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Book online «Werewolf Academy by Lollie Ermas (novels to read .txt) 📖». Author Lollie Ermas

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actually so serious around J,K,T and J I took it way easier on them than on the other pack members when we arrived at school everyone was looking at Jake's car he got out walked over to my side and opened the door for me I got out then Kyle got out too and now all the eyes were on us! 


Jake and Kyle smirked guess they like the attention I was too busy looking around at this amazingly big building I didn't realize Tyrone and Jackson were already at our side 


I walked in the middle Jake on my right, Kyle on my left and Ty & Jackson behind me as we were walking the eyes never left us I heard a lot of comments such as 'wow what is she doing here' 'maybe she's looking for her mate' (HELL NO) I heard some guys call me beautiful and some girls saying they not going to mess with me while others say they hope I don't take over 'their' school


 Some people smiled widely at me and others bowed their head in respect I like that I like being respected I walked into the school through the halls and the eyes were again on us ugh tomorrow will be better I guess 


The boys walked me over to the front desk to get my schedule there was a lady sitting there I cleared my throat and she looked up 

"Hello what can I do for you?" She asked and smiled

"Hey I'm new here and need a schedule" I said and smiled back

"No problem sweetheart what's your name" she asked

"Madison White" when I mentioned my name she smiled brighter 

"Oh my the alpha your father called in yesterday let me get you your schedule" she stood up and walked to the back about 3 minutes later she came out and handed me my schedule for the day I smiled 

"Thank you" 

"No problem dear phone you have a. Nice day" I nodded and walked with the boys Kyle asked to see my schedule 

"With me" "with me" "not with me" "with me" he said I took it and looked at it 








I sighed well at least there's only 4 classes and then practice  

"History is this way" Kyle said leading the way I walked with him down to history and Tyrone,Jake and Jackson walked the other way to their classes I looked at Kyle and she was looking at this one blonde girl but with a disgusted look 


she walked up to us and Kyle took my hand before I could push him away he mind-linked me 

'Please just go with it' I sighed and held his hand 

"Heey Kyle" the blonde said looking at kyle then at me

"Hello Amber" he replied 

"Who is this Amber asked pointing to me"

"She's a nightmare" Kyle said I elbowed him

"Ohh okay well is she your mate" 

"No" I said

"Yes" Kyle said giving me a go-the-fuck-along-with-it I smiled and said

"Yeah we are" 

She didn't look happy with that she looked at us rolled her eyes and walked away 

"What was that all about" I asked him walking again

"Well she's my ex" he said 

"Then why did you do that" I asked confused

"She wants me back" he said okay now I was confused why would he want her to think he has a mate if she wants him back 

"Ugh then why the hell-" I was busy speaking then he interrupted me

"We broke up for a reason Madz" and he looked kind of 'sad'?

"What's the reason?" I asked curious

"You really want to know" he asked with a sigh

"Yeaah!" I said in a 'duh' tone

"Well I actually liked her really we went out for two years then she slept with my best friend and almost with my brother so here's the class let's go in" he said I stopped him before entering

"The fuck? She cheated on you with your best friend the bitch! You should've told me I would've kissed you in front of her" his eyes grew wider and he smirked 

"You would've kissed me??" He asked

"Well yeah just to show the bitch you moved on and don't need her" then I opened the classroom and everyone eyes were on me once again UGH! 


I walked to the teacher

"Hey" I said to him

"Hello you must be the new girl" he said smiling 

"Yeah" I sighed 

"Don't look so down princess introduce yourself to the class tell us a little bit about yourself and what brings you here" 

I looked at Kyle and he started to laugh

The teacher also looked at him

"Kyle Is there a problem" he looked up pulled his face straight a bit trying nort to laugh again

"No sir its just Madison .. Well Madison is Madison and she'll always be Madison and Madison doesn't like to be put on the spot so I don't know if she'll like the whole idea of speaking to everyone here oh and the reason why she is here is also funny" he said and looked at us

"Okay well I'm gonna go take a seat I'll love to hear what you have to say Madz" he said and walked to the back of the class and took a seat there I looked at everyone and all the eyes were on me UGH I HATE it but here goes nothing

"I'm Madison White from the Moon Shield pack my father is Alpha Alexander I'm here because I got expelled from my old school after calling the teacher out for disrespecting me I WILL not be disrespected I have nothing else to say. Thank you" I looked at everyone and they were smiling the teacher walked up to me

"Don't worry Madison here we respect our alphas" he said and smiled at me 

"You can take a seat where ever you want I looked around and the guys were trying to push the people next to them off their chair so I can sit there I just laughed at their silliness and went to go take a chair next to a guy at the back he has dark brown hair and blue eyes really cute 


