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come to know as kind and friendly was insane. Water resisted me when I tried to spin away and swim to the other side, I could not tread forever, and it was only a matter of time before he came into the water himself. Trigger launched into the cold pond, splashing water everywhere, making a lot of noise. Other wolves were soon by the shore, but he never diverted his attention from me. I continued swimming, getting closer and closer to the edge. Kaire was barking madly at Trigger, demanding that he stops and thinks about who he's going after. But all he said was, "I know." Despite how senile he was, he had a reason inside his mind why he was trying to kill me. Once I reached the grassy land I was missing, I waited and faced him. He sprinted at me the moment he got the chance. Lunging, I ducked and clamped my jaws on his throat, pushing him upwards. Trigger was dead before I knew it, my instinct had driven me to dig my teeth with such force that his neck had snapped clean in half. The only thing that crossed my mind th entire time that he was chasing me was, what had happened to this friend of mine?

Even after that there were still other wolves in the pack that had done strange things. There was a wolf, his name was Cridiko. He was never quite like everyone else. But he had his reasons. For one thing, the poor guy was a snow white wolf from the colder regions of the planet. He had escaped human captivity and ran for his life until he reached my pack. Then he met me. The moment he laid eyes on me he was lunging for my throat. All the time he had been screaming that I was a monster, full of toxic chemicals that would kill everyone. He asked me if I knew what he was talking about or even who he was. I have never remembered him any more than every moment that he was trying to kill me. Kaire had caught him trying to sneak up behind me and break my neck. Cridiko had died the way he had tried on me, the snap of the neck.

After Cridiko and Trigger there was Myllan. Crazy was in her blood from the moment she was born, but she snapped in one brief moment. We ran together for quite some time and then one day she leaves a huge gash right above my rib cage because she saw what happened to Trigger. Although she had been my friend, she spoke of dark angels non-stop. Like Cridiko, she brought up chemicals all too often. Apparently, every crazy wolf that tried to murder me agreed on one thing. I was full of chemicals and was toxic to our pack. I needed to die. 

Then their was Odie. She was a familiar wolf that warned me against doing  my job of being nosy. She was not as crazy as the others and she wqas trying to save me. In fact, she had saved me. I almost got shot but she tackled me out of the way of the bullet, saving my life. She was the only stranger that did not want me dead on the side of the road somewhere, probably the only creature that did not want me dead to begin with.

I awoke with a start, a strange memory floating around in my head of my parents. My father had red-brown fur, and he was large. He appeared to be ferocious but I always knew that he was really sweet underneath the layer of mud and violence that he carried beneath his fur. Mother, never harsh and never mean, she was just always a kind caring wolf. Her fur was significantly darker than father's, a dark brown-black color. Her fur resembled the night sky, dark but noy scary like the lurking shadows. They were both friendly, but they could turn deadly in a heartbeat. When I looked at them again, from within the memory, I saw that they were both lycans, changed by the viurs. At the same time I could tell that they were once regular wolves but with a unique history. Just like me.


Bloody Interrogations

Days had passed since the hunters were killed. The hybrid creature never showed its face and no one else died. Every day passed on the same. Feline kept trying to run away in a frantic attempt to rid herself of her identity and Kaire blamed himself for Penelope’s death when he was too far to do anything about it. Me, I just kept living my life and putting one paw in front of the other. This was how life was, wolves die and we get hurt. The only thing that we can do is to just keep living our lives and forget that anything happened.

There were places in the river where it was still frozen from the previous winter. Even in the summertime the forest gets pretty cold. On the hot days, the cold water always felt nice. Swimming in any body of water made me happy. I love swimming and if I didn’t freeze to death first, I would be in a body of water all day. Which is why I was the only one walking more than two pawsteps away from the river.

“We’ve traveled far enough for today! Let’s rest here!” Zeke called out. To humans, his voice would sound like a howl. It was night time and the moon was up, so there superstition would spark and they would believe that we were werewolves. Humans are way too jumpy.

