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Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (e ink epub reader .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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“If things get too tough, I’ll go to the Detectives for help, like it or not.”
“You may have to.” Steve supplied.
Secretly, she knew he was right. She’d have to tell the Detectives about it soon.
Kelly only hoped it wouldn’t be too late.


Shane went across the street after talking to Derrick some more. He found his wife reading a book in a chair. His Pendant jumped, warming to his touch. She was depressed.
“What’s wrong?”
Luna closed the book. “I can’t do anything right.”
“I mean it Shane. I’m always in trouble with the Sisters and Lords in the Dream Realm.”
“They expect more from you than anyone else.”
“They expect nothing more from me than from Ariana.”
Shane studied her. “Is this what it’s all about? Ariana?”
Luna nodded sadly and continued. “I’m the one with all the power, yet she’s the Young Guardian. I knew about the Ancient Mystics and a thing called Destiny before she did. I’ve learned more magic than she has, yet she’s the Ancient Mystic’s favorite.”
“Stop. Right now, just stop.” Shane announced as the Shadow. Luna stared. “Enough of the pity party, Aluna Star. I mean it. I’ve had enough!”
Luna didn’t know what to think. “What happened across the street?”
Shane explained.
“So, the perfect couple isn’t so perfect anymore, is it?” Luna supplied with a satisfied grin.
“They never were. What, did you think Ariana and Derrick were perfect? That they didn’t fight? You’re wrong, Lu. Even we fight sometimes, don’t we?”
“I guess so, yeah.”
“It’s all a part of being married. I’d seen my parents fight numerous times before I was even four years old.”
This caught Luna by surprise.
“You never talk about your parents to anyone. Not even me.”
“I told Ariana,” before Luna could start raving about her twin again, he silenced her with a hand over her mouth. “Only because she and I had the one thing in common that mattered. We were made orphans by our families.”
He released his grip once he was finished.
“But you’ve never told anyone about your family before, when we were in the System. Why now?”
“After what I’d seen and heard across the street, and with you just now, I’ve decided enough was enough. No more secrets from my family. I’ve seen enough in my short life now to realize when trouble’s near. It’s coming soon, Lu. I can practically smell it.”
“There’s nothing we can do, is there?”
“Only one.”
“What’s that?”
“Practice your magic, all of it. Practice, practice, practice.”
Luna thought of something; of how her husband always knew when things were going to happen that impacted the entire family. Of how he always knew what to do in any crises. Of how that reputation earned him the nickname the Shadow.
The Shadow continued. “In short, history will repeat itself, Luna, and I want us to be well prepared.”
“Time we had another Crusader meeting. This time, without the stupidity.”
“On that, I agree. Totally.”
Part Three:
Attacked and Detained

Damian’s Final Scheme

Orthos, now stuck in the Unknown with his son and daughter, wasn’t happy with either of them at the moment. “I have been looking all over Dark Tower for my new Queen.” He announced, oddly calm. He turned to his son first. “Where are Gloriana and her daughters?”
“Am I my stepmother’s keeper?” Damian shrugged. “Shenara rests in my quarters while Albrath is on duty in the dungeons.”
“Shenara told me of your plot to rid her of her mother.”
“What plot, Father?” Damian asked, acting innocent. “I need no plots to do what she wanted in the first place.”
“Stop speaking in riddles, Damian. What did she want to do?”
“Simple, really.” Damian began. “She heard Lord Byron returned to Dream Realm society. She just wanted to, uh, greet him accordingly.”
“Why would she do that?”
“She claims you ignore her.” Damian said. “I guess she wants to show you just how deceitful she has become.”
Orthos eyed his son, then turned to his daughter. “Is this true, Sabrina?”
“I know not, Father.” Sabrina supplied. “My duties were to the Ghost Child. Did you know she was my daughter?”
This was a new statement on Orthos. “On that, we will speak in a moment.”
He turned his back away from his children. Both Sabrina and Damian could tell he had something on his mind. Something devilish and evil.
“Father...” Damian started, but Orthos shook his head.
“No” He said. “Damian, leave.”
“But –”
“I said LEAVE!” Orthos roared in his dragon’s tone. “NOW!”
“As you wish, Father.”
As soon as he was gone, Sabrina looked at her father. She was now scared of him. “Father? Did you want me to leave?”
“You, stay.”
“Did I do something wrong?”
He didn’t seem to hear her. “How could you let them get away?”
“Excuse me?”
“The Grand Magus and the Ghost Child.” Orthos wasn’t happy Sabrina was back in the Unknown without the one the Dominionites called the Ghost Child. “How could you let them get away from you? Have you lost your mind? Are you turning good after all these years?”
“Nay! Of course not!” Sabrina cried in her best Maiden tone. “They–”
Orthos stared at his daughter.
“Oh, never mind.” Sabrina huffed. “I know. No excuses, just do it right next time.”
“There will be no next time for you, my girl.”
“What? Whatever do you mean?” Sabrina asked. “What are you talking about, no next time? Of course there will be!”
“You have screwed up long enough, Sabrina!” Orthos cried. “What was this nonsense about the Ghost Child being your daughter?”
Sabrina explained what happened in the Shady Kingdom before she was sent back by her mother. “So you see, Tempest is my daughter by none other than your own brother Lord Maximaniac!”
Orthos turned away, looking into his cauldron for answers to his silent questions. “I see...the Forget-Me-Now Ritual. Aye, aye, I remember now.”
“Father?” Sabrina was confused by his behavior.
“Sabrina, I need one last favor from you.”
“Last favor?”
“Aye. I need you to get my brother’s Spell-book and bring it to me.”
“Which one?”
“What brother do you think, dear Sabrina?” Orthos asked sarcastically. “Max!”
“In that case, I will need a few small favors of my own.”
Orthos stared at her again. “You are in no position to be demanding favors.”
“How am I supposed to get it when he is in the Shady Kingdom and I am here?”
“I do not care how you get it, just get it!”
Without asking another question or even squeaking another word, Sabrina, too, disappeared. Orthos grinned after his daughter.
In Orthos’ mind, the War was well on its way to being won.


