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Book online «Toxic by K.B. Torres (little red riding hood ebook free .TXT) 📖». Author K.B. Torres

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appreciate the offer, but what I've heard about you is not so good. I'd rather not befriend anyone like what I was told about you. So it would be better if I ignored you and you ignored me. Kay?" Her voice tinged with annoyance at me.
I was about to reply, but Juliet walked up, late as usual. She glared at Anastasia, obviously in a horrid mood.
"Excuse me, that's my seat." she snapped in a poisonous tone. Juliet was like any other girl. She was a cherry red head just like Anastasia, but Juliet's looked dyed, while Anastasia's hair looked...somehow natural. Juliet had eyes the same color as the sky. I remember when she kept her hair true: straight and hay blonde. Now she felt distant to me. Alien.
"And you're point is?" Anastasia snapped, rolling her eyes. Anastasia seemed as if Juliet bored her, and this sort of thing happened often. Huh. She's pretty good at masking features. I could sense the tension and fear around Anastasia, though her poker face was on.
"THAT'S MY GOD DAMN SEAT!" Juliet yelled, somehow not being caught by the teacher.
Anastasia stood up, revealing how much taller she was than petite Jules.
"Why should I be scared of a bitch like you?" Anastasia said in a sweet tone.
Someone in front of us called out, "Cat fight!"
Many of the boys and girls watched, horrified. They thought Juliet was going to kick Anastasia's ass.
Juliet's jaw dropped. No one, and I repeat, no one, dared defy Juliet. She may be a slut, but she was a bully who could kick anyone's ass out the door while putting on lipstick.
"Jules, drop it." I growled.
"Whose side are you on?" Juliet asked, her tone whiny yet somehow poisonous. THAT is something only Juliet can manage. In all my years, Juliet has been the best at combining two opposing tones. Poison whine. Ha.
I shrugged and pointed at Anastasia nonchalantly. I leaned back on my chair, placing my feet on the table.
"Just sit in that seat. They actually moved you next to Anastasia." I said.
Kinda late for that.
She sighed, defeated, and they both sat down. I've never seen Juliet scared. She was the bad ass girl around here. Or used to be. When the bell rang, everyone made way for Anastasia, backing up against their table. I found myself trailing her like a puppy dog. When she met up with Lydon, I could only stare.
"Hey, girl. I heard what you did." Lydon said.
"I told that bitch off. She's not scary."
"Girl, you don't understand. Our school is set up like a pack. Juliet was the alpha. Once you beat the alpha, you become the alpha. You're the bad ass chick now."
"What would that make her?"
Lydon saw me and smirked.
"Looks like you have a follower. Juliet must have got burned since her own brother decided to side against her."
Anastasia turned around and glared in my direction. It was then I noticed, Anastasia's eyes are like mood eyes. They stay the beautiful yellow I adored when she was happy, neutral, or bored. Anything of sadness, anger, or nervousness turned her eyes red. Right now they were red. She was pissed off at me.
"Was there a reason for you following me, or were you just staring at my ass?" She growled.
Everyone in the hall turned and stared at me, a poisonous look in their eye. Most kids tend to be compliant, not defiant when it comes to the alpha. Anastasia crossed her arms, her glare literally made me feel as if I was slapped.
Why was I following her anyways?
"W-we have the next class together. I-I thought I'd show you the way, but you stopped to talk to Lydon." I lied, gesturing as I lied.
Well, actually it was a partial lie. We did have the next class together, but I didn't mean to show her the way.
"Thanks, but no thanks." She just turned and walked off with Lydon, her converse boots clicking on the white linoleum floor.
That's it, I'm pathetic. I really feel like that stupid vampire guy from that lame twilight movie.


Alpha, huh? I like it. No one had messed with me, except for Emmanuel and Juliet. I walked in the identical classroom and sat down next to Lydon. I was doodling on a folder when someone sat next to me. I figured it was Gabbe so I looked up. Wrong. It was Emmanuel.
I glared, a lethal look glinting in my eyes.
"What? It was the last seat." he said, shrugging.
I looked around, to see if he was lying. Every other seat was taken. Gabbe was stuck in what Lydon whispered to me, the dazzle row. It may sound exciting, but in reality, it's the front row of desks, and the people who sit there are constantly called on for answers to sociology. One day, and I already now where to sit without having to pay full attention.
"Just don't talk to me. I've had enough of you."
I looked down to my picture. It was an owl and a raven. They were perched on an arm, glaring at each other.
"That’s a good drawing." I jumped, seeing the boy who greeted Emmanuel earlier looking over my shoulder, the scent of cologne strong on him.
"Luke, what do you want?" Emmanuel asked, looking up.
Emmanuel sounded annoyed and protective over me. Weird. I don't even know him. Why would he be protective over me? Luke ignored Emmanuel completely. Luke was like a mirror image of Emmanuel, though Luke's eyes were the color of the sky, not icy blue, and his hair was more of a brunette than a jet black. Luke slipped a folded piece of paper into my hand under the table, squeezing my hand.
"Call me." Luke whispered before he disappeared.
Emmanuel looked at me as I slipped the paper in my pocket. He seemed tense. Why? It’s not like he actually thought I liked him, or Luke. I wasn't looking for a boyfriend. I simply saw no need for one.


