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“Oh, that makes since,” he agrees as he walks over to warm up with me. After about five more minutes my brothers start arriving and doing some stretches while waiting for each other. Once everyone gets here I have them line up so I can have Jakole meet them all.
“Age order, please!” I complain as they all shuffle around. “Okay, Ryan, you have already met, should I introduce girls?”
“No, I doubt I will be able to even remember your brothers’ names.”
“OK, Ryan, Bazzer, Udel, Jam, Zach, Zakeo, Tac, Zack, Loo, Ket, Taz, Fred, Fread, Danny, Pen, Art, Cal, Nole, Mose, Ken, Letle, Yom, Mike, Hes, Isal, Tim, Raz, Jack, Ham, George, Modle, Yar, Ben, and Asum. Everyone, this is Jakole. Oh, and the others, Lams, Mic, Paul, and Joey, are watching, I don’t want to hurt them.”
“Now that you have introduced us, will you let us fight? I still have to get back for the last time you flipped me,” Ham tells me.
“Okay, let’s go!” I walk into the middle of the front yard, the neighbors like to come and watch sometimes. “Rules, no weapons, I can always tap out, stop if I pass out, once I hurt you, you’re out so stand with the onlookers, when I tap out—or pass out—, if you want to and are up to it you can rejoin the fight.”
“Alright, we get it,” Taz tells me.
“Hay, Jakole has never fought with me before, oh, and you aren’t allowed to hit each other. Go!” They all start to converge, three or four coming at me at a time. I duck to avoid a punch and sweep my leg, knocking the legs out from under all of the first four. They drop back and stand with the onlookers. Ham comes up from behind, trying to get a choke hold. I flip him and knock the feet out from under Ryan. Two more fall into their places so I’m left with four opponents again. I punch Taz in the gut, he topples over in pain and I put my foot behind Tim’s feet and pull them out with a little push to his front. I knock the last two’s heads together sending them stumbling back. Seven of them come trying to get the advantage; I do one of those fast, showoff type moves, pulling it at the last second so I will not hurt any of them permanently.

I have only one opponent left, all my brothers are standing together on the sidewalk. Jakole stands across from me, hesitant, like he is not sure what to do. He approaches slowly. He takes up stance and tells me to come closer with his body, no words have been said by anyone the whole fight except Ham muttering about getting flipped again and the occasional swear word from my brothers. Predator verses predator. Goddess Girl verses Goddess Boy. Me verses Jakole. Everything else fades away; it is only me and Jakole. I shake my head and, using my body, tell him to approach. He walks forward again, and then stops, still five feet away. He runs and jumps. My mind slows down, as if everything is happening in slow motion. He lands just in front of me because I had taken two steps back. He is still recovering when I knock him over.
“I win!” I say as Jakole falls back, looking at me. I pull him up to his feet. “Did you have fun?” I ask him.
~Out loud, my brothers!

“Yes,” he tells me, “you think we could spar, or wrestle, sometime?”
“Sure, whenever,” I tell him.
“Now? I am not hurt, are you?”
“No, I’m up for it, I don’t get to spar or wrestle very often, my brothers say they get hurt more when I do that. What one? Spar or wrestle, we can do the other later.”
“Wrestle in ten?”
“Sounds good to me, but do you believe me now about being able to beat my brothers?”
“Yes,” Jakole confirms.
“You know, she could injure us a lot more if she wanted to. She just doesn’t because she knows we would never fight with her again if she did,” Modle states.
“Yah, and some of us have been hurt by her before, and I don’t want to do that again,” Ham puts in.
“And one of us doesn’t like being talked about like she isn’t here,” I stare at Ham and Modle until they look away. 

Chpt. 3 (Changes)

“Are you ready now? Or do you still want to talk with my brothers? Do you want to postpone this? That would be too bad,” I ask with disappointment coloring my voice.
“No, I am ready. Let us go and wrestle!” Jakole smiles at something. I walk two steps toward him.
“Top or bottom?”
~Top or bottom, umm, wrestling positions.
~Just a warning, it’s harder to win from bottom.

“Bottom!” he says with conviction.
“Only rules, one, no breaking bones or killing, two, there are tap outs.” I send him a mental image of what position he needs to get into. He gets into position with me.
“Go!” Bazzer shouts. I grab Jakole into a strangle hold as soon as Bazzer is finished saying go. I tighten my hold and he rolls over. I can tell now, he is not one for tapping out. He finally goes limp and I let go. I stand up and Lilian runs over.
“He’s okay,” she states, I knew that, but no one else did. Jakole’s eyes open.
“Man alive, girl, you are strong!”
“You should have picked top.”
“Yah, I figured that out.”
“Why didn’t you tap out?”
“I thought I could get out of it. I was wrong.”
“I noticed.”
“Ready to go again?”
“Yah, I’ll take bottom this time,” I tell him, more for his sake than mine. We get into position again and this time I get away before he can do to me what I did to him. I have the most fun I have had in years, we are pretty evenly matched, each round is long, but I still win them all.

