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Book online «The Flower Girl by Ellie Anne (best inspirational books .txt) 📖». Author Ellie Anne

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"I'm sorry." he sputtered.

I dug my foot a little farther into the pedal. "Just stop talking."

"No. I am so sorry you got hurt." he mumbled.

I rolled my eyes, and tried to ignore the urge to stop the car and beat the ever-living daylights out of him. He kept talking, and I kept ignoring him, trying my best to keep my eyes open. My vision was going fuzzy, and I tried to clear my mind. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I could barely make out a sign that said some town was coming up in the next few miles.

Suddenly I was started to loose my grip on the wheel. I felt the car swerve and veer off the road. I heard Candor say something, but everything was lost. I felt like my head was full of cotton, and that I was floating, or flying. I couldn't think, or see, and could barely feel.

I felt hands craddle me, and place me in a seat. I was delirious, with no sense of time. A little while later, I was able to crack open my eyes as I felt hands and arms pass me around and grab my arms and head. I smellled something odd, but couldn't place it. My vision was fleeting, and blurry, gone within seconds. I heard someone use some very big, odd sounding words, and something along the lines of "blood loss". That got my attention, and freaked me out. I started screaming, and kicking, trying to break free. I felt something slide underneath my skin. I immediately felt calm, and weightless.

When I woke up, I was lying on a bed in an ugly, awkward green room. I stretched, and rolled my shoulders. That was a dumb idea. My arm throbbed, and I felt like it was on fire. I groaned, and looked around my room. Candor was passed out in a chair by a big window, and there was a tray with some water and cracker on a roll-away table.

I groaned, and put a hand to my head. Candor stirred, and woke up, coming to my side immediately. He grabbd my hand, and held me close. I was so not in the mood for mushy-gushy Candor. I tried to push him away, but he just squeezed me. I let out a yelp when he squshed my arm, and he released me.

"I'm so-" he started to say.

"I swear if you apoligize one more time I'm going to put my fist through your face." I grumbled and tugged my hand out of his.

"I thought you would die, Zeela. Please, please don't be hate me for what I did. I had to protect you." he said somberly.

I sat up. "Candor, you killed him. You killed that man."

"He was hurting you! I had to." he almost yelled.

"I told you, I told you not to!" I shouted, and got up off the bed.

"I had to!" he shouted back.

"No, Candor, you didn't. I can handle myself. I have been alone for three years! I can take care of myself." I growled, shoving my finger into his chest. 

"I don't want to you be alone anymore. You can't be alone anymore." he said sofly. "I know you're hurting about everyhting, Zeela, so let me in."

That really got me going. I tried to slap him, but he caught my hand, and held it to his heart. He pulled me to him, and wrapped his arms around me. I still felt like ripping him a new one, but something about him tugged at my heart. Angry and confused tears pricked the corners of my eyes, and I felt like my world was twisting on its side.


The tears came, and I was so confused and angry. I hated Candor right now, but I still couldn't live without him. I wanted so bad to leave and never come back. I wanted to find Mika and go back home and just pretend like this had never happened. I wanted to be fifteen again. I wanted to have my parents back. I wanted to be normal. I hated Candor for barging into my life and having such a huge impact. 

I weakly pounded on his chest with my fists. I was so mad at him. I was attatched to him. I wanted him gone, but I couldn't suvive without him. He lifted his hands, and held my fists, stopping them from striking him again. I was sobbing, and hysterical, but still he held me. He held me, and held me, and held me until I stopped sobbing. He was so warm, and cozy feeling. I sniffled, and made some other awkward noises as I melted into him, and rested my head on his shoulder.

One of his hands left mine, and rubbed slow circles in my back, while the other still clutched mine to his chest. He leaned his face closer and closer to mine, until our noses were touching, and his breath was hot on my cheeks. I sucked in a deep breath and nearly chocked on it. He was so close. I felt his nose slide down my cheek, and his lips against my neck.

"Zeela." he murmured. "I don't know how, or why, but you have caught my heart."

I smiled. One minute I hated him, the next I almost felt like I loved him. "I could say the same."

