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Book online «Young Guardian Trilogy by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (the lemonade war series .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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to you, bringing Luna with him. She shivered from his grasp, afraid as she raced to my side. Shane couldn’t help himself. The pain of what happened entered his mind as he stepped closer to you, thinking of more ways to make you pay.”
Aaron gasped, but I wasn’t finished.
“Derrick wanted to stop it before anyone was hurt, but it was too late. He’d entered the ring, too. As he did, the thoughts began once again. It was the same thing. You hurting me in a way identical to Luna set him off.”
“Stop!” He cried out.
I was out of the trance immediately, shaking my head clear of the thoughts.
“I don’t want to hear anymore.” Aaron said, once realizing I was paying attention now. “I know what happened next because I was there, too.”
“I know.” I said softly, sitting on a dining room chair.
I stared at him, sighing.
We sat in silence for a few moments, calming ourselves and contemplating what we were going to say next. We thought the things that only we knew, like what happened in the orphanage attic to bond us.
He was the first to break the silence. “Ariana Moon.”
“Yes, my Aaron Theodore?”
“Heal me.” He said, and smiled. He reached around his neck. “This time, I’m taking this thing off.”
I smiled, standing up. “It would be best.”
I tried again. This time, I was more relaxed and able to concentrate. I focused on letting the positive energies of my body charge up before beginning. I closed my eyes, thinking of the Mystic’s Healer Magic I’d learned. My hands grew warmer as the Magic worked its rainbow-colored way around our bodies. Next, I thought of the actual, physical Healer Magic – a deep red.
The stuff was still new to me, but I was advanced enough in my studies to control its powerful Magic. I would have to say – the Healer Magic works wonders. In moments, both Aaron and I almost glowed our original aura colors (his was a white and mine was an opalescent). All was silent as our body heat was warm with the Magic flowing in each of our bodies.
I opened my eyes about the same time he did. We stared at each other and grinned.
“Just like old times?” He playfully said in a soft tone.
I smiled, looking at my handiwork. His face was back to normal, and only a few scars remained. He had a loving look in his sad eyes, which was natural. “Yeah.”
He hopped off the table. I followed as he walked over to the door.
“I’ll tell Aimee what happened.” Aaron said.
I shook my head. “She already knew.”
“Duh, it’s the Three Musketeers connection that did that.” He joked.
My best friend was definitely back to normal.
“Not only that, but she’s your twin.”
“You’re right.” He said, pausing at the door. “As always.”
I smiled. I looked into his sad, puppy-dog eyes. “What are you thinking about?”
Aaron kissed my cheek, then lips gently. “You.”
My heart fluttered. I hated when he did this to me, but loved it at the same time. Instead of telling him what was truly on my mind, I playfully chided. “Go home and get some sleep, my Aaron Theodore. It’s been a long day, and we all need the rest.”
Aaron laughed.
“You said that already.” He pointed out, kissing my lips again.
“Good night, Aaron.”
“‘Night Ariana.” He looked over my shoulder. “Good night, Derrick.”
I turned to meet my husband’s sad eyes as he walked over to us. He wrapped his arms around my waist so we were face to face.
“What were you two talking about?” Derrick asked me.
I looked back to my best friend, sharing a knowing glance. I gave Derrick a squeeze. “Oh nothing.”
“Oh, I get it.” Derrick kissed my forehead. “Best friend stuff.”
I smiled, receiving a kiss on the lips. “You could say that.”
As Aaron left, Derrick’s gaze followed. He turned to me, looking ashamed and truly sorry.
“Is he okay?” He asked, worried.
I nodded. “Yeah. It’ll take some time, but he’ll be fine.”
“Once we get rid of the Dark Magic, that is.” Derrick quipped, pulling away. He headed upstairs and I followed behind him. “Question is: how?”
I shrugged. “I wouldn’t know.”
I was tired and weary from the day, the Magic, and what had happened. Instead of working Magic to change my clothes, I did it normally. I sat at the Mystic Mirror vanity, taking my hair out of its long braid. My eyes glimpsed at my husband watching me with loving eyes. I could tell he was worried about me as well. Everyone was, and I was grateful of it.
I caught his glance, making him come to my side. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, hugging me.
“Ariana.” He whispered.
I looked at his reflection.
“I’m sorry we weren’t able to find her tonight.”
We were so perfect for each other, yet I still knew nothing of his background.
“That’s okay, Love.” I assured him softly. “I’m sure we’ll find her soon.”
He pulled away. I suddenly felt his anger over his ex-girlfriend.
“Not if Addie has something to do with it.” Derrick replied, sitting on the bed. “You don’t know them as I do. The Whiteheads will do anything for status in society.”
“Why kidnap my daughter?” I asked him. “What motive does she have?”
“I don’t know!” He exclaimed, shaking his head. “Whatever it is, it’s just to get attention.”
I stood to meet my husband’s angry eyes. The aura around him was dark. Touching his cheek and taking off his glasses, I looked into his eyes.
“Do you still have feelings for her?”
