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Book online «Toxic by K.B. Torres (little red riding hood ebook free .TXT) 📖». Author K.B. Torres

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the only one who noticed the name of the poem and the name of the person this poem is about?" Juliet asked, grabbing the book.
"Yeah." Luke said.
"The title is Anastasia.

Under the poem it says what this poem is about. It says: This poem, found in ancient Greece talks about a daughter of Olympia and Tartarus, who was raised by a human female and male couple, was the first triple race Olympian. She was hidden, and almost never recognized until recently. She was said to be named Anastasía Stríngla-Nyx Nkri, roughly translated to Anastasia Vixen-Nyx Gray." Juliet said.
Anastasia went pale.
"What?" I asked.
"That's my full name: Anastasia Vixen-Nyx Gray. When was this printed?" She asked.
Juliet flipped through the yellow-cream pages with such a speed that would blind a human.
"Last year." Juliet said finally, peering at the copyright date.
"Shit." I said.
"What?" Anastasia asked.
"Angels and Demons are making themselves known. You're the first living goddess noted since Olympia." I answered.
"Is it possible Aphrodite and Zeus and all of them still live?" Anastasia asked.
"It's very possible. But when the past resurfaces, bad things happen. Bad things that change people." Juliet answered.
"You guys, this sounds stupid. I doubt anything will happen. You're scaring her, see." Luke said, pointing at Anastasia.
She was pale and rigid, her eyes darting around.
"Honey, forget we said anything about that. Do you have any questions?" Juliet said.


"So, I'm going to be stuck here?" I asked, after being told the consequences of my situation. And a few other things.
They nodded.
"Girl-" Juliet said.
"I have a name, it's Anastasia. Stop calling me Girl." I hissed
"Forgot to mention that to her. Sorry, Princess." Luke joked.
"I am going to kill you while you sleep." I said innocently, as if stating a fact.
Luke went quiet, but still stared at me.
"So," Juliet went on, "Anastasia. You understand that since we don't have enough room in this house, you will be sharing a room with me."
"I would rather die." I said
"That can be arranged." Luke growled.
"Why can't we just stay at my place? I mean, my parents don't live with me, and they won't visit for another 2 years, I only have butlers and maids there. They don't question anything I do. I mean, I live in a fucking mansion-like hotel." I said.
"I-I guess, where is your house?" Juliet asked.
"The big gray one with the balcony." I said.
Emmanuel cringed.
"You mean the one...So THAT'S where you disappear to every night, Emmanuel." Luke smirked.
"N-no! It's the only place where Lycans, Warlocks, and other Vamps stay away from. You know that we can't leave at night, which is torture, since we ARE vampires." Emmanuel yelled.
"Oh well, I guess all of you need to pack." Juliet said, dismissing the subject.
I decided to accompany Emmanuel while he packed.

I sat on Emmanuel's bed while he packed.
"Emmanuel?" I asked.
"Why is Luke so weird?" I asked honestly.
Emmanuel laughed.


As we reached Anastasia's house, Luke and Juliet's jaw dropped. What did they expect? A townhouse? Oh well. Anastasia got out and climbed up her balcony.
"Come on, There's more rooms that connect to the balcony!" She called down.
I was the first to climb up, so, I got first pick at the empty rooms. I picked the one at the end of the row of rooms, next to Staz's room. I went in and unpacked my backpack things.
I heard Jules call from Staz’s room, "Whoa, birds!"
I went over to Staz's room.
Juliet was gawking at all the taxidermy in Staz's room.
"Leave," I said.
She left, leaving me with Staz.
"So...Are you going to leave?" Staz asked.
"I uh...I guess."
Before I left, I kissed Staz on the cheek.
She flushed a bright red, so bright, I saw it went down to her breast area through her shirt.
I flushed lightly, embarrassed to be looking there.
"Wait." she said, catching my wrist before I could run out.
"What?" I asked.
"Stay." She insisted.
"But, I'm tired." I said.
Pathetic, Pathetic me.
"Sleep here. With me." She said, giving me THE LOOK.
I shrugged.
"Guess I will." I mumbled, grinning.
I took off my shirt and pants and climbed in bed with her.


I regret letting Emmanuel sleep in bed with me. Huge mistake, even if we hadn't of touched, once. Luke knew, since Jules woke everyone up, and Emmanuel was still in bed with me. I kept my head down, and hadn't talked much.
Luke had snickered and said, "Figures. Probably why Emmanuel left to come here every night. I swear when I heard a cat wailing last night, I just thought it was being a stupid animal. Now I realize, it was probably you, Anastasia."
I ended up punching him, making him double over and cough up blood. This time, I didn't feel guilty.
Juliet laughed, her laughter making her seem childish.
She recovered quickly.
"You deserved that one, Luke." She said.
"Shut up." He had growled.
"Hey, Mr.Yourworstnightmare, Shut the hell up!" I growled.
Everyone except Luke laughed at that. We all departed, Only Emmanuel riding with me. When we drove up, I was tackled by two worried friends.
"What happened to you?!" Gabbe asked.
Emmanuel got out of the passenger seat.
"Oh...No, Anastasia, you didn't!" Lydon exclaimed.
Gabbe had some guts.
She backed Emmanuel up against my car and growled, "Boy, you went too far messing with my girl." Gabbe pointed at me. "If I hear you touched her at all-"
"Gabbe, its fine. Nothing happened. I was giving him a ride." I reassured, pulling her away from Emmanuel.
Emmanuel went over to me.
Emmanuel ruined my sort of lie.
"I guess your friends will gut me if I stick around. Juliet wanted to talk to you. Bye." He said, before kissing my cheek.
Emmanuel walked off,hands in his back pockets, ignoring the shocked stares from everyone.
"What just happened? Are you really going to talk to Juliet, AKA the offspring of Lucifer?!" Gabbe asked, confused, and angry, and shocked at the same time.
"She can't hate me. She's too scared of me." I said, shrugging, trying to hide my grin with my hooded jacket.