As I pin him again I decide to continue later. “Okay, we can do some more later.”
“Alright, sounds like a plan.”
“Did you actually enjoy that?” Ham asks incredulously.
“Yes, I did. I’ve never been beaten in a fight or wrestling match,” Jakole says truthfully. I smile at the fact that I made him happy.
~You have made me happy since you accepted me.
~You’ve made me very happy too. I love you.
~You are my world.

He thought simply.
“Well, I’m ready to go to bed,” Zakeo says turning away with his girl and heading home.
“See you later Zakeo,” I call after him. Turning to the rest of my brothers I say, “I’ll see ya’ll later too. We’re heading inside.”
“Isn’t that for your man to decide?” Zack asks me.
“No, she can make any decisions she wants,” Jakole answers for me.
~I rather have you, not a puppy that follows me around and sits when I tell it to. If I wanted that, I would go buy a dog.
~I’m glad.

“You are amazing,” I am going to tell them what I just told you.

~If I wanted you to comply with my every command I would get a dog!

“I rather have Katayla, not a puppy that follows me around and sits when I tell it to. If I wanted that I would get a dog.”
“I feel the same way,” I tell them, “but I’m goin’ inside now, and I’m not going to buy a dog.”
“See you tomorrow, Katya!” some of my brothers say while others say, “Good night, Katya!” or “See you later, Katya!” I go inside with Jakole close on my heels. When we get into my— our— room, he puts a hand on my shoulder and spins me around to look at him. His face is torn with emotion.
“Jakole, what’s wrong?”
“It’s just that, well, never mind,” he looks away embarrassed.
~What is it?
~Well, I was wondering.
~You were wondering…?
~If love and lust fell into the same category for you.

Now it was my turn to be embarrassed, Well—
~Oh, I was just wondering.
~No, that’s not what I meant. I never wanted that, never wanted to— I’ve never had sex on purpose. I’ve been forced before, by Father, and, um, a guy named Jeff. I had tried to get away, but others caught and held me,

I shiver at the memory.
~That is so wrong!
~Not to most people, I was alone, I had no man, they were bored, and their girls were all the way back at their homes.
~It still is not right.
~Why were you wondering?
~Well, I have never had sex.
~I was wondering, if you were ever wishing that that had not happened.
~Well, yes. It was terrible and not at all a happy experience.
~Well, I was wondering, can you change into other animals?

He changed into a cat, a house cat, but once again, he is red and brown. I can only change now that I’ve joined with you, I used to only have my wolf, but now I can be whatever suits you best. Just like you can.
~I can, wait, the same way I turned into a wolf, right?
~Cool, I can’t wait to try, but I’m so tired I might just go to sleep and try in the morning.

He changed back into a wolf and I relaxed against him again.

“Katya? Katya?” I hear Jakole say. My eyes open and I see him looking down at me, his eyes full of concern.
“What?” I sound a little snappier then I mean to.
“Sorry, you were just tossing and turning, you were griping my fur with an unbreakable grip. Then you went limp. I didn’t know what to do.” He stares at me with concern. Then he picks me up and hugs me. “You can go back to sleep, you still have two hours till you need to get up for school.”
“Thank you, but you can’t come to school, otherwise I can’t go.”
“You get to go, I’m not going to learn, and I will stay out of sight.”
“All right, see you in two hours.” I lean against him and fall asleep.

“Time to get up.” His voice rumbles in his chest making my head vibrate. It feels so good I pretend to still be asleep. “Katya, come on.”
“Fine, I’m up.” I hop up and decide to try to get dressed with magic. I close my eyes and imagine myself naked, then, with different clothes on. I open my eyes, “Cool, it worked.”
“Good job!” Jakole smiles at me.
“Let’s go eat.”
“I need to stay hidden.”
“You can eat, and then hide.” I walk out of my room and into the kitchen. “Hay guys, what’s up?” I get out some cereal.
“Not much,” Tim tell me. We all get ready for school and are about to leave before Ham finally speaks.
“Katya, you still go to school?”
“Yes, ya’ll know that he is an illusion, and he’s goin’ to stay out of sight ‘till after school.”
“Huh, well, let’s go then.”

In myths and legends I turn in all my missing work, just like in every other class, but Mr. Dot decides to show my paper on the overhead. I read it, thinking about how wrong it is.

By: Katayla Hallers
God has created a superior race where men create the women, and the women obey the men, but the Goddess sometimes creates a few girls. The Goddess Girls do not obey God’s Men. There are many theories of why the Goddess Girls do not obey, including that the

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