I didn’t mean to ask it aloud, but it was said.
He held my hands, the aura changing colors. Now, it was bright white again. “My Love, you don’t know how much you mean to me.” He hugged me. “I love you with all of my heart and soul, you know that.”
“I love you, too, just as much.” I told him, kissing his lips. “Just as I love Kelly.”
There was a pause of silence as we stared at each other. A tear was forming in my eye, and my heart hurt from the thought of my sweet Kelly.
Eight years ago, in Shore Point Hospital, she was born. There was an emotional bond immediately. I wasn’t able to keep her, for I was still a child of thirteen. We reunited last year, finding each other in Dream Realm. I knew she was something special to the Sisterhood, just as I was.
I missed her so much now, and she’d only been gone for one day.
My heart hurt so much; I broke down and cried in Derrick’s loving embrace. It felt good to get it all out, finally. Being a leader can be tough on the emotions.
“Come on, Love. Let’s go to bed.”
We snuggled under the warm blankets, with him drawing my body closer to his. Just as I closed my eyes to sleep, he spoke up.
“I’ll talk to the Chief of Detectives in the morning. He’ll put an APB out for both Addie and Kelly.” He replied. I turned to meet his glance. “We’ll get her back in no time.”
“I sure hope so.” I mumbled.
Derrick kissed my lips before snuggling closer to me. Despite the terrible excitement of the day, I felt wonderful.
I just had to wait until tomorrow to find out what happens next.
Story #2:
Difficult Road Ahead

The next morning, the sun shone brightly through my bedroom window. I sat up, stretching my muscles to wake up the rest of my body. As soon as I slipped my glasses on my face, I noticed something odd about the Mystic Mirror vanity. The sun’s rays made it look as if an opalescent globe shimmered, teasing my eyes. To me, it looked like a vortex hole or something out of this world.
That’s not all
I was being drawn to it, unable to control my hungry curiosity. As I stared into the middle, I began to see an image. The vision was clear, and I gasped.
In front of my eyes was the very image of Aaron’s necklace, still lying on the kitchen table.
I gasped, racing downstairs to get it before something happened.
Only, it was too late. The necklace was gone.
“Where’d it go?” I asked myself.
“Where’d what go?” I heard Aimee’s voice behind me.
I didn’t care why she was here for the moment.
I turned. “Have you seen a necklace sitting on the table?”
“Yeah, why?”
I paced to my best friend’s side. My voice was fierce, yet calm. And the look in my eyes could shoot daggers. “Where is it now?”
“I took it home with me.” Aimee explained.
“Do you have any idea the danger it caused?” I asked, panicking.
“Calm down.” She instructed. “Derrick got bad vibes from it this morning. He called me, I came over, and he gave it to me for safe keeping.”
I was shocked, folding my arms and frowning at her in disapproval.
“Relax, it’s okay.” Aimee replied. “Anyway, he wanted me to come over and keep an eye on you, just in case anything happened.”
“That’s understandable, considering last night.” I said.
“I’m not done, yet.” She interrupted, folding her arms. “Turns out, he had a dream that dealt with the Dark Magic.”
“What kind of dream?” I grilled her, grasping my Dream Amulet. This was beginning to spook me out.
“You were caught in the Dominion. He rescued you, only to be caught, too.” She tried to explain slowly. “Each of the Crusaders were caught by Damian and Sabrina, to be Dominionite Warriors.”
I gasped. “What about the necklace?”
“The necklace is safe.” Aimee told me. “Before he left this morning, I returned home, putting the necklace away and calling your mother. She told me to keep you safe, away from anything that may trigger another episode of it.”
“Episode?” I looked at her strangely. “You make it sound like some crippling disease.”
“To the Mystics, it is.” Aimee was serious. “Your mother told me so. If you let it take over, it could cripple your mind, your thinking, your actions, and even your control over the Magic itself.”
She was right. It had nearly crippled her brother’s thinking that night of the rape. The Dark Magic also almost took over the boys yesterday when we searched. I never knew this could happen to us. The Dream Realm Crusaders were being beat by the only thing we can’t conquer: ourselves.
I slumped on the couch. This was getting too much for me to handle.
I was too young for this.
Then again, I was always more mature than my age. I didn’t want to experience this. Not now, not ever. I didn’t want my perfect little family to crumble to pieces because of it.
Aimee pet my shoulder, as if knowing. “I’ll watch the boys while you rest.”
I stood up immediately.
“Rest?” I cried harshly, not meaning to. “How can I rest when my daughter – your niece – is out there, somewhere? Of all people, you should know I want to find her.”
“I know you do.” She hugged my shoulders, trying to calm me. “Right now, I’d let the cops handle it. Derrick did say he’d tell the chief today, right?”
I nodded, sighing.
“Besides,” She continued. “You still look beat from last night. I suggest you either go back to bed or take a long, hot shower to calm your nerves.”
“What about the children?” I asked her.
“Everything’s under control. Don’t worry so much.” When I glared at her, she continued with a wink. “Trust me.”
I smiled
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