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Book online «Millennia by Raven Slake (most interesting books to read TXT) 📖». Author Raven Slake

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Palpable Demise

 Every inch, every last bit of me was numb. The pain had been consumed by something greater, a monster just waiting to come out and play. My blood felt like it was on fire, ignited from the moment I had been bitten. As I lay on the soft dirt, my fur continued to rustle in the wind, the ash grey color seemed to become more darker with each passing second. The once grey coat shifted into a pitch black color, matching my ears that were once so prominent during the day. Each hair seemed to being something other than fight the virus that I was carrying. Instead, my body seemed to be welcoming it, allowing it to change me into something new. It began to snap my bones, bending and reshaping them. The agony from it was excruciationg, enough to make me try and whimper, but no sound came out. Even my vocal chords were changing, making it impossible to get a sound out. The pain still continuously grew until it became too excruciating to handle. I just wanted to die instead of feel all of this.

Over time, though, most of the morphing had stopped but had changed locations. My ears felt like they were becoming smaller, receding back into my skull. Fur, all of my own fur began to recede as well. It was as if I was dying from the outside instead of the inside. Maybe even melting without the burning sensation of lava or fire. Even then, I could feel part of my fur, only a small section, grow and become longer. It was the only thing that did not hurt from the change. But I still knew that this would not come out to be the best thing in the world.

Again my bones snapped and grew longer, stretching my limbs. Bringing back the exploding agony from earlier. Why couldn't it just end already? Soon enough, the bare raw hide of my skin reshaped to suit the new growth. Heat erupted from my heart, but more pleasurable than the burning sensation of before. It was like the virus was telling me it was done turning me into a monster, but I still had that feeling that there was more to come from it. It all had begun from a single bite. If only I had listened to Odie's warning. This was only the beginning of everything that Hamilton had done to me, and what I was going to do to him.

I wanted to die so badly, but I knew that would live my brother alone. He would never return to Zeke's pack. The memories would finally catch up to him and he would cave in. Kaire was going to become a lone wolf, and he probably would get himself killed in the process. Survival was my only option. Kaire was not going to be left to rot alone and that only meant I needed to bypass the cursed disease. I was going to survive at any means necessary.

I was going to kill him, and it was going to be be far mroe severe than any kind of pain any creature has ever imagined. He was going to be erased from everything he has ever known, even the family that he could possibly love so much. I was going to kill him, and there was absolutely nothing that was going to stop me. 

The Environmentalist

Soft fur brushed against my neck. Letting my eyes flutter open, I looked at a grey wolf with yellow eyes. Kaire was worried about me, but what was there to worry about, I am alive. Somehow I had survived the wave of pain and fire and I woke up right where I was when I collapsed. I was not dead but I was alive and I felt different.

“Millennia? Is that you?” Kaire asked carefully.

“Of course it’s me Kaire. Why wouldn’t it be?” I replied softly. Kaire’s eyes widened in amazement once I spoke. “What?”

“Millennia, look at yourself.” Staring at my brother, I looked over every detail of him before moving onto myself. I had completely no fur besides the long black hair that grew out of the top of my head. Everything was a feature that only humans had, and I was a wolf. Somehow, in some way, I had changed into a human. This was something completely new that must have originated from that cursed virus that the pathetic mutt gave me. Stupid freak. “Millennia, you can’t go back. They already think you are dead.” Perfect, I am dead to the only family I have ever known.

