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Book online «THE CROWN AND THE FLAME by ROCHELLE PIETERSE (the little red hen read aloud .txt) 📖». Author ROCHELLE PIETERSE

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opposite directions. Skyelar started to head after the other but stops abruptly.

“Wait… I’m going to need a weapon!” she snatches up the kor-kitar, nimbly twirling it through the air and tucking it beneath her arm. With every move, it makes a soothing metallic hum.

“Now this is my kind of weapon!” she sprints outside, chasing after the scout.

“Not…going to get away…from me,” she breathed.

She caught up with the scout. He spins, pulling out two curved daggers.

“Good luck defending against two blades, girl” the scout said mockingly.

She spins the kor-kitar in her hand, the blades tracing large intimidating arcs through the air. “I think I’ll handle them just fine.”

“Oh Gods. Y-you…” the scouts eyes went wide. “You’re using one of those?”

“Yes. Now are we going to fight or what?” Skyelar spat.

“I… I don’t care if you have one of those double bladed weapons. I’m going to cut you up, then I’m going to gut you just like a wild boar.” The scout lunges forward, slashing at her chest with one of his daggers. She blocks his attack, smashing his hand with the flat of the kor-kitars blade. Before she can counter attack, he thrusts with the other dagger. She spins the kor-kitar hand over hand, smashing into his forearm, breaking the bone. The scout squeals.

“Was that the part where you were supposed to cut me up?”

The scout lunges again, but this time she is able to roll away quickly, exposing a weak point on his thigh. She attacks, aiming for his thigh. Her kor-kitar slicing his thigh spraying blood in a fine mist. She whips around the other end, catching him in the calf.

“Arghhh. To hells with that weapon!”

“Is this the part where you gut me?” she asked fiercely.

In his rage, the scout whirls around, kicking her hard in the chest and sending her flying onto her back. He rushes towards her, “This is where you die!”

She twirls the kor-kitar in a low sweep, wedging one of the blades into his ankle. He stumbles.

Sir Luke has finished off the other scout and was running towards her but suddenly stopped mid-way. Looking surprised and proud at the picture unfolding in front of him. She kicks her legs out, popping into a fighting stance, the kor-kitar humming at her hip.

“I’m still going to kill you! I swear it!” the scout raged.

“Not if I kill you first!” and with that the blades of the kor-kitar span, slicing in vicious swaths across his body. First, across his chest. Then the midsection, before finally slicing at his legs. He falls forward, blood pouring out of him.

“Well, that was…” Sir Luke started, “Eye-opening. You certainly don’t need my help.”

“I could get used to fighting with this kor-kitar,” Skyelar breathed, smiling.

“We must be vigilant. Not even a single scout can report our location back to Jameel.”

“We stopped them today, but we can’t hide forever.”

“No. and when the time comes, you must be ready to strike.”

As they head back inside, Skyelar doesn’t notice a slight stirring in the bushes. Lying there, holding his breath is one last Northumbrian scout.


In the kitchen, Zayden spots Lucy filling a tray with meat. A guard looming over her.

“That looks tasty,” the guard said as he reached over and plucked a piece of meat from the tray.

“Please sir, we’ll barely have enough the high table as it is…” Lucy said.

“That’s your problem, isn’t it?” the guard mocked. “If I’ve got to watch over you filthy kitchen rats, I’m going to enjoy myself.” He reaches for more.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Zayden said matter of factly.

“Oh yeah? And why would I listen to a dog like you?” the guard pressed.

“Because Jameel sends thieving guards to the gallows. I don’t want to see any more death, sir,” Zayden tried to look sympathetic but he would most likely enjoying their enemy thinning themselves out.

“Bah.” The guard exclaimed. “Fine, get on with you.”

The soldier moved down the other end of the kitchen to steal a piece of bread.

Zayden whispers, “Looks like that did the trick.”

“Thanks Zayden,” Lucy smiled shyly and Zayden had to wonder if there was something developing in Lucy and or in himself.

“It’s the least I could do,” Zayden replied.

“Hmmm…I know that look,” Lucy said suspiciously and she sees him wondering about something. “What do you want now? And keep your voice down.”

“You don’t need to sound so suspicious,” Zayden said offended. “I’m here to offer my services. I want to help you serve the banquet tonight.”

“Oh really? And why do you want to do that?” Lucy felt her stomach turning. She knew all too well what her feelings For Zayden has turned into, but was not sure if he returned them and it was pure torture she thought to herself.

He leaned close and she felt her heart skip a beat as his breath brushed against her cheek when he whispered in her ear, “I need to learn if Skyelar is in danger. I’ve got to know what they’re planning so I can warn her.”

She felt her heart fell to the floor but tried to compose herself, “Oh, Zayden. Please be careful. I don’t want to see you tied to the whipping pole tonight.” And it was true, she couldn’t bear to think about it.

“I’m always careful.” He tried to reassure her, “Except, you know, when I’m not.”

“I’m going to regret this… but here, take this tray of venison. And don’t draw attention to yourself.”

“Of course,” he offered with a smile. That damn smile will be her downfall she thought reluctantly. He followed Lucy into the banquet hall. Soldiers lined the walls, standing at attention. At the center, Prince Andrew and his right hand man, Giles, were sitting at a long banquet table.

“About time,” Prince Andrew seemed annoyed.

“Any later and I’d be visiting the kitchen with my carving knife,” Giles replied dryly.

“Apologies, my lord,” Lucy offered a sincere apologetic smile.

Across from Andrew and Giles is the red haired woman he saw earlier. And at the head of the table, King Jameel presided.

