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Book online «BittenSweet. by Roxanne Rain. (phonics books .TXT) 📖». Author Roxanne Rain.

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Chapter 1

He just laid there. Still. No movements at all. It was silent. Too silent. Everyone just ignored him. I made my way towards him. I wanted to see who it was. If he was alright. Big mistake? I walked up to him, to see if he was was alright. His body laid there. I knelt down next to him lightly brushing his hair off his face. An Angel?!! I gasped, clasping my opened mouth. His face was perfectly sculpted, he had godlike features which perfectly went well together. He had full tempting peach pink lips which was partly opened which went well with his pale peach skin. On the side of his neck he had this scar, i jagged line, like someone attempted to cut him. His hair looked black from being damp from the snow, but looking closely i could make out traces of brown. His eyes remained a mystery as they was shut. I pulled his head up so it just rested on my knees. I wasn't sure if he was breathing or not. I placed my hand just the tips of his nose. Nothing. Was he dead? I immediately started checking for a pulse. Why was i doing this?

Usually everyone would walk past the person they see laying on the ground, but no one was to be seen now. Normally they are the drunks or the homeless. But i could tell, I could feel that there was something different about him. Something that i couldn't explain. I grabbed his wrist, pushed up his sleave and immediately found his pulse. His heart was beating but he wasn't breathing. Strange. I thought to myself CPR would that work. Luckily i had first aid training. I took off my school bag and rested it under his head. I stood up, brushed the snow off my knees and stood over him. I knelt back down but this time straddling him, i lent over getting closer and closer to his face to start CPR. As i got closer and closer thoughts run through my head. What am i doing, why am i doing this, gah what if he wakes up... i started to part my lips to start CPR just a hair away from his perfect lips.

A shot of emerald green gazed into my eyes sending me falling back. He was now straddling, hovering over me. He stared into my eyes. My heart rate speed up dramatically. "What are you doing!!!!" He growled at me, his wide emerald eyes staring into mine. I didn't know what to say. i just stared back at him in shock and confusion. "I said what the hell do you think you are doing?!!" He growled even louder, squeezing my wrists. I shook beneath him, "I.. I.." i started to stutter. He was getting impatient, squeezing my wrist even tighter. I could feel him nails beginning to dig into my skin. "Urhh" i moaned in pain. His eyes widen even more when i did. I closed my eyes and blurted out " I thought you was dead or something, you wasn't breathing shop i thought i should do CPR please don't hurt me..." "hmp typical" he started to chuckle. I could feel the heat from his breath fall on to me. So warm. My body shivered under him.

I kept my eyes closed. I'm going to be raped. Oh God! Why did i go and help this guy. Biggest mistake in my life! I felt him get closer and closer, on my body. Our torsos almost touching. His lips brushed against my cheek, and moved slowly towards my ear. Felt like traces of little kisses. I quivered underneath him as he did so. I could hear him breathing heavily. "Wha-wha do you want.." my voice broke the silence of breathing and heart thumping. " I want something from you..." his voice echoed in my ear. "... something that only you possess." This shocked me. I opened my eyes slightly, just being able to see traces of his wet hair, stuck on his neck. I stared at his neck, listening to him breath heavily over my body. A glint of silver caught my eye. There was a silvery blue mark across his neck, where the scar was. I widen my eyes to get a better look. It was a starburst mark. Strange. I've always come across them at school, I have completely no idea what they are for, or what they represent. But never have I seen it tattooed on someone. I wanted to touch it but he had my hands held down. "Wha-Whats that on your neck?" my voice croaked as it broke the silence. His head shot up and he stared at me with his wide emerald green eyes. They glisten.

