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Book online «Millennia by Raven Slake (most interesting books to read TXT) 📖». Author Raven Slake

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is a war being fought inside of you. Lethargy quickly becomes the dominant feeling and all you want to do is lie down and die. Thankfully, I never actually did that, but I believe I got very close. It felt as if I was not meant to survive.

“What time of day is it?” The blinds covering the windows were down, so I could not tell if it was still daytime or not. The weird clock device on Emberlynn’s arm told time, so she would know.

“It’s nighttime. Pitch black outside, why?” Her curiosity was strong, and eventually that is going to get her killed. Then she looked me in the eye, and said something that ran a chill down my spine. It was as if she knew what I was going to do next. “Go. Just come back by morning so I know that you are alright.” Nodding, I left for the door. Kaire followed close behind me.

“Stay here. This may not work and I want one of us alive. Please, I might not come back,” I told him. Please stay. Kaire was angry, but most of all, he was melancholy. He had almost lost me once and now I was going to attempt something that may cause him to actually lose me for good. We were all that on another had left. This might end up differently from last time when I told him to stay put while I left. Even then I had told him that I might not come back, but the difference between now and then, I was a wolf then. And now it took a lot more to kill me.

Shutting the door behind me, I left for the forest that lay in Emberlynn’s backyard. My plan should work, that was if I got everything right in my head. I could only hope that I did. If I make a mistake, then I am going to die. Leaping hands first, I filled my mind with the imagery of wolves and with my love for my brother. Eventually, I could feel my flesh tearing apart and then repairing itself. The front part of my skull broke off and began to grow. When it finished, it reattached itself to my skull. My arms and legs broke in half and shrunk to half of their original size. My cartilage reshaped itself and I found a tail protruding out of my rear end. Long black hair grew out of my newly shaped skin until it was regular fur length. The throbbing pain ended and I stared at myself. When I was a wolf, I looked like one. Grey fur mixed with some white. Now, my fur was black as night. The virus had changed me physically as well as mentally. Sprinting for the forest came out of pure instinct. Something was driving me to run until I ran into another living creature. Over time, I found five other wolves that I thought were my old pack. I was wrong. The wolves were abnormal sized, like me. My instincts had brought me straight to the pack that I did not belong in.

Welcome to your new home. Familiar eyes approached me. This time, they actually looked friendly. I see you survived. Now that right there is astonishing.Then again, I had the sneaking suscpicion that you were going to live through the infection. How on earth was Hamilton talking in my head? Is this something that lycan’s can do when they appear as wolves? What is your name new one? I debated for a short time about telling him my name.He probably knew it already if he knew that I was going to live through his attack. Was he asking just ot mess with my head?

My name is Millennia. You?

Now I know you already have this knowledge from your previous wolf pack. You forced them to tell you like an alpha would yet you were two positions under alpha about to become the beta. Zeke did allow you to pry into others' business,it was your job even though you are only a selsa.

Previous? Are they okay? And how do you know so much? His amount of knowledge about my pack was irritating. He knew so much already yet I did not know a single thing. How much do they know?

Everything. Our little spy told us what we needed to know. But before us the government would send in lycans to communicate with the wolves, get their names and their position. Lycans are why the humans know so much about the wolves. Me, I just hear things because we share our thoughts and we tend to over share them. He paused to think for a moment. You are strange, you keep everything to yourself. I’ve tried this stunt before and it did not work. Anybody have any idea why this one worked?

My understanding of their telepathic powers grew a little. If I can hear his thoughts, then so can everyone else. Which means when I share something, if the others are close enough they too will hear me. Worse than Kaire being able to hear all of my thoughts without a question asked. This is going to get annoying really fast. Why don’t they talk like a wolf would? Then again, if they are trying to stay hidden, then they would stick to telepathy. Lycans were not as fearless as they seemed, staying hidden was their top priority, just like mine is right now.

Maybe it is in her blood. Maybe it is just her immune system doing its best while doing us a favor. There is a possibility it is genetic and that might be the reason why only two wolves were born in her litter.

I knew that voice from somewhere. It resembled a wolf from my pack. Kind of like Feline, almost exactly like hers but with an echo. That came mandatory with telepathy though. That meant…

“Feline!” I snapped, spinning in the direction that her voice could have possibly come from. It explained why she looked and felt different from everyone else. Not to mention we were used to her scent so we would not pick up on her. She was a liar to the whole pack.