I walked up to Juliet.
"Hey, Anastasia. I need to talk to you." Juliet said as I neared.
She looks tired, and happier.
I compared the Juliet I had now to the old Juliet.
She was nicer, not hanging out with her stupid friends, and she had a happier glint in her eye. She also looked more alive, her skin tanner than I remembered. Was being her friend affecting her?
"Yeah, Emmanuel told me." I said nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders.
"Great. Hey, look. I'm sorry about the other day. I thought you were some stupid mundie. Truce?" Juliet asked, holding her manicured hand out.
"Truce." I said, taking her hand.
"Hey, I heard there is this new boy coming in our afternoon class. Wanna mess with him?" Jules said, a mischievous look on her made-up face.
I nodded.
I really needed to act like an Alpha.


Maybe I shouldn't have kissed her in public. I mean, her best friends think I will violate her at any moment. Over a desk. In front of everyone.
Oh well, Just ignore the stares, Emmanuel. Without looking, I bumped into another kid. The kid slipped and fell on the wettened linoleum floor, dropping his backpack ungracefully.
"Sorry." I said, trying to help the boy up.
"No problem. Is there any chance you have math for your first class? With Mrs. Black?" The boy asked, looking nervous.
The kid was a tall skinny boy with nearly white blonde hair and eyes as black as ebony. He looked like an okay guy.
I hated him instantly.
Not a good sign.
"I do. I'm Emmanuel. Emmanuel Stone." I said, putting my hand out to shake his.
"I'm new. Damien Griffith." Damien said, shaking my hand.
"Well, we should go, the bell will ring any second." I said. Immediately, the bell rang. I lead the kid to Mrs. Black's class, and then departed with the kid.
Just being around him made me want to punch him, or something else.
I took a deep breath and calmed myself before getting close to Anastasia.
I didn't want to be in a pissy mood in front of Anastasia.
I sat down in a desk next to Anastasia. Of course, Math class reeked of chemicals and hormones, but no one seemed to give a damn. The classrooms felt like prison.
And will always be that way to me.
Anastasia passed me a note before class started.

It said.
I grabbed a pencil and quickly scrawled back, LeT THeM COMe TeLL THeM A LIe LIKe, I DONT KNOW MY 'FAMILY' LOST OUR HOMe AND YOU ARe LeTTING US STAY THeRe BeST THING I CAN THINK OF.

I passed it back to her. She grinned. Something went flying through the air and hit Anastasia in the head. "Ow!" She exclaimed. She picked up something, and Eraser with a note paper clipped to it.


I opened up the note.
H3y... 1’m n3w and 1 was wond3ring 1f you uh...want3d to go out som3 t1m3. 1 s1t b3h1nd you 1n Math.
-Dam13n Gr1ff1th.

I tapped Emmanuel on the shoulder and whispered in Fidele, "Hey, what should I say to the new guy? I'm not looking for someone to date? or something else?"
Emmanuel whispered back in Fidele, "Tell him... that you're dating me. He should know not to mess with you then."
I scrawled on the peice of paper,
I hAVE A bOyFRIeND. DON't bELIeVe Me? ASK Me AFteR MAth.

I turned around and saw a boy looking at me with ebony eyes. I pointed to the note and he nodded. I smiled weakly as I handed the note to him. I didn't want to see his reaction when he read the note, so I turned back to the teacher quickly, tossing my hair as she went on about algebra.

An Hour later, the bell rang and we were dismissed. I forgot about the new kid.
Damien, was it?
I am horrible with names. The maids that take care of me have to wear name tags, or respond to whatever I call them.
I really hope the guy's name was Damien.
Then I wouldn't feel stupid.
I snapped out of my thoughts when the boy with white hair and black eyes came up.
"Hey, Gorgeous." he said, smiling.
"I thought I told you, I have a boyfriend." I said, not too politely.
Damien's happy expression turned icy for a moment.
"If you have a boyfriend, where is he?" Damien asked.
As if on cue, Emmanuel came up, slinging his arm around my shoulder and glaring at Damien.
"Right here." Emmanuel said simply.
"Emmanuel? You're dating this chick?" Damien asked, confused and surprised.
Did Emmanuel know this guy.
There was something off about this Damien kid.
The air just thrummed with mad dog, if that makes sense.
Emmanuel lowered his eyes, skewering Damien in a glare.
"Okay, Damien, stop putting up the act. I know what you are. Lycan." Emmanuel said in Fidele.
Damien paled.
Did he understand Emmanuel?
"Well, leech, I figured she deserved better than you. I mean, you probably hurt her just by touching her." Damien growled in Fidele.
Someone growled.
I turned around to see a boy like Damien, stalking up to us.
"Both of you drop it. What are you fighting about?" The boy asked.
"Felix. This Girl. She's...She's with a leech." Damien said.

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