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Book online «Goddess Girls by S. L. Zeigler (e reader pdf best .TXT) 📖». Author S. L. Zeigler

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“Thank you for your understanding, we will be going now.” I interrupt. Everyone but Jakole's eyes snap down to me.
“That is not for you to decide anymore.” A snarl rips through my mind, for once; it came from me, not Jakole.
“She can make any decisions she wants,” Jakole growls.
‘Boss’ takes a step back, away from us before responding, “Okay, that’s fine.”
“But she is mine! MINE, mine, mine! My girl! God help me get her back!” the original boy screamed. The next second, Jakole had him up against the wall, arm across his throat.
“She is mine and you will stay away from her. Do you understand?” Jakole asked with venom in his voice. The boy nodded slowly. “Good, now leave her alone!”
“Okay,” he sighed in defeat as Jakole released him. Jakole came back over to me and we walked out together. We paused at the door and Theo had a message.
“He told me to tell you, ‘This is not the last you’ve seen of me, Nick!’”
“Whatever, talk to you later?”
“Yah, you gonna start wearing skirts?” he asked.
“No way in hell!” I tell him.”
“Interesting, I’ll talk to you later,” he agrees to my earlier statement.
“Cool,” I say walking away with Jakole at my back while I mentally ranted about Nick. How could he do that? He is such a lying bastard! He should get over himself; no girl should have to put up with him! ¡El es tal trabajo! God and Goddess! He needs to go die in a hole!
~Calm yourself, you are okay now, you are with me.

I think, my anger instantly dissolving, I was just fuming.
~It’s okay, just calm.

I glanced over at him to see him watching me, when I meet his eyes a smile lightens his face. “Come on, let’s get home,” he says quietly. I nod in agreement, tugging at his hand. We start to jog, then run, and finally sprint the rest of the way home.
When we walk in side my brothers that live at home are sitting around the room.
“What’s up guys?” I ask casually.
“Not much, what about you?” Ham responds.
“Ehh, I just got claimed by some freak named Nick who was saying I was his girl, so not much really.”
“What?” Tim screams, and gets a bunch of shushes from his brothers who don’t want their girls to get woken up.
“Ehh, what are you screamin’ about?” I asked, covering my ears.
“You got claimed!” he says exasperatedly. “And, you denied the claim!”
“And? He was way younger than me and I didn’t feel anything for him. He was lying!” I say in a bored tone.
“Denying the claim is unheard of! No one would lie about it!” Tim argues.
“Well I did and he did! Jakole came in and claimed me so now I guess I can’t go to school, but I won’t have to live with him anyway!” I say, trying to be enthusiastic.
Everyone looked as if they were in shock, I didn’t understand what their problem was. I looked back at Jakole, but he looked just as confused as I was.
“But you may have just pushed away your maker!” Modle argues.
“Why don’t you guys see! He wasn’t my maker! He was a little boy that wanted to claim me because I was good looking and older! He was lying!” I scream, frustrated that they hadn’t listened to me. “I’m a Goddess Girl! Not one of those people that get claimed!”
“But what if you’re wrong?” Yar argues.
“Why can’t you just except that I’m not one of those girls that get claimed, my only maker is the Goddess, why can’t you just acknowledge that?” I shriek, my voice making Jakole’s ears ring which causes my ears to ring as well.
“But maybe you are wrong!” Tim says harshly.
“I’m not!” I tell him, sure that I was right.
“What did the boss say to you denying the claim?” George questions, seeking for more information.
“That I should spend one night with him and if I still didn’t feel it, I could deny it,” I tell them strait out, “but then Jakole came and got him to deal with it.”
“We are going to go to bed, she can talk more in the morning,” Jakole says before someone can respond.

I ask as he shuffles me off toward my room.
~Because you need sleep and I was getting annoyed with the argument.

he tells me truthfully while shutting my door. He turns his back to let me change as he uses magic to do the same thing, seeing him use it, I do as well. The difference was, he was changing forms, not into night clothes but I lie down with him, my head on his side and him curled around me. I quickly fall asleep, my mind not wandering for a minute.

