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Book online «Wolves by Ash Faith (ebook reader 7 inch .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Ash Faith

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parents especially. I stretched out and quietly crept to not wake up my vamp-friend up. I walked around the corner hoping for a bathroom- but was met by a chair in front of the only exit door with Randy asleep in it. Fuck. Wait, do vampires even go to the bathroom? From the myths I’d heard they didn’t but I hoped they at least had one here. My thoughts broke as I saw Randy now wide awake staring right at me. He laughed. “I’ll show you to the bathroom” he whispered, moving the chair from the door and opening it for me, motioning for me to go through. I hesitantly walked through and he closed the door, nodded to a man that was standing outside the door and ushered me to follow him down a flight of stairs I never remembered being outside the door last night. They were made out of some dark wood and had a fancy red and gold carpet going down through the middle, I felt privileged just using them. “And we don’t” Randy said randomly.

“don’t what?” I asked

“We don’t use the bathroom, that’s one of the few myths that are right.”

“Oh,” I said, surprised “Um, Is it okay if I ask what is right in the myths about you guys?”

“sure,” He said, amused at my interest “The sunlight one is kinda right, some vamps can’t go in but the ones who were sired by one of the royal family, aka Prince Kade and Princess Olivia as well as their father the King”

“Wait, Kade and Olivia are brother and sister?” I said astonished that I never realised.

“Yes, they are siblings, their mother was a witch and their father was the first vamp. Their mother cursed him with what she thought would give him and her family immortality but it turned him into a vamp, long story short the mother died and the father turned his kids so they could stay together for eternity. But after a certain amount of generations for vampires creates the inability to tolerate sunlight. So basically, there’s another myth explained.”

Wow, that sounds complicated as all hell. I decided it was better to just not ask any more questions in fear I might have to sit down and listen to some long ass stories whilst busting to go to the bathroom. I liked Randy, but it seems he was one of those people who could go on forever about things. We passed a group of 7 or more vamps, all of which seemed to be having a great time – up until they saw me – then they all went quiet and stared at me like I had ruined their life. What was with every vamp being so angry at me? “Vamps and wolfs have been fighting for years, they normally don’t get along. And if they hadn’t heard the rumours of you, you most likely would have been ripped apart.” Randy said quietly.

“Wow, Okay thanks. That explains one thing then” I mumbled.

We got to the bottom of the stairs and I was gobsmacked, a giant beautiful living room with beautiful and expensive looking furniture, a giant TV that took up ÂŒ of the back wall. It had a vintage elegance to it that only made it feel even more beautiful. Randy clicked his fingers in front of my face, completely ruining the moment. “Hey hot stuff, you good?” did he just call me hot stuff? Turned my head to find it wasn’t Randy talking, but a blonde, mid-20’s looking body with a medium build and a face like the men you see in male modelling ads. He gave me eye contact and grinned,

“You like what you see girlie?” Annnd
. There it is, every hot guy I meet always has to be such a douchebag.

“No, I prefer when people have a personality rather than a dick-brain” I walked away from him towards the right down a small corridor where I could smell Randy had gone.

 Well, there’s another question answered; werewolf super smell is ticked. Now that I knew about my ‘wolf’ and accepted that nothing would ever be normal about me I felt happier for some reason, and it felt like I was stronger since getting sliced by the princess of vampires.

I turned one more corner to see Randy speaking to Kade.

“Hey, guys, can I have a quick word?” I broke their conversation which clearly ticked them off.

“Just a minute, Lana, The bathroom is the first door down the left corridor-“ Randy was broken off by Kade shooting him daggers and walking towards me with inhuman speed well, more like vamp speed. “No, no no no it’s okay, I’d love to talk to you Lana, my friend” Note to self; Kade is a bad liar

“Can I call you my friend? We’re practically very good friends right?” He asked as he grabbed my hand. I pulled my hand out of his grip “Yeah, no, 1 – you’re a horrible liar, 2 – it’s extremely obvious that you are warming up to me purely so that you can gain my friends hand in some weird ass vampire marriage bullshit” I said with a serious tone. “I may be blonde but despite stereotypes I am a hell of a lot harder to convince.”

Kade smoothed over his suit, which looked highly expensive compared to his crappy bar get-up I’d seen him in before. “Fine,” He said with hurt in his voice “Two can play the stubborn game y’know” and with that he walked off with a strut around the corner I had just been down. I would never imagine a vampire prince acting like such a princess. I turned to Randy, “Righto then
” I said,

“Do you want me to take you to the bathroom now?” Randy said softly, obviously vampires didn’t take well to me back chatting their prince.