Luke actually did it. He gave her his number. How could he? I wasn't going to let him mess with her. It will not be allowed. Wait...What? Why did I care? I am getting too protective of a girl that hates me. Oh well, better she hates me than makes the bad decision.

After the bell rang, I went straight to lunch. When I saw Anastasia sitting alone, I almost sat with her. What was I doing? No, go talk to Luke. And that's exactly what I did.
I pulled Luke aside, taking him into the abandoned hallway.
"Hey, Luke." I said.
"What, Emmanuel." He snapped.
"Why did you give Anastasia your number?" I asked.
"Dude, ya know she don't smell right. She smells Demonicish. It's obvious she's one of the wolves slaves, or a warlock's child who ingested demon blood. She's a spy, I can feel it in my blood. I thought it would be better to be sure she can be trusted. If not, we kill her." Luke said, a devilish grin on his face.
Why was Luke so hung up on killing pretty girls. Maybe because you could do whatever you want to the body, and they can't stop you? I shuddered at the thought.
"Luke, you can't just go and kill girls who smell like a demon. Hell, the girls we sleep with smell like a demon afterwards. Maybe she slept with a vampire and forgot about it. Don't think about killing that girl." I said.
"Aww..." Luke whined.
"Luke," my voice was firm.
"Thank you." I said, just before the bell rang.
I hope I got through to Luke. I can only hope.


After lunch I met back up with Lydon and Gabbe. Drama and Psychology passed by quickly. Guess what, I had my last class with Miss Omega, Juliet. Gabbe came running up.
"Ohmigodyouandjuliethowcouldyou?" Gabbe said fast, the words slurring to one giant word.
"Well, I’m too bad ass for her."
I put a haughty look on my face.
Juliet called loudly, "Hey look, Alpha has wittle puppies! Cute."
Her friends laughed. I swear this girl was very close to losing her nose. I did nothing at the beginning, but now she has become my enemy. This girl needs to grow a brain to put a message through it. Don't make an enemy out of rich people.
"Jules, how does it feel to have your own brother side against you for someone with better looks?" I asked, smirking.
Juliet angrily turned red, almost matching her poorly dyed-red hair. She got up, scooting her chair backwards, and stalked up to me. I saw what she was doing before it happened. She swung at me, but I had already ducked behind her, placing her in an arm lock. She shook me off and punched me in the face, harder than I thought possible. Thinking I had broken my nose, I held my nose, and pushed her. She made a face as if I had shocked her and doubled over. I ran out of the room, not taking the chance of looking.
I hate this school. I hate Juliet. I kept on running until two arms wrapped around my waist. I looked up to see Luke, affection in his eyes. Scratch that, fake affection. More like spread your legs so I can make love to you then dump you

"What's wrong Princess?" he asked.
"Nothing. Let me go!" I shrieked.
"Tell me."
He pinned me against the wall, caging me in with his arms. His body was close to mine. Too close. His waist fit against mine. I swear, he was positioned to grope me against the wall, if he had the chance. THAT'S how close his groin and my crotch were. Didn't this count as molesting?
"Why are you gripping your nose? Did something happen?"
"I got punched by an angry slut. I think it might be infected."
Luke laughed.
"Nothing. I've never met anyone like you. Here, let me check."
Luke pried my hands from my nose.
"It looks fine to me."
"Well, I better leave, school is getting out any minute." I said, trying to duck out from his "cage".
The bell rang and I grinned.
"Bye Princess." Luke said, kissing my cheek.
He walked away. Princess? Oh, well. I frowned, walking back to Gabbe and Lydon.
"Are you okay?" Lydon asked, handing me my backpack.
"Was that you and Luke?" Gabbe asked.
"Unfortunately yes."
"Hoping for someone else? Emmanuel perhaps?" Gabbe joked.
"Hell no!"
"What did you do to Juliet? I saw you push her and she doubled over as if she had been shocked and shot at the same time." Lydon asked.
I shrugged, walking to my black Mustang Knight Rider. Many kids were looking at my Mustang, envy in their eyes, and I grinned when they saw me with the keys.


Just my luck. Juliet came home injured, and I was stuck dealing with her. She complained that her day clothes were too uncomfortable, but she couldn't dress herself, and there was no way I was helping her. An hour later, she rested on our leather couch, on a heating pad. She covered herself with a blanket, more for show than for actual use.
"What happened, Jules?" I asked.
"That new girl, Anastasia, She pushed me or something. It felt as if I had been repeatedly shot and shocked. Do you think she's a...a...Lycan, Emmanuel?" Juliet replied, coughing at the last part.
"Nah, she can't be."
Or else I would have hated her instead of falling head over heels for her, like I never do for a mundie.

"It's not like I didn't punch her in the

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