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to imagine the dream back up, this was the closest I’d gotten yet to getting the dragon to speak to me. I’d had the dream so many times but had never got this close.

“It’s okay, shhh… It’s fine, I’m right here Lana.” I heard Jack’s voice soften as he held my head on his chest, cradling me with one arm.

“Jack?” I asked as I opened my eyes to find my head facing down his body. I lifted my head, to face him.


“You… stayed with me?” I asked, confused to why he comforted me and stayed.

“Of course I did-“

Ding. Dong.

I’m going to rip that doorbell out of the wall I swear, I thought as I quickly rushed off the bed almost tripping over Callin once again, “Damnit Cal what now?” he stood in between me and the door, a serious look on his face. Are you sure you can handle another visitor? It seemed to say across his face.

“Cal, please move. I’ll be fine” I whispered to the dog, he shifted after a long pause and I ripped open the door, storming down the hall.

Ding. Dong.

“Coming!” I yelled to whoever was at the door, wondering where Kierra was, I passed the kitchen bench, but stopped. Well there’s my answer. A note lay on the counter,

“Dear Lana, I’ll be gone for a few hours, just going for a stroll downtown, be back soon. – Kierra” it read.

Ding. Dong.

“I said I’m bloody coming!” I dropped the note in the trash and grabbed at the door, ripping it open aggressively, “Who do you think you are? Could you not have some patience for Christ’s sa-“ I stopped in my tracks. “Jye!” I yelled, crashing into the guy almost making him loose his footing as I hugged him hard.

“Hey kiddo,” he grunted as I squeezed the air out of him, but I felt something else squeeze out. Blood. I smelt the metallic scent of blood as it dripped out of a bandage wrapped around his chest.

“Oh god, sorry,” I said, pulling away.

“It’s nothing, you know no one could hurt this hot stuff,” He said confidently, pulling a weak smile and a thumbs up. “Can I come in?”

“Do you even have to ask?” I joked, opening the door for him and closing it after we both entered through.

“Didn’t know you had company, Kat” Jye whispered in my ear as he got shot darts from Jack who stood at the entrance, arms crossed,

“Who is this?” he said, jealousy flashing his eyes, “Kat?”

Oh shit. How am I going to explain that Lana isn’t my real name?

“It’s just a nickname,” I wavered, “This is my oldest of brothers, Jye.” I introduced, “Jye, Jack. Jack, Jye.” I tried to introduce the two but it wasn’t working, they were watching each other like hawks.

“Call me Jackal.” Jack said, reaching a wary hand out to shake.

“Jye’s fine,” Jye replied, reaching a much more confident hand out and shaking his hand with a death grip. I was not in the mood for a fight in my house, all I could do was hope Jye was in a good mood.

I peered at the two as they sat across each other.

“Weapons to me, now.” I ordered,

“What?” They said in unison,

“Give me your weapons,” I repeated, walking up to Jye’s swords that he had sat up next to him.

“Why?” He said, grabbing his swords before I could.

“You bloody know why Jye, I’m not stupid,” I snatched them out of his hands, he gave me a look like a child that had their favourite toy taken away. But that favourite toy was capable of spilling blood all over my carpet. I walked over to Jack,

“I don’t have any,” He said calmly, but I could see straight through his lie. I just stared at him until he realised I knew he had one. He reached into his leather jacket, pulling out a dagger.

“Thank you,” I said sarcastically, snatching it out of his hands and placing the weapons on my kitchen counter. A pitter patter of claws on wood came from down my hallway,

“There you are Cal, was wondering where’d you gone to boy,” I said, patting him and rough playing with him as he playfully growled back.

“You’ve got a dog? The boys didn’t tell me that.” Jye said surprisingly, as Cal stopped playing and put a cold face on. “Callin,” Jye whispered quietly, I barely heard it.

“That’s his name, got a problem Jye?” I said, asking as his eyes widened and the dog followed my steps as I walked over to the sink pretending to do something useful.

“Not at all,” he replied, “So are you guys just fucking or in a relationship?” I dropped the plate I held onto the ground,

“Jye!” I yelled angrily at him for asking a question that was so personal.

“Neither.” I heard Jack reply, “Not yet, at least” I heard Jye stand up and leap at Jack, I was quick to pull him back down to his seat before any damage could be done. Yes, Jack was an Alpha werewolf but Jye, his anger, and his swords were a combination that I believed could kill anything, supernatural or not.

