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Book online «The Crystal by Jones M (ready to read books .TXT) 📖». Author Jones M

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We may have to go to Eva's castle this very instant," she ordered.

"Yes, your Majesty," the guard replied before quickly scurrying off to carry out the errand.

"Your Majesty, what is going on?" Logan asked. She turned to face him.

"Your friends may be in danger," she answered. Worry pierced through my heart, making me fear for the safety of everyone who went past the mountains.

"I knew I shouldn't have sent them alone on this errand," she stated with a pissed look. "I should have sent guards as spies to deal with this."

"Why do you need many guards to get them?" I asked.

"That's because a thousand or more erwiches reside around Eva's castle," she replied.

Oh crap.

Emery's P.O.V

My eyes were wide as they stared at the woman in front of me in disbelief.

Eva. It was freaking Eva!

My mind replayed the memories that involved her. I had seen her a few times when I was a little child, and that was seconds before my parents grabbed me and took me to Crystalia. She was the woman who killed my father and Erick's. My heart thudded at an unusual pace as a mixture of negative emotions took over my form. 

Knowing what the evil crystal was capable of, I feared for the safety of everyone chained in the chamber.

"Thank you, Tevix," Eva said with a smirk. Tevix replied with the same smirk. "It has been years since I used my powers."

Eva turned to look at everyone around us. I felt the hairs on my skin rise as my form tensed in fear. I felt the erwich's eyes dance across every one of us before quickly focusing on me.

 "Let me test them," she said before stretching out her hand, curling the fingers into a fist. A strong squeezing force surrounded my throat, making it hard for me to breathe. I began choking on empty air, struggling to breathe.

"Leave her alone!" my vision was starting to darken when mother shouted. The hold around my throat instantly disappeared, and I loudly breathed in a gust of air.

Eva turned to face my mom in a quick manner. Then a sinister smile took over.

"I see you've brought me gifts."

"Yes, your Majesty," Tevix answered. "We also brought Prince Erick, and a girl we think you may enjoy killing." Selena's breath hitched when she heard the statement. "But I bet you would be happier when I tell you that the crystal is one of the prisoners."

A happy look overcame Eva's features.

"Now who would that be?" she asked with a look of interest. "No, let me guess," she said while raising a hand to stop Tevix from answering her question. She looked around the room, observing every one of us. Then she came to a stop at me. Her lips turned into an evil smile.

"It's her, isn't it?" Eva asked, earning a nod of confirmation from her minion.

"Emery. That is your name, isn't it?" the evil crystal asked. My lips parted in shock, creeped out that she knew my name.

"Don't open your mouth like that. It is so unladylike," Eva said as an invisible force took hold of my lips before slamming them shut. That did not ease the fear in my gut.

"By the look on your face, I know you are wondering how I know you. You see, I knew who you were immediately after you were born. I tried to take you away, but your damned parents always got in my way," she explained just before a sick smile took over her features.

She glanced at something on her side before quickly focusing on me.

"Did your mother explain to you that your father's death is all your fault?"  

My eyes narrowed at her, angered by the fact that she dared to pin my dad's death on me.

"It couldn't have been my fault. I didn't even know when it was happening!"

"Of course you didn't," Eva snorted. Then an evil smile took over her features again. "But have you ever wondered why I killed your father?"

"Yes. He protected me from you because you wanted to get rid of me!" I replied in a shout.

"Honestly, I did," she replied. "You see, your father was a crystal, and I was sure that getting rid of him would be a piece of cake. But then, you were born. Your father's death meant that you would be chosen as the next crystal, and I did not want that."

I was shocked that Eva knew all of that about me when I was so young.

"Seeing you now, I realize that it was all a waste of time. I mean, you are a crystal, and you're stuck here like a freaking animal! You aren't even strong enough to break those chains!"

Eva walked towards where Selena's mother's body had been, grabbing onto the chains. "And this," she tapped on the chains, making it glow a pale green, "this cannot even hold me!"

Eva let out an evil chuckle.

"But then, I may be wrong. I need to be sure that I can defeat you before I kill everyone else who is in here."

Eva tilted her head to the side, still staring at me.

"I am going to enjoy torturing you, Emery," she said, sending goosebumps all over my skin. "Hmm... what should I do first?" she said while tapping her head with an index finger.

Whatever she was thinking was obviously not good. I closed my eyes, trying to channel my powers, but nothing happened!

"Oh, yes!" Eva suddenly said. With that, the chains that were binding me got loose and I fell down onto the rough ground. I staggered for a moment as my feet stung. I was in the process of turning to face Eva when I was unexpectedly thrown back.

"Emery!" my mother shouted. My back loudly collided with the wall behind me, bruising the skin and probably breaking some bones. My head also hit the wall, causing a mild headache to occur. I even heard an annoying high-pitched ringing in my ears.

I tried to summon a fireball, but it still did not work. Apparently, Eva's powers and Tevix's were the only ones that weren't held back.

Eva did that telekinesis thing that had me choking on air. I clawed at my throat as I desperately looked at my surroundings. Meanwhile, Erick and Selena were struggling against the chains that were holding them back to no avail.

"Leave her alone!" my mother screamed. Somehow, she got herself off the chains that held her, and she was running towards me. The invisible grip on my throat had instantly vanished. 

I was confused at first, but then I noticed Eva smirking at me. It did not take a lot of time for what had happened to click.

