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Book online «Young Guardian Trilogy by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (the lemonade war series .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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only thing like that I knew of was the Dream Locket, but I no longer had it. As far as I knew, Kelly didn’t have one, yet, so I didn’t know what to say.
I sighed.
“Listen, Ariana.” Darlene said. “Take my advice and you’ll be okay. If you have any questions, feel free to call either of us. I’m sure we’ll be able to help you, okay?”
“Okay. Again, thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
We said our goodbyes and hung up.
I rubbed my temples, soothing the headache coming on. All this talk about Kelly’s impending kidnapping made the feelings of dread that much closer. I checked on the twins before heading for a nap myself. I’d do the housework and my homework later.


It took a week for the horror to build up. I dropped the children off to school before running my errands for the day. As Kelly kissed my cheek goodbye, I had another vision.
My daughter's hand was reaching out for me in the vision, and the feeling of longing was in my heart.
The vision may have been a quick one, but it'd done its damage. I had to say something. I shook out of my daze just in time. "Kelly?"
She turned, backpack on her shoulder. "Yes, Momma?"
I took a breath. "Be careful, please."
Kelly nodded and ran off to meet her friends.
For the rest of school day, the empathic feelings of horror filled my mind. I could do nothing to stop it, so I tried to ignore it. My sister wasn't as reluctant to give it up.
"Are you alright?" She asked me for the millionth time. Luna was helping me with our sons. "You're really acting strange, and for you, that's saying a lot!"
I stuck my tongue out at her, getting my twin's quick joke. I didn't think it was funny. "If you want to know, use your sensors."
She looked at me strangely. "Sensors? What for?"
"I'm getting empathic visions of Kelly being taken away from us." I told her. "It's really worrying me."
"You mean to tell me my clairvoyant visions were true?" She was incredulous. "You're kidding. That must mean our Magic is growing intensely."
"It's not the Magic I'm worried about." I replied, picking up an almost-sleeping Andrew and taking him to the nursery. Luna followed with Caleb. Mark-Antony was already sleeping in his crib.
My sister waited until the door closed behind her before saying anything. Her eyes read a depressed, but determined tale. She looked up at me and cleared her throat. “Whenever it happens, which I know it will, I’ll stand beside you, one-hundred percent.”
Smiling, I hugged my twin. “When?” I could help asking as I pulled away.
“As soon as is happens, you’ll know.” Luna whispered, and then walked away.
I had to wait until the end of the school day to find out what made us both so anxious.
In the middle of reading, I happened to look at the clock.
Almost time to pick them up, I thought to myself.
Another vision hit like a bullet, making my heart race.
A faceless demon snatched my daughter’s hand, pulling a frightened Kelly Reading by her wrist to a van in front of the school. The feelings were so intense that I had to do something.
I jumped out of my spot and raced for my coat and car keys. “Luna, watch the boys. I’ll be right back.”
I never gave my twin a chance to object, for I was already gone.
I parked in the same spot I’d thought was in my vision. Each of her friends climbed in the Jeep, but no Kelly.
Bradley noticed my anxious gaze was at the building, watching and waiting.
“Where’s Kelly?” I asked him.
He shrugged. “She wasn’t in any of her classes, Mrs. Reading. I thought she was with you.”
I shook my head, frowning. “I dropped her off this morning. You saw me.” To myself, “I’m sure of it.”
“Maybe Mr. Reading picked her up?” Elizabeth Edwards peeped up from the back seat.
I hadn’t thought of that.
As the children buckled in, I took them each home. The Edwards’ and Bradley Allen stayed behind, only climbing out when we’d reached my driveway.
Bradley stopped beside me watching Elizabeth, Steven, and Cassandra race home next door. He touched my arm. “Kelly’s gonna be okay, isn’t she, Mrs. Reading?”
I hugged him, loving his optimism. “Of course, Bradley. Now, go play. I’ll tell your father where you are.”
He paused for only a second before running next door.
I shook my head out of my daze before heading in the house. “Derrick! Luna!” I called, sensing both were there.
“In here, Ariana.” My husband’s voice came from afar. He sounded distracted.
I followed his voice to the living room, where I found both he and Luna looking over something in his hands.
“What’s that?” I asked, almost dreadful.
My sister looked up at me with fresh tears in her silver-blue eyes. “We were right. Kelly’s gone.”
“Hand it over.” I commanded them, my hand out to reach it.
Derrick and Luna shared a look before he reluctantly handed it to me.
As I reached for it, Derrick replied softly. “Don’t be mad when you read it.”
Right as my hand touched it, my sight was clouded. My mind was coming up with an image of a woman. The memory of the PTA meeting came back on me, with the woman’s smug look upon her lips.
Kelly’s with Adrienne Whitehead.
“Adrienne.” I whispered.
Derrick nodded, knowing. “You’re clairvoyance is getting stronger, I see.”
“As is mine.” Luna told him. “That means one thing: we’re now true Mystics of the Dream Realm.”
That was the least of my worries.
My husband, on the other hand, was immediately in a daze of his own.
“You say you were the one to have the visions first?” Derrick began, rubbing his chin in thought.
