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Book online «Broken Halo by Ispeak Woods (you can read anyone .txt) 📖». Author Ispeak Woods

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as I could I replied, "What do you want from me mother! Huh? What can I do for you? Should I just die? I really don't get what the big deal is! Tyson told me there was no proof Julian killed Emily's first mate" 

She cut me off and pressed her body against mine. She had me completely pinned to the car door. 

With eyes full of darkness, she screamed at me, "You don't know anything about the past, you have no clue what happen. Julian tried to rip this pack apart, we did what we had to do! I am ashamed to call you my daughter! What happen to my sweet Halo? Who have you become? You touch him and talk as though you have connected with him." 

I pushed my face back up to hers, and I yelled back "I DIDN'T TOUCH ANYONE! You haven't asked me one time how I'm doing, not one kiss or hug or anything! I'm so confused mom. Why won't you talk to me?"

 I could feel myself shaking again and losing control. My tears were so hot on my face and my head was pounding. I needed to get out of the car. I needed to get away from her. 

"I'll walk the rest of the way; I can't and will not deal with this again today." I cried.

 I closed her car door and watched as she drove away splashing dirty water on me. I had no intentions of going to school, for what, to deal with more drama? I had literally gone from loving school to becoming a drop out. I wasn't doing my makeup or spending hours doing my hair. I didn't feel any way about anything. I wanted to feel good again, this wasn't me. I had never raised my voice at my mother in my life. I felt numb again and I needed to be comforted. Oddly enough I found comfort in this dark gloomy day. My tears were hidden in the pouring rain and being cold helped with the burning heart I held inside. The last time I felt peace was when I was in that room with Julian. I needed to know why, and I would stop at nothing to get my answers.

I must have walked for hours to get into town, and I knew my pack was looking for me by now. I stayed close to the river, hoping to knock them off my trail if they were following me. I finally made it to where I knew I would spot Julian, Tyson's house. It was dark and quiet, and the power had been shut off. I couldn't see very well in the dark, so I decided to get closer. I had to see if Julian was near. Then I heard the voice inside my head again.

"Why are you here?" It was Julian, but I couldn't hear or see anyone. 

I didn't want to speak too loudly in fear that my pack was nearby. 

"Julian, I need to talk to you, and I'm not here to set you up if that's what you think. Can you come out and speak to me face to face?" I asked.

I turned around to see him leaning up against a tree. 

"I know you're not here to set me up. I'm not worried about being set up; I only want back what's mine." He said.

I frowned a little and thought about what he could mean. I wondered if he could read my thoughts. 

He spoke again, "You still don't know, do you Halo? The pack belongs to me, and you're not really what you think you are." 

He got closer to me and lifted my face up to his and said, "How can you live amongst us monsters? You are nothing like us; they have you as a souvenir. They ruined my pack for their cover up."

 I was so cold and shaking uncontrollably, and my hands were numb. I could barely speak to him anymore and I felt faint. Through my chattering teeth I tried to speak to him. 

"I'm sorry but, I have to know, I mean, I'm so cold." I said, while shivering.

I couldn't feel my feet or my face. I could only look up at him. 

He spoke to me softly, "Are you afraid of me?" 

I shook my head no. I couldn't think of anything but how alone I was and how I didn't want to call for help. I was dressed in a thin sweater and I had left my jacket in the car with my mother. On top of that I was soaked. I could see hot air coming out of my mouth. 

"Can you take me somewhere Julian? I really don't want to call home." I asked.

I fell to my knees crying and shaking. My body was freezing, but I still couldn't explain the peaceful feeling I had in my heart. Then he kneeled to pick me up. I could feel his body heat penetrate my skin. I laid my head on his chest and blacked out from exhaustion.

When I finally came to, I could hear Julian speaking loudly and thanking someone for helping him. 

"No, we're fine, and you've done enough Trina. I can't thank you enough. I'll call you once I do what I came to do" said Julian. 

I heard a woman speaking low and fast, but she sounded concerned about me.

 "Did you tell her yet? Well don't, it's not your job to get involved with that. Take her home and get back to business, we have things to take care of out here." said the woman on the phone.

