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Book online «BittenSweet. by Roxanne Rain. (phonics books .TXT) 📖». Author Roxanne Rain.

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I’m not.” He smirked. “Hmp. Jhez, people these days.” I sighed, getting my skateboard ready to ride off again. “So, you didn’t answer me. Lift? Or not?” He asked again. I checked my phone; it was 8:52am. Gah, really needed to get to school, but didn’t want to take a lift from Beau. But what choice did I have if I wanted to get there by 9:10. “Sure, why not.” I sent him a fake smile, like I really wanted him to drop me to school, even though we go to the same one. “Cool” he smiled back, pulling his head back in the car and leaning over opening the door for me. I bent down, picked up my skateboard, and climbed in the car, shutting the door behind me.

“Thanks” I mumbled. I placed my headphones back in not wanting to start a conversation, it was a 10 minute journey to school from where we was, the journey flew by, surprisingly we got there in 5, loads of people was still walking into school. Beau, pulled into the car park, and parked up his car. He tapped me on the shoulder, “We’re here now Savh.” He smiled, opening up the door and climbing out the car. “BEAU BOYYY!” A voice cheered as he got out the car, it was Zach. One of the football players. He wasn’t one of the hottest guys at our school but he was good looking. He had short blond hair, with went perfectly with his bright blue eyes. He was just about taller then Beau, he always wore baseball jackets, along with jeans and Converses, which everyone could identify that he was part of the sporting teams. I began to open up the door, while Beau, and Zach was having a brotherly love conversation. “Where was you last night Beau? You missed the party. It was Epic!!” Zach rambled on to Beau. “I just had to take care of something. Next time” He looked back at me in the car, then back at Zach and laughed. “Yeah something! I guess I know what” Zach joined in laughing. “*Coughs* Vicky *Coughs*” Zach coughed and then continued to laugh. “Ha, no. Nothing to do with her” Beau, stopped laughing, and began to be serious.

I took a deep breath and picked up my skateboard, and climbed out the car, shutting the door behind me, catching their attention.

“Erh, thanks Beau.” I said, and began to walk towards the school. Zach turned and stared at me, watching me walk. I could hear them talking still. Kind of shouting but not loud enough for everyone to hear. I sighed and continued to walk to my form room. ~ Beau & Zach's Conversation by the car ~

"Beau! Seriously her?! Why was she in your car? What’s with the 'Erh Thanks Beau' Dude, your choosing her over Vicky?" Zach slightly yelled at Beau. He was annoyed with him.  "What do you mean seriously her? She's a friend, I just gave her a lift to school. She was only saying thanks and she has a name actually she Savhanna. And Vicky..." 

Beau growled at Zach.  Zach cut in "...Well what would Vicky say if she saw her getting out your car. You have to choose Beau. Vicky or her. Or you can have both" Zach revealed a surprisingly evil grin. 

"Theres nothing between me and Savhanna, plus Vicky. Well she’s just, Vicky. There was something but now. Dude I just don't even know" Beau began to answer slamming the car door shut and locking it behind him. 

"But does she know that?" Zach questioned Beau, as they began to walk to walk towards school.


"Beauiieeee" A cry came out, a bouncy brunette girl ran towards Beau throwing her arms around his neck and planting a big glossy kiss against his lips, then pulled away. 

She then linked her arm around his and began walking with him and Zach. 

"Hai Zaczac." She squealed looking at him while she waved her free hand.  

"Hey Vicky" He answered back smiling at her then looking at Beau. Beau looked back confused and signed, "We'll continue this later.”


That was Vicky. She had large brunette curls, which bounced with every step she took, which made her large hazel eye glow. She wore jet black leggings  along with a short dark grey crop top with a blue plaid blazer with dark grey boots. 

Beau looked down at Vicky, then back a Zach.

“Beauie. I didn’t see you on your usual route today” She sighed. “I wonder why” Zach mumbled and rolled his eyes. Beau began to growl at Zach, wanting to hit him so he could shut up. “Huh?!” Vicky questioned. “Nothing” Beau answered for Zach. “Just had to go pick something up.” He smiled down at her. Zach placed his hand behind his head, and yawned. “Well im going ahead. See you two in from room.” He hurried forward, sending a wave in their direction. “Bye bye Zaczac” Vicky cried, giggling, tagging along with Beau. They both slowly walked into the school, and began to make their way to form room. ~End~ I walk in to school, everyone was walking toward their form rooms, I knew the bell hasn’t rung yet so I hurried my way to my locker. Reaching my locker, I looked around and done my combination. I soon opened it up and threw my bag in there for the time being, as I wouldn’t need it in form room. I began to figure out how I was going to fit my board in too. “Uff” I grunted, forcing my board in the locker, causing my bag to be squashed in the back. Suddenly the bell began to ring. The hallways began to empty. I started to run to my form room even though it wasn’t that far from my locker. A moment later, I reached the door, of my form room, and opened it. “Just on time Savhanna.” Mr Phalt, spat as I entered the room, everyone began to laugh, even Karai.

