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too. Rolled onto my other side and wrapped myself arouind Candor. I didn't care that he practically tried to accidentally kill me, he was a warm body and I needed Mika but she wasn't here. I cried and cried and cried until tears stop flowing and all I could do was shake and whimper. Candor wrapped his arms around me, and ran his hand through my long, tangled hair. I finally fell asleep when I could see yellow peeking up over the horizon.

When I woke up, Candor and I had somehow miraculously switched positions, so I was against the back of the seat, and he was practically, hanging off the edge. I could tell he was having nightmares. his forehead was wrinkled, his brows furrowed, and his mouth sliently forming words. I sighed, and closed my eyes for a few minutes. When i reopened them, I rubbed my the sleep from my eyes, and yanwed. Candor's back was to me, but I could still see how terribly he mustv'e been dreaming. I harrumphed, and wrapped my arms around him. I whispered nice things into his neck, and rubbed his back. I touched his cheek, and accidentally woke him up. 

Candor Sat up with a jolt, throwing me oof balance, and squishing me against the back of the seat. I muttered about not waking him up agian, and tried to sit back up when he turned around and kissed me like he'd never kissed me before. I was surprised and didn't know how to react. I mean, he almost cold tentacled me ot death, and now he's all back to an I love, we're all fine dealio.

I pushed his shoulders, and his lips left mine. Then he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me harder than I would prefer, and acted like I'd died and came back to life. When he finally stopped witht the hugging, and cheek touching, and arm rubbing I gave him the what-in-the-world-happened-to-you look. Candor looked so pathetic it scared me. I mean, I'd seen him pretty torn up and scary, but not like this. There were pruple bags under his eyes, and the brightness was gone form his face.

"What happened? Where did you go when you went all wild on me?" I asked.

"I don't know, I was just so mad, and you weren't listening, and I just lost it. All of the sudden, I couldn't see anymore, I couldn't feel. When I opened my eyes, you were lying on the street. I thought you were dead, then you started breathing again, and I just lost it all over again." he shivered.

I touched his cheek and made him look at me. "Let me make this clear. I know what I'm doing. I know how to handle this, and I swear, Candor, if soemthing like this ever happens again, I will give you a five second head start, but I will come for you."

He nodded, stone cold and emotionless.

"I'm going to scout out the area, I think this model has solar panels on the side that recharge in an hour. Pop them out, and I'll be back in a little while." I stated, and turned on my heel.

I was still so utterly furious. I mean, really, Candor goes all, I freaked out when I thought you were dead, feel bad for me, and I'm sitting here like woah dude, let's not forget who's pissed at who. I deserve an aoplogy. I'm probably not going to get one, but I refuse to be satisified untill I do. Well, out relationship lasted a long time. Seriously, what was wrong with him? He knew what he was doing was wrong. He knew I was right. He knew he hurt me. He knew that I knew that he knew he was being a complete and utter stubborn mule. I felt like screaming. I felt like just walking to the next town and letting Candor figure it out on his own so I would have time to think.

I knew my irritation just meant I was on the verge of tears, but I had a right to be irritated. He was just so frustrationg and infuriating. He can't control himslef. He can't take no for an answer. He can't recognize when he's wrong. He was just so freaking flawed, but so freaking lovable that it made him even more annoying. I looked over my shoulder. The car was nothing more than a dot on the horizon. I finally decided to let out that scream I'd been holding in.

I screamed, and stomped my feet, and threw my own little personal temper tantrum. Just because I'm twenty does in no way mean I'm mature. I got it all out of my system then kept walking as if nothing had happened. I just kept walking, too. I had no idea how long it had been, I just knew that I had been going in a straight line with the intent of getting away from Candor. I knew when I either went to the nearest town withouth him, or went back to the car that he'd be pissed, but I didn't care. It was my turn to piss him off.


I walked until I could no longer see the car, and decided to just keep walking. I wasn't ready to deal with Candor yet, and I most certainly was in the mood to piss him off. So I just walked. I knew right about where the town was, and when I got there, I'd wait by the now-entering-whateverland sign and see how long it takes him to get there. That was the plan. Of course, my plans never go the way I want them.

I was starting to get close to the town when I heard a car speeding up behind me. I knew it was Candor before I could see him. I picked up my pace, and started to run, hoping I could get there before him. Of course, he was driving like a maniac in a car, and I was only propelled by my legs. He made it to me before I made it to the town. He slowed down to keep pace with me and gave me a sour look you would not believe.

"Zeela!" he shouted, furious. "What are you doing?"

I looked over and smirked at him. "Running."

"Why?! Do you have any idea how long it's been since your hour was up? Almost the entire day! I was worried sick." he  yelled at me.

"Well, apparently not that worried about me considering what you're willing to do to me in order to get me to do what you want." I shot back.

"Just get in the car." he commanded.

"No, why should I? Seriously, what makes you think I want to be anywhere near you. I am perfectly fine of taking care of myself." I snapped at him.

"Get in this car before I make you!" he threatened.

"Good luck trying." I challenged, and pumped my legs faster.

It took him a solid ten seconds before he realized there was no easy way for him to win. I took advantage of that pause, and ran like there was no tomorrow until I was about three yards away from the blessed sign. As usual, Candor can't deal with losing, and pushed the car to it's limit to swerve in front of me to cut me off. I was going way to fast to stop in time to avoid slamming into the door of the car, which Candor so conviently opened in just enough time for me to skid into the vehicle. Candor reached over and slammed shut and locked my door, as he made the tires squeal and whipped through the town.

It was only a small town with a few shops, two resturants, a bed-and-breakfast, and an old cumbly arcade. I stared at Candor like he was crazy, but we needed more supplies, and I remembered an old account under a different name my parents had set up in cases of emergency. Candor finally stopped about forty minutes outisde of town and I lost it.

"What in flaming Hades do you think your doing? Are you stupid? We need to get more supplies, like clothes and money and there you go, being a total hot head with no idea how to handle himself. I know how to survive you moron. I've been trained, you haven't, so stop acting like a whiny little boy and back off. It's my turn to be in charge. We need to get to Center ASAP and find Mika." I ranted.

"You self-righteous little girl," looks like it was his turn now. "You always think you know what your doing, but you don't. I've managed to stay off the radar for a solid five years. You've only been a Hunter for three and you're already so far in crap, you can't even see! All you do is hurt everyone around you like me, your Hunter team, your parents, Mika. Stop being such a blind little child and grow up!"

"Fine. Fine you win, now let me out. Apparently all I'm doing is hurting you, so do me a favor and let me out here." I gave up. I couldn't deal with him no matter how much I liked him, or how he made me feel happy when he wasn't being annoying. I was done.

"No, no that's not what I meant." he tried to defend himself.

"Yes you did, that's why you said it, isn't it. I do hurt everyone, so I'll just be by myself and stay away from people. Unlock the doors." I knew he could feel how done I was, how tired I was.

He unlocked the door, I got out, and I was all alone. For a second we just sat there, staring at each other, wondering if this was really happening. It was. It had to. I knew this was it. So, I turned on my heel and walked back to town. I could tell that Candor stayed where he was because I could hear him shut off the engine. I wanted so bad to look over my shoulder and see if he was as mind-shatteringly crushed as I was, but I knew that if I did, I'd never have the strength to keep going.


I walked all the way back to the town, found a nice shady place to sit, and cried my freaking eyes out. I didn't want to, especially considering I was sitting on a park bench, but it just came, no stopping it. It felt like something inside me had snapped,

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