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Book online «Broken Halo by Ispeak Woods (you can read anyone .txt) 📖». Author Ispeak Woods

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to find me.” He then backed away and looked into my eyes for confirmation. I nodded as tears shot down my face. He opened the car door and my crying became hysterical. He couldn’t look at me, and without closing the door he sped off leaving me alone. I sat on the side of the highway and thought about running away, but I knew Hollyn was sick with worry, so I started my way home.

As I approached my house I could see my room light was on. It was about 4am and the only cars parked out front were Jace’s and Hollyn’s. I knew they were worried sick about me. I then pulled out the spray bottle Julian had given me and sprayed it all over my body. I couldn’t smell anything, and I really started to have doubts, but I had to go home.
“LO,” Hollyn called, while walking slowly toward me and eyeing me up and down. “Where have you been?” Biting my lip and looking at the floor I replied, “Away.” Jace then appeared at the top of the stair case and smelt the air. “What is that scent you’re carrying; did you run away to a zoo kiddo?” “Jace,” I ran up to him and dove into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. “Jace--- I’m sorry bro, I just had to clear my mind.” “I understand Lo,” he said while holding me up in his arms.
I knew that the next set of entrances wouldn’t be so pleasant. I sat up in my room waiting on my mother and father to get home. Jace told me they were pretty pissed with me, and I would be grounded for life. I could hear my mother and father drive up to the house and open the garage. I felt like dying, why did they have to be so mean? None of this would have happen if I would have just phased, or if someone would’ve told me what the hell was going on.
I heard their loud footstep come closer to my room door. I took a deep breath and prayed to myself like Julian had taught me. I prayed that they wouldn’t smell him or ask too many questions about where I had been. My father burst into my room without warning and my mother was right beside him. They both started to search my skin for marks or to see if I smelt like Julian. They were completely phased and I could tell they were commutating with one another. Their eyes were black and they stood tall on two feet and their frames were dramatically larger. My mother grabbed me up from my bed and slung me on the floor like a rag doll. I couldn’t believe she was so angry, and still not acting like herself. My father than roared at my mother and pushed her back. I could tell he didn’t agree with something she’d said, because she looked at my then over at him and ran from the room. I was still shaking and breathing out wildly. I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath, and my heart was racing away from me. My father motion for me to turn my head and he phased back into human form. I heard him pull my bed sheet from my closet and wrap it around himself. “Honey, don’t be afraid,’ he said as he took his hand and whipped my tears. “I’m your father and I would never hurt you.”
He sat down beside me and nudged me for a response. “Why does mom hate me so much,” I said. He took a quick breath out and looked at the ceiling, “Halo, tell me the truth about where you’ve been. This is very humiliating for the pack. You are my daughter and the whole family is under fire from your actions. Tyson is telling everyone about what’s going on. You will belong to him soon and we can’t have rumors like these spreading.” “But Dad,” I cried, while standing to my feet, “Tyson is no Alpha; he is a freaking coward dad! It’s like you guys are blind or something, why is everyone ignoring what’s going on here?” He then slowly stood up and placed his hands on my shoulders. “Lo, you’re the only one who is ignoring what’s going on. Tyson and you are going to bond and you will stop being disrespectful. Tell me where you were, were you with Julian Lo, please tell me the truth.” His face was hard now, and I could tell he meant business. I knew I couldn’t tell him the truth, because it would rip his heart out. So I did the next best thing and kept my mouth shut. “Dad, there is no truth, only secrets and lies that apparently need to be exposed.” My father then reached down and squeezed my hands. “Go ahead and keep your whereabouts a secret if you want, truth always rears its head sooner than later. I have one more thing to ask of you Halo,” he then squeezed tighter and said, “Whatever happens, just know that I love you more than anything and I always will.” He walked away quickly and quietly closed the door behind him not looking back to see my reaction.

