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Book online «Scarred by Aysha K (ereader manga TXT) 📖». Author Aysha K

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stay like that until I feel my hands start to prune slightly.

I get out and wrap a towel securely around my body, I wipe away any tear tracks left on my face and walk into my room only to find Rena, Riley, Aniswailah and Rose sitting on my bed talking to each other as if nothing happened.

''What are you all doing in my room?'' I snarl

''Ari just here us all out and make you understand all this'' Rose pleads

''Why should I?'' I ask

''Because like you said before, you have a right to know what's going on'' She replies

''Just leave me alone right now'' I reply, I want to know I really do but right now I'm too exhausted; mentally and physically. Seeing my discomfort and annoyance with them they all bid their goodbyes but Riley stayed behind.

''Zarinah you shouldn't judge us from what you saw'' She says, seriously.

''Oh yeah then what do you expect me to do?'' I ask her sarcastically, I hear her sigh.

''It is not mine to tell but when it is I'll be there, you had a right to know and I don't blame you for being angry but if you can't stay mad for long because soon you'll realize why everything happened'' I just stand there, processing her words as she walks towards my door but turns back to face me.

''What do you-'' I start to say but was interrupted

''Know this now Zarinah; you're one of us, you were meant to be and there's no going back'' She walks out of my room leaving me staring after her.

What does she mean I'm one of them? A headache starts to form so I grab my stuff and walk into my bathroom and get changed.

That night I fell asleep on those four words that were told to me.

                                                             You're one of us

Chapter 8

''Mia just hear us out''

''Why?'' I ask, he was about to continue but I cut him off ''Why did you choose to tell me now, why not before?'' I'm hurt that they didn't tell me.

'Well listen to them rather then pushing them away' A voice in my head tells me.

'Shut up!' I growl.

'Why? You know that I'm speaking the truth, why deny it?' It taunts.

'Fuck off' I shut out the voice and face my brother.

''One chance, one chance fuck it up then I'm done'' I say to him.

''You might want to sit down then'' He says guiding me to the living room.

We all came back to London and I had been ignoring everybody. I woke up, I ate, and I went to sleep; that's all I did during the last week. Everybody tried to speak to me but I would just shut them out or glare at them telling them that I don't want to speak to them. I avoided Riley and the others because I couldn't face the fact that she was right; I am one of them and there’s no going back.

I walk into the living room and everybody is there, Riley, Rowan, Caleb, Jared, Aniswailah, Rose and Dimitri are patiently waiting for our arrival. I look around, My Aunt are not there. I walk towards the back of the room and face them, leaning back onto the wall I glare at each of them. I know its harsh but I'm angry that they hadn't told me the truth and well lets face it I'm too stubborn to admit it.

''Well?'' I say raising an eyebrow. ''Care to explain....?''

''Well, as you can see we are all not human'' Jared starts off, I frown.

''I'm pretty sure that I know this already so cut the crap and tell me what's going on and like I told Raphael your only getting one chance, fuck it up and I'm done'' I wasn't lying either, I'm over 18 and a legal adult, I'll leave without a backwards glace.

Seeing that I wasn't lying they all tense up.

''Well is anybody going to tell me what's going on?'' I demand

''As you know that mom and dad kept a secret from us, well you not me but that's not the point'' Raphael starts, he rubs the back of his neck. ''I really didn't want to be the one to tell you this but I guess you need to know'' He's stalling; we both know it, hell even the devil would.

'No he wouldn't' Urgh that stupid voice is back. 'I'm not stupid'

'What do you want?' I demand

'I want you to listen to the truth and accept it because sooner or later you'll regret it'

'Well thanks for the tip Sherlock'  For the second time today I shut out that voice in my head but this time it was different, I felt something break within me; like a part of me was ripped out and thrown away.

''I knew that they were keeping something but I didn't bother asking'' I say remembering when mom and dad would always need to leave for 'business trips'.

''Like Jared said We're not human, ever wondered why you had enhanced senses then others? Yeah well its cause you and I are werewolves but I'm a full werewolf whereas your not'' Raph summarizes.

''If I'm not fully human then what am I?'' I ask, curiosity invading my mind.

''We're not exactly sure, only you will know but you've got two different types of blood running through your system''

''Again what are they?'' I ask, confused.

