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Book online «Broken Halo by Ispeak Woods (you can read anyone .txt) 📖». Author Ispeak Woods

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else to say. So I asked, 

"Where's Hollyn and Emily?" "Hollyn is at the store getting more eggs and." 

Before Jace could finish his sentence, Emily entered the kitchen, and I felt like burning her alive! 

"I'm right here, who wants to know?" said Emily

She had that evil look on her face, and I knew she had been watching me watch Jace. I felt so embarrassed and humiliated that she finally caught me and that made me even more upset. She grabbed his face and kissed him while looking at me.

 "Baby, I missed you in bed this morning." moaned Emily.

Jace lifted her onto the countertop and looked into her eyes deeply while standing in between her legs. She had him like a kid in a candy store. 

"I wanted to make you and the family some breakfast; we have a long day remember?" he said, 

while kissing her neck.

 "My family is out of town, the only one here is her," she said while pointing my way.

I stood to my feet ready to go to war with her.

 "What is your problem Emily? What the hell have I ever done to you?" I said.

Jace sighed, "Come on Emily, why do you have to be like that?" 

I walked over slowly and got in her face. Pushing Jace to the side, 

"No Jace, let her be that way, she's going to lose you one day!" 

Surprisingly she stayed calm, but her insults stood firm. 

"See that's what you need to understand, Jace and I are forever, and you could never be like us! I don't want you two alone together anymore, she clearly has some issue with boundaries," said Emily.

I couldn't control myself; my hands were shaking, and my feelings were rushing me all at once. How could she attack me like that, how could she take Jace away? I heard Jace gasp and Emily Laugh as I fainted on the floor. She had slapped me, and I was out cold.

I woke up to find Hollyn in my room again. She had her soft hand placed on my forehead. 

"She's going to be fine; she's my little sidekick." Said Jace.

 He jumped in my bed and landed on the opposite side of me. Crossing my arms and sat up in my bed I flung myself into the headboard. 

"Where is that bitch Emily, I'm sick of being her punching bag!" I cried.

Jace let out a roaring laugh, but quickly sucked it back in. 

"Sorry, she is a mean one, isn't she?" he said, with a smirk on his face. 

"Tyson is here to see you," said Hollyn. 

Jace rolled his eyes at her comment. 

"Tyson's a mut” said Jace.

 We both laughed, but Hollyn just shook her head and sighed, 

"I had so much planned for you yesterday, but you've been asleep since yesterday morning."

Hollyn was right, and I was as hungry as a hostage. My stomach was turning and growling. I heard the door open and saw Tyson's foot. 

"Can I come in?" he asked. 

"No," I screamed, there was no way he could see me like this. I made him wait outside. When I walked out, he was waiting for me in his truck. I got in and instantly regretted doing so.

Looking out of his truck window at passing cars I was in a daze. Tyson pulled over, but he looked perplexed.

"Lo, I need to tell you something, but you can’t tell a soul. It could cost a life” said Tyson, with tears forming in his eyes. " My brother is back, and he asked for you." Said Tyson

  I'd heard about his brother Julian many times at our pack meetings. Apparently, he was to be killed onsite. He was a part of the Windchild Pack now, and they were savages. 

"You know he can't be here right? And why the hell is he asking about me, what the fuck did you tell him? Take me home now." I said. 

He just continued to stare at the road pretending not to hear me. 

"Tyson---- he murdered a pack member; don't you want to tell my father? Remember what he did to Emily?" I said.

He turned around to look at me defending his brother,

 "There was no proof he did it Lo! I'm not taking up for this man, but he is my brother. I don't want him here either, but I can't let anyone know that I know he's here. He will reveal himself in due time. Your father would be angry with my family if they knew we've talked to him. We've been avoiding him for years, pretending that he is dead to us. My mother is the one who is happy to see him. If the pack finds out she knew he was here and didn't say anything, they might not make me an alpha. It's really a big deal so don't say anything Lo. He's a drifting Alpha and he's looking for a pack to dominate." 

I could only think about my own pack, Tyson was next in line to become a pack leader. Why wasn't he afraid that Julian would try to kill him and take over?

 "I'm going to tell the others if you don't," I said quietly under my breath. 

He gave me a threatening look and said, "Like hell you are, if you even think about telling them I would---." 

I frowned and pushed my body on his side, 

 "You would what," I asked. 

 He laughed a bit then violently pushed me back into my seat pushing my head against the window. He was the biggest jerk ever and I knew it first-hand. He was as abusive as they come, both physically and verbally, but I was too naïve to see it before.

