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Book online «Toxic by K.B. Torres (little red riding hood ebook free .TXT) 📖». Author K.B. Torres

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"I'm not looking for a boyfriend." I said.
"I can wait." Luke said, his hand tracing the curves of my body.
"I can't stop thinking about anyone else, but you. All I want is you." Luke interrupted.
Something snapped. I hate how Luke makes me feel like some sort of toy he wants to play with, before throwing away. Even if I wanted a boy, I wouldn't want someone like Luke.
"Oh, I beg to differ." Luke said, his eyes no longer blue, now they were the same color as my hair.
When he talked his canines showed, being much longer and sharper than I thought possible.
"What are you?" I asked.
"You're worst nightmare."
I screamed.


Anastasia and Luke had been gone for a good 15 minutes before I started to worry. I followed the scent of Anastasia, but something was wrong. Her blood. I could smell it. I ran to the source of the smell, kicking down the locked door. There, Anastasia was tied to the teacher’s desk, blood running down her neck, staining her naked skin. Luke was smiling down at her. He was positioned to rape her. His teeth were stained with blood. I’m going to kill him.
"I figured out what you were, mundie. So, are you a spy for the Lycans? The warlocks perhaps? I know you're not entirely human, so drop the act. Die in agony, you bitch." Luke hissed.
He looked up to see me.
"Emmanuel, have you come to join me? She is rather delicious." he said.
I wanted to scream no, but my fangs slid out, burying themselves in my lip. Apparently, they had other ideas than me. Anastasia screamed, and I realized she went unconscious. The venom is killing her. I don't know how I did it, but the next thing I knew, Luke was lying unconscious, a broken chair leg sticking out of his chest, not quite at the area of his heart, but close enough to knock him out for a good hour or so. I had untied Anastasia and was looking for her car keys in the pile of her discarded clothes. I found them, slinging Anastasia over my shoulder, covering her with my jacket. I jumped out an open window and ran to her car, protected from view by trees. I need to get her back to my home. Fast. I unlocked the car and put her in the passenger seat. I slammed the door shut and hopped in the driver’s seat, driving home. When I parked, I layed on top of Anastasia, sucking the venom out of her neck. I licked the wound closed, trying oh so hard to not bite her again. Her blood was as sweet, in fact sweeter than her lips, intoxicating, like alcohol to humans. I picked her up, opening the door to my house.


I awoke with my neck throbbing. At first I figured it was all a nightmare, with Luke being a vampire. I bolted up, realizing that I was only in a robe. And not even my robe. I saw Emmanuel first, then I realized Juliet was there too, glaring. I clutched the robe closer to my body, trembling. It HAD been real! Shit.
"Good, you're awake." Emmanuel said.
Emmanuel walked over, and I tried to melt into the couch. He somehow scared me. It was then, that I realized, his icy blue eyes were now like Luke's. Same with Juliet's.
"Don't scare her. I think she knows." Juliet said.
"Don't be silly. Of course she knows. Now what to do?" Emmanuel said.
"Vampires." I hissed, speaking a language I’d never heard before.
Juliet went rigid at my voice. Did she understand me? I barely understood myself?
"How do you know the tongue of Fidele? Tell us. Have you ingested Warlock blood?" She growled, stepping closer to me than Emmanuel.
I glared at her, wishing he would get away from me. As if invisible hands pushed her, Juliet flew backwards. She got up and tackled for me. I screamed, but it sounded more like a screech. Juliet dropped to the ground, covering her ears and trembling.
"Staz, it's okay, we won't hurt you." Emmanuel said inching forward slowly, cautiously, expecting me to attack him.
The closer he got the more relaxed I felt, as if he had an affect on me.
"I think she's part banshee." Juliet said.
"Shut up, leech." I growled.
Juliet trembled.
"What are you then?" Emmanuel asked.
I couldn't find him. It was only then I realized, Emmanuel was sitting next to me.
Memories flooded. I'd list them, but they were only like pictures of someone else, wearing my face. Pictures of me in a thick history book, these vampires studying it.
"You know." I whispered.
"I'm listed in your history. You've seen the pictures." I whispered.
"You can't be. S-she died." Juliet stuttered.
"This isn't my first life. I am what I am, a third angel, a third devil, a third mundie. Anastasia, my name, means girl of the resurrection." I said.
They paled momentarily. I had a feeling they didn't believe me.


"Prove it." I said.
Two simple words that mean a lot. A sexy, thousand-watt smile dawned on her rosy lips. Anastasia's skin grew soft, and I felt her presence getting smaller. I looked over to see a snowy owl in the place of Anastasia. I gasped, I couldn't help it. Just then, the door opened, and Luke came in. Luke was conscious again.
He saw Anastasia, and said, "Who let that bird in here?!"
At that moment, Anastasia turned back, no longer in Juliet's pink silk robe, but now in a half shirt that was ivory white, but not see through and black silk skinny jeans, that were low cut, showing more waist than normal pants. Luke glared. When Anastasia saw Luke, she hissed and clutched onto me, her hands sharp like bird talons.
"You," Luke growled at me, "You brought her here. Give her to me. She's mine!

