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Book online «Arcadia Resurgence by Vague Vermillion (e books free to read txt) 📖». Author Vague Vermillion

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her legs spread wide. Raven slowly rolled over her and kissed her passionately on the lips, allowing their tongues to clash with the heat of their passion. Eventually, Raven broke the kiss and started kissing and licking a path from sunny's mouth down her soft, warm stomach. Her tongue snaked out to delve deeply, if briefly, in sunny's navel and then continued it's path downwards. As she neared sunny's pussy, Raven’s tongue veered to the right to lick slowly across the cleft between her torso and her thighs. On the return trip, her tongue slowly worked it's way down sunny's thigh to just above her knee, and then skipped across to the other thigh to lick and suck her way back up to just above sunny's pussy. When her mouth was positioned directly above sunny's pussy, her tongue darted out, and circled sunny’s clit slowly and completely. Then her lips lowered and she sucked and nibbled the sensitive button.

When Raven slipped two fingers into sunny's pussy, the blond girl became vocal in her demands. "Oh yes!! Fuck me with your fingers!!" Raven gave her what she wanted, setting a fast thrusting pace. With wordless cries of pleasure sunny began to cum wildly, her arms and legs thrashing the bed, almost pushing Raven from her pussy. As the climax began to subside, Raven sucked sharply on her clit sending her into another massive orgasm.

Finally, sunny came down off the orgasmic high and drew Raven’s cum-covered fingers to her lips. She snaked her tongue out and slowly, almost languorously, began to lick them clean. They lay there together, enjoying the warmth of each other, and the silence of companionship. A life-long friendship had been forged in this meeting. Then sunny spoke.

"Each of us here performs some job or duty that benefits Master and all of us in some way. For example, rose, our alpha sub, has charge of the house staff, ourselves included, and oversees the training of newcomers. If you choose to stay with us, she'll see where your talents lie and assign you to duties accordingly." sunny slipped from the bed and walked to the door, she paused to turn off the light and said, "i do very much hope you will stay!" With that she was gone.

As Raven lay there, she thought back on all that had happened to her in the last couple of hours. Though her life seemed so complete and real previously, now she knew it for a sham. The freedom that she relished, the independence to do as she willed, all rang hollow now as she lay there contemplating in the dark. Something had been missing in her life and she suspected that she just might find it here in service to Master. Everything about this felt right and good in a way that nothing else before ever had. If asked for her decision this minute, Raven knew what it would be. A resounding YES!! Still she was sure that tomorrow held more surprises and new vistas to explore. She fell asleep dreaming of the new life she anticipated...and of the Master who had given them to her. V & C Pt3

 The sounds of a household coming awake woke Raven from a deep peaceful sleep. She opened her eyes and looked around. At first there was confusion and concern as she attempted to determine where she was and how she got there. All was made clear as sunny's voice piped up from the door "Good morning sleepy head! Hurry or you'll miss breakfast!!"

Raven smiled and climbed out of bed. She followed sunny down the hall to the bathroom where several other women were preparing to meet the new day. Raven took a moment to relieve herself after which sunny handed her a towel, wash cloth, soap and a razor and led her back to the bathing room. Here things were a little more utilitarian than the bath that she had used last night but she realized that that must be a guest bath. The room had shower heads along one wall and a deep tub that would comfortably fit four adults with ease. It was a deep tub and had a constant stream of warm water pouring in one end, the overflow running into a channel around the top of the tub. Along the wall were benches and chairs, several of the women including the two who had bathed her the evening before and rain were there preparing themselves.

Without being told she began to shave herself smooth and bathe. Having been shaven before coming here cleaning the hair from her pussy took only moments and only slightly longer to remove it from her underarms and legs. When she had shaven, she entered the shower room to bathe herself. She placed her towel and the razor on a bench and chose a shower head nearby and bathed herself quickly. As she toweled herself dry she watched the others go through their ablutions.

One woman in particular caught Raven's eye. Petite, with long brown hair and dark brown eyes , this woman stood out from all the others in the room. Her body in complete proportion to her height, her skin tone a light tan that accentuated the fine delicate features of her face. There was an aura of authority and yet Raven felt she could approach this woman with any problem and find it's solution.

"That is rose our alpha. She is in charge of us here and has the Master's complete trust. You will come to know her quite well if you decide to stay here with us. She handles the training of all the new girls."

