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Book online «Vampires And Witches by Kayla Trautman (top 5 ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Kayla Trautman

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in, “Good morning Ariel.” I frowned and looked at him, “Good morning Dr. Perry.” Dr. Perry came over and did the whole check thing. Then he took my I.V. out and said, “You can go now.” I got off of the bed slowly, “Thanks.”

I left with Keith. Keith put his arm around me as we walked, “If it gets to be too much . . .” I interrupted him, “I’m fine.” He sighed and was quiet for the rest of the walk. David came over to us, “The others are in the car. Why is she walking?”

Keith was about to say something but I interrupted, “I’m fine. It’s just a headache. I can still walk. Now can we please go or do I have to prove to you that I can walk?” David frowned, “No. Let’s go.” He turned and we started to leave. Keith muttered to me, “Someone needs a nap.” David humped, “Got that right.” I just folded my arms and followed them out.

When we got in the car I stared out the window frowning. They drove down the street and I heard sirens from a fire truck and an ambulance. Damn it. It made my head hurt ten times worse. Like a major migraine. I put my hands over my ears to try and block the noise. It brought it down a level but it was still loud enough to hurt my head.

Keith brought me over and leaned me against him. He put his arm around my head covering my ear. He didn’t cover my face just my ear. It seemed to block the noise out completely. I sighed in relief, “Thank you.” I cuddled up next to him to get comfortable and closed my eyes. About fifteen minutes later I fell asleep. I would have fell asleep earlier but it was hard to get to sleep when my head was pounding. But once I was asleep I didn’t feel a thing. I went into a deep sleep.

When I opened my eyes I was in one of the guest rooms. It looked just like the one I slept in before. But it was a different one. I sat up and looked around. There was no one in the room. I got up and walked to the door half asleep, half awake.

When I went into the hall Keith was sitting on a chair right outside my room to the left. He got up and turned towards me, “Afternoon. How’s your head?” I shrugged, “Better I guess.” I yawned. He chuckled, “Someone’s still tired.” I replied, “Half asleep half awake. What time is it?” He answered, “About two. Want some breakfast?” I nodded, “I’m starving.” Keith put his arm around me and led me downstairs. I almost tripped on the first step but Keith caught me, “You alright? Maybe I should carry you.” I shook my head, “No I’m . . .” Before I could finish he picked me up, “Never mind.” Keith chuckled and continued to walk downstairs.

David came over to us when we got to the bottom of the steps, “How are you feeling? And why is he carrying you? Are you feeling dizzy?” I sighed, “Why is everyone I meet a worry-wart?” I looked at him, “No I’m not. He’s carrying me because I’m half asleep and I almost tripped coming downstairs. And I’m feeling okay. I’ll be as good as new by tomorrow. Oh, sorry about yesterday. I didn’t mean to get jumpy. I had a major headache and I was cranky.” David shrugged, “It’s okay. I understand. You were in pain and you’re going through a lot right now. It’s to be expected.”

I looked at Keith, “Can you please let me down now?” Keith chuckled, “Why? So you can fall again?” I frowned, “So I won’t be cranky. I hate it when people carry me.” Keith frowned, “Did someone pick you up and then drop you?” I nodded, “Yes. And I got an ugly scar because of it so please, put me down.” He put me down, “Fine. But I won’t drop you.” I shrugged, “I know and I don’t care. I still don’t want you carrying me. Now what’s for breakfast?” David said, “I’ll go let Hilary know that you’re awake and she’ll make you some French toast.” I nodded, “Okay. No syrup please. Thank you. I’m gonna go sit on the couch until then.” I walked around him and sat on the couch. I brought my feet up on the couch underneath me and folded my arms on the arm of the couch and layed my head in my arms.

Keith sat next to me, “You know the arm of the sofa is hard, right?” I replied and closed my eyes, “Yeah. But I’m tired.” “Come here. My shoulder’s softer. More comfortable.” He said. I frowned, “Now why would I wanna do that?” He said, “Because I’m trying to be nice and you’re tired.” I looked at him. He put his arm out for me. I moved over and leaned against him. I put my hand around him on his shoulder and just rested it there. He put his arm around me and placed his hand on the side of my stomach, “Now was that so hard?” I humped, “Extremely.” He chuckled, “Funny.”

