodi glanced at Breanna and they shared a smile, both embarrassed by Maysa’s childish tendencies. However, they couldn’t resist her charm, joining in. “Terrible Three unite! Terrible Three unite! Terrible Three unite!”



The New Guard: Season One [Episode One "Tomorrow's A New Day"]

The first official day of training began. They returned to the four-story building, called the ‘Empire’ building, that was in the middle of a few blocks sectioned off for the army. The Empire was in the center of the area, the several miles of blocks reserved for the Wolfstein Royal Guards to begin their training.

Captain Charlie Sand appeared, not on the balcony, but in front of the Enlisted. By his side was Link Dawes, who carried a folder in one

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