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introduced me to your beautiful companion yet.”

“This is Angelica!” Edward said.

“You are charming!” said the King father.

He approached the girl and kissed her hand.

“Thanks for the compliment, Your Majesty!” Lica bowed. “I have come to you from the witch Margo. She asked me to tell you that, unfortunately, she couldn’t be at the ball today. Her brother came to visit her. They haven’t seen each other for ages.”

“Oh, Margo, Margo!” the Goblin sighed. “She is always busy! It’s a pity...”

Swein’s father thought a little then said:

“Well, I invite you to walk down the hall and join our guests, I think my son will be glad to say you hello!”

The father king went out and started down the spiral staircase.

“I thought he was very severe, but in fact he was kind and gentle,” Angelica whispered in the ear of Edward, nodding at the goblin.

“The first appearance can be deceptive!” the Prince smiled. “Believe me, I've known Swein’s father for many years.”

Edward and Lica were following the King’s father.

The brides’ ball

As they coming closer, the music got louder.

“Tell me, when the ball started and how many brides came?” Angelica asked the goblin and checked herself.

She did not know whether it is polite to ask such questions to the kings, and how they react on it?! But the father of Swein smiled and replied:

“The ball is already in full swing. What about the brides, I can tell you... I have invited all worthy girls from all the neighboring kingdoms. I am sure that Swein will choose a bride from them.

“And what if he does not want to get married?” Lica put her foot in the mouth again.

King's father looked at her so that Angelica got cold feet.

“In this case,” said the Goblin slowly, “we’ll have a man conversation.”

Now Angelica realized what Prince Edward had meant when he said: ‘the first appearance is deceptive’. Swein’s father, Prince and Lica went out of the tower, down the hall and came to the ballroom.

“Can I get some rest and smooth my ruffled feathers?” gently asked the girl. “I do not want to go out to the guests tired. The road here was long.”

“It’s all right!” said the goblin. “My servants will take you to a room where you can have a rest.”

He clapped his hands a few times and a familiar, quick goblin- servant ran up to him.

“Take this lady to one of the guest rooms!” ordered the King's father.

The servant nodded and made a gesture to follow him.

“I'll be waiting for you on the balcony that goes around the ball room,” said Edward.

Lica nodded. She quickly turned around and went after the servant. He led her into the spacious apartment where she could find everything what girls need. Angelica politely thanked the servant and sent him off. First, she took off her shoes with pleasure walking barefoot on the floor. Then she went to the mirror and looked at herself critically. Finally, she was pleased with her reflection; her hair was perfect, the skin looked pale and aristocratic.

“Thank you, Margo, for the diadem!” said the girl loudly.

She sat down in the large armchair, closed her eyes and tried to relax. But different thoughts were running in her mind.

“Well…” Lica thought “…with such father Swein just has to choose a bride today! What if he chooses me? Will I say yes or no? If I say yes, then I will humiliate Edward, and if no - then I’ll lose Swein forever! I don’t want it to happen!”

Angelica was sitting and thinking for another ten minutes, then suddenly she decided:

“First I should meet with the Goblins’ King and then we will see!”

She rose from the armchair, put her shoes, which were already annoying her, on and slightly limping went out of the room. In the corridor Lica pulled herself together, smiled and went to look for Edward.

Servants pointed her the way to the second floor balcony and she almost immediately found Edward sitting on the sofa and drinking something tasty.

“I recommend you to try this strawberry smoothie!” said the Prince. “It’s very refreshing!”

“Later!” Angelica said. “And now, I think it's time to say hello to our friend, Swein. After all, his father must have already informed him of our arrival!”

“I don’t think so,” the Prince Night smiled.

“In any case, let's go!”

Prince Edward and Lica came out of the soft box towards the stairs leading to the hall. The guests were dancing in the ballroom. Suddenly Angelica noticed a dancing couple. A blonde, well-built man in a maroon dress was circling in dance with a blonde, longhaired young woman in a gorgeous pale lilac dress. Lica looked closer and recognized Swein in the young man!

“Wait, Prince!” she stopped Edward. “Don’t you think that young man in the maroon is our friend - Swein?”

She pointed to the center of the hall. For some time Prince Night was looked at the dancing couple, and then said:

“You are right, it’s him! But who is he dancing with? That’s a lovely lady!”

The needle of jealousy stung Angelica in the heart. She could not understand who she was more jealous - Swein or Edward...

“Let's watch them from here!” proposed Lica. “Maybe we can find out who is the King’s partner.”

Edward agreed and smiled.

One dance changed to another, one tune then another melody, but the Goblins’ King persistently invited to dance the same girl in a purple dress.

“This is already beginning to intrigue me!” the Prince Night laughed. “What a mysterious stranger turned our friend’s head?”

Angelica couldn’t see the girl’s face better as she almost did not stand still. At some point, it seemed that her face was terribly familiar to her. She narrowed her eyes, leaned forward, and finally recognized her... it was Prince Edward’s former fiancée!

“Bah!” the girl whispered. “The Goblins’ King didn’t lose his time at the ball of the princess!”

“Did you say anything?” asked Edward.

“I have a surprise for you!” said Lica. “I know who Swein’s partner is - your ex-bride!”

A smile slowly slid off Prince’s face.

“It’s impossible...” he said quietly.

“Why not?” Angelica smiled. “You broke up with the princess; she is beautiful and rich! Isn’t she a good bride for Swein?”

