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Book online «Wolves by Ash Faith (ebook reader 7 inch .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Ash Faith

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up close. “Fine” I said, completely disagreeing with my words my gut was telling me to say. He let me go and sat back down next to Randy who looked kind of sad for some reason, like he felt bad for me. “Rule 1 – You don’t leave this room until I tell you to” Kade started to list off. I felt like I wanted to listen to him, like I was under some spell, I would normally have started to rebel against his ‘rules’ but since he was obviously faster and stronger than me it was best to sit and listen. “Rule 2 – You understand that we will be taking care of you and Julie-Anne Baker from now on. Rule 3 – You will stay in the room I will allocate to you and understand that I have assigned Randy to take care of you and guard you. And Rule 4 – Do not try to run away, you must understand that after your little rendezvous of fighting Mason, the alpha in his full form on a full moon and then later beating up his Elite 5 would have made him mad enough to do anything to see your head on a spike”

“Wait,” I said still confused “You’re telling me the dream was real?”

“It wasn’t a dream” Randy said, “Your mind put it into that form so that you could try and make sense of it all and continue on living a basic human life, when in reality it seems you don’t even understand what you are makes it harder for us to understand”  “and yeah, it’s hard for you to realise that the world of supernatural beings is real, it’s hard to explain but you’re going to have to accept this fact or you won’t live for very long.”

I wanted to scream, that stuff was always a fear of mine as a kid, it kept me up at night and then throughout teenagehood I got over the fear knowing that it was all fake. I guess I was wrong. Why am I so calm about this though? Of course, I was freaking out slightly but I also still felt so calm with all of this and I had no idea why.

“You’re calm because a part of you already knows this.” Randy set a pillow behind his back “ “and If I knew anything, I would guess that it was your wolf, so tell me Lana, through your life, have you ever felt a voice in your head that doesn’t really sound like yours?” was he talking about my inner voice, could that really be

“I mean yeah, but I just thought it was my conscience
” there was so many times it got me both in trouble and out of trouble. It usually was either being wise and giving me advice, or made me feel like I had massive anger issues.

“Well then,” Randy kicked his feet up on the side of the couch “That ticks off one box, but if none of us other vamps could sense your wolfiness, then why can Prince Kade, and why do you not know that you are one” First werewolves, now vampires? I wonder if Leprechauns are real...

“She’s dormant” a female voice said as I felt another presence in the room. She walked around and stood to the side of the couch that Kade and Randy sat on. “Her wolf I mean.”

 She had a beautiful figure and had a feel about her that reminded me of a unicorn, magical and beautiful. “Hello Lana, it’s nice to meet you, my name’s Olivia” She gave me a quick wave with her hand but didn’t dare to come shake it. She seems to fear you, play that to your advantage. The inner voice- I mean my ‘wolf’ said. “Hi” I said giving her an awkward finger wave back. “What do you mean by dormant?” I asked her.

“Well, it appears that somebody – somebody quite powerful – has put some form of spell I’ve never seen before, and it appears to have your wolf in a dormant spell – a very powerful spell – that to any normal wolf, should completely hide any wolf factors to you.” Her voice was soothing and slightly distracting, but I payed attention to what she was saying. Kade cleared his throat, “Lana, Olivia is a witch-vamp, I called her to see if there was anything magic-related to explain your situation. By the sounds of it I was right.” A witch, Cross vampire, how the hell did I miss all this insanity in my 21 years of life.

“I have a few questions for you, Lana,” Olivia said, breaking Kade off. “Go ahead” I mumbled.

“Have you ever experienced a burst of violent anger coming along with your wolf. After somebody may have attacked you or disrespected a loved one?”

“Actually yeah, a fair few times. That kind of happened when I was captured and fighting of the 5 douchebags who tried to attack me” I remembered the night, and all the damage I caused. I never thought I could possibly do any of that stuff.

“Well, that says a lot about how powerful you would be if she – your wolf – was given full freedom. The witch who made that spell must have been one of the most powerful witches alive, and even through her spell, your wolf still breaks through and speaks to you constantly?” She shivered with excitement and fear. “Did you ever notice your parents as different to humans? You obviously weren’t just bitten into your wolf curse, you must have been born with it, and with parents that were very powerful” my heart stopped as quick flashes of my parents crossed my mind.

