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Book online «Pack Gems by Kuro Kusai, WhiteWolf Aura (free ereaders TXT) 📖». Author Kuro Kusai, WhiteWolf Aura

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well and g'night." She said, slowly backing out of the room.

"Uh...I'm if you don't mind I'm just gonna grab a box of pizza...and...yeah..." Kaden, added as she followed Taylor out of the room, pizza balanced on one hand soda can held in the other.

Mason ignored them and started pacing, but halfway down the hallway both girls could hear him clearly disciplining his wolfs for playing poker and ordering pizza with two someones who were clearly under lock and key. And if that wasn't bad enough, Audrey started to question the Alpha on Taylor and Kaden's existence and their place here.

Soon she would know everything, and all might go to hell, but for now they had things to discuss themselves.

Chapter 8: Blessed Wolf

~Taylor's POV~

Everything after their initial escape from Mason's rant was kinda fuzzy after that... Guess four cans of Mt. Dew and at least six slices of pizza can do that to you at eight in the morning. Either way, Taylor and Kaden staggered into Taylor's 'room' and passed out. They didn't even bother to get under the covers or even shut the door.

That, was their first-- well, third or was it fourth? Mistake since coming to this place. Saying they were tired was an understatement. Normally, both women would jerk awake at the mere scent change in the air around them when they were sleeping.

Not only did someone waltz into their room undetected, they got close enough to them to press a cold wet nose to Taylor's cheek.

"Yahh!" She swung the arm that had been hanging off the bed and arced a swipe across the air.

Instead of hitting her offender, she hit her bed mate lying next to her.

"Oof!" Kaden bolted up into a sitting position, ready to deck whoever had hit her.

Taylor, eyes now open, fists out and ready to demolish whoever was stupid enough to approach her sleeping form, took in the wolf at their bedside.

It was Lucas. He was a rather large wolf, most of his bulk settling around his shoulders. He was a plain wash grey, peppered with specks of brown and black around his face and mane. Lucas' tongue was lolling out of his opening mouth, as close to a wolf grin as his muzzle would allow.

"What?" Taylor growled as Kaden let out a puff of breath in annoyance.

Lucas gave a short bark and turned his back to trot out of the room. "You suppose that means he wants us to follow?" Taylor asked.

"Probably." Kaden fell back on her pillow.

"Hm." Taylor laid back as well and just as her eyes were starting to get heavy again, a yell jerked her back to consciousness.

"GET UP HERE!" It was Mason.


Taylor could hear muffled activity on the floor above and curiosity was her only motivation as she swung her legs off the bed and onto the floor.

"Hurry up!" Mason sounded again, this time she heard distinct whining sounds.

"Oh, shut up!" Taylor growled as both her and Kaden got up and stretched-- taking their own sweet time.

"What's going on?" Kaden sounded wary.

"I don't know..." And neither really wanted to know. Side by side, they left the room and ascended the steps to what was in store. Both would have never guessed that when they reached the living room, they would be greeted by at least a dozen of the pack members in wolf form.

Taylor's head jerked back and Kaden took in a sharp breath of surprise. The only two still in human form were Mason and Axel. Axel was stretched across the couch, given wide berth from the other pack. Audrey was the only wolf near him, laying on the floor next to the couch. She was a bright blonde shade that seemed to shimmer in the low sunlight coming through the windows. Low sunlight?? Taylor noted that the sun was on the verge of setting beyond the hills.

"Wow. We've slept awhile." Kaden voiced what Taylor was thinking.

"Finally!" Mason had been leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest.

"What's all the fuss about?" Taylor questioned.

"We're going on a pack hunt." Mason explained.

"Which means you're going on a pack hunt." Axel added in.

Taylor wrinkled her nose at the order but couldn't deny the feeling that leapt out at her. Joy. She wanted to stretch her legs, run. The dull pain in her ribs reminded her that she wouldn't be sprinting-- but a light trot would suffice.

Taylor glanced at Kaden. Based on her expression, she had mixed emotions too. "Oh, goodie." Kaden directed her sarcasm at Axel, who arose from the couch and almost stepped on Audrey.

"Changing will help speed up the healing process." Mason pointed out the obvious.

"Fine. What kind game do you even have around here, anyway?"

"Fun ones." Axel gave them a cheeky smile.

"I meant animals! Hunting game." Taylor shook her head in exaggerated disgust.

"Oh, plenty. Anything to satisfy your tastes."

Taylor gave a nod of approval and looked at Kaden who did the same. They were going hunting. With a pack. Who'd have thought?

Several minutes later, a whole pack emerged from the house. As in turned out, Taylor and Kaden had no feel for pack dynamics. With all the examining, sniffing and playful bumps quickly turned into snapping and snarling. Taylor's gums peeled over her canines as another female, one who neither Kaden nor her recognized, confronted her.

