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Book online «Unknown Royalty by Leeann29 (knowledgeable books to read txt) 📖». Author Leeann29

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this is your mess. Clean it up. I’m not helping. I have enough to take care of what with her regaining her memory.”
I turned and left. I found her underneath the oak watching the kids on the playground. I’m guessing she was remembering her early school years. They weren’t very pleasant or necessary. I stood beside her and didn’t say anything.
Her remembered life

I can’t believe they would do that to me. Being the only child of royalty you would think that the realm would come first for them but no I came first. Come on, me and him could have taken care of ourselves like we had for years. I wanted to scream.
Sitting beneath an oak tree that had strange feelings attached to it I watched some children play. He came and stood next to me not saying anything. For that I was grateful. After a minute or two he asked me” do you remember this tree? It played a huge role in our lives before The Incident.”
Strangely enough I did remember. I remembered him falling out of it and breaking his arm. I remember the surge of power as I confronted the people responsible for it. I remember begging my parents to agree to a part time court exile for us. I said “I remember. It did play a huge role in our lives.”
As I looked back on that time I remembered the use of magic as if it were second nature because at the time it had been. My parents have fallen even more in my eyes. They have dug themselves a grave and it’s up to them to get out of it. As we sat there I felt it wake up.
I felt the magic slowly start crawling beneath my skin. I felt it work its way through my system. When it finished I felt my body shudder as if it was finally complete. My heart felt the same way. Sitting here next to the man, who had been everything to me in my childhood, with the magic flowing beneath my skin, I was complete.
I finally had all I needed but figuring it out is going to be another story by itself. I closed my eyes and relaxed. I enjoyed the peace I was feeling because it would not last long. Before I knew it we would go to war. I cannot explain it but I know that.
After some time had passed I stood up. I held out a hand to him. He accepted it and I pulled him up. “I want to see the tree house.” I told him. He nodded. I whistled and pale cloud came rushing out of the bushes.
I knelt down and tapped my shoulder. Pale cloud jumped up and hugged me. “I’m happy to see you too. I know it’s been a long time.” I said. I ruffled his fur and he licked my face. I laughed. Man, I haven’t done that in years.
I stood and Kay held out his hand. I took it and threaded our fingers together. It felt so right. At his touch I could feel my memory stir. He was the key to my memory. Already I was remembering far more than expected.
We walked up to our room and he packed. Before we left he reached under the mattress and pulled out several daggers. He handed them to me. In my hands I felt them and the memories attached to them. I strapped them on. He had slung a quiver over his back and had a bow in his hand.
We left without saying a word to anyone. I knew that word was already spreading through court about my return. I wanted nothing to do with the people of court. I had a feeling I knew who was behind my exile to the human realm. I shivered just thinking about it.
We walked out of the gate that encompasses the compound grounds and we never looked back. We never regretted walking out of the compound without a word. We walked through the forest as I tried out the various spells I could do. I kept it small since I wasn’t in a circle.
The magic that flowed under my skin responded flawlessly. The necklace I was wearing is actually an amulet. It explained a lot of things that I could not figure out in the human realm. I could access all the knowledge that had been suppressed and then some. We got to the tree house and I stopped.
The clearing held tons of memories and I relived every single one in a flash. I looked at Kay. He was silent but I know he wanted to know. I whispered” I remember everything.” He didn’t say anything. There was nothing to say.
We climbed the ladder to the porch and I stopped. I flashed back to that fateful day when my life was ripped apart. I walked into the house. Sitting on the bed, I remembered countless nights spent curled up in bed with him. I remembered countless mornings spent trying to avoid the cold. I remembered everything.
He walked in and got a fire going. While he made stew and biscuits I cleaned up because he obviously never did while I was gone. I guess he went wild while I was gone. I was always the one who kept him in line and civilized. Even his parents couldn’t do it the way I could.
I finished and sat in the middle of the bed. He looked up from where he was crouched by the hearth. I saw the smile on his face. He looked like a man who was truly happy for the first time in a while. He got up and walked over to me. He knelt by the bed.
“Do you remember the very first kiss we ever shared?” he asked me. I shook my head no. he started to tell the story.
”We were at the wash creek. You had dared me to jump to the other side. While I was mid jump you slowed me down and tackled me out of the air. We landed on the other side. I was lying on my back because mid fall I had twisted to take the brunt of the impact. You were on my chest and looking at me kind of funny. Your hair was wet from the quick bath you had taken. You smelt like soap and magic. It was then that I knew. Knew that you were the one with whom I would spend the rest of my life. I wanted to see if you felt the same so I leaned forward and kissed you. When I felt you kiss me back I knew that you felt the same way. After that we fell into a routine. By mutual unspoken agreement we decided to wait to tell anyone.”
I said nothing as he stood and went back to the hearth to stir the stew. I remembered that kiss. He didn’t know how good he had looked at that moment laying there beneath me. I wanted him to kiss me but I’m not going to tell him that. Nobody ever has to know.
He dished out the stew and brought me my bowl. He laid a bowl on the floor then grabbed his and joined me on the bed. We ate in silence. After we finished I gathered up the dishes as he heated some wash water. It was too cold to wash outside.
I gave the dishes a quick scrub then washed up. He washed up after me. He went through the closet and tossed me a shirt to wear to bed. I pulled it on and crawled into bed. He crawled in behind me.
Before we fell asleep he said “tomorrow we are going to town. You need some new clothes. As much as I love seeing you in mine you need your own. I have an arrangement with the seamstress in the village. You can get whatever you feel like you need.”
We slept only to rise with the sun. We did a few quick chores then started for town. We got there and I was reeling because it was a lot to take in. Not only that but it was also my first time at an open air village market. I followed Kay as he led me to the seamstress.

His truth

I honestly never expected her to remember as much as she has in the short amount of time she did. I think she remembers more than she lets on. Then again she doesn’t have to tell me because I already know. I’m just worried that our main threat is still unknown.
She doesn’t talk about it but I know about that night she talked to Marco. That guy makes me want to tear his head off then shove it down his throat. I am normally never violent despite what people think about me. I use my reputation to my advantage because a person is more likely to spill more information if they are scared.
Being her mate she doesn’t have to say anything. It’s written in her body language and facial expressions. Although she has developed a pretty good poker face I can still read her. Last night when I told her about our first kiss I know she remembered it. I also know what she was thinking at the time.
Like right now, she’s overwhelmed and in awe. This is her first time at the market. Plus it’s a lot to take in and it came be overwhelming at first. All of this she didn’t have to tell me. I can read it in who she is.
I lead her to the seamstress I know. The seamstress is really good and treats me as if I were her son because I have done things for them that they feel cannot be paid back. In return she will sometimes send me back to the tree house with a basket of food or some other thing she thought of. I turn around to find Krystal. Her and pale cloud are standing next to a reputable fabric stall.
I have dealt with the vendor of the stall from time to time. He’s an honest man and doesn’t try to cheat

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