“This, is why I took your weapons, try again and be nice to each other this time, or your both out of my house!” I held Jye’s collar like he was a dog, and Callin stood, hackles raised, at Jack. “Good boy, Cal” I praised the dog for getting at my plan, I’d need two of myself to hold them both down, so he’d saved me some trouble.

“If that’s what you want then fine,” Jye said, getting up and walking towards the door. He reached for the door handle but winced, his hand drawing back to his bandaged wound.

“Not happening, you’re hurt. There’s no way you can ride out like that. You’re staying until you’ve healed.” I ushered him to sit back down, he was in no condition to drive, or protect himself in a town like this. A town full of people who would gladly smell out his blood as a treat, or his head a prize. “You wouldn’t ruin such a strong reputation by showing someone got a hit on the great Swordsman, would you?” I smiled, and he returned it at the mention of he and his brother’s reputation.

“Of course not,” He said, his smile fading as he looked across to Jack, “But when the reason I shot is sitting in front of me, my reputation is the least of my worries.” Grim filled the air, Jack was the reason Jye got hit? Not just hit, but shot?!

“How could I be blamed for your injury, I’ve never met you before” Jack grumbled.

“Because, on my way to visit my dear sister, just out of town, a lovely bunch of hooligans strapped to some might guns stopped me in my tracks – asking if I knew a man named Jackal, and where he may be. When I told them I had no idea who that was, one took aim at my chest.” He pointed to the bloodied bandaging across his chest. “The question is, why were they looking for you?”

“The real question is how you’re alive, you said they all had guns, how did you escape?” Jack inquired, ignoring his question.

“Boy, you really haven’t heard of me, have you?” Jye grinned, “A real swordsman wouldn’t let a few bullets and threats get through him.” Jack looked up at me, confused.

“He sliced them to pieces,” I admitted, I had to admit, despite being smart earlier, Jack didn’t see the strength Jye carried with him despite being human.

Chapter 51 >> Kierra's view


“What do you mean he’s gone on a vacation?! You can’t start something like this and then just leave it to go on a vacation!” I yelled at Commander Randy.

“You can if you’re a newly-mated Prince. He left me in control, and to be honest, fairy, I already know why you’re here. You’re too late, Yulanda told me the truth already. And there’s nothing you can do about it, I’m not afraid of a tiny little helpless fairy like yourselves, your species is a disgrace.”

OH he did not just say that. Stupid vamps thinking they own everything,

“You should be, don’t make a mistake, vamp” I said, the blackness coming out of my fingertips making him jump in surprise,

“No,” he said in disbelief, “Your kind went extinct!”

“Clearly, we haven’t.” I stated, “And if you don’t mind, Yulanda lies. You’ll believe me when I say she was completely out of line, not only misunderstanding me like you have so naively, but walking into enemy territory, she and her Alpha are lucky that Lana and I did not finish them in a matter of seconds for their foolishness.”

“And I’m to believe you? Instead of a loyal follower and underling of our Prince?” He said, trying to hide his fear.

“Because she’s not loyal. If you know anything of my kind that is true, it’s that we can know a lot about one person by just a few minutes with them in the same room. Keep an eye out, and remember this. Anyone who acts as she does, is not to be trusted. I know of your war against the fallen Princess, she’s angered at the failure of her plan, don’t think for a single second that everyone you believe can be trusted, isn’t capable of betrayal.” And with that, I decided it was time to leave. Teleporting from thin air, I left the fool, appearing outside the house. Callin waiting at the door ready to greet me, underneath the dragon brothers’ emblem.

“Callin,” I nodded, and he huffed back.

“Have I missed anything?”

Grave fear crossed his face, I fear a dragon is soon to fall, and another awaits inside, injured – but nothing serious to his injury..

“What? The fates had never decided such things, how is that possible?”

Someone has played with their balance, most likely offering a trade to the only one who could do such a thing. The demon Ferralah. I fear someone has made an alliance with him, offering his freedom back on this earth.

I broke off his telekinesis, I had heard enough. I stormed up the porch, tracing a hand along the emblem. The red dragon began to bleed through small hole in its chest, and the green one began to slowly burn at its tail. This was bad. That only meant that his time was ticking, and there was nothing we could do about it. I was angered, someone playing with the fates like this, they clearly didn’t understand the damage this could cause. They don’t care about the damage they’d cause. Black sparkled at my fingertips as I sharply whipped my hand from the slowly burning dragon, hearing the scream of a familiar voice from inside.

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