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Book online «NIGHT by I Rin (top rated books of all time TXT) 📖». Author I Rin

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choose a bride, in such a macabre dress? No, no way! You have to shine and to be better than all other girls there!”

Elsa continued to get dresses out of the wardrobes.

“Here it is!” she exclaimed. “That's exactly what you need!”

The Goblin woman took from the depth of the paunchy wardrobe an airy, emerald dress.

“What?” Angelica amazed. “Green? Never in my life have I worn green! This is not my color!”

“Firstly, it is not green it is emerald!” the maid noticed. “And secondly, I can guarantee you that this dress will suit you great! I am not Elsa If I am wrong! Come on, try it on!”

Resisting for a long time, Lica at last put the emerald dress on.

“Wow!” the goblin woman exclaimed delightedly. “Well, how is it?”

She pulled out a large mirror and held it to the girl. Lica looked at herself and did believe her eyes. In the reflection, she saw a slim and graceful beauty. Her brown hair perfectly goes on with the color of the dress. Strange, but for some reason her eyes also became emerald green.

“I do look great,” she whispered.

“Now we’ll choose shoes, do your hair and you can go to the ball!”

Elsa went somewhere behind the cupboard and pulled out a pair of emerald high-heeled shoes.

“Here you are!” she turned to Lica.

The girl put on the shoes and winced slightly.

“They are a little tight,” she admitted.

“You’ll have to bear, anyway there are no other ones,” the goblin woman sighed. “Now, let's think what I can do with your hair.”

The maid sat the girl in a chair, put the mirror in front of her and began casting over her head. They didn’t notice how evening came.

“Girls, where are you?” there was a voice of Margo from the corridor, and the witch went to the dressing room.

“Wow! You look amazing!” she said, looking at Angelica. “I think a diadem will be perfect with your new hairstyle. Wait a minute!”

The witch quickly went out and came back with an exquisite diadem in her hands. She put it on Lica’s hair and said:

“Now, everything is perfect! Elsa, take the suit of Prince Edward, please!”

The Goblin woman took the outfit, which they had chosen with Angelica, and walked away.

“Judging by your appearance,” Margo smiled, turning to the girl, “you are very serious about Swein. Well, I wish you good luck!”

Lica flushed and nodded.

“Okay, I will leave you for a while. Come to the hall in about fifteen minutes.”

The witch went out of the room. Angelica sat down staring at herself in the mirror. Then she rose and headed to the exit.

When Lica came out of the cave, everybody was there. Prince Edward in his ivory waistcoat looked great. He looked at Lica and froze in amazement.

“Angelica...” he only managed to say.

“Later,” Margo smiled, “you have to go!”

“But my hair,” Lica said plaintively, “the wind will mess it up.”

“My diadem is magic!” the witch smiled. “No matter how fast you are riding, your hair will stay ideal!”

“Thank you!” the girl said sincerely.

Prince Night helped her up into the saddle, and then jumped on his horse. Soon the two riders were galloping in the light of the bright moon towards the city of goblins.

Part 10

At Swein’s Palace

The road to the city of goblins seemed endless to Angelica. Prince Edward was always trying to talk to her, but she was off in a dream world and answered at random. At last they saw the walls of the city in front. The riders went through the gates into the city. The Prince slightly overrode the girl and said:

“You have probably never been in the palace, have you, Angelica?! So follow me, because you may get lost here.”

Edward pulled the reins, and his horse rushed forward. Lica followed him. The girl had been in the city of goblins many times, when she went to Margo, but she couldn’t imagine how huge it was! Many streets and alleys were scattering in different directions. Tall, odd buildings like fabulous monsters were hanging over them. It was even surprising that these houses didn’t fall - so strange they were. There weren’t many trees in the city, only low bushes. However there and here you could meet stone sculptures and monuments. Angelica was tirelessly turning her head and looking around in amazement at all that weird architecture. Seeing her expression, Prince Night smiled and asked:

“Something is surprising you?”

“Yes! All of them!” replied the girl. “These houses! They are five and eight-cornered. I am wondering how they don’t fall, they are not well balanced? Why there are very little trees? And why are so many statues?”

“Don’t you remember, Angelica, the goblins, in fact, live underground? They came from the caves. The years of living underground not only changed their appearance, but also left a definite mark on their culture and architecture. By the way, it’s worth to say that the goblins are skilled builders! They can build a house that is on all human laws simply must be destroyed, but if they do it, it will stand firm. Moreover, their homes are able to withstand not only the disasters, but also quite powerful volleys of cannon. What about the trees, I think you have already guessed... The trees do not grow underground!”

And Edward laughed.

At this minute, the riders went to the wide square. In the middle, there was an amazing fountain. A few streets were running from the square in different directions.

“I have never thought that the city of goblins is so big!” said Lica.

“Oh, yes!” the Prince nodded. “It’s huge! Sometimes I am afraid to get lost in the endless maze of its streets too.”

“Tell me, Prince, a royal palace is also something like eight-cornered strange thing?”

“No!” the Prince laughed. “Swein is very close to the people both externally and internally. He built the palace of his own taste. By the way, around the palace there is a park, although the goblins became estranged from any vegetation.”

