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Book online «Wolves by Ash Faith (ebook reader 7 inch .TXT) 📖». Author Ash Faith

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Chapter 51 >> Lana's view


Screams of pain erupted from me, as I felt a burning tear through my back slowly becoming larger by the second. I dropped to the ground in a thump, feeling Jye and Jack at each side of me and another familiar female voice yelling. Kierra. But it didn’t matter, I didn’t understand any words over the pain, I felt Jack’s hands began to slide my shirt up to check the pain where he knew came from my back. I death gripped his hand. No! He cannot see my back! I tried to speak words, but my screams had shut off and so had my vocal chords. I felt Jye drop down and heard a faint pitch of his own screaming in pain, but it faded out along with the piercing high-pitch noise that made my ears leak blood. My eyes began to drift upwards as everything began to fade out and the last thing I heard was Jack’s worried voice,

“Hey, No! Lana, Stay with me!”

It’s too late… my last thought drifted through my mouth as a whisper before all I could see, hear and feel was darkness.

A light appeared far away, a body drifting from out of it, smiling.

“Avenge,” It chanted, “Rise up to the darkness,”

The body appeared, lightened up to features I remember dearly. “Mongo?”

He smiled in reply, but continued chanting the same words over and over. He began to fade out, drifting back into the light he came from, his last words haunting me. Love you, sis.

“Wait, Mongo! Don’t go!” I screamed, banging around at whatever was holding me down. I was back into the nothingness, in the darkness, all alone. I felt tears flow down my face, but I felt my face wasn’t with me in the darkness. “Don’t leave me alone…”

Chapter 52 >> Jack's view


“Get him outside, Now! If you don’t want to burn to death Jackal!” The fair Kierra ordered me,

“Why would I burn to death- “a flame lit on Jye’s hand and his wound began to bleed magma.

“NOW!” She ordered, and this time I didn’t hesitate, I grabbed at the man’s arm’s dragging his body out the door quickly and dropping it next to a tree, I stood back as his whole entire body began to burn, the tree joining in. His hand reaching for something despite his unconsciousness. Callin came tumbling quicker than should be possible, carrying the two sheathed swords in his mouth and pushing them into the haunted burning arm he held out for them.

“What is going on? Kierra, is this some kind of joke-”

“I’ll tell you what’s going on. Call me Kira.” She re-introduced herself,

Chapter 53 >> Ace's view - 5 days later


I hated this constant feeling I had. I love Yulanda. But I don’t! My mind mixed with thoughts, some feeling out of place – and the worst part was that I felt like there was something I was missing. Something I needed to protect, to get to. And it wasn’t a something. It was a someone

“You’ve become so aggravated lately,” Yulanda strolled up to me, passing the casual passer-by’s “I like it,” she pressed her lips against mine, and an invisible force pushed me to kiss back as she went further. Come closer. Get away from me!

“The bar is booked for us, ready to go.” Peter’s voice broke it up. How dare he. Peter, help!

“Good, we must be on our best behaviour for our visitors. They are great allies.” She said, immediately walking off. My body was once again un-willingly pulled to follow her. As we entered the bar, a familiar scent of smoke, and bell ring above my head over-took me with the feeling I hated so much. Whoever I missed. I needed. Something happened here, either way, we were here – both of us.

“Ah, my dearest Yulanda. I am proud of your winnings, an Alpha and his pack!” a brown-haired sickly familiar woman stood up gracefully, leaving her male friend whose face was hidden at the bar stools.

“Princess Olivia, always a pleasure. I see Ferra is already here?” She bowed, but as Yulanda came back up from her bow she was slapped hard across the face.

“Stupid girl, you must call him by his full name, you are no friend of his.” Olivia’s eyes pierced through her.

“I am sorry, demon king Ferralah.”

Demon king? Ferralah?

“I see you used my potions correctly, at least you could do something right.” Olivia said, strutting over and brushing my jaw like you would to a pet. She grinned. “You’re a good doggy,” she laughed.

“A fake love potion can do so well, what with alpha’s and their packs being connected in the brain chemistry, I didn’t even need more than one.” Yulanda smiled, but Olivia waved her off, clearly done with the conversation.

