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Book online «Young Guardian Trilogy by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (the lemonade war series .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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on Aaron, not looking at my husband.
I could sense the hostility in his tone, and deduced Luna did, too. She broke away from Shane to come to my side. My twin shook in my embrace.
“This is no time for fighting.” I tried to intervene before it got too rough.
Unfortunately, I was ignored. I listened to the boys, watching by streetlight at what horror happened next.
Shane and Aaron were face to face. Derrick started over to them, wanting to stop it before anyone got hurt. Suddenly, I felt very afraid for my best friend Aaron.
I looked to my sister in the still silence. She was almost on the verge of tears. I felt afraid for Luna now, remembering vividly how much hell she’d been put through.
Derrick, on the other hand, was terrified. I could sense that, just by looking at his dark-brown eyes. He didn’t know what to do, not sure whether or not to butt in. I felt afraid for him.
I happened to glance at my brother-in-law as I held a crying sister tight. I even felt afraid for Shadow. He’d once been the best detective in the System.
It were the same Shadow who usually kept to himself, not daring to show any emotion, whether enemies or friends. Everyone in the System knew he’d vent out all frustrations through his work.
Not this time. This time, he went all out.
I could only stand aside as I watched the scene before me. Shane had a menacing expression as he growled at Aaron.
“He should rot in hell.”
Shane’s Protectors’ Pendant was pulsating the black-white glow of Dark Magic.
“I said I was sorry, all right!” Aaron stopped to defend himself.
“Sorry ain’t good enough, creep.” Shane spat in his face.
“Agent Shadow, knock it off!” Derrick screamed, hopefully snapping him out of it. Both boys looked to him.
“He hurt Luna. What about Ariana, or have you forgotten she felt it, too?” Shane reminded him.
I held my breath as Derrick looked to me. In his eyes was anger as well, and his Protectors’ Pendant for me was glowing Dark Magic, too.
That did it.
Both Earthly Protectors weren’t happy with Aaron right now, and were on the prowl.
I could literally see all anger Derrick had built up. It was a bolt of lightening-shaped energy, pulsating from his Pendant to the tips of his fingers. He balled his hand into a fist and let it go...
...Right into Aaron’s face.
I wanted to look away, but found I couldn’t once my eyes met those of my best friend. Something was compelling me to watch the scene. I could tell Aaron had something to do with it. Luna hid her face in my chest, letting her tears flow. Neither of us liked violence, but this wasn’t ordinary violence. It was Dark Magic.
I stared at the boys. Aaron didn’t do anything but fall back when he was hit. He fell to the ground, and I was reminded of the many times Mrs. Gertrude had beat us for no reason. Growing up in the Orphanage with her had toughened him, but not enough to fight back. Thanks to her, we hated violence.
He anticipated the next few punches as they came along. I could literally feel his mind going through the horrid images of the Orphanage as he was frozen in fear.
This is something that has to be done, my Ariana Moon.
He used the Unicorn Magic to give me the careful message.
Now I was on the verge of tears. I tried to be tough for my Crusaders – family – but couldn’t stand the abuse. With every punch, I felt my sister cringe in fear. I held her in my arms, hoping to comfort a shaking sister. Our eyes met. I could read her horrible thoughts of the rape. I knew she was still in shock on the inside, not letting the boys see it on the outside.
I dared to look back at the boys, who were still fighting. Shane and Derrick were throwing the punches while Aaron took the abuse.
A thought came into my mind, heart and soul, reminding me of my mission. As the Young Guardian of the Dream Realm, I couldn’t just stand aside and watch my Crusaders destroy each other. We’ve all gone through so much the past five years to forget the Crusader Oath. Lord Guardian O’Dell and I have worked so hard to accomplish what we’d done.
I wasn’t about to let them fight each other when we had a more important mission. Most of all, I wasn’t about to let the Dark Magic haunt us anymore. If it took us over, it would kill us and Orthos would rein the Dream Realm.
I had to do something.
Closing my eyes and opening my mind, I sent them memories of the Crusade. First, when I was in danger, and how they grouped together to rescue me. Second, when we defeated Sabrina in Hill View Cemetery and at Lava Falls. Third of after reuniting with Kelly, and the horror we were put through in the Abyss. Last, when we were stuck in the wrong time, living other lives as if the Crusaders didn’t exist. The main message to them was clear in my mind.
We fought together as a team, bonding us in hearts and souls. Don’t let the Dark Magic ruin our bond. We’re friends, not enemies. Can’t you see that?
“Be true to the Crusader Oath, helping instead of hurting.” I spoke aloud.
I got the answer of silence. It never sounded so sweet.
I could tell the boys were thinking about my words. They stopped hitting Aaron, looking guiltily at each other. Shane and Derrick finally saw what their petty fighting was doing to a fellow Crusader. I watched as they helped him up.
