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Book online «The Flower Girl by Ellie Anne (best inspirational books .txt) 📖». Author Ellie Anne

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voice deathly calm.

She wriggled and writhed, trying to get her way out of my grasp. I slammed the heel of my hand into the nape of her neck and knocked her out cold. I let her slide to the ground. I turned on my heel and ran, flying past Hunters with gaping mouths and bulgy eyes. Forget them, they knew she started it.

I ran ridiculously faster than Mika, and was able to catch her just as she reached the speedcycle. I swung a leg over the front part of the seat, and revved the engine as she jogged, and jumped onto the back. I slammed my foot into the start pedal, and the tires squealed as we ricocheted back to Candor and the car. I wasn't able to help as much as I wanted to, but hey, I still nailed a few, and knocked out the Head Chief.

I shouted at Mika to keep an eye on the road behind us, and yell if anything was coming up from behind. Sure enough, there was a group of about four Hunters on speedcycles with an amplifier telling us to slow down and turn ourselves in. Like heck. I kicked it into high gear, and the speecycle jolted as we shot forward, out pacing the Hunters. I saw the car and flashed my lights, letting him know to start the car and be ready to freaking book it. 

I willed the speedcycle to go faster, until we finally reached the car. Candor had it started and revved the engine as I slid into the front, and Mika in the back. We slammed the doors shut, locked everything, and drove like crazy. I have to admit though, Candor had a flare for crazy person driving. He swerved around the occasional car, speeding like a madman. He slowed as we neared traffic, trying to blend in.

In knew the dudes chasing us on speedcycles hadn't seen the car we were in, but I was still on edge. Candor glanced over, and noticed my tapping feet, tense shoulders, and funky face. He reached over and grabbed my hand. I knew Mika was giving me the professional Mika stank eye, but Candor just saved our butts so she'd have to deal. Candor squeezed my hand.

"I got this." he joked.

"You'd better." I grumbled, and slipped my hand out of his, folding my arms acrossed my chest.

Candor reached up and snatched my hand. "Crybaby. What happened to the kick-butt, crazy-fighter-chick I know?"

"She got sick of you." I muttered and snatched my hand back, holding it and looking out of the window.

I heard Mika stiffle a giggle and smiled. At least she was safe now. I saw Candor reaching over and slapped his hand as hard as I could. He stuck his bottom lip out, and squinted his freaky but cool eyes. I shook my head and stuck my feet up on the dashboard. 

"Sleepy time, Babycakes." I said, and reached behind me to pat Mika's leg or arm or whatever it was that was closest to me.

"Beat ya there." she mumbled, and I could tell she was wiped.

I recliined my chair a little and got comfortable. "Hand to yourself, Candy." I muttered.

"Call me Candy and I swear I will grab your hand and never let go." he threatened.

"Fine . . . Candy." I snickered, my eyes already closed.

I felt his hand tug at my arm, and tucked them farther under me. Finally, he gave in, but I was still intent on sitting on my hands. I kept my eyes closed, and relaxed. After all, this was the first time I'd slept in like to whole day, and I was a sleeper. If I didn't get a full eight hours, the next day I was a freaking tornado.


When I woke up, the car was parked in a very nondescript alley, and Candor was clutching my hand as he snored. I groaned, and yanked my hand, but his grip tightened and a grin spread across is irritatingly beautiful face. I tugged again, and flicked him in the face with my other hand. I scooched over, and pulled his ear, but he still didn't let go. I got as close as I could, and flicked his nose, and jabbed my finger in his stomach, but there was no way my hand was going to be freed. I sat on his lap, and pinched his cheeks.

"If you sit in my lap, I might have to make you stay there." he murmured, and I could feel his voice rumble in his chest.

I head butted him -- my signature move-- in the chest, and felt his laugh bubble up from his throat.

I grumbled and groaned, moving back into my seat. I looked back at Mika. She was passed out still, her hair a crazy mess and drool was peeking out at the corner of her lips. I laughed. Mika, beautiful during the day, crazy looking by night. Candor still had my hand, but I ignored it and told him we should probably get going. I watched him stretch his back like a cat, and roll his shoulders.