“I had no doubt the potion would work, by now, he’s already deeply trapped in his own mind, unable to do anything unless it is something you want. And if the wretched bastard loved anyone, they’ve been long forgotten, there’s no way anyone could fight for their love through something as powerful as my personal love potion. He won’t even remember anything, not even be able to think about them even if their souls were mated. That’s why it’s part of the perfect for my plan for my brother.”

“Yes. Princess.”

Olivia cackled, but by the time she was done, the shadowed figure had moved from his seat and was standing across from me, on the side of Olivia.

“Yes, yes, your plan. But remember I will help you with nothing unless my plan is finished. Get me to the bitch daughter, I must kill her for my true freedom. The only thing that can harm me, must be destroyed.” His voice grumbled deeply, it was terrifying.

“It will be done, Demon King Ferralah, do not hesitate. We’re already in the right town.” Olivia spoke, but I didn’t take the information in, I was too busy staring at the man, he was in the light, but his features were still dark in horror. My instincts screamed to run, to say something to someone important about this man. But I was clouded, and now I knew why. I’d been bewitched. But something wasn’t right about it, Olivia had said I wouldn’t be able to think or remember anything about somebody it made me forget – but here I was, standing in a bar puzzled in my thought of somebody I remembered here and in my tent. Not just that. I loved them.

“I think your boy toy needs a topping up, Yulanda, his thoughts seem to be wandering.” Olivia sneered at me, and Yulanda whipped out a shiny red lipstick. Whacking it onto her lips and coming for me again like she had so many times. No! Not again! I have to get out of here, please, body, just move! My fingers began to tingle, my calves, and eventually my whole body. Yes! Now run!

My body was in pain, it was sudden and jolting, but I didn’t dare stop or look back as I flew out the door racing as fast as I could. I knew where to go, but I didn’t know why but it was urgent. Urgent enough to run through the pain that quickly ran through me harder by the second. It had to be some kind of effect for victims, if they were ever to break through it. Through the last street. Into the woods. Head slightly south. Keep going this way. My mind ordered me through, step by step by a memory I couldn’t bring back myself. A house appeared in the middle of all the trees and muddy ground, it was neutral, familiar, and I felt strongly about it. Strongly about what? I continued up to the house, almost tripping on my pain-number feet as I sprinted up the steps of the porch and banging my fist on the door. I immediately withdrew my hand, and a burn reared itself on my knuckle. I looked up to see a weird emblem I could’ve sworn I’d seen before. Where I’d placed my hand, there was still burning ash on one of the beautiful dragons that flew on the emblem. The door swung open to another familiar face.

“Do you have a death wish Alpha?” The fairy groaned, and a large dog appeared at her side. I knew them.

“I know you. Help me, please, I’ve been poisoned, potioned whatever you’re supposed to call a witch tricking you I don’t know just help me please,”

“Why should I help you- “The dog tore at her baggy pants,

“Please, miss, I need to find someone, and I know they’re in this house. I need to warn them.” I begged, doing what I’d never thought I’d ever do. I got on my knees, defeat pouring over me.

“Who’s at the door, Ki? And where’s Jackal- “another female walked into the room from behind the girl she called Ki. She was beautiful, with ocean blue eyes and dirty blonde hair that hung just above her elbows as it freely blew in the small breeze coming through the door. But she was not amazed to see me, instead, her eyes began to flash red. An Alpha. But it was her, I knew it, but what did I do to make her angry?

“It’s you, you. You I need to warn you, there’s a man in town he- “I tried to speak, but I had nothing, no idea how I could say what I needed to say or why I needed to.

“Well, this is a plot twist.” an evil laugh behind me interrupted my thoughts. Yulanda. The fairy in front of me dropped to her knees, the dog following with her as they both passed out cold. What was that?!

I spun around, ready to defend with my life. They may have taken my memories, my thoughts, but I will fight to the death for her. Even if I have no idea who she is now, it didn’t matter. I growled, deep and heavy.

“Yulanda, you dare to use witch’s trickery on me! Never again, I will rip your throat out you disgusting little-“ she broke my words, kissing me. She’d used her vamp speed to zoom up to me from the woods lining.

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