About ten minutes later Hilary came in carrying a plate full of French toast. She gave it to me, “Here you go. How are you feeling?” I nodded, “Fine. Just tired.” I looked at the plate. It had about five pieces of French toast on it. I smiled, “I don’t think I could eat all of this.” Keith said, “Just eat what you want.” I nodded and began to eat. By the time I was done I had only ate three. I got up and went out to the kitchen. I trashed the other two French toast and washed my plate and fork. Then I went to go back into the other room but I heard something from out back.

I went out back and looked around. I didn’t see anyone or anything. I shrugged and turned around to go back inside. But I stopped right in my tracks. William was standing there looking at me, “You know you’ve been the hardest to kill then the others. But don’t worry. One of these times I will kill you. Just like I killed your father.”

I backed up a couple steps and then I felt like I couldn’t stand anymore. I dropped to the ground. I sat there just staring at him. He came over and kneeled on front of me, “What’s the matter? Did I make you petrified of me when I killed your father? Good.” He was about to grab me but Keith grabbed him from behind and threw him across the yard. William got up, “One of these days. I will catch her alone. And you won’t be able to stop me. Bite you later Ariel.” Then he ran off.

Keith and the rest of them ran over to me. Keith kneeled in front of me, “Are you okay?” I took a breath and nodded, “Yeah. He didn’t even touch me. Don’t worry.” He frowned, “Then what are you doing on the ground? And how come you didn’t call for us when you saw him?” I frowned and let my eyes wander, “I don’t know.”

Keith grabbed my hands and stood me up. Diana said, “How did you get on the ground?” I answered, “I sat down.” “Why?” She asked. I replied, “I felt like I couldn’t stand.” David sighed, “I think because of what he did to your father you’ve became terribly afraid of him.” I frowned and shook my head, “I’m no more afraid of him then I was before.”

Keith picked me up, “Well, we can talk about that later. If you say it wasn’t your fear getting the best of you then you’re not well enough to be up. I’m taking you to go lay down.” I sighed, “I don’t have to.” He ignored me and took me upstairs. He layed me down in bed and sat in the corner on one of the chairs, “Get some rest.” I sighed and closed my eyes. Then I fell asleep.

Chapter 4: Fears and Purpose

I had a dream. I was wandering through a hallway that never ended. I looked confused. Or lost. I was lost. Then out of no where William appeared in front of me. I started to breathe heavily and back up. Then I turned and ran. I just kept on running. When I looked behind me he was still there starring at me. I kept on running down the hall and it never ended. There were no doors for me to end. And the distance between me and William never changed no matter how much I ran. Then I ran right into William. I fell back and just layed there on the floor. He was no longer behind me. He was in front of me. He got down on the floor and hovered over me. He looked into my eyes for a few moments. Then he looked at my neck and bent his head.

I sat up quickly panting from the dream. Damn it. Can’t I sleep without seeing him? “Are you okay, Ariel?” I heard Keith ask. I looked to my left and he was sitting on the edge of my bed staring at me. I nodded, “Yeah. Just a dream.” He asked, “What was it about?” I shook my head, “It doesn’t matter. It was just a dream, okay? What time is it?” “About five.” He replied. I got out of bed and headed for the door, “I’m going downstairs.”

“Why are you shaking?” Diana asked. I looked at my hands and they were shaking. I held them behind my back, “I’m fine.” I sat on the couch and held my hands together on my lap. Keith sat next to me, “She had a nightmare. But she won’t say what it was about.” Diana sat on the other couch and said, “Bet it was about William.”

I looked up at her, “No. It wasn’t.” She folded her arms, “Then what was it about?” I thought about it and then answered, “Tomorrow’s my birthday and my mom said that that’s the day I find out what my purpose is.” Keith frowned, “I doubt that your nightmare was about that. That’s not what I heard come out of your mouth.”

I frowned and looked at him, “What? I don’t talk in my sleep.” He nodded, “Yes you do. You didn’t say much but you said William’s name.” I sighed, “Fine. So maybe my nightmare was about him. But it’s nothing. It means nothing.” I got up and walked outside.

I just kept on walking until I got to the pavement. I turned and just began to run. I needed to run. I haven’t ran in a while. I needed to run from life at the moment. In a flash Keith was running next to me at my speed, “Where are you going?” His voice was steady as if he was standing still. I stopped and caught my breath, “Just going for a run. It gets my mind off of things.” He nodded, “Alright but I’m coming with you just in case William comes back.” I nodded and continued to run. He ran beside me. Once in a while he would glance over at me. Probably to check if I was okay. I mean, I was just getting over a concussion. But I was feeling fine.

I finally stopped and leaned on my knees panting soundlessly. Keith asked, “Are you
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