“No, I lost the need, I feel like one vamp is going to be in there waiting for me like a creep” I said, a shiver going down my spine. Randy looked at me confused. “One hit on me after you left” I explained. He nodded “Okay, where do you want to be then?” he asked

“I think I might need a little fresh air and sun.” I sighed

“It’s night” He said looking at me like I was a total dumbass, “You slept all day, why else do you think you’ve seen so many vamps up and about” and another myth proved correct; vamps sleep all day and are active at night. “Huh, Okay then, let’s just go back to the room” I said turning around the corner, he caught up quickly as I walked toward the staircase I saw Mr Fuckboi still standing at the bottom of the stairs, he saw me and gave me a wink to which I fake gagged at him back. I got to the stairs and felt him watch me as I went up the stairs, I turned my head just before my sight was going to lose him and saw him bite his lip. I walked up quicker, realising that despite his fuckboy methods I liked the attention. I heard Randy start at the stairs and the guy who I temporarily named Derek tell Randy he was a lucky man. Randy raced up the stairs to reach me as I waited at the top.

“So Jay was the one who hit on you” He said,

“How did you guess” I said sarcastically

“He called me a lucky man for being your guard. He also whispered to me that I was lucky I could be in the room when you got changed” he chuckled.

“What?!” I said in shock, “How come I didn’t hear that part?” wait, “You’re not allowed in the room when I am getting changed” I said completely alarmed.

“I have to be, Princes orders, but I will turn around if you need.” He said calmly as we began to walk back to the room. “and for the why didn’t you hear it part, Olivia told us your wolf is still under the dormant spell. She’s trying to figure out right now how a witch could do the spell without having an object or tattoo on you to hold the spell”

I froze up. Remembering that I never told them about the ankle bracelet I had, It had been a gift from my mother when I was younger and she and her friend who had made it told me I should never take it off. Oh shit. I hadn’t thought about it until now that that could be the ‘curse object’ or whatever they called it.

Randy reached out to open the door when I grabbed his hand and stopped him. “Hey, Um, Randy I need to tell you something”

“Go ahead” He said,

“I might have maybe just lied a tiny little bit about the tattoos being the only possible curse thingy”

“You mean you have another one?”

“Yeah, an ankle bracelet, my mum gave it to me when I was younger and her friend that had made it had told me to never take it off but it never occurred to me to tell you”

That was another lie, it had occurred to me but I didn’t want them to take it off, it was the only thing I really had left of my mother and I didn’t think I was ready to let go of it.

“We must tell Olivia this” Randy said, obviously annoyed I had lied to him and his little mind-reading skills couldn’t pick it up.

“Wait” I said, my brain scrambling for reasons that could procrastinate and give me more time “Could I maybe get changed first, I think my clothes are a bit ruined after fighting off multiple people and passing out more than once in the past 2 days.” I said, looking at my practically completely ruined skinny jeans and crop top, as well as my boots that were still covered in mud and leaves from running through woods. Randy nodded and I opened the door to go back in my room only to get surprised by a half-naked Kade and a half-naked Julie going at it in the bed I so comfortably once slept in. “Holy fuckin Christ” I said slamming the door shut. “I think I need to bleach my eyeballs” I said in disgust. “What happened” Randy asked,

“They were fucking” I wanted to vomit.

“Oh Okay, I thought you saw something bad” he said calmly

“I did see something bad I just saw my best friend topless and ready to go at it with your prince!” I whispered loudly at him. He just laughed.

“Lana, vampires are quite openly sexual” he said amused at my disgust. “This sort of stuff is quite normal”

I gagged, “Okay, y’know what, let’s just go see Olivia now” I said spinning in the opposite direction as I heard moaning through the doors. “I don’t think I want to sleep in there ever again”

“That’s okay, sweet cheeks” I felt a slap on my ass as Randy’s voice was replaced with the sexy voice from earlier. “You can stay in my room, with me” Oh, you have got to be kidding me, this guy again?

I spun around to find exactly who I thought it was,

“Jay, how not lovely it is to see you again” I said with toned voice. I saw Randy over his shoulder, silently laughing his ass off. That just made me more pissed. “You just slapped my ass, didn’t you?” I asked Jay in my most playful voice possible, I am so gonna make him pay, “Hell yeah I did, who could resist, did you like it?” he said smirking. I saw Randy mouth something like “We only had one guest room, he might be your only chance” You’ve got to be kidding me. Fine.
“Hey Jay, did you know that your name is my middle name?” I said with the playful voice. I was going to have to play along with this crap I if I wanted to sleep in a bed tonight. Jays eyes seemed to light

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