" Anastasia made a noise, that sounded like a cross between a hiss and a growl.
"Quite interesting I must say, that you think you own me. That, needs to change." Anastasia said, suddenly behind Luke.
With that Luke fell to his knees, blood running down every inch of him. I should have been horrified, but I had never felt so attracted to a girl in the 600 years of my life.
"Not the best day for Luke." I muttered.


Much after I turned into an owl was blurred. The next thing I knew, Luke was on the ground, blood pouring down every inch of his body. I knew it wasn't his blood, it was the blood in him that made him a full-fledged vampire. Once it stopped, Luke looked starving. Luke tried to tackle me, but I was already out of the way. I hissed at Luke, who stopped acting like a fledgeling. I was suddenly next to Emmanuel. My knees buckled and I slid into the darkness. I woke up in a room all black. I was in a bed. Emmanuel was sitting in a chair next to me.
"Thank god, I thought Luke had bit you for a second." He said.
I scrambled out of the covers and lay on the bed. Whose bed was this? Please let it not be Juliet's.
"Don't worry, Luke isn't able to come in here. It's my room." Emmanuel said.
He climbed onto the bed, pinning me under him. He wasn't touching me.
"Do you know what happened?" Emmanuel asked.
Instinct took over and I pulled him down on top of me. His lips found mine and we were kissing. Wait...This taste. My mind went back to earlier today. I had woken up with this taste on my mouth. Emmanuel gasped and pulled himself off of me.
"Someone's coming." He said.
Luke and Juliet came in.
"Ah...She's awake. Emmanuel, did you not think we could sense what you two were doing?" Juliet growled.
"I-I mind, Jules." Emmanuel stuttered.
"Come, get up we need to talk." Juliet said.
After I got out of bed, I was taken down to the kitchen.


I can't believe it. I actually kissed Anastasia. I know, I know, I did kiss her in the infirmary, but that was one sided. I kept on licking my lips as we went down the labyrinth of a hallway to the kitchen.
"I’m guessing you couldn’t help yourself, Emmanuel. After all, every time you had a girl in your room you did way more than that.

" Luke whispered.
I was about to reply when I heard a half-clicking half-hissing noise. It was coming from Anastasia.
"What the hell is your damn problem?! IT DOES NOT MATTER!" Anastasia snapped, her voice getting louder with each word.
Anything glass in the hallway cracked, and instead of the glass falling on the ground, it flew towards Luke. It was to horrifying to think of what Anastasia could do to hurt Luke, but somehow I managed to find my voice.
"Stop! He's joking!" I said, gripping Anastasia on the shoulder so hard, Anastasia flinched. The glass fell to the ground just inches away from Luke.
"Crazy bitch." Luke muttered, disappearing down the hall.
"Jules, why didn't you stop her?" I growled.
"Two reasons. First, I wanted to test her bravery, if she could do it. She could be a good warrior. Second, she doesn't seem to like anyone but you." Juliet said, stepping around the broken glass.
"Let me see, why I would hate everyone in this house except Emmanuel. Let’s see, you punched me in the nose on the first day of school, Luke, well, He tried to murder me. Now do you understand?" I said to Juliet.
We were there by then. The kitchen always seemed foreign and homey at the same time. The walls of the kitchen were originally painted purple, but now it was a yellow color. We had everything a normal kitchen would have. A refrigerator, stove, microwave, toaster, you can name it, and we have it. Our table was big enough to fit 6 people, leaving one extra chair when we all sat down.
"So, since you know what we are and you're technically part human, you have to abide by the rules. Where do we start..." Luke said, trailing off.
"You'll be stuck here with us." Juliet said.
"Also, you can't let ANYONE, know who or where we live, or we'll have to break your neck." Luke said. "Also, you have to listen to us NO MATTER WHAT."
Luke grinned.
"Does that mean Luke can order me to have sex with him?" She asked.
I pondered this with Juliet.
"Sometimes." Juliet said.
"WHAT?! NO!" I yelled.
Juliet and Luke looked at me as if I was crazy.
"We do have a few things to discuss with you," Luke said.
I pulled out a fat, brown book bookmarked with a red bookmark.
I opened up to a page with a poem.
"Read it, aloud." Luke ordered.
"Roaming the night,
Waiting, Watching.
Intriguing the few males,
they see a goddess.
Dances with danger,
As the hell music becomes seductive and sure.
As Female, is clothed,
As goddess, Skyclad.
At Hell one way,
At Heaven another.
She: wants Mundane, Is Angelic, Will be Demonic.
This shall be the norm.
The Radiance surrounds strong,
pulls her own blood into bed.
This resurrected rose awaits her champions, her lovers, her mates.
In time her little ones shall come to be due." she read.
I was shocked. Her skin glowed with the words, and her clothes seemed to go transparent. Luke looked interested in Anastasia's naked body.
"Interesting." Juliet said.
"What?" She asked.
"Am I

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