“Sorry Millennia. My alias was Feline. However, my name is Kara,” my old friend reported. She was going to pay for acting as a snitch for the lycan pack. That liar, if only Zeke could get his paws on her and teach her a thing or two about lying. Only then would I be happy, unless I kill her myself. Now that would be fun.

“You liar!” I screamed as I lunged at her. She was not prepared for my attack and went down easy. That did not stop Hamilton from ripping me off her and staring me in the eye with a fierce look. He believed that he was my alpha and that he could control over me. Well he was so very wrong about that. Wolves submit to their alphas, and I was on my feet, hackles raised, growling at this monster. If I was submitting, I would be on my back exposing my soft belly. Monsters like Hamilton will never lead me anywhere except to the day that they are killed.

“You do not attack your fellow pack mate!” He screamed into my face. With every word I was thinking about how little I cared about what he had to say. “Kara was working as an inside informant. I have one in every nearby wolf pack. Now I understand how that might feel. Your friend is actually something stronger than what she said she was. Take a deep breath and look at me Millennia.” Ignoring a vast majority of his instructions, I brought my face closer to his, a low growl in my throat, ready to rip out his.

“Do not say my name like you know me. You do not know anything about me,” I barked harshly. “There is only one creature on the face of this earth that gets to tell me what to do.” I left my sentence to trail off, waiting to see if they would take my hint.

“That would be your alpha, which so happens to be me.” He stopped there and I let my anger soar. Why were humans and human-like creatures so stupid?

“You are not my alpha. Zeke is the only alpha I have and he is the best that I have ever known,” I whispered into his huge ears. Everybody went silent. No one said or thought anything which was probably strange and very awkward for them.

“I know more about you than you think. Your parents and your entire family. I know everything about you." He paused to sigh and look at two lycans behind him.  "Take her to the cell.” Now that was not the outcome that I had thought was going to occur. Honestly, I thought Hamilton was going to have me killed, not held prisoner. He really wants to try to teach me his ways because I am so different from his other tries or whatever he was talking about.

Before any of his wolves could reach me or even possibly shift, I bolted for the direction from which I had came from. Being younger than them gave me the advantage of being faster. That did not stop Hamilton from sending me messages, trying to convince to come back and that I will be happy in his pack under his rule. Screw that, as Emberlynn always says. 

I won't hurt you. I'm not like him. There was another lycan nearby, talking to me. Perhaps it was a peripheral, or it was an insider like Feline. Whatever the situation, it was friendly. I slowed down to face the creature that was quite the distance behind me. My name is Mathias. Just let me talk to you.

If you are here to tell me that I should return to him you can turn around now before I rip your throat out. The lycan slowed down, afraid to get too close to me. What do you want?

Hamilton was never going to hurt you. There is a reason behind all of this, just listen. You do not have to listen right now. Just be careful, he will act on his own terms if you do not come to reasoning with him. I looked over at Matthias, a large dark grey wolf with well slicked-back fur.

I thought you were not like him. Mathias appeared shocked at what I had said. You are trying to do the same thing as he is but a bit nicer. He looked me in the eye and then looked away. He suddenly felt familiar, like I had met him before. Do I know you? He grinned, flashing his sharp fangs, and nodded.

You may not remember me because of what happened but yes, you do know me. When you remember me, sit on the rooftop of your human's house, facing the forest. It may take awhile before that happens, but I can wait. He paused to look up at me again. Be careful, some of the lycans in the pack are evil and will stop at nothing to bring you in. Protect your human and your brother. After that, he spun aroung and raced back into the forest, returning to the pack.


I was almost to Emberlynn’s house when a wolf lunged at me. Being able to catch a glimpse at my attacker was a real life saver. Otherwise, I would have killed my own brother thinking he was a lycan.


Where are you Millennia?

I’m underneath you, you idiot!

Kaire backed off and guided me to the house door. I was lucky I made it out. Lycans can run faster than wolves and humans, but I wasn’t either of them so I got lucky. However, that did not make it any easier to try and shift back into a human. Stress was overwhelming me and I was frustrated. Aiming that towards Hamilton, I focused on humans and after a while, I could feel my bones doing the same process they had done earlier, only in reverse. It still hurt

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