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I wanted her to be angry, to cuss the bitch that landed me in the hospital. Why wasn't she doing what I expected?

My eyes widened when I realized something.

"You don't believe me, do you?" I inquired, sitting up on the bed. Selena remained silent for a while, not meeting my gaze. "Why?"

"While you were here, Erick, Justin and I had the time to meet Bianca. She seemed like a nice person, and she didn't have the urge to slap me like you said she did to you."

The hell?

"She seemed like a kind and generous person. Honestly, Emery, I don't understand why you hate her."

I remained quiet before saying "What?"

"She even said she was sorry about what happened to you. She brought you get-well flowers!"

Unbelievable! I had been underestimating Bianca. The bitch was smart, and she currently had everyone I knew eating out of her hands.

I was furious.

"Selena, Bianca has a liking towards popular people-- I can't tell you for certain. All I know is that she's pretending, Selena! That bitch knows what she's doing, and what she's trying to do is to turn you against me!" I shouted.

"Emery, do you hear yourself right now?" Selena asked, confused. "That is not Bianca!"

"You don't know her the way I do, Selena!" I yelled. "The Bianca you have been seeing is not the one I have been dealing with. She's a sneaky bitch! She slapped me just because she thought I was going to steal her boyfriend!"

My cousin furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Weren't you the one who slapped her?"

Damn it!

"That doesn't matter! She paid a bodyguard to keep me away from the boy's suite! Let's not also forget that she sent someone to kill me!"

"Alright, enough!" Selena shouted back, making me flinch in disbelief. "Let's assume that what you're saying is true. You don't love Zane, and Zane doesn't love you. There is nothing between the two of you."

I nodded in reply to my cousin's words.

"I am not understanding this. If Bianca really did do what you are saying she did, what is in it for her? In fact, why do you think she hates you?"

"I don't know, okay?" I shouted. "All I know is that the bitch hates me for some reason. She wants me gone, and I still don't know why."

There was a moment of silence. My breathing was fast because of the conversation we had.

"Sometimes I feel like I don't know you," Selena suddenly said. 

"Selena?" I questioned hesitantly in disbelief.

"I have stayed and listened to your side of whatever feud you have with Bianca. I don't understand you! Why do you hate Bianca so much? She's a nice person who doesn't mean any harm, unlike someone in this room."

"What is that suppose to mean?" I asked in fury.

"Stop pretending, Emery! Justin, Erick and I know your whole innocence façade so you can drop it! We all know you hate Bianca and that you want her gone."

"Wha--" I went to speak, but she cut me off.

"No! I am done standing up for you! I don't know how you did it. I don't know how you got yourself into this mess. All this because you hate Bianca and you want to get rid of her?"

Selena was full of rage as she stared at me, and I noticed the protective instinct she had towards Bianca. I was furious for a completely different cause then, I was hurt. My cousin had made up her mind. She believed Bianca, not me. Bianca had managed to rope my cousin into her lies, and I had lost her.

I did not want to hear anything else that my cousin had to say.

"Get out," I ordered. Selena's eyes widened in disbelief.


"You heard me correctly. Get. Out. I expected you of all people to believe me, but you don't."

Selena gasped as she shook her head in disbelief at me.

"Wait," I said without looking at her. From my peripheral vision, I saw that she had stopped.

"If Justin and Erick share the same views as you do, tell them not to come. I'd rather do something worthwhile than having a fight with them."

I still did not look, but I felt Selena leaving the room. Once the door closed behind her, I sighed, lying back onto the bed.

Then I silently cried.


It was hours after the spat I had with Selena. I had been thinking of what to do before a doctor entered the ward to check on my vitals. They were normal, and I was allowed to be discharged from the hospital. Once I had finished the paperwork, I began my descent towards the building's exit.

Ugh, I hate hospitals. 

I hoped I wouldn't be back in one.

"Emery!" someone yelled my name. I turned to face the person, noticing that it was Ethan. A smile appeared on my face as I approached the blonde-haired guy.

"Ethan!" I said his name in greeting, hugging him. Then I momentarily stopped with my eyes wide. I looked around, noticing that no one around the hospital hallway noticed him.

"Um, how are you here?" I asked him.

"Oh! Selena showed me a spell to make people not notice me."

I nodded my head in understanding, my smile slightly twisting into a frown when he mentioned my cousin.

"Where are the guys?" I asked.

"Logan had a muscle pull."

I winced, imagining the pain the poor bandmate must have been going through.

"Where are Justin and Erick?" I asked him, walking in sync with him as we went towards the hospital exit.

"They told us to get you. They even told me to tell you they made up their mind. I didn't understand what they meant, but they told me you will."

Made up their mind? What—

Then it hit me; I recalled the words I had spoken to Selena before she exited my hospital room. I swallowed hard as my heart clenched in sadness. I was determined not to cry. My best friends, the three people who I had considered family, were on Bianca's side.

The only people I was left to depend on why my ex-bullies. I took glances at Ethan, feeling weird about the conclusion formed in my mind. He was with me, and it meant that he possibly didn't hate me.

Ethan and I were outside the hospital, approaching a parked black car. 