I was wandering down a hill with Jakole at my side smiling down at me. We had made it down the hill and were in a meadow, when I hear an ear piercing scream and people come out of the surrounding forest from all directions with swards flailing and shields up. One of them comes from behind and nearly slices off my head, but Jakole takes the blow and it goes straight into his heart. Everything seems to go in slow motion as he pulls the blade out and the blood gleams in the sunlight. The life giving fluid runs down Jakole’s shirt as he slowly collapses, his eyes locked on me, his last thought about my safety. As soon as I see his eyes glaze over with the milky sheen of death, my vision starts to turn red, the same dark color as his blood, not that light red sheen that people say covers their vision, but dark, thick, blood red. My power rises up from somewhere deep inside me and blasts across the field. All the people coming in to attack me fell to the ground in a bright flash, imploding so that there was nothing left. Falling down beside Jakole, my vision comes clear again and I see his eyes stuck open and glazed in the milky white film as he slowly reverts to his original form, and as he does, I slowly shift too. Once the change was complete, I let out a howl of pure agony and pain that is answered from all directions and even in my wolf form, I start to cry and then, slowly, to sob.
~Katya? Katya?

Jakole’s voice breaks into my mind, but that is impossible, he just died.
~KATYA! Wake up!

his voice inters my head again, this time yelling. My eyes peel themselves open only to find myself in my room with Jakole staring worriedly down at me.
“Jakole?” I ask, not quite sure if he was real, I reach out to touch him and my hand lands on solid skin, I throw my arms around him and cry into his chest, extremely glad he was still alive. He tried to pull me off of him but I would not have it and clung to him with all my strength.
“Are you okay?” he asked me worriedly.
“You were dead,” I manage through sobs.
“It’s okay, I’m not dead, I’m fine, do not worry. Sacaw Hasla, calm, it’s okay,” he soothes me. I start to calm down and relax against him at his insistent tone. With me still not letting go, he hoists me up and walks into the kitchen and tries to set me on the counter but I continues to grip him with all my might. He sighs and walks to the fridge to grab some orange juice and pouring the last of it into a glass for me. He presses it to my lips. I refuse to take it into my mouth, keeping my lips pressed tightly together. He sighs again and swallows the juice.
~What ever happened to your mother? I knew he was just trying to get my mind off the dream.
~She got taken away at the same time as Father, you know that.

I looked at his chest that was right in front of me, though it was covered by a shirt. I snuggled deeper into its warmth.

It had been a week since the dream, a week since I had slept, a week since the Children’s Meeting, and a week since I had eaten or had anything to drink save water. I sat with my head on Jakole’s lap—I had not separated from him all week either—on a couch in the house. He was staring down at me, his face full of concern. He did not know that I had spent much longer without food than this; I could last for a couple of years with only a handful of meals.
My brother Ryan barged in the door, “Why has she not been eating?” he demanded of Jakole.
“Or speaking?” Jakole asked dryly. “Why don’t you see if she will answer you?”
~It doesn’t matter.

I thought to Jakole, did I mention I had not talked other than on Jakole’s and my silent connection?
“Katayla Lemo Hallers, are you going to talk to me?” Ryan asked, peering into my eyes. I make no move to respond but settle deeper into Jakole’s lap and turn so my face is pressed into his stomach. “Katayla! Why won’t you talk to me?” Ryan commanded harshly.
I closed my eyes and pressed my face harder into Jakole who had not moved.
“Okay, pick her up and bring her to mine and I’ll give her a drip to sustain her until she decides to eat and respond.”
I feel Jakole glance down at me and rap my arms around his waist, holding on as if life depended on it, because in my world, it did. He shifted to get up but I made no heed of this, still clinging tightly to him. He places an arm around my legs and jerks me off of his lap. As a result, my hands fall loose and I quickly scramble for a hold on him. My hands quickly restrict behind his head and hold on tightly.
I stare up at him as he lopes toward the door that Ryan was holding open and into the cold air of the early morning. The sun was just rising, turning the sky bright colors of orange and pink. I shielded away from the light and vibrant sun that was just starting to pull above the horizon. I tucked my face into Jakole’s chest.
I hear a door open and a wave of warmth so I peek up from Jakole’s shirt only to see bright, florescent lights shining down on me. I turn my face again and snuggle into Jakole's arms. Just seconds later I feel warm fingers tugging gently on my arms around his neck. I tighten my grip, pulling myself ever closer.

I shout into Jakole’s head and he stumbled before regaining his feet. I had been blocking all energy transfer between us and thoughts not directly ‘said’ but a little of my stress had leaked through with that one word. I was shaking in his arms and he pulled me closer.
~It’s okay; he needs your arm for the drip.
~No! I don’t need a drip, I can last much longer than this without eating, I’ve done it before. I’m not even hungry yet, so make him leave me alone!
~Katya, Sacaw Hasla, please, just let him do this, it will put us both at ease.
~I’ll eat; just don’t let him put me to sleep! Please, don’t make me let go of you!
~Yes, you need it!
~Please! I can’t handle it! I beg.
~Yes! You are going to let him do what he will and go to sleep!
~Please! Please!

I plead, tears forming in my eyes.

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