“Yeah, luckily.” I mumbled, walking to my seat right next to Karai. “well that’s everyone” He spat again. Thank God I don’t sit in the front of the class room. Feel soo sorry for those who get his spit all over them. Mr Phalt, was old. Around about in his mid 50s I guess. He always wore a bright coloured tie along with dark grey shirts and black pants and scruffy brown shoes. He had a very weird way of hairstyle since he’s losing his hair he’s always got a comb over. He started to talk about the days announcements, but everyone usually ignores them. I turned my attention to Karai. “SAVH!!” She cried. “Karai!” I smiled back at her, as she went to tackle hug me, causing me to fall off my chair. We both ended up in a fit of laughs. Helping me up I told her "Sooo sorry about not texting you when I got in. Kinda fell asleep" I kinda lied to her. I couldn't possibly tell her about Beau right now in form room. 

"Im so over it" she laughed. 

"Good! But we gotta talk about something" i announced, causing her to gasp. 

"Ooooo! Tell me now!" She answered excitedly. 

"Later" i grinned, "Oh and i got to leave straight away. Have to pick up Kayleigh." 

"Awww, wish i could come with, but got to go help out my grandma." She sighed. 

"Aww next time" I replied. 

"Yes definitely" She squealed. The bell suddenly rang, lesson time. I stood up and pushed my chair in, as did Karai. I went to walk round to leave the class then someone barged passed me. “Oosp.” A voice came. “Didn’t see you there,” she giggled, it was Vicky. She looked back at me, and smirked. Jessica and Bailey walked passed too, following in Vicky’s footsteps. Vicky and me. We’re not friends. Well not friends anymore, since we got into High school. We used to be soo close. Sleepovers all the time, sharing secrets, playing out, going shopping. However, it all changed. We just grew apart. I knew she was just acting this way, because she became really popular when we came here. But I don’t really care, that’s her choice. “What a bitch.” Karai called out. “why thank you” She turned back and fluttered her eyelashes. I just stood there rolled my eyes and ignored her. I looked around the form room. Beau wasn’t in site. Most probably didn’t come in form today. Soon everyone left the room, me and Karai going last. We began to make our way down to our lesson. First, we had Algebra. Karai’s favourite. We went to our lockers and took out our book, and hurried straight to class. Mr Castor stood at the door greeting everyone. He was OH MY SWEET MOTHER OF LANTA, gorgeous. Everyone loves him. Well all the girls in the class.


“Morning girls” Mr Castor smiled at us as we walked in. “Morning Sir” We blushed, smiling back at him. Oh My Gosh I mouthed to Karai, she started laughing, as we made our way to our seats. Thanks to us having Mr Castor as a teacher, our lessons was fun, unlike the others. Soon the lesson began, everyone had fun, we all laughed and got along. Mr Castor was sweet, not like anyone else in this school. He’s different, and we all liked that. Soon, the lesson had to end, he began to hand out our homework. “Alright, class. We had fun today!” He laughed smiling at us all. “But as you know, I got to give you all homework” “Ahhhh” half of the class moaned. “WOO” Karai whispered to me, causing another giggle fit. Soon, he finished giving out the sheets, the bell began to go. “Alright everyone. Have a great day. I’ll be expecting those in two days.” He smiled at everyone as they began to leave. As always me and Karai left last. “Great work today Karai” He winked at her. She started to blush, I just stood there laughing. “T-Thank you” She rushed, and ran out the room, pulling me with her. “Bye Mr Castor” I called out giggling as she pulled me along. He waved at us as we left. We began making our way to our lockers. “Savh” She finally began to talk, while we was going through our lockers. “Mhm” I hummed. “Do you believe in Vampires?” She suddenly asked. My eyes widen, my heart started to beat out of control. This shocked me, I never thought she would ask this question. She’s my best friend and I’ve kept a secret from her for ages. I was a vampire, and having her ask me this. It was the ultimate shock. I didn’t know how to answer her, yet alone tell her I am one. “Erhh.. Well...” I stuttered. “It’s okay if you don’t. I was just wondering. I’ve been soo fascinated by vampires for soo long. I never told you, cause I thought you would think I was weird” she sighed, shutting her locker. “Oh My Gosh!” I cried, causing her to jump. “You tell me this now! I love Vampires!” causing her to look up and smile. Well it was true, I was a vampire who was fascinated by vampires. I began to laugh. I shut my locker too. We began to walk to our next lessons, thankfully they was in the same direction. We kept talking about our love for Vampires, and laughing about who we thought was one, and if we was. “Savh, I actually think Mr Castor is one” She blurted out. “HUH! Seriously!” I was surprised to hear. “Mr Castor a Vampire?” I thought aloud. “Yeah, he seems like one, but a sweet, kind, really good looking one.” She giggled. “Oh yeah!” I giggled too. We soon got to a part where we had to go our separate ways, and waved off to each other.   For the rest of the day and our lessons, we was in different classes. So we wouldn’t see each other

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