“Um, I never really knew my dad, and my mum passed away when I was young so I don’t think there’s anything I could really say, All I really knew about them was that my Dad was a horrible person and mum being the angel in my life” I felt myself well up on the inside and I pushed the feeling away. Now was not the time to breakdown over things that happened long ago. The room had gone scarily quiet and I realised that Olivia, Kade and Randy were all looking at me astonished like they’d just seen a ghost drink their wine cabinet dry. “That’s not possible
” Kade and Olivia both said. Randy hopped over and sat next to me, grabbing my hand and looking in my eyes, “Lana, you need to let me into your memories.” His voice dropped to a fearful tone. “How the hell do I do that?” I said, shaking as I now feared there was something wrong with me.

“Close your eyes and picture a gallery of photos” He said. I closed my eyes and did as he said. “Now imagine they’re in a locked room, you must go up to the locked door and take the lock off” I imagined walking up to the door and taking off the lock. I walked into the room and saw Randy was in the room with me. I felt like I was in the room now, not just imagining it. “Lana, this might hurt a little bit but you’re going to have to keep the door open okay?” I didn’t question his order as I walked back toward the door and held it open as he grabbed one of the photos of the wall and a sharp pain jabbed me in the head, I went to put my hand on my head but it wouldn’t move, I opened my eyes to see my hand welded into the door. What the fuck?!. I heard Randy curse under his breath as he moved from one photo to the next in an inhuman speed. His cursing got louder as he shouted at me “Open this memory! We don’t have time to mess around Lana!” I was confused and in pain from the now hundreds of needle like pains in my head “I’m not doing anything!” I yelled back as I saw him in the corner of my eye with a heavy duty safe. “Lana, we don’t have time!” He yelled, a voice came from my body, but it wasn’t me talking “NO!” It yelled. I woke up out of the space in my head and felt Randy’s body thump into my lap. I screamed, preparing for the needle pains I had felt earlier but they didn’t come. What had I done? I began to shake Randy’s body and thankfully he opened his eyes. “What happened” an alarmed Kade said to me. Olivia was still there too, but she was silent and looked horrified. “I don’t know.” Randy said as he rubbed his head and lifted himself out of my lap, Olivia’s voice croaked “Holy crap, that’s insane” she mumbled as all eyes turned on her, “The spell, there’s more than one” she looked at me with intrigue “You are something so much more than what I thought” she turned to Randy “What did you see?” she snapped at him.

“Her memories, they gave me the exact thing I was looking for, except for, I couldn’t find her being cursed by any witch. There was a safe, it contained what I think was that exact moment, but it wouldn’t open. I told her to open it but something came from inside her and kicked me out”

He looked terrified, but so did everybody else.

“Okay, can you guys just tell me what the hell is going on before I freak out?!” I was so scared.

“You were right in a sense,” Randy turned to me but kept his distance “Your mother, I knew you meant it figuratively but she was, a fallen angel.” He swallowed quickly and turned to Kade and Olivia “And the father he is-“ he realised I was listening too, then jumped over to Kade and Olivia and whispered something to them that made their already pale knuckles go paler and eyes go wide.

“Oh my god, just tell me already!” I was frustrated, Olivia snapped her neck to my direction “DO you have any tattoos you don’t remember ever getting, or a gift from someone that you have with you all the time?” She tried to calm herself down realising she was only making me feel worse.

“Uhm,” I remembered the red twine ankle bracelet that hid in my left boot, but decided to not tell them about it. But I did have tattoos on my back I never remembered getting but seemed to always have. “yeah, I have a couple of tattoos like that, I’d always had them but never remembered having them.” I stood up and turned around to lift my shirt but Olivia beat me too it lifted it swiftly and running her hands over my spine and finding the two weird small circled tattoos. I remember Julie telling me one had a fire in it and it had a ‘x’ cross over it while the other had a bunch of clouds and a sun that only had one line through it. “Kade, Randy, leave now” The venom in her voice obviously worked because they both left quickly.

Oh god. What now

Chapter 8 >> Olivia’s View


There’s only one way to find out what

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