He was in his old detective mode, thinking like a System Agent once again. When we were there together, he was always in one of three modes: loving boyfriend mode, normal student-teacher mode, and detective mode. So far, he hasn’t grown out of it. I was glad, for I didn’t want him to.
Luna hadn’t answered him, so he looked at the both of us. “Call one of your sisters. We’re going to need someone to watch the boys while we search for Kelly.” Derrick replied, taking charge.
Luna and I nodded. “Right.” We chorused.
Something didn’t feel right about this. I was certain, but I couldn’t explain it.
I was in a daze of my own when Luna went to the phone.
“Hey,” Derrick tapped me out of it. “What’s up?”
“She’s not at the Whiteheads.” I announced.
“What makes you say that?” Luna asked, walking back up to us.
I took a deep breath. “Call it a hunch.”
Before either of us could say another word, we heard the door slam open. We turned to see a very disturbed Aaron Schmidt.
“Where’s Kelly?” He demanded.
He was out of breath, hands shaking.
“With Adrienne Whitehead.” I told him as he came up to us.
“What are we waiting for?” He asked. “Let’s go!”
“Not so fast, Aaron.” Luna replied. “Ariana just told us she’s not there.”
“They’re not at the estate.” I told her. “That’s what I meant.”
“Where could she be?” Aaron asked, worried.
“We got a note.” Derrick spoke up.
Aaron’s eyebrows rose. “Note?”
Derrick dug it out of the trash to show him. I was glad there was finally peace among them. They were being true to the Crusader oath, getting to the main problem instead of bickering and fighting each other. I smiled at them, my arms crossed in front of me.
“Let me ask this again.” Luna replied. “What makes you think she’s not there?”
“Think about it.” I said. “It would be too easy.”
Luna folded her arms in thought. “I get what you mean.”
“Ariana.” I heard Aaron call. He stood beside me before going on. “Can you sense her anywhere?”
I closed my eyes and thought of her. Kelly’s face in my mind grew dark until it disappeared, along with all empathic feelings I’d had of her. I frowned.
“I’ll take that as a no.” Aaron sighed.
I shrugged, turning to my sister, who was lost in thought. “What’s up with Anna, Mary Ellen or Claudia? Can they watch the boys?”
Luna shook out of her daze. “Sorry, no one was home.”
“Do you think Aimee would be able to?” Derrick asked Aaron.
“I don’t see why not?” Aaron replied.
Before either of us could say anything else, we heard a voice peep. “Dad?”
It was Bradley Allen, and he looked desperate and scared. His eyes were brimming with tears. “I want to help, too.”
“I told you to stay with Aimee.” Aaron snapped, making Bradley Allen jump. “Now, go home.”
“Aaron!” I scolded him. “He has a right to help. Kelly is his sister, you know.”
Derrick could tell Aaron didn’t want his adopted son in harm’s way, so he came up with a better idea. “Bradley Allen, you can help us in a very important way.”
“Yes, sir?” Bradley sniffed.
“Stay home and help Aimee take care of the twins and Caleb while we search, okay?”
Bradley looked to the ground, then back up, nodding. “Yes, sir.”
He raced next door.
Luna, Derrick, Aaron and I looked to each other, helpless.
“I wonder why you can’t sense her?” Luna asked, taking a seat at the kitchen table. “I mean, she is part Mystic herself.”
“Being Mystic has nothing to do with it.” Aaron replied. He held up the note, crumpling it in his hands before tossing it in the garbage. “When I get my hands on Adrienne Whitehead, I’m gonna strangle her.”
Oh boy. Sounds fierce. I could sense a Dark Magic bubble around him.
“Aaron, please calm down.” I tried, placing a hand on his chest.
“How can I calm down when my daughter’s out there, somewhere, kidnapped?” He shouted in my face.
I turned away from his fiery stare, a tear forming in my eyes.
Derrick hugged me. “It’s all right, Love. We’ll look for her right now, okay?”
I nodded, sniffing.
“We need Shane.” Luna announced silently. “The Crusaders must regroup to find her.”
Within a few minutes, the Dream Realm Crusaders were bound once more. Not just to save the Enchanted Child of the Dream Realm or another Young Mystic Dreamer.
No. We were bound, as a team, to find my daughter.
Story #1:
Brother vs. Brother

By the time eight o’clock rolled around, the Crusaders were growing tired of walking around the city of Hill View. We shouted her name numerous times, but heard no answer. I still couldn’t even sense her.
Derrick and I were walking side-by-side, holding hands.
I felt awful. I made a promise to my daughter and I broke it. I prided myself on following through with any promise I make. Not only that, my feelings were hurt. I was sick with worry and my Earthly Protector could sense it.
“Don’t worry, Love.” Derrick whispered in my ear. “We’ll find her soon.”
I looked at my husband, who gave me a kiss on the lips. I didn’t say anything.
“Hey, we’re the Crusaders. We can do anything.” He announced with a grin, making me smile.
It was at that moment a deep feeling of dread brushed over me. I tried not to let Derrick see something was up. Instead, I stayed silent, walking.
I heard Shane mumble under his breath, “I ought to kill you.”
We stopped in our tracks to see what was going on.
He and Aaron met eyes. Neither was smiling.
“Shane, stop it.” Derrick told him.
“Sorry Derrick. Can’t do that.” Shane kept a revengeful eye
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