Damian ran into the Djinn god Omri on his way back to the Dark Tower dungeons. “What are you doing here?”
“I come and go as I please, Merchant.”
“How did you get here?”
“Greater magic than you realize.”
Greater magic, is it? Damian thought to himself. “Who is your master now, Djinn?”
“I have no master.”
“Something tells me you are up to something. Tell me what.” Omri tells him what he did. “Is that all? Do you have a plan for destroying them indefinitely?”
“I told Master Orthos I would leave him to it.”
“Leave him to it? I know Father, and he never would let a minion like you handle his affairs, especially when it comes to the Ancient Mystics. Let me be your master, Djinn.”
Omri laughed. “What makes you think I want a puny child like you as my master?”
“I will tell Father you plan on destroying the Ancient Mystics yourself.”
“It would be a lie. A Djinn cannot destroy unless they are ordered by their masters.”
“Exactly.” Damian pointed out.
“Very well.” Omri sighed. He folded his hands and looked down at the Merchant. “What do you wish of me, Master?”
“I want the Protector, the Shadow and the Unicorn Magic-holding Over-Seer Aaron in my dungeons. Can you do it?”
Omri nodded his head, disappearing when he said. “As you wish, Master Merchant.”
Sire Wolf’s Greatest Fear

While this was going on in the Unknown, the Dream Realm’s problems almost doubled.

Wolfton Stargazer knew he had to talk to his Page about his Dweller powers. It was inevitable, not meant to be ignored. Red’s Dweller powers have been surfacing a lot lately, especially during training sessions when his anger got out of control. Wolf had been learning from Chase and Celeste about the Dweller Magic inside of Chikité “Red Wolf” Moondancer.
Wolf saw Red Wolf with the beagle pup Ronan BrownPatches and the foxhound Nicola HeartLily. Ronan was practicing sword work with Red Wolf while Nicola was paired with a white tiger kit Wolf knew as his nephew, Tiger.
What was Tiger doing with the pups? Wolf thought to himself as he made his way to the group. Does he not know it is taboo for a feline to practice with canines?
“Tiger White-Snow!” He cried as he made his way to the small group.
Tiger stopped sword-playing with Nicola long enough to turn and face his uncle. “Uncle Wolf!”
“He is your Uncle?” Nicola asked, awed.
“Aye, and one of the nicest Companion leaders, too!”
“Spread no lies about me, nephew.” Wolf said with a slight smile. “I am certainly not nice.”
“Sure you are, Uncle.” Tiger announced, proud of Wolf.
Wolf harrumphed. “What are you doing here, Tiger?”
“I’ve come to join the Canine Army.”
“You are a feline.”
“Your parents would not approve.”
“It was Papa’s idea, Uncle.” Tiger was insistent. “He senses something out of place in both the Valley and the Village.”
He does, does he? Wolf thought with a frown.
“Why does he not form his own army, with felines?” He wondered.
Tiger smiled. “He claims you were always the better leader.”
Wolf groaned while Red Wolf chuckled.
“The kit does have a point, Sire.” Red Wolf pointed out.
“You, I will get to later. How does my nephew fight?”
“Judging just on what I see here, I would say he would make an excellent swordsman.”
Tiger beamed, sharing a grin with Nicola and Ronan.
“His enthusiasm is astounding, Sire.” Ronan chipped in.
“He never lets the other pups get in his way of learning the sword.” Nicola nodded.
“The kit has a long way to go, but I say he would make a fine addition to the Army.” Red Wolf supplied, agreeing.
“I did not say he could join.”
“Please, Uncle.” Tiger whined. “Let me be in the Army. I will try my very best, and I promise not to let you down.”
Wolf studied his nephew. “Are you certain you can handle it, Tiger White-Snow?”
“Oh, aye!” Tiger cried enthusiastically. “Does that mean I can join, Uncle?”
Wolf looked at his Page. “Train him hard, like a Warrior.”
“He is only a boy, Sire.”
“He will be trained like a Warrior. Is that understood, Page?”
Red Wolf gave his Knight-Master a red-eyed glare that was enough to make Wolf think twice about messing with the Dweller in Red Wolf. “Aye, Sire.”
Tiger whooped, hugging Wolf. “Thank you, Uncle!”
Wolf pulled away from the embrace. “There will be no familiarity when you are training, is that clear? You will call me by my title, giving all respect due to that title. This goes for Katherine as well.”
Tiger nodded, bowing. “Aye, Sire. I am at your command.”
“Very well. HeartLily, BrownPatches.”
“Aye, Sire?” They chorused.
“You will oversee his training and continue
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