As Raven watched the woman looked up, smiled and walked across the room to join her. "Welcome Raven, I am glad that you decided to visit us."

"So far, so am I," Raven replied with a warm smile. She continued looking around the room. The next to draw her attention was a vibrant red-head with an equally fiery personality, if the look in her vivid green eyes was any indication. Raven asked rose, "Who's that?" nodding in the other woman's direction. 

"That's phoenix. Don't worry hon, you'll be introduced to everyone in due time. Now finish up and come to breakfast." She signaled phoenix over. "Bring Raven when she's finished here." rose followed the last of the women out, leaving the two women to follow behind. 

Raven listened closely as phoenix began telling her what was required of all new girls on their first day. According to the other submissive, Raven was to complete all her tasks on her knees and if she'd done a satisfactory job then she would be allowed to eat. Hearing this, Raven began to seriously wonder if this was such a good idea. Nevertheless, she followed phoenix without hesitation to the dining room set aside for the submissives' use, listening carefully to what phoenix desired for breakfast this morning.

Upon entering, Raven lowered herself to her hands and knees and crawled to the sideboard where a delicious array of food was laid out. Raven's back was to the room as she began dishing up the requested meal. She missed the looks being passed around behind her. Rose didn't look up from the day schedule she was reviewing when she said, "Raven, stop what you're doing and come sit down. Phoenix, see me after breakfast for your punishment." 

Raven was more than a little shocked and surprised but did what she was told. Rose continued after Raven took her seat. "In this house you take orders from only two people, the Master and myself. You were unaware of this rule this time but consider yourself warned. Rules will be explained one time without punishment."

Raven lowered her eyes and whispered, "Yes, ma'am." 

Breakfast continued smoothly afterwards. The girls talked back and forth, making a point of including Raven and making her feel welcome. When the meal was finished, the girls went to their usual duties, while Raven and phoenix stayed behind with rose. phoenix recieved a stern lecture concerning her behavior and the promised punishment. Raven was told, "Come with me girl."

rose entered what turned out to be the Master's office, with Raven following behind. She stopped in front of his desk. "Good Morning Master." 

The Master looked up from his computer screen and leaned back. "Good morning my rose." 

"I’ve brought Raven as you requested. The only thing i have to report is that phoenix is on cleaning detail." 

The Master smiled slightly and shook his head. "The girl does like to push her limits."

rose nodded in agreement, "Yes she does Master." 

"I'll leave phoenix in your capable hands then my rose. You may leave us now." He turned his attention back to the computer screen. 

rose motioned for Raven to sit before leaving the room & closing the door quietly behind her. Nervously, Raven perched on the edge of the chair, waiting. Last night the last thing Raven had been aware of was her nudity. Today that was the first thing on her mind. She felt vulnerable sitting there, waiting without the protection of clothing. A sense of exposure grew in her mind. 

The Master's deep voice cut through the silence, making her jump slightly. "What do you think so far?" 

"Of what Sir?" Raven asked in what she hoped to be a properly respectful tone. There was a moment of silence from the other side of the desk. The Master had yet to look up. Raven's nervousness increased. She had to force herself not to fidget, to appear calm as she waited for clarification. 

"What do you think of the submissive feelings you are having?" he asked looking her directly in the eyes. 

"They are both confusing and familiar Sir." Raven replied, her gaze held by the powerful blue one across the desk from her. 

"That is to be expected" he stated "In time they will become cherished companions, but for now you must learn to accept them." 

"Yes, Sir, i will try." 

"Tell me a little about yourself. I know you are a writer and have had several erotic short stories published" he said. 

Raven wondered how he knew about the stories, but only for a moment. "I design and maintain websites for an internet publishing company. My writing is done on my own time, for my own satisfaction. Romantically, I'm not involved and haven't been for a number of years." She wondered if that was what he wanted to know. She felt off balance, unsure of herself. 

"Very good, now what of your family and friends will they worry that you have disappeared and what of them, do you think you can leave them? What are your roots?" 

"My family consisted only of my mother and father, who passed away a number of years ago. They were the only ones who would have been concerned with my absence. As for heritage, both my parents were Romanian gypsies, and very true to the stereotypical image. We were wanderers, never settling in one place for long."

"I hope that remaining here will not cause you undo stress or strain, I know that all of us here will do our best to make you feel comfortable and secure if you will give us a chance. Now, I know that you have a talent for writing and web site design, do you have any other

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