I was so sleepy until I didn't realize that I was in a bathroom tub! It was huge garden tub with black stones around the base of the tub. It even had a beautiful view of the city. I quickly dashed for the nearest towel but grabbed a rug instead. Julian walked in and held both of his hands out, motioning for me to stay calm. 

"I didn't undress you, my friend did, and you need to get your temperature up, so get back in the tub. I'm going to leave now," he said, while slowly backing away. 

I felted so stupid and flushed red. I waited for him to close the door and I got back in the tub slowly. It felt so good to take a hot bath, even if it was awkward. 

  I called for him. "Julian"

He opened the door making sure not to look in. 

Then I politely asked him, "Can you come in here and talk to me?" 

He walked in not making eye contact with me. He then sat on the outer edge of the tub with his back turned to me. I swear I could look at him forever. The stories I heard were about a monster, but he didn't look a day over 20 nor did he seem dangerous. His touch was so gentle and strong at the same time. His eyes were deep and hypnotizing. His voice was like a whisper in my mind; sweeter than any thought I ever had. He was so much bigger when he was phased. He would completely dominate anyone in the Roman pack. For a moment I was afraid; afraid of the way I was feeling toward him.

"You feel better now" asked Julian?

 I quickly replied, "Yes, I feel better when I'm with you. I feel this peaceful feeling that I have been missing my whole life." 

I saw the corners of his month turn up into a tiny smile.

 "So, he smiles?" I said jokingly. 

I couldn't believe I was naked in the bathroom with a killer and making jokes at that. 

"Halo, I think you need to know the truth, but I feel bad for not stopping it before it happened. It wasn't my fault and I didn't want things to be this way. Your parents are the real killers." 

He then took a deep breath and walked over to the tall window. Looking out over the city lights.

"I don't understand what you mean. How can you sit here and say something like that about them, they're sweetest parents ever. You must not really know them,' I said.

 He turned to look at me, with the most angelic eyes and softly said, "No, you don't know them. I'm not here to change your mind, I'm here to take back my pack. I'm going to start by casting Tyson out, then telling the pack the truth about your mother and father".

 He gave a tortured look and took another deep breath. I touched his hand thinking I could gain his trust that way and dig for the truth. 

"What happen between you guys?" I asked.

He quietly answered my question, "You happen Halo, that's all I'm going to say. You will know what happen in due time." 

I knew I wasn't going to get anything else out of him, he had a firm look on his face, and I wasn't going to push my luck. He placed his hand on my forehead to check my temperature. I felt an electric pulse go through me. His touch made my eyes roll in the back of my head. He did that weird smile again and dried his hand on his pant leg. I had so many questions for him, but never enough time to ask. 

"Why do I feel this way about you? You killed Emily's first mate, and she's my sister. I don't understand why you can speak to me through my mind, and none of the others can. I have a ton of questions to ask you." I said.

I watched him walk out and close the door without giving me an answer.




Chapter 4

“Make sure you spray this all over your body, if you don’t want them to know you were with me”, said Julian. He’d given me a tiny white spray bottle to use. He said it was to block his scent; but I was still very afraid that my family would smell him. It was time for me to go, and I had a pulling feeling inside my gut. I didn’t want to leave him.
“Julian”, I said, as I grabbed his index and middle fingers, “When can see you again.” Removing my hands, he gently turn his face toward the window. “I have already wasted enough time Halo, I’m not here to get involved with you, and I’m on a mission.” I could feel my heart burning inside my chest, how could he deny that he had the same feeling too? “You don’t feel this connection,” I said, while hesitating. He placed his fingertips over my lips and stopped my words. “Yes, I feel it too, I always have Halo, but it’s just not the right time to explore this.” I felt my heart fall into my lap. I searched in his eyes for a lie, but only found the truth. He meant what he was saying, but what if I could change his mind? “When, when will the right time come? I feel possessed when I’m with you. I’m not myself with I’m near you. It’s like a better me, a fearless me. I don’t want to lose that feeling Julian.” He slowly leaned over and kissed me on my forehead and whispered, “Listen for my call in your mind, and come running like hell

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