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Book online «Pack Gems by Kuro Kusai, WhiteWolf Aura (free ereaders TXT) 📖». Author Kuro Kusai, WhiteWolf Aura

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"Oh. Now they're listening to our conversations. How rude." Taylor turned her head to acknowledge Mason.

"This is getting out of control." Kaden said in mock terror.

"What is your name, anyway?" the dark-haired wolf asked Kaden.

"Why do you want to know? I mean, is it really necessary? It's not like I'm applying for a job or creating a profile on E-Harmony."

"Yes. It is." He narrowed his eyes visibly trying to reign in his temper. "Okay, I'll make you a deal, I'll tell you my name in exchange for yours."

"Fine, ladies first." Kaden made a gesture at him.

Taylor made a low chuckle watching the Alpha clench his jaw in annoyance. "I'm Axel, Alpha of the Topeka pack." He announced with pride.

"Good for you." Kaden would've patted him on the shoulder if she wouldn't have thought he'd break her only currently working arm. 

"And your name?" he prompted with slight annoyance. "Oh. Lassie." Kaden said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"That's not your real name." Axel spoke through clenched teeth. "Well, it's one of my names. You should have specified which one you wanted." Kaden gave a shrug.

Taylor covered her laugh poorly with a fake cough. Both girls were surprised their fun wasn't being spoiled by Mason. They were sure he had heard Taylor call Kaden's name earlier. But either he wasn't inclined to help Axel out or he just liked seeing the Alpha squirm because he never said a word. After a few more rounds of name dodging, Mason spoke up, "Well, I'm going to take Taylor," he emphasized Taylor's name just to spite Axel, "to her room downstairs in the western wing. I have prepared rooms for you and...Lassie in the eastern wing."

With that explained Mason hoisted up Taylor's chair and proceeded to carry her out of the room. Kaden would have laughed at Taylor's shocked expression if it wasn't for her own sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. They were going to be staying in separate rooms, who knows how far away from each other.  Alone. When was the last time she stayed alone? Kaden was sure Taylor was thinking the same thing as she was hauled away.


~Taylor's POV~

Taylor was not thinking of the same thing as Kaden. She was, instead, thinking of Mason's big dumb wolf head.

It was in striking distance, she thought, was it worth it? No. No. Not now. Not with her chair being held several feet in the air, being carried off— CARRIED?? Taylor twisted around in her chair to watch Kaden's receding form still seated at the table. Taylor couldn't let show how upset she was that they were being separated. That would give them power over them. Instead she gave a small smile complete with a weak wave at Kaden then turned her attention forward to Mason's path.

It was always good to memorize the way back to freedom.

Mason stopped in front of an oak door and set the dining room chair down.

"Are you going to try to hit me?" he asked warily.

Taylor couldn't help the small laugh that escaped her lips. "I thought about it. But no, not tonight…wait. Why? Are you going to do something else that deserves a hit?"

He smiled back, "Not that I know of, I'm just showing you to your room." And with that explanation he proceeded to uncuff her arm from the chair.

Again Taylor felt like she had to run.



But then her mind wandered back to Kaden. She was still cuffed and guarded by an Alpha herself. Neither one of them was up for another fight, or even running away.

With a sigh, ignoring the burning sensation around her middle, Taylor rose from her chair. They would wait. And when they were healed, thank god they healed fast, they'd give 'em hell. Mason seemed satisfied with her resigned expression and before Taylor could react, Mason scooped her up in his arms and pushed the door open.

Taylor was vaguely aware of them descending steps but abandoned all logic and starting to screech, curse and elbow him in the ribs and stomach. "Put me DOWN!" Taylor bellowed.

"Shh. You'll wake up all the wolves." he chastised.

Wolves? Who the hell cared about them? "PUTMEDOOOWN!" she developed a howl quality this time.

Mason seemed to falter down the last few steps as he received blows to his abdomen. "So much for not getting hit." Mason murmured, although he was sure she couldn't hear him over her protests. "Here you go," he nudged another door open with his shoulder. He plopped her on a queen-sized bed that was a deep maroon with cream colored pillows.

Taylor stopped to catch her breath, still glaring at him. "This is your room. You're welcome." Before Taylor could spit back an insult, he sat down on the bed next to her. She shut her mouth, opting for a frown instead.

Oh great. What now?

"Lay down." He ordered.

"Excuse me?" Taylor raised an eyebrow.

"Lay. Down." He sounded each syllable like she was confused with what he had said.

"N. O." she stuck out her tongue for good measure, childish but effective.

He gave a growl and pushed her down by her shoulders. Taylor felt a tremor of fear run through her. Mason grabbed both of her wrists in one hand and pulled them over her head, his other hand lifted her shirt. Taylor started to growl and flail desperately, using her still free legs to land hard blows to Mason's side. He didn't even flinch, a lesser wolf would have let go immediately and probably suffer from internal damage for a few days. Alpha werewolves were scary.  Pulling all that strength from their pack.

"Geez," Taylor stopped struggling to hear Mason's relatively calm voice.


