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Book online «Fire Moon by Miss CrazyPlantLady (phonics reading books .TXT) 📖». Author Miss CrazyPlantLady

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the other Zeta, “Luke, shut up and help me escort him.” 


My eyes met Dan’s for a second before I felt the sly grin form on my face as I turned to Luke, “It’s my mother’s, genius.” 

“Null-hound—” Dan started before Luke clamped his slimy hand around my necklace. 

“She’s dead, isn’t she?” I heard Dan groan as Luke spat out. 

Luke was shorter than me, the wiry hairs above his lip told me he was young or he had an ego issue, and he stood so close to me that I could smell the coffee on his dirty breath. Dan’s grip tightened on my arm but I wasn’t going to hit him, not with my hand anyway. 

I swung my head down, aiming straight for that twisted nose, and I rejoiced in the sound of his nose cracking. The screech that came out afterwards was enough to make me laugh, Dan rushed to shove me into my room before trying to help Luke.  

Luke shoved Dan off, pushing him to the ground before he stormed after me, and I watched his blood drip from his nose and onto Sawyer’s cream carpet. I clicked my tongue in disappointment, “Sawyer’s not going to like that.” 

“You’re going to pay for this” Luke continued to spit, his grubby hand reached up, and ripped my mother’s necklace off my neck.  

My wolf itched to get out and rip his head off.  

Dan instantly saw my intentions, and rushed to shove Luke away from me, “Thats enough Luke!” his voice was booming over both of us, “Go see the damn healer.” 

We both watched Luke storm out of the room, and Dan sighed, turning back to me, “I’ll get it back, just don’t make anyone else bleed.” 

The second he turned the corner, and out of sight, a dark-haired tall figure staggered in. The anger disappeared as soon as I saw her. Her beauty bewitched me that very first day I saw her at Mara’s funeral. My chest constricted as I watched her thin frame enter my room, I noticed the dark-circles under those eyes instantly.  

I felt myself sit straighter as her dark eyes found mine instantly, and a tall bottle hung loose from her hand. Her soft face was slightly puffy, her eyes red, and she looked as if she had been crying.  

The thought alone made me angry at that blonde fool for not noticing. He wasn’t even at the fucking funeral. 

“Sawyer gave you a whole bottle, did he?” I felt a smile tug at my lips as she fell onto the corner couch. 

Her head shook as she leaned back and closed her eyes, clinging the bottle to her chest, “It’s disgusting.” 

My body moved to her without thinking, taking the seat next to her, and she opened one eye to watch me, “Do you want some?” 

A laugh escaped me, and I shook my head, watching her face as she closed her eye again, “I’m sorry about Wren.” 

Her face crumpled slightly before she sighed, “So am I.” 

My mother always told me that most women don’t like to admit when something is bothering them, my mother especially didn’t, and watching Eden, I realised that neither did she. 

I grabbed the bottle off her, and took a sip, it burned all the way down, “That is disgusting.” 

A singular laugh left her delicate lips, the sound rippled through me, and I found myself smiling at her as she told me she doesn’t lie.  

Her eyes opened to watch me have another sip, “I’m sorry about your family. Did Kier really kill them all?” her question was a mere whisper, as if she wasn’t allowed to ask it, but for her I would answer anything.  

My heart stopped hurting at this question years ago, it took almost a whole decade to talk about them, and sometimes it hurts to breathe when I think about them but I nodded at her. 

Her own eyes glassed over, she turned to look at the ceiling before continuing, “I’m not going to be that arsehole who asks if you miss them because of course you do, but will you tell me what they were like?” 

I took a breath for courage, “I had a brother” I urged my voice to be even, “His name was Ruben, we called him Ruby, and he acted similar to Sawyer. Always joking, never taking anything too seriously.” 

“How old was he?” her eyes returned to mine. 

“Ten,” I was surprised that the answer almost got stuck in my throat, but I cleared it before I continued, “I also had a sister, she was older than Ruby.” 

Her eyebrows rose, and I laughed, “Alice actually reminds me a lot of her, her name was Leah, and she had the worst attitude.” 

“I see why Alice reminds you then,” her smile was bright enough to lighten the darkest corners in me.  

“My mother—” I started but Dan interrupted with an exhausted sigh. 

He shook his head at Eden with disappointment, “How drunk are you, Eden?” 

Eden laughed again, soft and warm, “I don’t even remember your name right now, Danny.” 

“Dan, just give us a minute, and then you can come take her to bed” I reasoned, ignoring the glare from Eden, and Dan reluctantly nodded before leaving us. 

I sat patiently as Eden mumbled on about that blonde idiot, explaining the string that pulls them together, and how welcoming he was when they first met.  

Her eyes held mine, “But there is a small voice in the back of my head, whispering that something is wrong, and then none of this feels real anymore,” her words were getting more slurred together. 

