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Book online «Shades of Love by hima (books you have to read TXT) 📖». Author hima

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make to make me happy, like dad leaving the best job in town for my speedy recovery and you all leaving food…”

“Do you want to be late for the first day of school?” Felix walked in. “Guys…Come on…”Felix said practically pushing me towards the door before I could say something.
“Aren’t you excited about the school?” Rach asked. “What’s so excited about it? I mean you already have a boyfriend and enough money to spend your life without work, Isn’t that the sole purpose of education to get settled.” I said laughing.

She laughed merrily, Eric frowned at us. “Girl talks…” I mumbled. She winked at him and he turned away from us.

“Well, maybe we can find a boy friend for you…”She said. I nodded and Ethan image flashed in my mind at once at the very mention of boy friend. Is he my boyfriend then? Why don’t I remember anything about him? Why do I always crave so much to see him even if it is in my dreams? It’s been a month since I saw him in one of my dreams.

We pulled over at the parking lot. “We’ll meet you at lunch…”Rach said and hurried away with Eric. “How’s the school? I mean you have been going to it for over a month, right?” I asked Ethan as he stepped out of the car.

“Boring…but now that you’re here may be I’ll have some fun.”He replied winking at me. I nodded.

Ethan walked me over to the office room and asked me to get my schedule and slip while he waited at the door. The receptionist was a friendly woman in 30’s, good looking, I thought. “You are the new student, Ms. Nikolai Reed?” I nodded. “Have a good day…”She said handing me the schedule. I smiled and left.

“I already like this place…” I whispered to Ethan. He walked me to the class, people moved away as we walked by, they stared at me.

“It’s hard to ignore the stares if you are a new comer and a beautiful girl in that…”Ethan whispered.

“Yeah! I get that…” I said eying them all.

We spotted two empty seats and sat there. A girl walked by us carrying many books in her hand and peeking over the books to find her seat.
“Let me help you…” I said standing. She dropped her books on to the floor giving me and Ethan quick glances all over. I picked up her books from the floor and gave it to her.

“Thanks…” she stuttered and hurried to her seat. “Who is she? She seems so weird?” I asked. Ethan shrugged his shoulders. “You have been here for a month and you don’t know your classmate’s names?” I asked.

“I keep to myself most of the time…”He said.

“Yeah! I noticed that…” I said.

Our first class was history… “I hate it when people speak about past because I don’t know mine…”I said. Ethan flinched.

I listened to our history teacher as patiently as I could…I yawned lazily as the second period passed by.

“I have leisure now…you have next science, down the hall first left…” Ethan said and left. I nodded and walked into the class and saw there is only one empty seat. The girl who dropped books sat next to me now.

“I’m Nikki…”I said putting my best of smiles. “Anna…” she said tentatively. “Why are you tensed? Is there a test today…” I enquired. “No…” she mumbled.

“I’m not used to being talked to by popular girls…”she said after a while. “I’m not popular in fact I’m a newbie…” I said.

“Your rich and very pretty that makes you popular automatically…” she said. I smiled at her. I have pale skin and dark black eyes, my hair flows till my waist, Clearly I don’t see why they think I’m beautiful. I ignored the question when I saw our science teacher entering.

His class was all about bacteria, I listened to the class intently when a chilly breeze opened the window wide, Anna was about to close the window when I smelled her soap scent. I smiled at her, she smells like lilacs.

I inhaled in more as I liked that scent very much…My stomach growled and I felt unusual thirst, my throat became dry at once and it burnt like hell. I tried to ignore it by paying attention to the class. I concentrated on my teacher alone and his words. He smelled like a fresh lemon, the ache in my throat grew more. It felt like my mouth is dried and the burn grew even more.

Thankfully, I ran out of the classroom to find something that quenches my thirst. I stumbled up on someone.

“Where are you running to?” Ethan asked. “My throat it hurts…” I stammered. His face registered shock and soon walked me out to ground and then far away from the school to nearby place where Eric and Rachel were laughing about something.

“I really need to drink something…where are you taking me?” I groaned. “Drink this…”he said handing the protein shake that he dug from Rachel’s bag.

“I’m hungry… I want to eat something else…”I sulked chugging down the contents of the bottle.

“You know the rules you cannot eat or drink anything; it’ll affect your health…” Ethan insisted.

“Just once…” I said irritated. He forced another bottle into my hands. I drank the contents and threw the bottle away into the woods.

“Do you feel better?”Rachel asked.

“I always feel better…”I said smiling, though my hunger is quenched it’s like, I wanted to eat pizza but I ate something else to sate my hunger.

“If you feel thirsty again just get out of that place and drink this bottle…” Eric said handing me another bottle; I shoved it off into my bag.