“No!” said Edward. “Not she!”

“But why?”

“Yes, because she's... she's... They do not fit one another!” the Prince sighed.

“Well, well,” Lica thought to herself, “I think Edward is not so indifferent to his ex-girlfriend! On the other hand now it's my advantage...”

Oddly enough, but at this moment she was more worried about losing Swein than being jealous of the Prince.

“Prince, let’s go down to the ballroom and greet the Goblins’ King!” Angelica said.

Edward nodded, gave the girl his hand and they walked down the stairs. At this time another dance had just ended, the music stopped, and Swein held his lovely partner to the sofa. The Goblins’ King and the Princess sat down to have some rest.

At the same moment, the double doors opened and Prince Edward with Angelica arm-in-arm entered the hall. This bright couple immediately attracted everybody’s attention. Lica looked around the room and noticed that only she was wearing such a bright green dress. Ladies whispered, looking at her admiringly and gentlemen sighed.

“The Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Night with his companion - Angelica!” announced a court servant.

Everyone applauded and began to bow to Edward. Seeing his friends, Swein stood up and went to meet them.

“Edward! It’s ages since we last met!” he cried, hugging the Prince, then stepped back and said:

“Gosh, I am so glad to see you! So, are you all right?!”

Then Swein went up to Angelica and kissed her hand. He said nothing, but in his eyes, she saw how exited he was. Then the king made ​​a sign to the goblin musicians, and the music started again. Guests started dancing.

“We were watching you from the balcony, Your Majesty!” Lica smiled. “You were waltzing so nice! Maybe you should introduce us to your partner.”

Swein looked into Angelica’s eyes, smiled and turning to the sofa called:

“Veronica, come to us, please!”

The beauty rose from the sofa and smiling, came to Edward and Lica. Indeed, it was the ex-fiancée of Prince. There was an awkward pause.

“Veronica!” the Prince Night stammered. “I did not expect to see you here! You look wonderful!”

He kissed the girl's hand.

“So, do you, Edward! This dark tan suits you so much!”

“Where we were, the sun was burning unmercifully!” the Prince confused.

The Princess nodded to Angelica and said:

“Good evening, Angelica! I see it has become a good tradition to meet at the balls!”

“Hello, Your Highness! I'm glad to see you again!”

Lica leaned over and whispered to Swein:

“I think Prince Edward and Princess Veronica have something to talk about!”

The Goblins’ King smiled and turned to Edward:

“Can I invite your lady to a dance?”

“Of course!” said Prince Night. “I dare to invite your companion!”

Swein nodded and led Angelica to the center of the hall. Edward and Veronica came behind them. Wonderful music played and couples got whirling in a waltz. Lica was expecting anything: reproaches, ridicule, questioning from the Goblins’ King... - but he was silent. Moreover, during the dance, he generally tried not to look at her, was helpful and cold.

“Why are you silent?” Angelica finally started first.

“I have nothing to say,” Swein snapped out.

“But you did not even ask me about our trip!”

“I think Edward will tell me everything later.”

“And you did not ask about me!”

“But why? I'm young, but not stupid! Everything became so clear when you came in with Prince arm-in-arm.”

“What? What is clear to you?”

She wanted something else to say, but at this moment the music stopped, Swein took her hand and led her to the sofa. A minute later, the Princess and Prince joined them. Prince Edward and the Goblins’ King apologized to the girls and left the hall.

“Oh, Angelica!” cried the Princess. “What a wonderful evening! You know - Swein... he is just wonderful! I have just met him today and had the impression that I know him for all my life! He knows everything about me! He knows all my habits and preferences; he knows my story, know about that ball when you and Prince Edward had visited me. Just amazing! He is so gallant and handsome! Your friend is just charming!”

Veronica grabbed Lica’s hand and continued:

“Angelica, I think we are good friends, because we have experienced so many events together! Now I really want to share with you something very important to me! You do not think me too intrusive, do you?”

“No, of course not!” said Lica.

“The Goblins’ King seems to feel something to me! He, without exaggeration, doesn’t leave me in a minute! What do you think? Am I right?”

Angelica’s heart died within her. But she tried to pull herself together. Then she smiled and said:

“The war will tell!”

“What?” the princess did not understand her.

“I wanted to say that very soon you would see! The ball is in full swing and to the end of it Swein must choose a bride. Anyway, his father thinks so!”

“What if he chooses me?” Veronica blushed. “What do you think Angelica? Should I accept his proposal?”

“You decide,” snapped the girl. “If you have already completely forgotten Prince Edward, then...”

“The fact of the matter is that I still love Edward. And the last time you visited me in my kingdom, he let me know that he still loved me...”

“Oh, Swein, you are Casanova!” irritably thought to herself Angelica and said aloud:

“You see, maybe you shouldn’t run away with it and think more carefully?”

“I'm confused,” sadly said the Princess.

“Me too...” thought Lica.

The choice

A few minutes later the Prince and the young King went back in to the hall. Swein invited Veronica to dance and Angelica stayed with the Prince face-to-face.

“Edward,” said the girl, “it’s not my business, but the Princess is still in love with you!”

“I’ve noticed it either,” said Prince Night.

“And what are you going to do now?”

“I do not know yet...”

Suddenly, the music stopped and the father of the goblins’ king appeared in front of the throne.

“Attention, please!” he said. “My son would like to say something!”


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