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Book online «Unknown Royalty by Leeann29 (knowledgeable books to read txt) 📖». Author Leeann29

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the fool.” “You’ve known this fool since before day one. You know this fool far better than anybody else. You are this fool’s whole world. He knows nothing else but you.”
“I would have to consider it.”
“Well consider it quickly for your parents are determined to chain you to some stranger who doesn’t understand you the way this fool does.”
“Of course I will. I would not deny that I have long since known this was coming. I accept the fool’s proposal.” Kay leaned over and kissed me when I said that. After the kiss he handed me something.
It was a box and in that box was a ring. This ring was absolutely gorgeous. I said nothing as I handed him the box back. He put the ring on my finger. “Now your parents can’t chain you to a stranger.” He said.
He pulled me to him and I laid my head on his chest. We lay there in silence. He broke the silence by saying “would you consider marrying me on the morrow? We could get the village priest to do it. He knows when to keep quiet. We could say that our parents do not approve and are trying to marry you off to a stranger.”
“If you would have me, I would.” I said in reply to his question. He said”of course I would. Did you miss our earlier conversation?” “No. Would I be wearing such a beautiful ring if I did? Of course not, I was just making sure. You never know what might happen.”
He nodded. “Do you want to know the story behind the ring?” he asked. “Of course I do.” was my reply.
Flashback(short chapter)

Flashback (his pov)
It started like any other day. We were up at sunrise and out of the house to check trap lines and snares. You were acting funny that day. I’m guessing it was due to an excess of magic under your skin. We finished early because I knew you wanted to work off some of the magic under your skin.
We got to the house and you all but jumped out of your skin when I handed you a bag of salt. You ran to the circle we had etched into the ground. Setting up you started to calm down. I sat underneath the tree and just waited. You raised a circle and were doing something that to this day I don’t understand.
You started by pulling energy out of the air. Then power from your amulet. You took this and compressed it. You dropped the circle and walked up to the stone that was floating in the middle of it. You held out your hand and said something. The stone fell into your hand.
You motioned me over. I walked up and you handed me the stone.
You said “this stone will only work with one kind of metal. When you find it you will know. Make two rings. If you get the rings and the stones wind up flawed you will know. Find a jeweler who is experienced in metals but not stones. He will treat the stones in such a way that they will not be flawed. If they are flawed during the creation of the rings then they will not work.”
I said “I will do my best.” Then you were sent away. I spent two years living with the rouge wolves finding out all I could about vampires and what advantage they would have if you were gone. Then I spent a year trying to find the metal for the rings. I found it and the jeweler you spoke of. The rings were made and I held on to them.
After the rings were made I disappeared into the forest. I was never seen or heard from for six months till I had a dream about you.
End of flashback

His revelation

She continues to surprise me. When we were in her father’s study I could tell that she was all for strangling her parents but she held back. She kept composed when she was furious. Also the fact that she agreed with my crazy plan surprised me. I love that girl more than anything and she means everything to me.
I’ve been so lost without her. I know I sound corny but it’s true. This girl has been my whole world for so long I know nothing else. I want nothing else. Tonight I have to bribe the village priest but for now I will enjoy her company.
After eating in the kitchen she went to the bathhouse while I went out to the village. To make faster time I shifted and ran. Small fact people don’t know about me. Most shifters shift on the full moon after their 16th birthday. I shifted on the full moon after she left.
I am the youngest shifter alive. The pain I felt over her leaving overwhelmed the pain of shifting. To this day nobody knows. It is a secret that I will take to the grave if I must. I plan to tell her tonight.
After talking with the priest, he agreed. I headed back to the palace. On my way there I ran into Krystal. She saw my wolf form and recognized me. I went behind a tree and shifted back and dressed.
I walked out to find her sitting on the ground. “Hey” I whispered. She looked up at me. She wasn’t mad at me for not telling her. She understood the danger I would be in if I was found.
“I promise I will take this secret to the grave if I have to. Your well being comes first. I do not think I could survive losing you again.” She said. I pulled her into my arms. I have to tell her but I don’t know how to put it.
“The priest agreed to marry us. Also if we go through with this I want you to know that-““you don’t have to tell me. I already know. If we go through with this then my first shift will be the full moon after we marry.” She said after interrupting me.
I heaved a sigh of relief. “I’m just wondering what it will be that will show first. I’m hoping wolf or angel. The rest are functional just not as an active part.” She said. I forgot to mention that the royal family is hybrid.
Krystal is part wolf, angel, witch, demon, healer, and mermaid. Vampires are not allowed onto the royal lineage. The Alpha Heir’s job is to protect the lineage and the family at all costs, even their life. Krystal’s father is a twofold hybrid. He’s shifter and angel. Krystal’s mother is the royal heir. She is a fourfold hybrid. That is where Krystal got her witch, demon, healer, and mermaid from.
I think that there is more to Krystal’s power than meets the eye. I stood up and held out my hand to Krystal to help her up. She accepted and I hauled her to her feet. We walked back to the palace. We snuck in and went to bed.
I woke up before Krystal that morning. I went down to the kitchen and got Cho to fix a tray for the two of us. After carrying it upstairs I opened the door to find Marco climbing out the window. I remained calm and didn’t tell Krystal when I woke her up. We ate and got ready.
We dressed as we normally would but packed a bag of nicer things. We went out into the forest to walk to town. After we were in the forest and a safe distance away from the palace I shifted. Krystal put my clothes in the bag and climbed on my back. I ran to the outskirts of town.
Once there I went behind a bush and shifted back. Krystal threw me the bag that had my clothes in it. I got dressed and we walked into the village. Once there we asked Sal if we could borrow her upper room for an hour. She agreed and there we waited for the priest to arrive.
Sal knew what was going on and was a huge help in pulling this off. I believe we wouldn’t have gotten away with it if not for her help. When the priest arrived she sent him to the upper room. He arrived just as Krystal started to pace. “Finally you’re here. I was about to go crazy waiting.” She said.
The priest only rolled his eyes at her impatience. He conducted the ceremony with Sal as a witness. We said our vows and sealed it with a kiss. After which the priest blessed us and our union. Wearing Krystal’s ring we said good bye and headed back to the palace.
Once there I had to keep Krystal from murdering her parents because they seem intent on marrying her off. I snorted at the thought. They couldn’t now. Not when she had a husband. One who understood and loved her.
Her parents went through with the stupid idea of throwing the engagement party. I smiled. This was going to be fun. I was going to have fun watching Krystal tear her supposed fiancée to shreds then tell her parents she’s married. I was itching for a public showdown because in Krystal’s eyes her parents aren’t worth a pile of horse $#it.
I carried her off to the attic. She didn’t protest. Once there she warded and sound proofed the room. I threw her onto the mattress some idiot once left up here. She didn’t protest when I seduced her and fulfilled my rights as husband and lover.
Lying in her arms afterwards we both knew why her dress had been designed the way it had. We started laughing. I sat up and tried to breathe. Krystal curled around me and laid her head on my leg. I smiled because my bite mark was as clear as a tattoo on her shoulder.
Right about then I felt heat start to build underneath the bite mark on my shoulder. Krystal squirmed on the bed and I knew she felt it too. I felt it build. Then just when I was starting to think someone had

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