“Are you guys not going to eat? I mean I thought since I wasn’t here all these days… maybe you are eating here…” I mumbled.

“We don’t eat…”Eric started when Rachel tugged his hands and gestured to stop. “What?”I scowled.

“Don’t you think we should be somewhere else?”They left us as soon as they came.

I followed Ethan’s ideas and whenever I felt that unusual thirst, I would walk outside and take sips from the bottle. It was my last class and I drained the whole bottle. Ethan was nowhere near me. I shrugged and thought maybe I could finish off this class without that bottle.

“Hi…You must be the new girl, Nicolai.” One of the boys from my class said sitting beside me. “Nikki…”I corrected him. “Ben…”he said extending his hands. I shook it. “Are you not allowed to sports?”Ben asked.

“I recently met with an accident and my dad said that I shouldn’t take stress…”I replied putting a sad face though I enjoyed sitting there idle and watching.

“Ben…Come on…” Other boys called him. “I got to go…”he smiled. I watched them run around the track, as soon as the bell rang people left. I took time in packing the book that I have been trying to read all the while.

“Hi…”Ben came running to me again. “You already said hi…”I mentioned. He smiled still heavily breathing. I observed him, he must have run water over his face; he looked damp. He is kind of cute, with messy, brown hair, dark brown eyes, and tanned skin. My gazed darted to his vein in the neck which was beating faster, I could see the outline of it, I could feel the blood that was flowing inside, involuntarily I licked my lips and he took that as a sign and advanced towards me. He just brushed my lips but I could still feel the blood flowing, with one swift move I bent over his neck and grazed his neck, his arms darted over my back. Pain shot through my throat and it urged me to quench my thirst then again another pain in my gums, with an instant urge I bit his skin as warm fluid began to flow into my mouth, I felt someone pulling me away. I clutched to him more fiercely not wanting to let the delicious meal go waste.

“Ethan…Do something…”I heard the familiar voice of Rach. “I can’t she is in frenzy…” They pulled me apart with all the force.

“This is not who you are or what you wanted to do…Let him go…” My Ethan’s voice rang in my mind as if he was inside it. I could feel his presence inside me. I dropped Ben on to the ground and slumped on to the ground.

“Come back…”I cried as soon as my Ethan left my head. “Come back…please…I wanted to know who you are… please…”I begged him but all I could feel was the emptiness in my mind.

“Nikki…We should go before anyone finds us…”Eric said. “He is here…”I mumbled. I refused to go thinking that he would still come back to me.

“He is here…my Ethan is here, He talked to me…”I cried as he carried me away in to the forest. “Ethan…Take her back to home while I’ll see to him.”

Once I was at home, mom rushed to me. “Mom…Ethan…My Ethan talked to me….” I cried clutching her. Dad came over to me…”Honey…Just look at me…” Dad lifted my chin to meet his eyes.

There was a sharp sting in left arm and then slowly I could feel my eyes closing… Sleep consumed me.

“Ethan…you should wipe her memories before she wakes up…” Felix said.
“I think we should tell her the truth…”Eva snapped him.

Felix was about to say something, Ethan cut him off. “We should tell her or else she would go on feeding on humans without knowing what she was doing, Ben was lucky that he was not killed. I don’t think every day will turn out to be that lucky for us…”

“What do you propose to do?” Rach asked. “I think I should give her memories back…” Ethan replied and looked at Carl for approval. He nodded.

“What if she hates us for what we have done to her…”Rach asked with a sad smile. Ethan shrugged.

Nikki was having dreams of her and Ethan flying on a bike and them lying in a pool of blood and carried away to the hospital, her parents crying over her body, Ethan biting her and sucking away her memories as she lay limp on the bed and all of a sudden waking up in Reed’s house. I saw Flashes of my Ethan holding my hands…kissing me and looking at me with so much love. I woke up from stupor startled. The whole Reed’s family was standing by my bed with a guilt look on their face.

“You lied to me…”I blamed them. Jane hid her face in Carl’s shoulders.

“We had no other choice…”Rach replied meekly. I glared at her.

“We always have choice…” I snarled.

“You turned me into something that I would hate forever…”I scolded them tears trickling.

“It wasn’t our wish to turn you…” Eva stomped. Felix tried to keep her calm but she brushed him off. “If it weren’t for Ethan’s wish to save you we would have nothing to do with you…” She scowled.

“Ethan…My Ethan…Is he alive? Did you turn him too?”I asked eagerly standing up from the bed... Rachel eyes went wide, “No…Ethan… He had no possibility of going through it; he knew it and decided to save you…” Carl said
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