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Book online «Unknown Royalty by Leeann29 (knowledgeable books to read txt) 📖». Author Leeann29

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His waking nightmare

After she left I don’t know how I managed to survive. She was everything to me and then she was just gone. When her parents came back to the house afterwards I screamed at them. I raged for hours. Then I took off.
I went out to the tree house. I wanted to get away from court. I wanted to get away from her but I can’t. She’s everywhere. No matter how hard I try to run from her she’s there. I took pale cloud with me when I left court.
My parents knew where I was and left me alone for the time being. It was one of their smarter choices. I stayed at the tree house with pale cloud for three and a half years before I went back to court. When I showed up at court after three and a half years of isolation, I was looking pretty ragged.
My clothes still looked good just worn. My boots had been remade twice and I needed a haircut but didn’t want one. Without her there to keep me in line I was wild. I didn’t talk. I carried a dagger in hand all the time. Everyone avoided me like the plague but I was ok with it.
I walked in the gate and went to find my parents. I found them in the same place they have been for as long as I could remember. I didn’t need an announcement; I just waltzed on into the throne room with pale cloud at my side. Everyone gasped when they saw me. I bowed to her parents then to mine and said” when you are ready we need to talk”
I walked out and went to my room. I put my stuff away then went to the bathhouse. I washed and got dressed in something decent for court. Pale cloud followed me and let me wash him too. I went back up to my room and pulled on the daggers she had made for me. Then I tucked her daggers under the mattress. Slinging my quiver over my shoulder I left the room bow in hand.
I went to her father’s office. Our parents had assembled much like they had three and a half years ago when they tore the family and my life apart. They sat when I entered. I cut straight to the point.
“I need to go to the human realm to find her. It’s time she was brought back. The threat has passed and the kingdom cannot afford to lose its only princess. I have a feeling she is in more danger there than she was here. We need to bring her back.”
“Attempting to bring her back now? What brought this on? It’s been almost four years. The danger has not yet passed. You have spent too much time in the forest. You look and act as a rouge or a yeoman.” Her father said.
“I know more than you do apparently. I do go to town every now and then. Plus I have reliable sources who say that the vampires have moved on to a new realm. I may look rouge but that’s for a reason. And no I have spent too long trying to run from her memory.” was my counter.
I stayed calm and said” if you don’t let me find her something might happen to her either way. I can find her. I know I can.”
Dad interjected and said” let him try. It couldn’t hurt. You may be resigned to the situation but he isn’t. He’s willing to try for the sake of the kingdom. You may not know it but the kingdom is slowly falling apart without her to control the flow of magic. There are not enough witches out there to reverse the damage done.”
Her father finally agreed to let me go.” First things first though. Get a haircut then meet me at the clearing in a days time.” I wanted to cry and cheer at the same time. Soon I thought soon we will be reunited.
My mother gave me the required hair cut. I packed and was ready to go in no time. I went down to the clearing ahead of time. Pale cloud followed me. I sat down and waited. I said to pale cloud” sorry bud. You’re going to have to stay here with mom and dad.”
The next morning her father walked into the clearing with her mother. I said” thank you for giving me the chance to find her.” “How are you going to do such a thing?”
“Her daggers are tied to her amulet. To find her all I have to do is follow the dagger. I know her general whereabouts. I know what her foster mom has planned to do when I get there. Time doesn’t move the same way it does here. More than four years have gone by in that realm while it’s only been three and a half here.”
“Good luck to you. When you get ready to come back just let me know and ill bring you back.” Her mother said as she hugged me. She pushed me into the circle and into the other realm. I woke sprawled on the ground in a forest I’m guessing. At least my memory was intact.
I know I’m not far from where she is. I got up and after a bit of stumbling I was able to walk pretty well. I walked to a pub and found money in my pocket. I bought some food and sat outside. I watched her and her foster family pull into town and walk around.
I managed to keep a pretty good eye on her from where I was. I knew that she knew that I was watching her. Eventually she got away from her family. She was walking my way. I tried not to look so obvious.
Still watching her, I saw the scene with the drunk play out. At least she hasn’t forgotten how to fight. She continued my way after leaving the guy on the ground. Lost in thought I didn’t see her arrival until I heard a whistle. My head jerked up of its own accord.
I watched her walk my way. She was tall, maybe 5’4. Her wardrobe was mostly black. What caught my attention was the bruise on the side of her face. She was paler than she used to be as a child. She wore no makeup like all the other girls I had seen.
She sat down at my table and asked me” who are you and what do you want with me?” Direct, she had been that way even when she was younger. For a minute I had no answer. Then I found my voice and said” I know who your real parents are. I’m here to take you back to them. With your reunion you will recover your memories.”
“I know you from somewhere. I just can’t remember where for the life of me. You remind me of someone I used to know. There’s something about you that I can’t put my finger on. I’ll figure it out eventually.” She said.
With those words she made me a happy man. I knew that her memory recovery would be rapid and soon. After we sat for a while and finished the food, I got up to leave. She looked at me and I said “come on your parents are waiting.” We walked back into the forest I woke up in.
I got to the spot and asked her a simple question that would define the rest of the journey. “Do you trust me?” she nodded. I walked to the rock face we were standing near and laid my hand on it. It shimmered then became transparent. You could see the realm on the other side.
I held out my hand. She grabbed it. I ignored the electricity running up my arm. We walked through. When we emerged on the other side she no longer sported a bruise on her face. She had the clock rewound for her. She was no longer 16 but the age she would have been if she hadn’t been sent away.
She also had her memory of Erin and her foster family removed. Not suppressed like her memories of me and her family were. I’m talking completely removed. The next few days will be painful for her. A few seconds after we stepped through, she passed out.
I caught her before she hit the ground. Pushing her parents out of the way, I carried her to the palace. When we were in our old room I laid her on the bed. Pale cloud was there. He curled up next to her and started to purr. I was tired.
I lay out on the bed next to her and fell asleep. When I woke up she was curled up on my chest still asleep. I let her sleep. I drifted back to sleep and I didn’t mind. I slept as well as I used to before she left. When I woke up she was standing by the window.
In a whisper she asked” why does the forest call me?” my reply was “you used to live there with a little boy. The two of you were inseparable. Then the day came that your parents dragged the two of you back to court. It was there that you were forced to separate. You had your memory suppressed along with something else. “
“Where is the little boy?” she asked. “I am that little boy. I still remember. I spent all of my time in the forest after you left. I know what you mean when you say it calls to you.”
“I want to see my parents.” She said. “After you eat. Cho will be excited to know your back. “I told her. We went down to the kitchen where Cho’s domain was. After watching her eat like she hadn’t in ages we went to find her parents.
She did it without really thinking about it. She grabbed my hand and laced her fingers with mine. We walked the halls to her father’s study.We walked into the study and I saw her face change for an instant. That’s all it took to let me know she remembered.
She remembered the conversation that happened here years ago. She was remembering that’s what mattered most. The first words out of her mouth were” why did you do it? Why send me to live with the humans? I was strong enough to take care of myself. I had control of my power. Why did you do it?”
Her parents had no answer. There was nothing they could say to redeem themselves in her eyes. I know this from experience. She would not forgive so easily. She turned and walked out of the room after making a sound in the back of her throat.
I looked at her parents and said”

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