The brown She-wolf was sleek but fit. She snapped at Taylor's paws in warning. Ears back, both Kaden and Taylor growled in warning back. The pack had split apart to give, what Taylor now assumed to be the Alpha female, room.

This was silly. Taylor gave a snort and stood up straighter in nonchalance. The female still didn't back down. Taylor gave a wag of her head and pawed the ground. She didn't want to be in the pack at all, the female's rank was safe. Still, the female bared her fangs. Kaden gave a snap of her own jaws as another wolf got too close to her. He was black as night, and tall even for a werewolf. It was Axel, trying to tell the female to back off, which-- only proceeded in making Audrey growl solely at Kaden.

Oh damn. This got out of control fast. Kaden was dealing with a snapping Audrey as Axel only made things worse and Taylor stared down the Alpha female. Mason couldn't help out with this one. His hands-- er, paws, were tied.

The Alpha's had a policy, however stupid it may be and that was the way things were. In the Alpha female's mind, a new comer had to be put in their place. A place below her. And that wasn't going to happen, no matter what shape she was in, she'd go down fighting. With one last ditch effort, Taylor tried to reason with the female. Instead the bitch lunged at her throat.

Taylor was faster than that though, even with broken-- well, probably bruised ribs now. She grabbed hold of the brown Alpha's mane and shook her like a rag doll. She was light enough that her body was actually lifted off the ground slightly. While what little strength she'd gained through her sleep was sapped, she tossed the wolf into the other She-wolves that were watching with fascination.

Unfortunately, the throw had hardly slowed the Alpha female down, just pissed her off. Before either of them had time to attack again, Mason was there. His wolf form was a shocking red, as red as a fox's coat. With one low growl, he told the female that that was enough for now. She froze, ears pinned to her head and eyes glued to the floor. Mason's golden eyes then turned to her. Taylor gave a jolt as their eyes met…

.::. Kadens' POV .::.

Kaden growled and took several steps closer to Audrey, warning her to back the hell off or deal with the consequences. Audrey just snapped at her front paws, trying to get her to leave. Fine, she would. But only because it sounded like Taylor's side of pack drama was reaching a new sky high, and they always had each other's backs.

As she tried to make her way back to Taylor's side, Axel stood in the way, as if giving her permission to try and beat Audrey's status of Alpha female and join his ranks.

Kaden snorted and as she continued to stalk her way around Axel, someone had tackled her from behind. Pissed off from all the games they were playing, she lunged….and missed Audrey by inches. She may be very God damn annoying, but she was Alpha female for a good reason.

Fine, if they wanted to play, she was game. It was Audrey's turn to attack, and fail miserably. Adequate as she may be, she was no match for a lone rogue female. One who had faced it all--with Taylor of course. If she hadn't have had Taylor by her side she probably wouldn't be alive and in the good company of this bitch. The hunting game continued, and Audrey was visibly wearing out. Kaden might be injured, but at least she had energy.

Kaden's wolf let out a , aimed to anger Audrey. It worked. With blind fury alive in her brown eyes she clumsily attacked Kaden from the side and made her back into another wolf. A good sniff of the air informed her it was Taylor dearest.

~Taylor's POV~

Before either could have a stare down, Taylor was bumped by Kaden as she dodged a bite by Audrey.

Axel stood in between them now, neither appeared to be hurt either.

Saved by the Alphas'.

It would have been a shame had they fought and beaten the females. Sure they'd be left alone afterwards. But they'd also be Alpha females themselves.

Taylor gave a shake of her coat as she felt the revulsion go through her. Giving a bark to Kaden, both of them walked out of the cluster, giving the steaming females room to cool...for the time being.

As if the stupid Alpha's hadn't helped out enough, they followed after them. With a bark from Axel's shadowy form, he stepped forward to rub his head against Kaden. Much like a cat did, this wasn't a show of affection as much as a declaration. Kaden was Axel's. And while Taylor watched Kaden 'deal' with Axel's proclamation, Mason stepped up and did the same. While this wasn't a permanent marking, it still meant the same as if they'd been marked with a bite. But a simple shower or roll in leaves would fix the marking and that was the only reason both Alpha's were still intact.

Had they over stepped the bounds much more they would never have had the opportunity to do it again.

Mirroring Kaden's growl, Taylor snapped at Mason, who as usual, seemed unaffected.


Taylor never had so much trouble intimidating anyone.

Glancing at Kaden, Taylor was sure she was having similar thoughts as Axel pawed and inched closer to her even as she snapped at him. With a snort of air, Taylor closed her muzzle and looked toward Mason. Hopefully the meaning was clear, 'Let's go already.' She was hungry and impatient for whatever freedom and movement was allowed.

He understood and gave an authoritative bark and the pack was on the move.

Silently leaping over fallen trunks and foliage with little to no noise. It didn't take long at all for

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