Light glistened from behind a thick blackberry bush. As I sniffed around, I could smell the stench of gunpowder and metal. I studied the metal for a while longer to observe where the human was aiming. Danger awaited as I continued to walk towards the human, hoping to get an actual glance at the barrel of the gun. My eyes focused and found the target. Pointing directly above my ears, the hunter was aiming for whoever was sitting behind myself. All of my instincts were kicking into overdrive as I began to race towards the target, hoping that I could reach him before the hunter pulled the trigger. We both rolled into the river as a gunshot rang out, startling everyone else. Blood was soaking the water, from where, I did not know. Zeke got up first, only a few seconds before I followed suit. Feline was galloping towards us, carrying a worried look on her face. Besides Kaire, she was to only one that was going in our direction. Everybody else was chasing down the hunter that had just attempted to murder our alpha.

“Which one of you got shot?” Feline mandated. She was not asking us, she was demanding that we speak up about our injuries. Me, I disliked having a medic watch my every move when I am wounded. If I had been shot, I was not quite sure at the moment, there was no way that I was telling her. Although I was confident I would not need Feline for a few scratches from the rocky riverbed, both Kaire and Feline were staring at me. I gazed at them with a quizzical look, studying both of their dusty grey fur. 

“Millennia, most of the blood is around you,” Kaire said. It seemed more than obvious that he was infuriated. For the most part, the two of us were never mad at one another when we became hurt. On a casual day, whichever sibling got hurt would watch as the other one would be hurting the attacker. No matter what, there was always two different animals or creatures getting damaged in some way. In this case, Kaire was going to more than likely kill the hunter very slowly. He was right though, crimson water was surrounding me and Zeke was too far away for the blood to be his. The water was pretty when it was stained with blood.

“Calm down, it’s not the first time I’ve been shot at, you know that,” I countered lightly. Kaire did tend to have temper issues. Pushing the wrong buttons meant messing with the wrong wolf.

For two hours I sat in a cave with Feline. The bullet a nearly hit part of my hip, that was all she could tell. The only thing that she could do was let me leave, once more, watching me with her keen eyesight. If I so much as showed any form of limp in my walk she would drag me by the neck back into that cave for another two hours. However, if Feline did not notice a limp, then Kaire would. At that point, he would lock me down in the cave until the injury scarred.

Sitting carefully, I watched my pack. Preston and Lilith were resting and whispering to one another. By the looks of it, they had secrets that concerned others besides themselves. They were going to tell me or they will tell Zeke instead. Either way, they get the choice of how the information is pulled out of them.

“What do you know?” I snapped at them, causing both wolves to spin around and bare their teeth at me.

“Nothing, we know nothing about nothing,” Lilith replied too quickly. The readiness and speed of her answer symbolized that she was lying. Thankfully, she had poor reflexes and she was awful at lying, especially to her superiors and me. Preston was almost the same way, she was bad at lying, but had excellent reflexes. She was pretty good at come-backs and puns as well, her being the wise-cracker of our pack.

“Nice try Lilith, but you are going to need to try harder.” There was shame spreading across her face as I looked over to Preston. “You are going to tell me, or I can get Zeke over here.” I let my sentence trail off. Fear took over shame as they stared at me wide eyed. No one dared to lie to the alpha, or anyone who threatened to retrieve the alpha while he was sleeping. That alone was able to give me the answer I needed.

“The hybrid, he said that if we tell anyone that he’ll kill off our pack,” Lilith confessed. I rolled my eyes.

“How can a freak of nature wipe us out? No one creature can take out seven wolves with a fighting tactic.” It made me sound cocky but it was true. One man cannot take down seven other men in one fight. The seven will gang up on him all at once and take him down. Game over for the man flying solo in that scenario.

“That is where you are wrong; this is no freak of nature. He is not a hybrid Millennia; he is a natural creature that was created when someone tried to cure a disease with some ancient blood that carried a new virus. That same virus can kill us if we are bitten by him. The thing that infect us is in his blood and saliva. And the thing is, he can understand us as a human and as a wolf,” Preston reported. The information was hard to believe but

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