In the streetlight, I could see the look in my best friend’s eyes, along with a tear rolling down his cheek. I didn’t have to be telepathic to read his mind.
Thank you.
I saw the glisten of wet blood on his face. It was enough to give me the determination to continue.
“For now, it’s getting dark.” I glanced at my watch. “Not to mention late. We should head home.”
My sister held herself in my arms, afraid. The two boys helped Aaron get home in one piece while Luna and I walked ahead of them.
Why do they have to fight? I heard Luna’s voice in my mind.
I thought about that for a moment. Sometimes, events can force even the calmest of men to lash out at those they care about most.
We walked home in silence, the void urging our minds to think about our past actions.
I opened the door and walked inside the house. Aimee had been watching the children. Bradley was on the couch beside her, curled up with a book.
Aimee’s and my eyes met. She didn’t say anything aloud, but I could tell she had felt what Shane had done to her own twin brother. She helped by taking Caleb across the street for my sister. A sleepy Bradley Allen looked at his book as he followed behind her. He didn’t even notice anything was wrong.
Shane brushed past me, taking Luna home. He had a sad, sorry look in his eyes and on his face.
“I’m sorry you had to see that.” Shane tried to apologize in a whisper.
I looked at him, unable to judge him by actions I knew he couldn’t control. All I said in a serious tone was. “So am I.”
He cowered with my sister out the door.
My husband felt so bad about it, he couldn’t even look at me as he raced upstairs to hide.
I checked on the twins while Aaron took a seat at the kitchen table. Thank the Ancients they were sleeping peacefully. I took a breath and headed back to my best friend. He had his head down, not even bothering to look up at me. I saw a tear drop from his bruised and bloody cheek. That’s when the realization hit – I was the only one able to heal him.
I touched his head gently whispering, “Aaron Theodore.”
He looked up only to wrap his arms around me.
“I’m sorry, my Ariana Moon. I am so sorry.” He repeated. “I didn’t mean to do it. You’ve gotta believe me.”
He was in shock.
“Calm down, Aaron Theodore. It’s all right now.” I hugged him tighter. “It’s over.”
He pet my hair, making me think of our secretive past together. He looked into my eyes as he pulled away, kissing my forehead. I could sense he was thinking the same thing, and it calmed him.
“I’m so grateful of your friendship.” His voice was barely above a whisper. “I don’t want to lose it over this.”
“You won’t lose it.” I tried to convince him.
My Aaron Theodore, if you only knew what you meant to me.
He sat down and I stood up above him.
“Are you mad at me for not fighting back?” He asked.
“I’m not mad at you.” I assured him.
“Not even for what happened tonight?” He prodded. I placed a hand on his cheek as he continued. “I couldn’t fight back because they’re my friends.”
I put a finger to his lips. “I’m not mad at you.” I repeated. “I understand how much you care about us. We’re your family.”
Aaron seemed to like that, and smiled. He frowned looking down at the floor, silent.
After a moment of silence, I spoke up. “Aaron Theodore.” He looked at me. I smiled. “You used Magic.”
He looked at me strangely. “Yeah, right. I’m no Mystic.”
“Mother told me you and Aimee have a powerful Unicorn Magic within.” I told him. “Tonight, fighting the boys, you used it.”
He laughed lightly. “I didn’t think you’d get them.”
“I could also feel the pain you were going through.”
“You always could.”
“No, honestly. I could.” I tried to tell him. “It was as if we were back in the orphanage again, and I was unable to do anything to help you.”
“You can help me now.” Aaron whispered, taking my hand. “Heal me, my Ariana Moon. Please?”
I dared to touch his nose, fearing it was broken.
“Ow!” He yelped. “Careful.”
By that simple touch, I could see it was, and able to be mended.
“Sorry, but I had to get a glimpse of the inside.”
“Inside?” Aaron didn’t know what to think.
“You know, from the inside, where all the muscles, bones and nerves are?”
He made a quick attempt to laugh, but ended up groaning. “Just heal me already.”
I laughed. My hands moved to his temples, but pulled to his necklace. With closed eyes, I touched it, seeing the fighting scene from a different, much darker perspective.
I saw Shane had been comforting Luna when he was urged to walk closer to Aaron. I’d been preoccupied, so I didn’t sense anything wrong.
“Ariana.” Aaron called out after I hadn’t said anything in a while.
It was all I needed to snap out of the vision. I opened my eyes, keeping them glued to the necklace.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, holding my upper arms to steady me.
I snatched my hand away from the necklace, afraid of what I’d seen.
“What did you see?” Aaron asked, worried.
“I saw the Dark Magic surrounding you like a shield.” I began. I knew he, and the other Crusaders, had to know. “You were thinking about the rape, weren’t you? Wondering what really happened?”
He let go and stepped back. I finally looked at him, seeing his expression confirm my fears.
I went on, lost in a clairvoyant trance.
“When Shane wanted to talk to you, man-to-man, he started to walk closer
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