She had done it on purpose.

Given the situation that we could not access our powers, it was a bad idea. I wanted to warn her, to stop her from coming near me, but it was too late.

Before she could even make it to me, Eva stretched out a hand and placed it on her chest, stopping my mom from approaching me. My mother gasped at the force that held her, staring with wide eyes at Eva.

"Oh, Susan," Eva said, "I haven't forgotten what you did to me. You put me in that portal for a long time, and I am looking forward to returning the favor."

My breath caught, worried about what she planned to do. I began to quickly move towards Eva, but she used her powers to throw me back to the wall behind me. A half a second later, the invisible hold on my neck appeared. I was too worried about my mother's safety to even consider the pain that was spreading through my back.

"However, that won't make me happy," Eva said, making me relax a bit. My mother turned to look at me, and I felt my world instantly stop with the look that she gave me.

"This will." With that, Eva somehow pierced a hand through my mom's chest. My mom gasped at the unexpected intrusion. Her eyes widened in shock. Eva began turning her hand in her chest, making her scream out in pain. 

"NO! STOP!" I begged as tears began to form in my eyes. I fought through the hold on my body with all the force I could muster, but again, I was unsuccessful.

Then I watched in horror as Eva pulled out my mother's heart. It had been beating quickly, but then it stopped seconds later. From there, things seemed to go in slow motion for me.

I stared with wide eyes at my mother. She stared back at me.

Then I watched in horror as she collapsed onto the ground. My eyes stayed focus at her form. She lay on her front with her head turned to face my side, her eyes wide and her mouth open as she stared into the distance. I watched in horror as life slowly drained from her eyes.

For a moment, the only thing I heard was the pounding of my heart. There was even some kind of muffled scream in the background. I looked onwards at my dead mother, shocked by the events that had escalated quickly.

The world began shaking, and it took me a while to notice I was trembling.

What? How?

"Sorry, Susan. Wait, I'm actually not sorry. Now--" Eva was cut off when a booming sound echoed through the room. The room shook a little. I also noticed white stardust quickly flowing towards her before disappearing within seconds.

In an instant, an invisible force threw Eva towards the wall on her right. She tried to escape it, but then she was unsuccessful.

Her eyes widened as she turned to look at me.

"Impossible," she said, but I did not give a damn.

I had snapped.

I had no idea how. One moment, I was bound. In the next, the chains around me were released.

I flew towards Eva and drove my fist into her stomach. She loudly coughed as a result. I turned to the minion himself. Tevix's eyes widened as he looked at me in fear.

However, before I got my hands on him, he teleported from the scene. 

But then, he was not my primary concern at the moment.

Eva pushed me back. I was flying backward until I activated my levitation powers to stop me from colliding with the wall behind me. Without movement from my hands, I forced her into a statue-like position.

"You killed her," I stated, staring at her while using my telekinesis powers to hold her in place. She gasped at the strength I had on her.

"YOU KILLED MY MOTHER!" with that, I applied enough force to send her flying back. Eva went through the wall, destroying it in the process.

My attention turned towards the rest. With a blink of my eyes, literally, I unsnapped the chains that had bound them. Then I ran towards the mess of the wall in front of me and levitated in the air, exiting the castle. I looked at the ground, searching for her form. It seemed she had disappeared.

"Emery, look out!" Erick warned me. I instinctively moved to a side, escaping the wrath of an incoming fireball. It passed me, hitting the exterior wall of the castle behind me. I turned to face Eva.

She too was flying, and she was angrily glaring at me.

"You stupid girl! You can't defeat me! I will get rid of you just like I did your mother," she said with a smirk. 

My mom. 

That made me furious.

I flew high in the air, summoning the wind. It swirled around me, whipping my hair and my shirt around. My fingers felt the movement, expanding the circling distance around me. I summoned a fireball and placed it in the wind. In an instant, orange-yellow flames of fire roared through the wind's path. They partially blocked my surroundings.

I was able to spot Eva, and in an instant, I sent the swarming fire towards her. The fire moved at a quick speed. Eva screeched, trying to avoid the damage that the flames were capable of doing to her. She flew back but escaped with a few burns, and the fire went towards a few trees that were around. The trees began to crackle as the flames began to lick around them.

With anger, I flew towards the enemy. I collided with her, pushing her forward and aiming to stab her with a protruded branch on a tree behind her. She pushed back, but I regained control quickly.

I pulled back my hand, clutched it in a fist before I repeatedly smashed my knuckles on her face.

"You. Killed. My. Mother!" I yelled as I hit her before pushing her back. She hit a tree, groaning in pain before falling to the ground.

I was nowhere near done. I levitated down to Eva's form, seeing her struggle to rise up slowly from the ground.

I summoned the trees behind her to wrap their tendrils and branches around her, not caring how much Eva would be hurt. They moved quickly, swirling around her form before wrapping themselves around her body.

She struggled against their hold, but I tightened them around her. With a motion of a finger, the tendrils brought her up into a standing position. She smiled at me, adding fuel to the anger I had.

"What are you going to do? Kill me?" she mocked.

I placed a hand on one of the tendrils, summoning a fireball. I moved back from her and stared at her, fixed in place, as the fire started to consume her.

She looked scared.


"Please, Emery. Don't do this. I can do whatever you want," Eva pleaded.

"Can you bring my mother back?" I asked

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