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Book online «BittenSweet. by Roxanne Rain. (phonics books .TXT) 📖». Author Roxanne Rain.

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the side. I walked into the living room and peeked through the curtains. I couldn’t make out the colour of the car but someone got out. I felt scared. I ran to the front door and bolted the door shut. I quickly ran upstairs to Kayleigh, she was still asleep. Phew. I went back downstairs, I heard vibrations. My phone?! I quickly ran straight to my phone. It was a message this time. Who from! My heart began to thump, while I unlocked my phone and opened the message. Message

10:19pm - BeauBear. Hey Savh, I’m outside your house. Vicky and Zach went home. So I thought I could come round for a bit. See you soon?

*                  *                  *

End of Message.


I leant again the wall and slid down to the floor. It was only Beau. He freaking scared the crap out of me. I crawled towards the window and looked out again. He was sitting on the bonnet of his car, and waved. I quickly replied to his text. “you really did just scare the crap out of me.

    Come to the door I’ll let you in.”


Since he did travel all this way to my house, it would be nice to let him in. I went to the door, and unbolted it. Opening it, he was standing there, leaning on the frame of the door, smiling. He was wearing a black beanie, a blue superman t-shirt, grey ripped skinnys and dark blue high-tops with the superman symbol on. He was holding a black leather jacket. “So you going to let me in” He smirked winking at me. “Why not” I laughed, letting him walk into my house.


I shut the door behind him, all of a sudden, I felt his arms wrap around my waist, he head leaning on the top of mine. He pulled me in and hugged me. Shivers ran up my back, my body stiffened. What was happening. This feeling again. We just stood there, soon his head moved down to my ear. He took a deep breath. “I’ve missed you Savh” he whispered.

Chapter 5

I was in a state of shock, me he missed me what in the word did he mean. My mouth ran dry; I didn't know what to say to him. "Eh..." I mumbled. That was all. The only sound that came out. He chuckled; I could feel his chest on my back. He let go of me and wondered into the living room.

"So this is Savh's house." He looked around. I slowly walked in after him with my arms crossed. I began to lean against the doorframe. He turned and smiled at me, sitting himself down on the couch. He patted the empty space next to him. "Let's watch a movie, or something," He suggested. I stared at him confused, wanting to know why he is choosing to spend time with. Me of all people, but at the very same time, I wanted to spend time with him.

"Eh. Erm, all right. You have to go as soon as my mum comes home though." I spoke, as I walked over to the other couch, not sitting next to him. I picked up the remote control and turned the TV on; I started to flick through the movie channels. "See anything you want to watch, just say." I told him, keeping my concentration at what I was doing.  

"Alright." He smirked as he got up and sat down next to me. I pulled my legs up into the chair and tried to relax. I started to read out the movies that appeared on screen


"Dear John, Final Destination, House of Flying Daggers, Karate Kid, Matrix, The Notebook, Finding Nemo..." Cutting me off just before, I was about to say the next movie


"Finding Nemo!" He excitedly laughed and looked at me.  

"You want to watch Finding Nemo?" I looked back at him.  

"Yeah, I love that movie" He continued to laugh.  

"Okay, sure why not" I laughed a bit and selected the movie. 

We sat there, watching the movie, laughing, saying most of the same lines in sync with the movie.



We both, yelled and laughed at the same time. I wasn't really concentrating until I heard


"JINX SAVH!" Beau, laughed.  

"Eh?!" I looked at him, while laughing in confusion.  

"You owe me a kiss." He winked at me, leaning towards me. 

I put my hand on his forehead and pushed him, back.  

" tut tut, no I don't" I laughed.

I knew exactly what he was talking about, I used to place jinx like this with my old friends from primary school. We would say Jinx you owe me a drink or jinx your buying me sweets after school. Since, I grew up I hardly jinxed anyone.


"Aww but..." he sulked, starting to do a puppy dog face.  

" Hope you know they don't work on me..." I smiled at him, "... and what would Vicky think if she knew me kisse..." 

He growled and started at me, cutting me off.  

"Wait what? What do you mean by what would Vicky say. We're not together." I ignored him, and rolled my eyes mumbling.  

"That's what they all say..." 

"Why are you being like this Savhanna, you wasn't like this when you kissed me the other day." 

" Well that was different, I didn't know you, and Vicky was an item." I continued not to look at him, and focus back on the movie.  