I went to speak but she continued, “I haven’t used my powers since the that time in the forest” she admitted quietly, changing the subject, “I’m afraid that my nightmares will get worse if I do.” 

My heart ached for her, I wanted to go back in time and fix this, save her from this, “Give it time, sweet Eden,” I grabbed her hand, I could feel her unnatural heat, “You won’t burn the world down,” I reassured her with a laugh. 

She looked me dead in the eyes, “Even if I did, I wouldn’t let them touch you,” her promise washed over me like an oath, “Or Alice, or anyone I care about.” 

“I know, sweet Eden.” 

“I can’t tell them about the children,” her voice broke as she continued, “How will I tell Sam?” 

“Come on, time’s up,” Dan returned, and Eden let him help her up, “Alice is waiting for you.” 

I watched Dan usher her out to Alice, who looked like Eden’s smaller twin but Alice’s eyes were more golden, and they drilled through me as Eden reached her.  

Dan and I watched them leave down the corridor, and I turned back to Dan, “How’s Princess Luke?” 

Dan didn’t smirk or anything as he shook his head, “He gave it to August.” 

The words alone threatened to rip open my chest, and I knew at this exact moment that I would never see my mother’s necklace again. 

A redhead turned the corner, almost running, and his glare was directed straight at me, “Are you the one who kidnapped my friend?”  

Instead of speaking, his fingers spoke. Signing the words for him, and realisation hit as I remembered him holding up Eden’s Uncle, “Sam.” 




He doesn't come to the bathroom anymore after my nightmares.

My nightmares haven't terrible lately, and I have been sleeping longer than normal.

I think I'm getting better, but I feel scared that I'm not ready.

August hasn't spoken to me since he told everyone about the children, he has been in and out of the house all week. He can feel the rage radiating from me because he avoids my eyes every single time, never letting us be in a room together alone, and he's right to be scared.

Quinn wasn't speaking to him either. Her rage was louder than mine, rattling with every step, and vibrating the entire room. Urith wasn't bothering her, just patiently watching her, and waiting for her to process.

The Oracle's stress is even louder, he spends his entire day in Sawyer's training room, he dragged everyone he could to train, and lately, I've been able to easily get out of it but today was different.

Bain made a beeline for me the second I stepped into the kitchen, "Training today."

My frown was fast to form, Bain's tone wasn't playful but serious, and it was unusual to hear such a tone from the Oracle, "Why are you pushing this so bad?" I mumbled, stepping around him to reach the coffee machine.

We were alone in the kitchen, and I felt his hand grip my arm, stopping me, "We have word that Kier is preparing for an attack."

His words were deadly quiet, and it sent a shiver down my spine, all sound from the room seemed to be sucked out, "When?"

The Oracle looked behind us, shrugging his shoulders, "Sam thinks a week tops."

A week.

Dread washed over me as I nodded, "Okay, call everyone for training."

His dark head dipped before leaving me with my coffee.

The Soothsayer's training room was much bigger than August's, the north wall angled into the room, and a large round window dominated the entire wall. The floor was padded with dark squares, and Bain stood in the centre, Alice was laying in her back with her phone in her face.

"Why are we here?" Quinn complained to the Oracle.

Quinn was sitting cross-legged next to Alice, Urith mimicked her, and Sam was standing with the Oracle. My eyes found Miles, sitting in the back, and I almost choked when I saw Olivia clinging to the other side of Bain.

Her straw-coloured hair was tied into a large bun, sitting upright on her head, and her dirty eyes rolled when they saw me enter. I forgot she existed.

"Tell them Bain" I said as I reached down to snatch Alice's phone from her, sitting down next to her, and ignored her glare.

"Kier is preparing an attack on us" the Oracle cold voice was slithering around the room, "We have a week to prepare our defences."

"Why was I not told about this?" Quinn gasped, standing up.

"You were not the easiest person to talk to during the last couple of days" Bain argued back.

Quinn ignored his loud statement and crossed her arms, "What do we need to do?"

Then as if all sound vanished again, Alex walked in.

His eyes meeting mine instantly, but I refused to hold them, and I watched Bain approach him, "We need a plan, and Alexei will help us."

"How would the prisoner help us?" Olivia drawled.

I watched Alice roll her eyes, turning to speak but the Soothsayer danced in after Alex, hair braided, and wearing slippers.

"Any news?" my voice echoed through the room.

Sawyer shook his head, stopping to stand next to the Null-hound, and I watched his eyes fall on Olivia with confused judgment but remained silent.

"The kid pairs with Constance" Bain started, "Urith with Eden, Quinn with Sawyer, and I'll pair with Liv."

"I'm not doing that" Olivia had to nerve to drawl, flicking invisible lint off her shoulder, and I almost reached out to choke her.

I watched the Soothsayer's brow draw together as he turned to watch

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