The riders turned into the next lane and came into a wide street, at the end of which Lica saw a lovely monumental building.

“Here is the palace!” Edward said.

Angelica spurred her horse in delight. In fact, she couldn’t wait to see the Goblins’ King.

No matter how our heroes were in a hurry but the ball had already begun. Lica and Prince Edward arrived at the magnificent fence surrounding the royal park. Strange trees, the names of which Lica didn’t know, grew here. Instead of leaves, the tree branches were covered with something like a multi-colored scales. They were iridescent in the moonlight, giving the impression that thousands of small rainbows illuminated the road to the palace. Between the trees here and there, you could see flowerbeds. ‘Night Beauties’ of various sizes and colors saturated the air with their wonderful aroma. Next was a cascade of fountains on each side of which were rising carved, ivied alcoves.

“God, how beautiful!” Angelica gasped.

“Yes, Swein has a good taste!” agreed the Prince.

Our heroes passed the park and came to the amazing palace. A marble staircase led up to the high oak doors. Guards were standing at each step. They were fierce-looking goblins with a strange weapon in their hands. Angelica and Prince Edward dismounted and immediately a small goblin-servant ran up fawning and buzzing around them.

“Your Highness! We are so glad, that you have honored us with your presence!” he babbled. “Let me escort you and your charming lady to the palace!”

“Oh, no thank you!” the Prince Night said firmly. “We don’t need help. You’d better tell me, my dear, where the king and his father are now?”

“His Majesty is welcoming guests in the main hall. His father is on the balcony of the North Tower.”

“Excellent!” Edward said. “Then I suggest you to visit the father of the king first!”

He offered his hand to Angelica, and beautiful couple stepped the stairs to the palace. Prince Night and Lica came into a huge mirrored lobby and she saw how wonderful they look together with Edward. Loud music was heard from the massive door. Angelica staring at her in the mirror hesitated.

“What's the matter?” asked Edward.

“I do not know,” shrugged Lica.

“Then let's go!”

He pulled the girl's hand, and they went into the wide doors opened by two goblin-lackeys. Bright lights blinded Angelica. She had already been at the balls for many times, but never seen such a splendor anywhere. It seemed to her that all the walls, furniture and everything in the hall was made of diamonds, emeralds, rubies and other precious stones. Along the walls and among the columns were placed sofas and chairs where ladies and courteous gentlemen were sitting and talking to each other. In the center of the room a lot of couples were dancing. Lica’s heart was pounding. The girl tried to see Swein among the dancers, but couldn’t...

“Now we are coming out of the hall into the northern corridor and going up the tower,” whispered the Prince in her ear.

He led Angelica along the walls and suddenly they turned somewhere. Our heroes now were in a long corridor with many guards by the walls.

“The guards are everywhere here!” Lica remarked quietly.

“Swein’s father is very afraid of his son's life; the more Swein has not fulfilled his destiny yet. That is why he decided to marry him as soon as possible. However, I personally have great doubts about Swein’s desire to marry!”


“Well, first, the king is too young, and secondly, I did not really notice that Swein was in love with someone.”

“For all that, he didn’t resist; he is at the ball, ready to choose the wife!”

“Hmm... you do not know his father! If you had such a father, you wouldn’t have dared to do anything against his wish.”

The corridor ran into a spiral staircase.

“Is this the North Tower?” asked Angelica.

“It is!” Edward nodded.

He first stepped forward and helped Lica to climb the stairs. At the top of the tower was a spacious room decorated as the study. There was a massive wooden table, carved chair and lots of shelves full of books. A chandelier with lots of candles was hanging from the ceiling and many doors leading to the balconies.

“I am wondering on which balcony Swein’s father is now?!” the girl said softly.

“The best way to know it is to go to one of the balcony and see!” said the Prince.

He went to the nearest open door. Angelica paused for a moment, and then went to the opposite balcony. She came out of the open door and the big bright moon in the sky immediately caught her eyes.

“Oh, how beautiful!” the girl said.

“I absolutely agree with you!” she heard a thick voice.

Lica jumped and turned around. The balcony, where she was standing, was a semi-circular. Not far from the girl in a comfortable chair an elderly... not clear who was sitting! He did not look like those goblins, who Angelica met before. However, he also was different from people by the color of his skin and unusual face.

“Do you like looking at the night sky?” the creature asked Angelica.

“Yes, especially at the moon!” Lica nodded.

“Oh! I can stare at the moon for hours!”

Angelica carefully looked into the stranger's face and realized that it was Swein’s father. The same eyes, the same curl of the lips! At this moment, a little worried Prince Edward came in.

“Oh, you are here!” he said, seeing the girl. “I thought I had lost you!”

“Your lady, Prince, finds it wonderful to look at the moon!” Swein’s father said.

“Your Majesty! I'm sorry, I did not see you!”

The Prince Night bowed.

“It doesn’t matter! When we are young, we don’t notice a lot of things!”

King's father stood up and walked to Edward. Now Lica could see better how well-build and tall Swein’s father was.

“Now I see, Swein looks after his father,” thought Angelica.

Meanwhile, the Goblin shook the Prince’s hand and said:

“I am very glad that you came to our party! I think Swein would be delighted to see his friends too! By the way, Prince, you have not

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