“Tyson just makes my blood boil, I mean, what does he see in human girls that he never saw in me,” I said, while watching him flirt with Amy Simon from across the park. “Who knows, and who cares’” said Lisa. “I do, it makes me look stupid,” I screamed, making everyone look back at us. “Lisa you just don’t get it, everything is going good for me now, and he just makes me look pathetic, I guess it’s my father’s fault too.” I leaned in to whisper in Lisa ear, “I wish I could see Julian again.” She raised an eyebrow and smiled a little. “He’ll come back and see you again, you just have to keep it a secret, and so what if Tyson is with other girls, he looks like the loser not you,” said Lisa. “Lisa, I feel like the loser for pretending to like him, I can’t live this lie, my family is happy because I’m unhappy. What kind of BS is that? What about when they make me bond with him? I can’t be with Tyson while I’m having these feelings for Julian.”
“What’s the big deal Lo, it’s not like you care about Tyson, said Lisa.” “Whatever.” I murmured. “It still bothers me, because everyone thinks we’re together. Why am I the only one who has to be respectful and he can do what he pleases?” Just when I thought I had Lisa all to myself--- Galvin walked up and she was dreamy eyed. “Please tell me you guys are going to act civil today, I can take all the kissing and PDA right now, its gross guys,” I sighed. I looked over to find her not listening; instead she was sitting on Galvan’s lap tongue kissing him. I balled my fists up and stormed off to my car while rambling off a few words. “That’s the reason I never go out with you guys, you can’t keep your hands off of each other and it’s embarrassing.”
Lisa was Galvan’s mate; they met when Lisa and her mom joined the pack. Over time Lisa and I became really good friends, almost like sisters. I told her all my secrets and she kept them close to her heart. Her mother had been a pack member for 10 years and she was a very nice lady. I became close with Lisa when she told me how her dad would push her to better her special ability. He made her feel like an outsider when she went to visit him. It made her feel really bad when she couldn’t control it.
Lisa’s ability was really tricky. She had the ability to move things while in human form. It was really weak but she always tried to get better. She once tried moving a pencil at school, but it took two hours and it only rolled back and forth once.
She was gone for a whole year to be with her father’s pack in Florida. This meant she wasn’t there to help me through my tough times. I was happy she was back because I finally had someone to talk to again.
I told her everything about Julian and the fight with my mom. She was one of the main reasons why the peace was restored in my life again. I finally went back to school and my grades were better. I even made up with my mother and father. She provided an outlet to my aggression and it made everything else flow smoothly.

I sat in my car and blasted the music while waiting on the love birds to stop kissing. They had everyone at the park pointing in our direction, and I wanted no part of it. I laid the seat back to hide from view; I wanted to use this time to day dream about him--- about Julian. I could picture his soft warms lips on my skin, and the way he taught me how to pray. I could feel my hands together with his hands overlapping mine; and his hard chest beneath my fingertips as he slept deeply. I missed his intense stare and the way he spoke in my mind. I wanted it all, right then and there, I wanted him badly.
I was deep in thought when my phone vibrated in my back pocket. I looked at the phone’s caller ID and it read unknown. I hit the answer button but remained silent. A deep voice spoke kindly and softly. “How are you,” said the stranger on my phone. “Julian--- is that you,” I scream. I could hear tons of noise in the background and people speaking in a different language. “Yes, how are you doing?” he said, with annoyance in his voice. I lifted my head up to see if anyone was coming toward the car, but they were all talking and paying me no attention. “Yes, I’m good, what about you?” “I’m fine, I just wanted to check up on you and make sure you got back on track,” he said softly. “So are you back on track,” he said firmly. “Why do you care Julian? It’s been so long since I last spoke to you. You let seven months go by! I miss you like crazy, I think of you every second.” I was so excited to hear his voice, but I was also very upset. I thought about what I would say to him when we talked again, but the words were lost. “Halo, I want you to come away with me for a bit, I want you to meet some people that are very important to me.” “I can’t right now, I have a whole month and a half of school left,” I said. “I know, I will send for you after you graduate.” “But what about now, I want to see you now. I can’t wait that long Julian. And I thought you were on a mission, what about what you told me that morning in the car?” “I am still on a mission, I just feel bad for leaving you like that, with no answers.” I looked back up to see Tyson heading toward the car and I knew I had to wrap it up. “So you’re finally going to tell me the big secret?” “No, I’m going to tell you about why we have a connection,” he said. “I have to go; your brother is coming up to my car.” Julian demand I not hang up, so I kept the phone to my ear and rolled down the window for Tyson.
Tyson frowned as he approached my window. “Who’s so important that you feel
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