I don't know how he managed to look stunningly graceful when he obnoxiously cracked his knuckles and started the car, but he did. I harrumphed, and sat on my other hand so he wouldn't be tempted to take that one too. After about five minutes I was bored. I fiddled with my my shirt, and dug through the box to find a clean one. Mine currently had Mute blood as well as some from the Head Chief. I smiled to myself, thinking about how good I'd knocked her out. Traffic was heavy, so I couldn't roll down my window and hang my arm out. I felt clausterphopic, like I needed to explode or just do something. 

I leaned forward and clicked open the glove compartment. I found a bunch of manuels, and a car magazine. Perfect. I flipped through the pages with my one free hand, oohing and ahing at all the gorgeous cars. I was raised right; brought up to act like a lady with a no crap, good eye for cars side. My dad used to be so proud that he'd taught me everything he could about mechanics.

When I finished looking at the magazine, and drooling over some fantastic parts, I stuck it under the dash mat, and tried tugging at my hand one more time. 

"Be careful, Zeela, tug too hard and I might loose control and crash." he teased.

"Please, give me my hand back." I begged, wallowing in my misery.

"Nope." he said, popping the 'p'.

"Meanie." I grumbled.

I was being a baby, but so was he, so it was okay. I stuck out my tongue, and muttered at him. After a little while of making faces at him, Mika woke up. I squeeled, happy to have someone else to talk to. Candor cringed and swerved a little, almost going out of his lane.

"Crap Zeela, you scared me half to death. I thought the car was going to blow up or something." he scolded.

I stuck my tongue out again, and laughed at Mika's stricken face. "Serves you right."

He shook his head, frowning. I snickered. As soon as the tables were turned, and he was the one getting the crap scared out of him, suddenly he wasn't so smooth and hilarious. There was no way he wasn't used to getting everything he wanted, especially since he had that freaky eye thing. I shivered, remembering the awful feeling of being paralyzed. I could still feel the odd tingles going up my arms and legs, making their way toward my heart. 

Mika rested her hands on my shoulders, seeing through my poker face. She probably thought I was thinking about my family. Looks like I've found something new to have nightmares about. Lucky me. I knew Candor couldn't see through my mask, but then again I'd only known him for a few days. I mentally shook myself, and plastered a smiled on my face. We'd probably get to Center in the next two or three days, so I might as well cheer myself up so I can at least enjoy it.

I smacked the radio button, and nearly screamed when my jam was on. Candor groaned.

"I swear if I have to listen to one more nearly dead it's so old song, I'm going to murder both of you." he joked.

It wasn't funny to me, and I could tell Mika wasn't laughing. We acted like it was, but I mean, seriously, he knows most of what happened to us. Jokes like that just don'y fly with us baggage ladies. A few seconds later, Candor's face changed. It finally dawned on him, the moron.

"Man, I'm sorry guys, that was a really stupid thing to say, wasn't it?" he apologized.

"Ya think!" I snapped.

Mika looked at me sternly, but didn't say anything, and Candor just scowled at the steering wheel. Ugh, this little trip was going to be awful. About an hour later, all of our stomachs were growling, and I was especially grumpy. There were two things that I could not survive more than like twelve hours without, and they were sleep, and food.

"Food." I said. "My stomach threatend to eat me if it didn't get any tastiness soon." 

Candor laughed, and squeezed the hand that he still had. "I think Thanerville is coming up, your stomach shall be appeased."

As soon as he finished talking, Mika's stomach growled so loud I thought we blew a tire. "Jeez Mika," I said. "And here I thought you were incapable of making any sort of semi-loud sound."

She laughed. "Jeez Zeela, and here I thought you were capable of controlling your unending hunger."


We drove for about twenty minutes before we came upon Thanerville. "Thank goodness. I thought my stomach would eat me for sure."

We found a resturante that claimed to have the best burgurs in Thanerville. I really didn't care, I just needed food in my belly. We parked and practically ran in. The waitress seated us, and  asked for our orders. I felt like I couldn't speak fast enough, I was in such need of food. Then I realized something.

"Guys," I said. "How are we gonna pay?" 

Mika's mouth opened as she realized we had no money. "Oh no!"

Candor just looked cool as a cucumber, just sitting there with a smirk on his face. "Chiil guys, I got this."

"You have money?" I asked.

"Not exactly." he said.

I felt like slapping that sly grin right of his face. "Spill before I smack you."

He put his hands up

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