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Book online «The King's Crown by Gavin Johnson (reading fiction .TXT) 📖». Author Gavin Johnson

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gold, there was three “spikes” on it. Each, was perfectly pointed, and at the same distance of each other and height wise. There was three shiny, velvet diamonds planted in it. With a red rim running across it, it was a true master piece. Alas, here it was, laying on the floor, with shards of glass, and wooden debris.

They went in for a closer look, That’s when John walked up, and bent down to pick up the crown. He had just a split second to feel the cold golden crown, when the man clad in black bursted through the only full wall of the building. Then barked, “I wouldn’t touch that if I were you.”

John did as he was told and then drew his sword, falling into a defense stance. The man clad in black walked casually up to the crown, and picked it up. John charged, The man clad in black dropped the crown, and then in a flash, drew his twin swords. John swung, but the man clad in black, merely blocked with a flick of the wrist, and shoved hard into John. He was sent flying into the wall opposite of the man clad in black.

Jack, stared in amazement at John’s crumpled body, and the powerful man beast that stood just a few feet away from them. The man clad in black stared into their eyes, a menacing, cold stare, that made a freezing shiver prickle down each of their spines.

“Good, we all know who’s in charge here,” The man clad in black said, smiling. Jack unlatched his hammer from his belt. He slid it in his hand. The man clad in black saw this, and a smile crossed his lips, or, it seemed it was a smile, Isabella couldn’t tell through his dark head covering. The man clad in black dropped the crown, and drew his swords once again. Jack dragged the hammer behind him. He was just inches away from the man clad in black, when, with lightning speed, used the handle of his sword, to stun Jack. Then, the man clad in black used both handles to shove Jack back.

“What are you?” Isabella murmured. “I, am no one special, I am just a regular person, I am Og,” the man clad in black answered. Og walked up to the crown, and finally picked it up. “Hmm......” Og said, observing the boys struggling up, and the as frozen as ice cubes girls. “You four are pretty much doomed here, but, just to make sure.” Og threw his swords in a circular pattern. The swords cut through the chipped away pillars. By the time the swords returned to his hands, all four pillars were destroyed, and chunks of ceiling coming down.

Og then said, “See y’all in hell!” Then, he disappeared through the hole he made, but before they could follow him, ceiling chunks collapsed, blocking yet another glorious exit. “Those pillars were the only thing keeping the building standing ,” Isabella thought nervously. “C’mon, to the doorway!” John shouted. They rushed towards the frame, John in front, slashing at debris getting in their way. They just got out of the devastation when the building finally fell. Isabella sat down, trying to clear her head. Everything was happening so fast. “I can’t believe this,” Jack said, out of breath. “We just gotta get out of here.”

“Yeah, but how? We got no way out! We are pretty much stuck here, thanks to John!” Isabella said, glaring at John. “Me? What are you talking about girl?” John asked, confused, and a teeny bit offended. “You were the one who talked us into this!” “Hey! you didn’t say anything about this being a bad idea, so don’t pin point this on me!” “Guys?” someone’s voice said softly. The two were too steamed to hear this, so they kept on arguing. Claire walked up to Isabella, and tugged at her torn sleeve. Isabella turned sharply at her.

“What?” Isabella said, a bit meaner than she had intended on. Claire seemed hurt but quickly recovered from it. “Well, I saw this building, maybe we can climb it.” Claire suggested. “Wait, where is this building?” John asked, a little more demanding than questioning. Claire pointed to the direction where the building, it was head of them, and if you stood directly a it, it would be on your left.

“Wait to go Claire!” Isabella exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air. John winked at her, making her blush. They made their way to the building, to find it unfortunately, it was blocked out due to the debris piled up. They could take all of it down, but that would take days, and Isabella was becoming very hungry.

Wait! Look! These crevices are deep enough to place a footing, hope you all can climb, because we are gonna get out after all! John said, proudly. “Uh, can’t we take a quicker, safer way out of here?” Isabella gulped. “Well, let’s see, The city wall is to thick for a sword, can’t be penetrated by one hammer, and there are no taller buildings in the city,” John said. Climbing this building is the only way out. Claire went first, then Jack, next was Isabella, and finally, John.