He just stared at me blankly. Starting to let go of the grip on my wrist. He placed one of his hands on his neck covering the mark. He started to get off me. I just laid there on the floor. I stared at him standing up. He turned his back to me, as if he didn't want to see me. Well why would he. Who am i to him. I started to sit up. " Its.. its nothing..." he said while rubbing his neck. "oh.. but its just that.." "its nothing! I said. You'll just have to find out later" he snapped at me. "oh.. I'm sorry." I mumbled. i didn't mean to upset him or get him angry. I was just curious. He turn back to me. At this point i was staring at the ground, not wanting to catch his gaze. why did i try and help him. Uff. Being such a nice person at times has its difficulties. "Why are you still sitting there. Get up." he said annoyed. He stretch out his hand to me. I looked up and stared at his hand. "well are you just gonna sit there or you going to get up. your bum is going to be all wet from sitting on the snow" i reached out my hand and grabbed his, he started to pull me up. "you're lighter then i thought..." he smiled. i got to my feet, stumbling forward.

I fell right into his chest. he caught me. i looked up at him. He just smiled. My cheeks started to burn and my eye widen, i knew i was blushing. I pushed off him and turn away. he smiled at me, he actually smiled. he looked so peaceful. no, stop it no. He's just being nice. He bent over and pick up my bag. "This is yours i take it." he questioned as he held out my bag towards me. "oh, t-thank you" i said i turned back to him, looking down trying not to smile. I took my bag from him and held it by my side. he turned around and started to walk off. "I guess i'll see you around..." he broke in. "Savannah." "Huh?!" my head shot up. But, it was too late. he was gone. How did he know my name. loads of people was surrounding me walking past rushing home or to schools to pick up their kids. I looked around to see if there was any sign of him. but there wasn't. i sighed. i wonder who he was. i started to make my way down the now busy road, off home.

Chapter 2

I burst through the doors of my house. "MUMMMMM!! I'm home" i screamed as i walked inside. Kicking off my shoes, and shutting the door behind me. I could hear the t.v, I walked into the living room. There she was asleep, with Kayleigh on her lap. I pulled out a blanket from the cupboard and wrapped it around them. I kissed mum's and Kayleigh's forehead, and whispered "sweet dreams" before setting off upstairs. I immediately dropped my bag in the hallway, as always. Wondering into my room i collapsed on my bed. Thinking of what happened 10 minutes ago. What was his name? That one thought wondered aimlessly around my head. Names ran thought my head Jason, Manson, Jack, Jamie, Louis, Jose, Alex, Beck, Riley?!!

But they all didn't suit him. My mind raced as i thought back to when he was straddling over me. I felt my cheeks burn. I turned grabbed my pillow and squeezed-hugged it so tight bringing my knees to my tummy. Rolling about on my back for a few minutes. "Okay okay" i said as i began to sit up. Throwing my pillow to one side. Brrrr i shivered at i began to stand up. I went into my bathroom turned on the shower and began to strip off, before getting in. I stood there with my head leaning back, just about letting the water hit my face. I grabbed my strawberry shampoo and began washing my hair.

I never really had the greatest hair or hairstyles. My hair was brown, but it never really suited me until it got dyed red by accident. Me and my Best Friend. Well. Only friend (apart from my mum and Kayleigh) Me and Kirai bought the wrong hair dye we was super excited to dye my hair that we never noticed it was the wrong colour. But oh well now.

I finished washing my hair and washing off i grabbed my towel and got out the shower. I walked out of the bathroom and towards my closet. I pulled on matching blue undies and bra. Walking over to my bed a picked up my yellow pyjama shorts and my white tank top and out them on. I made my way into . The hallway grabbing my homework books from out my bag and walking downstairs. I got into the kitchen and sat round the small dining table and started to do my work.

Estoy de acuerdo con el 33% de los encuestados que respondieron que la satisfacción laboral es más importante que ganar mucho dinero porque dinero comprar todo cosas.

(I agree with 33% of respondents who answered that job satisfaction is more important than winning a lot of money because money buy all things)

"Finally" I sighed as i lean back on the kitchen chair. Pushing all my weight on the hind legs. suddenly I felt myself tipping. falling backwards. Luckiy I went to grabbed straight for the table and managed to catch myself. Phew!! I pretended to wipe the sweat of my forehead acting like i just done a 10k run. A strange but familiar voice then appeared in my head.

"Careful Savh."

"Huh!" I looked around in shock. But no one was there but me. I shook the feeling off, pushed out the chair and went to make myself some dinner. I rummaged through the cupboards looking for something quick and easy to make. "Ramen!" I cheered as i began to pull the packet out

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