“As I was saying, after speaking with Maria, I’ve made my decision.” King Jameel uttered a weary groan.

“My lord, is it wise to discuss things of this nature in front of the servants?” Maria inquired, one brow raised in question.

“I assure you, they’re perfectly subdues,” Andrew said without thinking. “We’ve beaten any fight out of them long ago.”

“Luckily, this is easy to demonstrate. You,” Jameel inclined Zayden to come forth, which he did but reluctantly. “Come here.”

“Yes, m’lord?” Zayden answered.

“What do you know about the Iron Empire?” King Jameel asked waiting patiently for an answer. Zayden tried to look confused, out of sorts, and then asked calmly, “Um, well… Is that where our iron comes from m’lord?”

“Ha-ha! I think that says it all. Satisfied, Maria?” Jameel was doubled over with laughter.

“I don’t know if I’ve ever heard anyone more misinformed?” Maria was looking at him as if he was daft. But at least for now he had them convince and was dismissed with a wave of the hand.

“See? He might as well be a piece of furniture in the room, “Andrew was boasting. Lucy shot Zayden a quick smile as if to mentally congratulate him on being such a fast thinker.

“So, as I was saying, I’ll be sailing west tonight and attacking the Iron Empire with the bulk of our forces,” Jameel continued.

“We’re going to war?” Andrews face lit up. “About time. Sparring is no replacement for a real battle. I don’t to get slow…”

Jameel interrupted, “No. you won’t be going with me. You will remain here at Dragonstead.”

Andrews face fell and disappointedly and quite enraged said, “What? But there’s no glory in staying here. I should be cutting down our enemies, like my brothers and sisters.”

“This castle is the heart of our new kingdom,” Jameel added. “I am entrusting it to you. Do not make me regret it. Maria, I’ll need you to stay here as well.”

“But, my king,” Maria said obviously taken aback, “My place is at your side, as it always has been.”

“We must hold the five kingdoms.” Jameel was starting to lose his patience, “Does no one understand that? Maria, you’ll serve me best here. I’m leaving behind a contingency of my most elite troops for you to command.”

“Yes, my king,” Maria said.

“You might also help prevent my son from wasting scouts to hunt after the exiled princess,” Jameel send Andrew an accusing look.

“How’d you know about that?” Andrew asked in bafflement.

Skyelar… he closed his eyes to remember her, every part of her. But his thoughts were interrupted with Jameel’s load voice piercing through the room, “More venison! Where’s that servant?”

Zayden rushed forward, fumbled and dropped the plate. Zayden looked more annoyed at himself then the king who brought him back out of his thoughts.

“You clumsy fool,” Jameel exclaimed.

“I… I’m so sorry,” Zayden started to apologize.

“Should I have him whipped, your majesty? You know how much I enjoy a good whipping,” Giles asked hopefully.

“No need,” Jameel replied and with that backhanded Zayden across the face. “Anyway, that little girl is of no consequence to us.”

“She’s no little girl now. Half the realm is still loyal to her. If she were to call for an uprising…” Andrew started to protest.

“She won’t. Not while she can cower away in some hovel. Leave her be.”

“But…” Andrew was not going to let it go so easily. Jameel lost his temper, “MY WORD IS FINAL! Now, I ride tonight.”

After dinner, while Zayden and Lucy carried the plates and dishes back to the kitchen, they saw King Jameel riding out with the main force of his army. In the nearby banquet hall, Zayden hears a crash.

“Sounds like there’s something going on in there, Lucy,” he started towards the door. “I’ve got to see what more I can learn.”

“Be careful,” Lucy whispered.

Zayden lingered outside the door and listened in.

“Maria, I won’t say this again. I want a team of assassins sent after that girl!” He hurled a vase against the wall, shuttering it to pieces.

“You can destroy as many vases as you’d like. Your father said to hold Dragonstead. I follow his orders,” she replied calmly, appearing not be in any fear of the young prince or his outburst.

“If my father wants to leave me here, I will find my own glory… in ending the life of that miserable girl before she can raise her hand against us,” Andrew rubbed his face, remembering how she slapped him. “She already raised her hand against me once. She’ll learn to regret that. I’ll mount that foolish girls head on a spike for everyone in this godforsaken castle to see.”

You’ll never touch Skyelar, Zayden thought as he feels anger rushing through him. He looked down at his hands. They feel warm…it’s just like two years ago… that fire…the fire started to glow a faint red. I can’t lose control now, I need to focus my anger. He takes a deep breath and calms himself. He can feel the power roiling deep in his veins. As he watched his hands, the heat consolidates to a point in the center of his palm. Whoa…the heat blossoms into a small fireball that spins and dissipates.

What was that? I feel…stronger…he leaned back towards the door, listening in again.

“Now, Maria, I’m sure my father would love to hear that you openly rebelled against me the moment he left for war,” Andrew spoke mockingly.

“I…” Maria started but couldn’t find her voice.

“Now say ‘Yes, Prince Andrew,’ and do my bidding.”

“Yes, Prince Andrew,” Maria said bowing. She heads toward the door. Zayden darts around the corner before he is spotted. A while later, he returned to his quarters where Avery was waiting for him.

Avery couldn’t contain his excitement, “You did it, didn’t you? You found out what’s going on?”

“If the soldiers catch you after curfew…” Zayden said with concern.

“I’m not scared. I’ve had lashes before. Now tell me!” Avery was beyond reasoning with.

“It’s big,” Zayden confessed. “Jameel has left, and taken most of the army with him… all but an elite group of soldiers. And even bigger….”

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