"Hey can I sit here" I asked 

"Yes of course" he said I smiled and sit down 

"Hey do you remember me?" The guy asked

" should I?" I asked shrugging

"I'm Kai McLeod son of Jim alpha of the moon shred pack" oohh now I remember him we were like 11 when I last saw him my family invited his family to dinner

"Oh sorry looong time to see" I said and smiled at him he took my hand and shook it I giggled he because my hand was on my lap he just took mine in his and shook it cute..silly but cute

"So how does it feel to be almost alpha" I asked him he smiled brightly

"I'm not going to be alpha" I was confused why not though?

"Why not?" I asked confused

"Because I have a older brother he goes to some of the college classes here and he is alpha already I'm 17 only turning 18 this year and he is already 18" he said and smiled damn now I feel bad for him I have him my best smile

"Okayy.. Sorry!" I said

"No need to apologise you didn't know" he said and smirked

"Oh and may I say you are really beautiful" he said and looked down wow that was so sweet I can't almost ALMOST feel a blush coming on

"Awh thank you!, you not too bad yourself" I said and winked at him the teacher cleared his throat to get our attention we quickly turned to him and he carried on his lesson 

First period went by quickly the bell rang and people started getting up and to walk out 

"What is your next class?" Kai asked

"Math" I said 

"Ugh I have science but can walk you to your class? ... if you don't mind"

"Its okay bro I have math with her we'll walk together" Kyle said from behind me

"Oh well okay it was nice seeing you again Madison I'll talk to you later" he said smiled, nodded at Kyle and walked away

"Ready?" Kyle asked

"Ready!" I replied we got up and he once again held my hand seriously everyone is going to think we're a couple or even worse he's my mate


We walked down the hall to the next class and everyone looked at us again holding hands I heard some people say 'they make a cute couple' 'are they dating?' 'Kyle is settled down?' 'Damn she just came today and already have her mate' 'lucky dude' 'lucky girl' and crap like that Kyle has a huge smirk on his face because he heard them too 


Chapter 6: In trouble??

when we arrived at math it was the same thing again everyone looking, an introduction and a boring lesson at least in this class was Tyrone and Kyle when the bell rang I walked up to Kyle

"Ugh I have art now ALONE" I cried Tyrone laughed 

"Let's just ship this lesson I btw have spanish now" Ty said

"Okay!" Kyle said and smiled the both looked at me for my answer of well what the heck

"Yeah let's do it!" I said YOLO right, right? no? Okay! 

We walked out of class and started walking at 'science' Tyrone said there is a exit at the back there where we can go out we walked at fast but calm as we could when we reached the exit Kyle looked back and nobody was there we quickly ran out and I followed them to pavilion we sat there and just talked 

"I'm kind of hungry" I complained

"I got you girl" Kyle said and handed me a cheese sandwich but I swear its like 3 weeks old I smelled it and yup it smelled 3 weeks old 

"Ugh euw it smelled horrible Kyle how long-" I was busy asking but he interrupted 

"Not that long only 4 days" he said and shrugged 


"Gross and you want me to eat it?" I asked disgusted 

"Well you said you hungry" he smirked

"Not that hungry bro" I asked and Tyrone grabbed the sandwich 

"Gross you are a monster Kyle!" Tyrone said and threw the sandwich 

"Ouch!" We heard a girls voice 

We looked down and there a girl with dark brown hair with purple highlight stood looking at the sandwich on the floor

Kyle and Tyrone laughed hard I just giggled a bit

"Sorry" Tyrone said 

The girl just looked at us and went back to reading

"Hey girl are you skipping class?" Kyle asked she looked up and smiled shyly 

"Yeeaah" she said 

I smiled at her 

"Do you know how bad it is to skip class you bad dog! You won't know what's happening in class now what are you going to do when they ask you a pop quiz about the lesson you are missing" Kyle said sarcastically as if we're not doing the exact same thing now the girl giggled

"Mmm yeah whatever!" She said and rolled her eyes

"Come sit with us" Tyrone suggested 

She thought it over for a moment then walked up the pavilion to come sit with us

"Hey I'm Cassidy" she introduced herself

"Madison" I said and shook her hand 

"Wow you have a lot of power are you a beta or something" she asked I smiled

"Nah I'm alpha" she looked at me with wide eyes and smiled brightly

"That is great!" She pushed Tyrone to the side and sat next to me

"HEY!" Tyrone said she just smiled at him and there the 2 of us became friends she

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