"Well I'm telling you the truth," He growled as he turned my face to him. "Me and Vicky are no more. There was something, but now there isn't I don't want to be with her. Do you think I'd be here if I did" he sighed and stared into my eyes, moving my side fringe from in front of my right eye, just tucking it behind my ear. I looked down at the couch; I didn't want to look at him still. I felt so bad for kind of reacting the way I did.

I'm Sorry. I thought.

"It's okay." He looked into my eyes. "It's not your fault" 

"I didn't mean to be like that," I mumbled looking back at him. Honestly, I felt like crying.  

"You know, I never really realised your eyes are two different colours." He laughed. Annoyance filled me; I turned my head back to the TV.  

"Aww, Savh" he continued to laugh. "I like them, they're different."

My eyes are weird. I was born with two different eye colours. Heterochromia Iridium. It's kind of a rare condition, which I had inherited. Loads of people found it strange and creepy while others found it somewhat fascinating. One was grey and the other was light blue, you wouldn't really notice the difference at times. I used to get asked if I was a wolf or something due to this but I just told them no, but then I said who knows and pretend to growl.

"Savh, Savh, Savh..." he repeated trying to gain my attention.  

" What Beau?" I growled, keeping my eyes locked on the TV screen.  

"You still owe me that kiss." He smirked; I could just about see him from the corner of my eye.

"I thought you wanted to watch the movie?" I asked, thinking he will go back to watching it.  

"I do, but..." he began to talk while moving his face closer to mine, "... I jinxed you, and I would like my kiss." He continued to smirking. 

I sighed, and ignored him, but he just kept staring at me, while biting his lower lip. Urges filled me, wanting to kiss him, but I held back.  

"Saaaaaaaaaaavvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he kept whispering, trying to gain my attention.  

"If I kiss you, would you stop and just watch the movie." I implied, turning to look at him, dead straight. His face was just inches away from mine, he stopped smirking and began to smile.  

"Of course" he smiled; I laughed and rolled my eyes. 

I began to lean forward to kiss him, as so did he to kiss me back, just a few inches away when... 

"Savhiee" yawned Kayleigh, rubbing her eyes from the door of the living room. My head shot back, and I turned to her, Beau sat back in the chair and began to watch the movie like nothing had happened. I got up from off the chair and walked over to her.  

"What's the matter Kayy?" I asked her, bending down to her height.  

"I can't sleep anymore. Can I stay with you?" she asked, but looking behind me at the TV screen. Beau turned to look at us talking, and gave Kayleigh a little wave. Her eyes widen, and she looked like she was going to squeal with excitement. She took my hand and walked over to the couch, and plopped herself right next to Beau and smiled at him. I just laughed, and sat next to her.  

"Hello Kayleigh" He smiled at her, she then squealed.  

"NEEMOOOO" she giggled, the movie was about the end, and I knew she loved it so I decide to change the channel to the plus 1 where it's on a hour later. The movie was a few minutes in but she seemed not to care. She suddenly pulled herself up on to Beau's lap and snuggled on to him. He looked down at her, and then to me and laughed. I just laughed and shrugged my shoulders. He began to mouth, "You owe me" and smirked.  

"Huh, what's that Beau?" I laughed, pretending not to understand what he was saying. He just smiled and shook his head, and went back to watching Finding Nemo again, as did I. I felt exhausted from the day even though I hardly done anything really, and started to drift off to sleep, forgetting that Beau was sitting in the chair, in my house.

I woke up to find, Kayleigh laying down on the couch, with her head in my lap. We both had blankets wrapped around us and the TV was off. I slowly and gently moved her head off my lap so I could get up. I took my phone out of my pocket and check the time. 2:57 Am. I stretched and yawned and looked down at Kayleigh, and picked her up to bring her to her room. Luckily, she was already in her pyjamas so I didn't need to change her. I laid her down in her bed, and pulled her blanket around her, kissed her forehead and left. I walked out of her room, and began to walk back downstairs. I needed to clean the kitchen still. Didn't want mum to come home to a mess. I began to clean the kitchen. It wasn't that messy as I did try and clean up before. I went to throw something in the bin, until I saw a dark shadow outside in my garden. I froze. I slowly began to back out of the kitchen so I could run upstairs to Kayleigh's room and keep her safe. God knows what I'll do if I was to ever lose her. As I kept walking backwards out the kitchen, the handle started to flicker.

My eyes widen, I looked around for something to grab and hit them with, I saw the broom leaning against the counter and grabbed it,

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