Another surge of anger rose from inside her but died instantly as Mason's free hand was placed on her stomach. "You have at least three broken ribs that I can feel and that's just on the left side."

"I know." She snarled "I can take care of my own injuries if you'd just give me some bindings."

"Nonsense. You don't want to have to rebreak these if their set wrong and heal that way." He took out a wrap from the first aid kit on the night stand.

"You can let go of my wrists now." she said it as a suggestion but it was its tone made it sound like an order. She knew how much Alpha's hated following orders. And if she wanted to be free within the next century, she'd play by the rules...barely.

"I don't know, you could freak out again." he shook his head.

"That's your fault. If you'd just tell me what you were going to do I would've let you." Okay, that was a lie but whatever. She wouldn't have freaked out as much.

"Fine. Hold still." He released her abused wrists and she exhaled in relief. As he began binding around her waist she flashed back to the last time she had been so close to another Alpha.


Michael looked into her eyes. It was time.

"Come with me." Taylor tugged his arm. "

I can't. Jackson orders."

"Fuck his orders!" Taylor growled "Don't you love me?"

"…I do…but we can't be together…" Mike grimaced, feeling the Alpha's power near.

"Taylor." A deep voice echoed "Why are you out here? Disobeying my orders." Taylor felt his power. He was so angry, the swirling energy made her sick. "

I'm not getting mated to anyone you choose, Jackson."

"Wouldn't you rather have a dominant anyways? One who could give you power?"

"You mean like you? What about Tawney, you bastard." Taylor snarled. "

I'm bored of her." He closed the space in between them.

"I'm leaving this pack."

"I forbid it."

"I didn't ask. I was telling you." With that she shoved one of the only wolves she'd ever loved into her former Alpha. It was the only way he would've protected her considering he had been cowering in the corner since Jackson had showed up. Then without a second glance, she ran.

Taylor came back to as Mason clicked the kit shut.

"That should do. Goodnight, Taylor."

"Hmm." She gave him a nod as she lay her head down on the pillow. She never wanted to be controlled again. She'd die first. As she closed her eyes she was vaguely aware of the faint clicking sound of a lock sliding into place.

.::. Kaden's POV.::.

Axel was waving his hand in front of Kaden's face.

Angry with her thoughts being interrupted she lunged at it, clasping onto it like one would a lifeline. He took his other hand and pried her jaws open, retreating his wounded hand.

"Yep, she's a biter." Lucas said as he walked by, laughing at the other Alpha's luck.

"Damn!" He said standing up and walking to the kitchen. When he came back he had a blood soaked rag that covered the almost completely healed wound. "What the hell's your problem?"

"Take a wild guess." She said, looking down at her bruised body. "Can you just take me to my room?"

"Give me your name."

"I diiiid!" She whined.

"No, you played me into a game of wits, so either give me your birth-given name, or you're sleeping cuffed to that chair and not just tonight." He warned her, as he sat back down and turned her chair to face his, his expression controlled though she could smell faint traces of curiosity.

"Oh ok, it's nonexistent. See, I suffer from amnesia." She replied with a wide smile. Axel ruffled his hair and hesitated for a few seconds, then took out a set of small silver keys and uncuffed her. She looked up at him puzzled.

"Why'd you take them off?" She said rubbing her raw wrists. "C'mon, let's go to your room. We'll discuss this another time." He said as he stood, extending his hand to her, so she could use him as leverage. Reluctantly she took it. He put her hand on the crook of his arm against many of her protests and in the end had to hold it there while leading her through the big house.  After a short journey they stopped at a door and the Alpha took out another set of keys to unlocked the door. He opened the door and all that stood on the other side was a big bed and a nightstand.

So much for personality.

"I'll send a doctor in a short while."

"Don't bother. I've had to do this so often I might as well be certified." She replied warily.


"Yes, that would help."

"I'll be back shortly…Lassie." He said, almost regretfully. He was trying to guilt her into giving him her name.

"Kaden." She said before she could think twice.

After a while, he came back with some bandages and cookies. "Let me see your injuries." He said, starting for the bed Kaden was so happily being lazy in.

"Nope. You don't show your enemies your weakness." Kaden replied.

He kept coming toward her with the cookies and bandages. Kaden freaked out and started yelling at him to stop. But he just kept on coming. She looked around for weapons, but failed to find any suitable ones, so she settled for the pillow she had so comfortably been laying on. "I uh, I have a pillow. And I'm not afraid to use it!" She said, almost seriously. Axel stopped and burst out laughing.

"I'm only here to set your arm, I do have to take care of my possessions you know." She glared and threw the pillow. He efficiently dodged it and sat safely on the bed. So much for weapons. He set the items down on the nightstand and then started on setting her arm. Kaden bit her lip to make sure he didn't know how much it hurt, but damn was it hard. After he finished she stayed up to bandage the rest of her bruises. He offered to, but of course she wouldn't let him.  When she finally finished, Kaden was so tired she couldn't manage the covers so she plopped on top of them and fell into a long, dreamless sleep.


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