''What part of we don't know don't you understand? All we know is that your one of us but are not sure exactly what else you are, only you and your other half will know'' Dimitri snaps. For some unknown reason just like what happened when I shut that voice out in my head the feeling of something being ripped out and tossed infiltrated me again.

''Other half?'' I question.

I hear Riley sigh ''Your other half is what humans call soul mates and you werewolves call mates'' She says this in a very quiet but sorrowful voice.

''Umm okay, what if I don't have a 'soul mate'?'' I quote the words 'Soul mate'.

''Of course you do, everybody does'' She says.

''Okay'' I mumble.

I realize that Raphael hadn’t told me exactly how mom and dad died since he's the only one who the police could tell.

''If we are not human then are we immortal?'' I ask.

''Yes we are immortal but we stop at a certain age'' Caleb chuckles. 

''Well that's why mom and dad always looked really young, hell some people thought that they we're our older brother and sister but were always shocked when we told them that they were in fact our parents, remember Raph?'' I face him, smirking.

''Yeah and I remember that one of your friends brother's tried to hit on mom cause they thought that she was 'Sexy' and our older sister'' He replies, I laugh.

''Yeah and Urgh I will never forget that no matter how hard I try'' I chuckle and I see my brother smile.

''Awe look at you two'' Rose coos, ruining the moment. I smirk.

''Anyway back to the point if mom and dad were immortal then how did they die?'' The whole room goes silent; I could hear the clock tick.

''Um it wasn't a bear that hit our car that night, it was a hell hound'' My brother explain, I look at him in confusion.

''What's a hellhound?''

''Its like a werewolf but it came from hell'' Jared pipes in.

''How is that even possible?!''

''We don't know exactly but we have a feeling that there is somebody or a group of people helping them'' He replies.

''Well whoever is helping them then they’re stupid as fuck'' I say matter-of-factly. Jared chuckles then smirks.

''Its good to have you back, forgive us?'' He asks. I raise an eyebrow at him and give them a cold smirk. They all tense up again.

''Maybe, maybe not'' I look at my hands.

''What's that supposed to mean?'' Lilah asks, I look at her my smirk still intact.

''Well Raph and Jai both know that I don't forgive easily and won't back down without getting back at you, isn't that right guys'' I look at them both and chuckle when I see them both gulp.

''Right'' They both say.

''So I better watch your back cause I'm going to get you'' I say 

''Dude is your sister always like this?'' Rowan asks.

''Yeah when she's mad its better to stay away from her at all cost''

''I feel sorry for you'' I smirk and walk out of the living room and into my room. Before I leave I hear Rowan say something to the others, more specifically Dimitri.

''Dimitri when are you going to tell her?'' He asks

''I don't know''

''Well she's going to find out soon, I think she can feel something already cause she was looking funny when we mentioned the 'soul mate' bit'' So they're all talking about me huh?

''I will but I don't want her to panic when she does find out'' He says almost sounding like he's in pain.

''Well you're going to have to find out soon dude cause knowing my sister she will want to know sooner rather then later'' My brother says.

Not wanting to hear more, I walk towards my room and lock my door after.

What did they mean; I'm going to find out sooner or later? Why did Dimitri sound like he was in pain when he said that he'll tell me but thinks that I will freak out if he does? Am I Dimitri's soul mate? No I couldn't be, but why was did I feel weird when he snapped at me earlier? A million thought ran through my mind.

I walk into my bathroom and strip off all of my clothes and walk under the water, letting it soak me.

Chapter 9

'My eyes are hollow like an abyss. They wait to be filled with joy and love, how can they? Those eyes were destroyed, hidden away from the light and destined for darkness. People say that the eyes are a window to a person’s soul but when you look into mine, you’ll see nothing but the pain that I endured and the fear of them.                                                                                                                                                                             My hair shields me away from prying eyes, hiding me away from the pitiful world. I doesn’t want their pity, I doesn’t need their help, the thing that I want is what I cannot have; FREEDOM!                                 

Endless scars smother my delicate body remind me of my disturbing past, crimson blood trickles down the empty shell I call my body. Do they not know that the lies they tell are the reason for my sorrow?

''They lied to you Zarinah, how can you trust them?'' A masculine voice behind me asks, I stand there rooted to the spot.

''Wh-who are you?'' I stutter.

''Don't you remember me Zarinah?'' He asks me, his breath fans my neck. He sounds

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