He kissed my cheek, and I felt tingles roll up my spine. His kisses got closer and closer to my mouth, until his lips were hovering over mine.

"I think I might love you." he said simply.

"I think I might love-" he cut me off as his lips touched mine. I couldnt help myself. I felt butterflies dance all over me, as his lips pressed against mine. It was slow, but sweet, and lovely. I'd never experience anything like it before. Then, his mouth opend, and we entered a whole new world. His arm wound tighter around me, pressing me closer and closer until we were almsot one being. He smiled against my mouth, and finally let go of my hand. He pulled away just a centimeter, and leaned his forehead against mine. His breath was warm, and he smelled like sunshine and grass. 

I kissed him again, relishing the new feeling it stirred in my chest. We pulled away, and he made me lay back down. I complained, but he silenced me with a quick, and gentle kiss. I had a feeling Mika would be appaled, but I just didn't care right now. 

A few minutes later, a doctor came in and did whatever it is doctors do, then he left again. Candor sat cross-legged on the edge of my bed and still clutched my hand. A beep went of above my head by the speaker, and a voice sounded.

"Miss Pikner, you have a guest." said a sweet voice.

I pressed the button on the side. "Who is it?"

"A Misses Mindleton, ma'am." she answered, no idea as to what was going on.

I stared at the speaker, stunnned that she'd found me so fast. I looked at Candor, worry filling his marvelous eyes. 

"We need to run." I whispered, and he nodded.

"Miss Pikner?" the nurse said over the intercom. "Shall I send her up?"

I pressed the button again, and faked a caugh. "Actually, I'm not feeling up to guests, would you mind telling her to come back tomorrow?"

"Of course Miss Zeela." the nurse answered, sweet as honey.

I blew out a tense breath and looked at Candor. "How do you presume we get out?"

"Window?" he suggested.

I got up, and looked out of the huge window. My room was about four stories up, and I just so happened to be scared of heights. Great. This just sucked. Candor came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"We can use the sheets and blankets as a rope, and tie them together. I'll go first, so I can catch you if you fall." he said, his lips brushing my ear.

I nodded, trying to get over my fear. "We'll need to move fast, as soon as I take the wires out, they'll know somthings up."

We started tying sheets and blankets together, stripping the bed. We had all the sheets knotted, and opened the window and stepped out on to the shallow balcony. We flung the fabric over the railing, and prayed for the best. The end barely touched the bottom of the second floor window. We'd have to jump.

I started to hyperventilate, and sat down on the edge of the bed, rocking back and forth. Candor sat beside me, and, rubbed my back. "It's going to be fine, I swear I will catch you."

I shook my head. "That's a whole story Candor."

I felt like hurling. This was so not going to end well. I took a deep breath, and latched on to Candor. "Don't let me fall."

He enveloped me in his arms. "Never."


Candor squeezed me one last time before moving to the window, and sliding down our home-made rope. I was so far beyond freaked out it wasn't even funny. I slowly and shakily walked over to the window, stepped over the railing, and started down the rope. I had to stop every so often, but was able to get to the end of the sheets. However, it just went downhil from there. 

When I felt the end of the rope leave my fingers, I yelped, and flailed as I fell. I could swear I saw the light. I opened my mouth to scream, but now sound came. Then it was over. In seconds, I was crashing in to Candor, but he held steady, and was able to calm my craziness. I flung my arms around his neck  and started making awkward, dry-heaving sounds as he carried me to the car. He sat me down in the seat, and I sat straight as a pin, my hands gripping my knees, my stomach tossing and churning.

Candor jogged around the car, and slid behind the wheel, immediately taking my hand. "You did great Zeela. I'm proud of you."

I gave him a slightly crazed grin. "Let's not do that again. I feel like I'm gonna puke, so look out."

"Smart aleck." he grinned and started the car.

"Just drive before they catch us again. And make sure to find a very crowded soup kitchen because I'm still freaking starving." I grumbled.

We drove for who knows how long, and still no soup kitchens or places we could eat for free. We were both starving, and tired. The sun was setting, and day three of our little adventure

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