I knew Tyson was afraid of his brother. I could see it in his eyes. I knew deep down in my heart that Tyson shouldn't be the next alpha. He was too weak and afraid. I felt bad for Tyson's mother more than anything because Julian was her son. He was her first born with her mate Mr. Wilder. Her mate was hunted down and killed by humans after he was spotted phasing by a woman on night watch. The pack had to flee to America from Europe after his death.

Julian was appointed alpha after his father was killed. His father Mr. Wilder was our fourth alpha. He was a young but strong leader, so I was told. His temper was unpredictable, and it was said that he would stay phased for weeks at a time. He didn't feel comfortable in human form. He ended up killing Emily's first mate and was overthrown as pack alpha. My father then became the alpha male. There was no proof that he killed Emily's mate, but he once loved Emily deeply, until she found her true mate.

We finally arrived at Tyson's house and I sat at his desk looking at the tray of food he'd brought me. 

"This is what I got you, take it or leave it." he said

"What the hell is it?" I said, while forking at the tray. 

"Its food dummy, what else could it be," he yelled. 

I sat in his room and waited for him to get in the shower. I was really glad to be out of my house for once. My cell phone had been off for three days now. I was afraid to turn it on, afraid that Galvin and Trisha would call. I couldn't take them knowing that I wasn't happy for them.

Finally, he was in the shower and I could eat. I was so hungry; he bought me Tasso. I ate the food so fast and was even eating the crumbs off of his desk. I heard the shower turn off and I closed the tray. He walked into the room in just his towel. His body was steaming and wet. My eyes were glued to him as he cleaned his ear with a Q-tip. He dropped his towel and I quickly turned my head. 

"Grow up and look Halo, you know you want to look at me."

 "Please put your clothes on dude" I said while covering my eyes, I could wonder what he was up to. 

He came closer to me and stood in front of my face, while removing my hands from my eyes. 

In a soft voice he said, "Halo I really do love you, but you act so different from our kind. You act so weak; you seem so human. "

He then did something that was kind of awkward for us both. He kissed me on the cheek then slowly backed away to look me in the eyes. 

"I feel sorry for you, but you have to pull yourself together." he said.

How could this jerk of a boyfriend be so gentle sometimes? Then other times be so cold toward me.

 "I'm going out, I don't know what you want to do, but I have a date with Becky. I could drive you home or you want to catch a cab?" he said.

 "Can I just stay here and wait on you? I really can't be at home right now," I said. 

 "I don't care, but don't open that door for anyone. Remember what we talked about, Julian is in town and he did ask for you. I still can't believe I told you that I knew he was here, but I trust you can keep a secret, right?" he asked

I was a little afraid, but I didn't think he would have the balls to come here. I then thought about where Tyson said he was going, and I had to make sure I heard him right. 

"Wait, you're going on a date with whom?" I asked.

He sounded annoyed as he replied, "Come on Halo, why pretend like you don't know? I see other girls because you are always so emotionally unavailable. It's like you have completely checked out on the world." 

I was too drained to fight with him, and I really wanted to be alone. He was right, who was I kidding? I knew deep down that I really didn't need a boyfriend, what I needed was some answers.

I heard the door slam and Tyson was off to meet with Becky. I turned on the television and fell asleep. Hours later I heard the door open, but I was too sleepy to look back to see who it was. I then heard a deep voice that sound very unfamiliar,

 "Hey, where's Tyson, "the stranger asked.

 I answered, "With Becky; now go away." 

Through my sleep I was able to give an answer, but the stranger spoke again.

 "I didn't ask you who he was with; I asked you where he was!" 

The voice in my head was still unfamiliar, but so soft and dark. My heart started to beat rapidly, and my breathing was heavy. 

"Slow your heart Halo, I'm not here to hurt you, I'm just looking for my brother." 

I was so afraid to turn around and look at him, I knew it was Julian. I heard him slightly breathe out, 

"I know Tyson told you I asked for you, you’re the only one in the pack I can trust outside of my mother." Said Julian.

I noticed movement in the window above the bed, it was his reflection.

I could see him, and he was phased and looking directly at the back of my head. He spoke again but his lips didn't move. Was he speaking to me, but how? Again, his lips didn't move, only strong facial movements and heavy breathing came from him. 

"How long will you live this lie," he said. 

I could see the concern in his face, but why? I couldn't understand why he was looking at me this way. I closed my eyes tightly and said to myself, this must be a dream.  Then a loud voice was in my head again. 

"So, you can still hear me huh? You're still a very special girl; I don't have time to explain why you should know me. I just need you to know that I'm not what they say I am."

 We both went silent at the sound of Jace's car door slamming shut. With his lips curled back he hissed, "Jace!".

I turned around trying to get a better

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