Halfway up, Claire lost her footing and fell, luckily, Jack shot his hand up, to catch Claire just in time. When Claire regained, she slowly looked down at Jack, and a weak smile sprawled on her lips. That was the second time today Jack had saved her. Claire got up to the roof, and began to shake, the roof began to shake, under such little pressure. “Okay, okay, no one else come up,” Claire warned. “It can barley hold me!” “Alright, we got up here, but now what? We can’t jump down!” “Um,” Isabella scoped around, then, they fell onto a tree. “We can jump on that tree, and slide down, go ahead Claire!” Isabella said. Claire looked down doubtingly. “Great, Claire is gonna get a broken neck and we’ll be stuck here forever!” John said sarcastically.

Isabella flashed John a look that said: Shush, don’t scare her! Claire started sweating, and her heart started to pound heavily. She took a deep, long breath, and let it out slowly. Then got a running start, jumped, and landed hard on a thick branch. Next, Claire wrapped around the trunk and slowly slid down. Next Jack went, then Isabella, and finally, John. “Hey! Check out this!” John calls. The kids found John kneeling down to a pair of enlarged footprints. “What is that?” Isabella asked, scratching her head. “Apparently footprints by the looks of it! And I know whose it is! Og’s horse’s. Only his footprints are this huge!” John said. “I didn’t know Og had a horsey.” Claire said quietly, almost in a whisper. “Well, he does! Plus it looks like it leaves these light dust trail, so we can follow it!” John answers.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait! Why would we even follow, I say we just hightail it outta here! We shouldn’t get involved!” Jack said sternly. “Well, you shoulda said that a couple of minutes ago! Cuz were involved!” John shouts back. No, I’m not! Jack shot back. “C’mon Jack! I’m doing this! Plus, don’t you want to get the guy who trapped you into an abandoned village?” Isabella says, putting on a face that says ‘please Jack, for me?‘ Jack grumbles a ‘fine’ and agrees. “Good, so we all in?” John asks. They all agree. “Good, hands in team,” John orders. They put their hands in and look at each other, and gave each other a smile. Then threw their and shouted, “LET’S DO THIS!” Then, they finally started to follow the trail,
beginning the journey of a lifetime!
Chapter 7

The kid’s came across a town, this one with villagers. They walked right in and checked into a motel, this motel was more of a, bargaining kind of motel, for the right amount of gold coins, they gave their service to anyone without question. After forking over the gold, the children made their selves at home. Hours later, Claire lay awake in her scratchy cot. She breathed heavily, thinking about her life, her father, mother, sister, and now, her new “friends,” or so she thought of them as friends, and how they have been more of a family than her actual family. Even though she had only known them a few hours, compared to her family, whom she had known her whole life.

She then remembered how she had thought of Isabella, but how she reacted, when she was almost about to be crushed under tons of debris. She decided to apologize, Claire threw off the uncomfortable covers, and sat up. She steadily put a foot down, and winced when the wooden floor made a slight creeeeeaaak! Claire put the other foot down, more carefully this time. She tiptoed toward Isabella and when she got there, she shook her awake. Isabella opened one eye slowly, then closed it, and then opened both. “What’s up Claire?” Isabella yawned. I...I just want to say I’m sorry, I was wrong about you, and I’m sorry. There, she felt like a ton of dragons were lifted off her shoulders, so she crept back into bed.

Isabella closed her eyes. But then snapped her eyes open. She turned, looking at Claire, who was already beginning to drift off to sleep. What did she mean by ‘I was wrong about you?’ Isabella pondered some more, then tried to fall back asleep, unfortunately for her, sleep would come hours later.

In the morning, when Isabella just fell asleep, She was shook awake yet again. Isabella struggled up, and went downstairs, still feeling very groggy, after the breakfast bouquet, the children went to the market to buy food, sleeping bags, shoes for Isabella and two powerful, young horses. They left the gate to pick up the surprisingly fresh “Og trail.” There was nothing to do, so Claire just stared down at the rocky ground, which was covered in Og’s horse’s snow white trail dust. Eventually, the trail led to a cave, which had an enormous opening.

It looked like it was carved by something, it did not look natural. This sent

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