Bianca had caused me pain, and I was going to make her pay. I was going to tag along with the boys on tour and expose Bianca for who she really was. They would find out about her attempt in killing me, and I would enjoy seeing her being escorted to prison.

"So, are you excited to go to Australia?" Ethan said while opening the door opposite that on the driver's side.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him in confusion.

"Our tour resumes next week."

My mouth opened in the form of an 'O'.

"Sure," I replied. Ethan smiled as we both got into the car.

The plan of proving Bianca being an evil bitch could wait for a while.

However, that itself was a mistake on my part.


(A/N This is the final chapter! The sign !-! for signaling the beginning and end scenes that may have mature actions. Enjoy!)

One week later

Just like Ethan had said, the tour resumed in Australia. It was going to last a week. After that, the boys were going to be busy with creating new songs and attending celebrity interview shows.

Anyway, the first place we were all going to be in was Sydney. The boys and I were there, including someone I hated.

Bianca had joined us. How exciting.

She had been smirking at me, and I took it that she knew how livid I was that she was there. I sent her my own glares. 

Or maybe, she had a plan formulating in her mind...

I did not like that thought one bit. Ever since I rejoined the boys on their tour, I made it a mission to avoid any confrontations with Bianca. That bitch hated me, and it was certain she would try to stage an incident with me seeming to be in the wrong. I did not want that, especially when I was about to start digging into her past.

When we had arrived in the continent on the previous day, the boys' management had booked us all a stay at the Intercontinental Hotel. It was a beautiful hotel with luxurious suites.

The boys, Bianca and I had gotten a big hotel suite. It was made up of beautiful glass doors that also offered wonderful views of the ocean and the city around. I took a couple of photos for memories.

Four days after our arrival in Australia had soon passed. The boys had been extremely busy since day one. Bianca tagged along with them whereas I stayed in the hotel. 

I was still adamant in avoiding Bianca.

It was another day. I was spending my time in the hotel, watching a couple of movies. The boys and Bianca had gone out to do some tour preparation stuff. I thought they would be gone until evening, but they were soon entering the suite that afternoon.

I instantly got up from the couch I was lying on, surprised by their sudden return. I looked at them with an excited grin, but I immediately dropped it. The boys were in front of me, looking at me with expressions ranging from fury, disappointment, and hurt.

Behind them was a smirking Bianca.

Oh no. That can't be good.

"Emery, what is this?" Logan asked angrily as he shoved his phone into my face. I noticed he had logged in on Twitter, and there was something posted that involved him and the rest of the boys.

@EmeryDavis: @theOrdinaryBrothers is a boyband filled with homos  

My eyes widened at the tweet. 

 A few months ago, the boys had opened a Twitter account for my cousin and me. They followed us, and their fans followed us too. However, I rarely used mine.

At that moment, I realized I should not have gotten the account.

"Do you know how serious this is?" Logan asked while I was still trying to comprehend how I could post something awful about them on the Internet. 

It was not like me!

"You could get in serious trouble from our fans! Why would you even post this?" Liam asked with a hurt expression.

"I did not post that," I said.

"Then why is your name in this?" Logan asked with a raised eyebrow, still angry.

"I don't know!" I said, looking around the room. I noticed Bianca trying to hold in her laugh.

Of course.

"It was not me, guys! It was Bianca," I stated, earning a roll of the eyes as a reply.

"Sure," Zane said with a sarcastic smile. "Just like it was her who insulted you, and just like she was the one who sent someone to stab you." 

I had told Ethan that Bianca sent someone to kill me. The subject had been dropped ever since I was discharged from the hospital. Ethan must have told them, and I was surprised they still did not believe me.

I wouldn't lie about things that were very serious. It hurt to see the boys siding up with Bianca.

I got it. She was with them longer than I had been. But why didn't they allow some doubt into their lives? 

I guess that is the thing about trust. It forms some sort of shield that blocks anyone from turning your beliefs on something or someone.

"I'm telling the truth! I haven't even touched my phone for the whole day!"

There was no reply but a set of disappointed, hurt and angry expressions.

"You don't believe me?" I asked with a hurt expression.

"Why would we believe what you say?" Logan asked, not meeting my eyes. "The evidence points to you."

Tears blocked my vision, and I instantly turned to exit the hotel suite.

Liam's P.O.V

"What a mess," I commented, rubbing a hand over my forehead. I turned to Zane who was still angry over what had occurred.

"I still don't understand. Why would Emery even do this?" Logan asked, looking down at his phone. I checked mine too to see if the tweet had gained any publicity.

One thousand retweets. Crap!

I checked on a couple of replies, seeing that they were mostly defending the boys and me. I felt a smile tug my lips, happy about the replies from my fans. I noticed some that had cuss words, but it did not bother me that much.

Especially since they were being aimed at Emery.

"I don't know," Harry replied with a furrow of his eyebrows.

'Do you think this is payback for what we did to her in high school?' I heard Ethan ask through the mind link.

I remained quiet, thinking about it.

'But she said she forgave us,' I replied.

'Yes. But what if she lied and is trying to ruin our lives? ' Harry joined in the mental conversation.

'Emery is not like that.'

'Dude, she burnt Eva for killing her mother. Imagine

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