“I have an idea but it will not be fun for you,” I said. “First of all, I need some clothing. Humans are not allowed to be naked in public and I am bound to be spotted by a hunter eventually.” Kaire nodded and continued to listen. “Second of all, I am going to need a place to stay and I do not want to leave you like I did earlier.” Another nod. “Once that happens, I need to find the freak that did this to me and who created him.” Kaire growled at the mention of the creature. “So can I ask that you find me some clothing, I am pretty sure no one plans on seeing a naked girl in their backyard.” He nodded and took off running. Waiting for what seemed like an hour, he finally came back with a mouthful of black cloth. Taking a look at what he grabbed, I made a mental note of everything. He had gotten everything a human was required to wear: a t-shirt, pants which so happened to be jeans, underwear that looked like shorts, and a bra. Getting dressed was easier said than done. Humans made it seem so easy but deciding what limb goes through what hole was difficult. Once I finally got my clothes on correctly, I began to walk in the direction that Kaire had ran off in. Life lived down the path that I had chosen, and humans lined streets unaware of what just happened in the forest beyond their four walls that they called their home.

People stared at us as we walked through the streets. When they asked about Kaire I told them that he was a wolfdog and that he would not run off without me telling him to. Most of them were edgy enough as it is, some vile creature, probably Hamilton, was lurking within their town. Little did they know what was now walking amongst them as they spoke. A vast majority of the humans looked into my eyes and got out of my path. My irises were the main thing firghtening them, plus, they believed that Kaire was infected, just like I was. But regardless of what the humans thought, we continued down the sidewalk, waiting for someone to shoot at us. And when they never did, we continued to walk.

An old warehouse lay in the fringe of town. In the distance behind the old building, you could see the city marker. Deadwood, not the most welcoming name. For the most part, it gave the town a sense of security, mose tourists avoid the towns with the creepy names and isolated houses. So far though, the town seems pretty nice for being one infested with monsters. All I cared about was that the town was quite peaceful and no one made a fuss about my brother and me. Perhaps they were just too scared of what I might bea able to do to them. I cannot be that bad of a creature, or can I? 

Kaire ran around the old building, finding no one inside but locating an entrance. Near the back of the warehouse, old rustic doors were padlocked shut. Once, this place may have been a bustling business, but now, it lay in the dust of a forest. My elbow crashed down onto the lock, shattering it like glass. The way Kaire looked at me when I had broke the lock did not feel very pleasant, as if he knew something that I did not know abuot myself. We strolled inside, still on high alert for any more rogue creatures or humans with weapons. I searched the western portion of the warehouse, with Kaire on the eastern side. If anyone was here, they were going to be filed out, single file. My fnigers clawed at the lid of a wood box, prying it open with spilinters flying everywhere. Inside was a pair Japanese swords in their hilts that were meant to be swung around one's back. They were extremely valuable for anyone who sold them through what humans called the Internet. For me, the beauties were going to be my means of defense, after all, a couple years of watching humans payed off. I knew how to handle these things, maybe not like an expert though. Their packages each had two sets of names written in the standard human language on them. The longer of the two was called the Nagamaki, or also called Torikuru. In the smaller package, a much smaller blade's box read Ko-Wakizashi and Kaiju. I wonder if it mattered what name was used.

"I found a few things that might come in handy," I announced from across the building. Kaire came racing over, a small package in his mouth. "Looks like you did too. You first." He dropped the package, letting the contents fall out. A dog collar, leash, and some human clothes spilled from the box. Useful, but if the collar was for Kaire to use until we got somewhere safe, he might not like the name on it. "Sam. Not bad for a human pet." He rolled his eyes as I inspected the content. The shirt was a strange blue color with whites dots coating it, a girl shirt. The pants were dark blue jeans, probably denim, a common favorite among humans. Once I was finished with his findings, I showed him mine. All he did was smile.

We stayed in the old warehouse for a few days until we had lost any sources of aged food the place had. Both of us left one morning, hoping to reach a grocery store of some kind. Instead, we found the environmentalist, and a new place to stay.

Our feet were a little sor after we walked all the way back into Deadwood. I held on loosely to the leash that was tied to Kaire's collar. He hated the thing so much. But regardless of that, humans still walked around us, thinking I was infected, and they were right.

“Hey,” a voice called out from behind me. A woman had just passed by and got a good look at my eyes, which had remained yellow even after the transformation. “I love your eyes, they look so much like your friend’s,” she said, pointing at

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